Movers & Shaking LA
Getting ready to MOVE with Sparkle Sparkle Bang Bang and Christina…
I now commit bloggamy from the eye of a storm of change. Yes, change is good and the changes we are going through right now are all essentially positive, potentially even quite marvelous. Nevertheless, major changes often cause pain to parts of the human body and mind that haven’t hurt since, well, the last time you went through major changes. Like a good spanking, it stings as it stimulates.
So, right now, I am being spanked by the firm hand of fate. Of course, I enjoy a little light spanking, but this is more like a stiff caning or a whopping power-wallop. Which is still kind of arousing, but it hurts.
Kinky CMS
Notice anything different about the bloggamy? Yes, we are transitioning into a new platform or CMS, joining the Word Press Revolution in content management systems. Do I sound like I know what I’m talking about? I don’t really know CMS from PMS, but with Norioku’s patient help, I’m getting the hang of it. And I’m excited about new features I didn’t have on the old system, like multiple private galleries (almost as hot as multiple orgasms)! But migrating everything is tougher than getting a visa to Tibet, so some of the blog entries don’t have all their stuff together and none have comments yet. There are other kinks in the system (and I’m not even going to get into all the interpersonal melodrama that has accompanied this transition). While we’re migrating, you can always look at the old bloggamies in Drupal, and you can see both the fabulous new Word Press galleries and the old Drupal galleries when you subscribe to the bloggamy. Such a deal.
But such a headache! Within a week or two, we should be full migrated, but in the meantime, my brain is exploding with themes and tools and settings. Where’s my vibrator? Where’s my husband? I need somethingto make my body explode so I can get my mind off my brain exploding…
OMG, We’re Moving!
As if it’s not enough to move the websites, we are also moving the whole Institute, and yes, that includes the Speakeasy. I hate moving! This is one reason we haven’t moved since 2002. I know, you sympathize, you hate moving too. Thank you for your understanding. But I’m not talking about that long weekend it took you to move your 900 square foot New York apartment, or the week you took off work to relocate your 3500 square foot house in the Hollywood Hills, or even the two weeks it took you to transport your 8000 square foot castle in Cannes. I’m talking about huffing 17,000 square feet of furniture, carpets, computers, curtains, audio-video equipment, artwork, DVDs, tapes (hundreds of tapes from the “old days” that have yet to be digitized), giant sex toys , not to mention a few actual human beings. In other words, everything and the kitchen sink. Actually, two kitchen sinks. Plus two bathroom sinks, four refrigerators, 100 hats, 50 vibrators, 300 dildos, over 2000 yards of burgundy velvet, 5000 books, three Eames chairs, a Saarinen Womb Chair, a 1926 Steinway baby grand piano and an akeeta corn snake.
I’m not trying to brag about how much space – and how many sinks and dildos – I *command* (well, maybe I am, a little). I am trying to tell you that this is a monster of a move that most of you, God and Goddess willing, should never have to endure, and please don’t be surprised if I crack up completely in the middle. Just call the paramedics and make sure they take me to USC.
The good news is that we are moving to a nicer, sleeker, more modern, ultra-sexy new space just a couple blocks away from where we are now, with breathtaking views of El Lay all around us. It’s Speakeasy Sex and The City time, Brothers & Sisters, Lovers & Sinners. We’ve got tons of work to do – walls to build and phone systems to install – but with a little help from our friends, we should have it open and ready to rock by Eros Day 2010.
It’s all very exciting, but also kind of frightening and well, moving is a bitch! So…if helping others gives you a hard-on and/or makes you wet, if you are the “rescuing type” or if you happen to have a spare truck or some empty boxes, if you’re a handyman or woman, if you have a fetish for drywall or you’re good with plumbing (not just the sexual kind) and you’d like to receive the fabulous *perks* inherent in being a Friend of the Institute or a Slave of the Speakeasy, c’mon, get off your cute butt NOW and help us out! Call 213.749.1330 and ask for Lisa or David, or email
Couples Camp with Merv TV
After holding out just long enough, I am delighted to announce that we’ve just signed a deal with Merv Griffin Productions to create and host a brand-new reality TV show, the working title of which is “Couples Camp.”
I haven’t been this excited about doing a “mainstream” TV show since Radio Sex TV with HBO. It was an honor and a pleasure to work with Sheila Nevins, Shari Cookson and Dave Bell. Speaking of whom, I ran into all three at an Emmys party for non-fiction programming for nominees. Then Shari, along with Sheila and HBO, won an Emmy for Exceptional Merit in Nonfiction Programming for The Memory Loss Tapes (check out the pics in theEmmys Gallery)!
It’s a thrill to create original TV with Emmy winners like Sheila, Shari and Dave. But I also love the freedom of doing my own wild, idiosyncratic, free-ranging, boundary-pushing show which you can still see on a few public access channels as well as – now being completely revamped. Speaking of Big Change, that’s what’s happening to our entire web empire, so please bear with us digitally right now, as we’re still “in beta.”
Anyway, you simply can’t have that kind of freedom of expression when you’re doing a show on “regular” TV. Everything must be politically correct and amenable to corporate and religious watch groups which inevitably limit freedom of expression, especially when it comes to sex. And yet…despite these restrictions and having to “commute” regularly now all the way from Downtown to Merv Country (right next to the Beverly Wilshire, of course), it’s great to be able to work with a relatively big budget and get all that “regular TV” exposure (’cause you know how I love me some exposure). I’m excited to be collaborating with Superproducer Roy Bank, the creative force behind Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, beautiful and imaginative supermodel and cosmetics CEO Josie Maran, the marvelous and dynamic Hazel Steward and the rest of the team.
Then of course, there’s the Spirit of Merv. The man passed away in 2007. But his charming, joyous, open-minded esprit infuses the company. Merv was a billionaire when he died. But he left more than a billion; he left a feeling. He was one of the great pioneers of early television talk shows. My mom adored him. Sometimes I imagine she was fantasizing about Merv and his “Lovely Bunch of Coconuts” when she had sex with my Dad, though I have no proof of that. I do know she tried not to miss his shows featuring the biggest celebrities, artists, intellectuals and politicians of the day. Merv was a television entertainment genius, going beyond his own shows to create and produce such mega-hits as Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.
Most important, Merv was unafraid to tackle controversial subjects on his talk show like sexuality and politics, most notably the Vietnam War, even with a conservative sponsor like Westinghouse. Merv allowed many outspoken anti-war guests like Bertrand Russell, Abbie Hoffman, George Carlin and Dick Gregory have their say, which certainly helped to sway many adoring housewives like my mom to protest and eventually put a stop to that ugly, enervating war.
Too bad he’s not around to help stop the war we’ve got going now. Well, at least the courageous, open Spirit of Merv lives on in his archives and vibrant, active production company. I will humbly try to serve it well.
Though first, we have to sell it well. That is, we have to “pitch” this new show in meetings with networks. Oy! Pitch meetings are running through November which is exactly when we are moving. When it rains, it pours. When it moves, it shakes!
Hot Sex After Heart Surgery
Speaking of moving, Max is recovering like gangbusters from his emergency quadruple bypass of six weeks ago. Still, recuperation from a cracked-open chest split open and veins ripped from your thighs to replace the ones connected to your heart is painful. Even for a big, tough bambolone like my Max. At various moments, every part of his body hurts, which makes sex difficult though not impossible. Mr. Penis is just fine actually, despite the huge surgical slices that decorate the surrounding areas of the thighs, stomach and chest. When Mr. P is erect, which is more and more often, he looks like a lonely bomb blast survivor standing amongst the wreckage of his home, a victim of a “surgical strike.” But at least the wreckage is healing.
And sexual arousal is a healing force and a marvelous painkiller. Just putting the patient’s hand on your breast can make him feel a lot better (Note to Nurses: Doing this may get you fired, but it will help your patient heal). Orgasm is an even more powerful, healing force, though you have to watch out for cramping. Oh, and having sex with the patient also happens to be a great stress release for the patient’s horny caretaker (caretakers need lovin’ too).
So, how do you have hot sex after heart surgery? Very carefully. I am getting strong biceps from holding my torso up off Max’s still-sensitive chest while doing him in the woman-on-top position, even during multiple orgasms. And yes, sometimes I get arm cramps! But all in all, it’s an awesome, orgasmic experience as well as a nifty new bicep exercise.
It’s funny, but having hot sex after heart surgery is actually easier than simple hugging. But we’re making progress on that front too. We’re now able to press our chests together slowly without setting off fireworks of pain throughout Max’s broken – but healing – breastbone. You can’t imagine how wonderful that feels after “no hugging” for six weeks! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: A little deprivation can be a great aphrodisiac.
Off To The Exotic Erotic Ball!
As if we don’t have enough on our overflowing plate, we are now headed up to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Perry Mann’s Exotic Erotic Ball. I’ve been invited to give a talk on Sperm Wars and The Chemistry of Love. How do you give a “talk” at a Ball? Who knows? But they’re giving us a booth, and it’s Tila Tequila’s birthday, so I have to go. Porn Stars Natasha Skinski and Tommy Lei as well as shimmering hottie Sparkle Sparkle Bang Bang, plus a few other friends and lovers will be going up with us in a fantastic, luxury motorhome, so I’m sure we’ll have great bloggamies to share when we return.
Bonobo Ardi
I don’t have time to blog about it properly, but I’m very excited about the recent discovery of the 4.4 million year old fossil of a human ancestor dubbed “Ardi,” said to be much more peaceful and sensitive than our old ideas of murderous “killer ape” human progenitors. I agree with primatologist Frans de Waal that Ardi is a lot like a bonobo:
“What if we descend not from a blustering chimp-like ancestor but from a gentle, empatheticbonobo-like ape? …Ardi is telling us something, and there may be little agreement about what she is saying, but I hear a refreshing halt to the drums of war that have accompanied all previous theories.”
So Many Sex Scandals, So Little Time…
MacKenzie Phillips, Dave Letterman, Roman Polanski… I can’t keep up! One of these days, I will bloggamize about them all and the painful, funny, frustrating hypocrisies associated, as soon as I get situated!
RadioSUZY1 and Beyond
Speaking of being unsituated, I’m not sure when our next live RadioSUZY1 show will be. We are on the move! So, if you need your fix, you can go to the archives . We’ve had a bunch of fantastic recent shows with Goddess Soma and her beautiful BDSM Family, golf pro/porn star Persia Monir, Kelly Shibari, Rosh Hashanah with Aunt Debra, the effervescent Sparkle Sparkle Bang Bang, Christina, the cool musical group Saint Motel, glamorous, twitter-addicted God’s Girls Analiese and Jenna Valentine and the irresistible Kat. Check out our XXX-rated double-dong riding action plus Kat AND Persia Monir riding the Monkey Rocker and much more in our awesome new Private Galleries, all of which you can see when you Join the Bloggamy.
Also our Eros Day X: Orgy for Obama DVD is out now (more on that later). AND we just threw an awesome BDSM Play Party to celebrate the launch of BrokenDoorFetish, our last big event (besides packing parties) at the old Speakeasy. But you’ll just have to wait for those photos to appear because, well, did I mention that I’m overwhelmed!?
But in a good way, like a spanking, it’s getting me revved up for more.
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio . Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
02 · 8 · 11 @ 8:14 am
Dr. Susan . . . moving is always a major annoyance . . even when and if it is for the better . . . but . . whatever You do . . . don’t forget Your illustrious hat collection! You wear a hat betetr thananyone else in the world . . if the ONLY thing You wore was one of Your exotix erotic hats, You woukld still outshine and out-class anybody else! You just look way too sexy! ha! :)
04 · 20 · 10 @ 2:19 pm
Love your view!!! Soooo tempting.
12 · 15 · 09 @ 6:53 am
Dr. Susan Block’s enlightening therapeutic contributions dedicated to World ‘Piece’ and the eradication of sexual dysfunction rooted in crippling inhibitions, is a boon to all suffering the affliction! Kudos Dr. Suzy, for your courageous endeavours and congratulations on the acquisition of the new digs!
12 · 9 · 09 @ 1:24 am
omg we are soooooo close to being moved in!!! yay!!!
11 · 28 · 09 @ 2:20 am
You sound like a dream come true; ethical hedonists, pleasure seekers, right up our alley.
11 · 28 · 09 @ 2:15 am
Despite your current problems, you look and sound like you enjoy life!! That is so cool. Life is great!!
11 · 28 · 09 @ 2:13 am
Wonderful philosophy, would love to have more of your inspiration in my life xxx
11 · 28 · 09 @ 1:49 am
Your blog encourages me to know that beauty, sexual freedom and self love come from intelligent inquiry, community and laughter.
11 · 23 · 09 @ 6:13 pm
Thank you for a great day! I really enjoyed helping you into the new place and it looks to be shaping up just fine. Somehow I ended up with Dr Suzy’s bondage rope so I guess I will just have to bring it back. Tuesday should be a good day and I’m sure there will be more shelves to move. Keep up the good work guys. Max, thanks for breakfast!
11 · 20 · 09 @ 1:37 pm
Dr. Block, I would love to enter your web of pleasure…
11 · 16 · 09 @ 1:58 pm
Very nice pic of you on the roof.
11 · 16 · 09 @ 1:12 pm
I’m always interested in hearing what you have to say, Dr. Block, you help people to validate and accept themselves. Your voice on public access should not be silenced.
11 · 15 · 09 @ 5:08 pm
Incredibly hot photos in the private galleries! Thank you Suzy!
Good luck with the big move. Can’t wait to see the place!
miss you,
11 · 15 · 09 @ 1:28 pm
Congrats on the new location (your description seems to indicate you are very happy). Wish I could offer some “support” … but I know your locals will come through for you.
11 · 13 · 09 @ 6:26 pm
Looks fantastic! So glad to see you on WP! Welcome to the ‘family’. (Love the new theme.) And best of luck with the move! (The new place looks fabulous. Can’t wait to see it in person.)
Enjoy WP. It’s certainly made my life easier! Great work, Nori! Not that you would, but if you’ve ever got any questions, feel free to hit us up. We’ve pretty much got it down to a science now. It’s a very different, but wonderfully helpful, animal.
– M Roulette Chatelaine
11 · 10 · 09 @ 12:32 am
good luck with the move Doc!!!! Miss u and I want to party soon!!! Or just talk sex…
asharp of SAINT MOTEL
11 · 8 · 09 @ 4:30 pm
You live your life to the throttle. I respect that in you.
11 · 8 · 09 @ 1:59 pm
Congratulations on the move, that is freakin awesome…looking forward to seeing the new Speakeasy
11 · 8 · 09 @ 1:18 pm
Thanks for having me and Persia Monir on the show. I had a lot of fun – can’t wait to come back :)
11 · 7 · 09 @ 11:59 pm
Thank you for a fabulous show! I would love to come visit you again soon. xxx
11 · 7 · 09 @ 8:22 pm
Love your unabashed honesty about sex!
11 · 7 · 09 @ 8:21 pm
Miss you! Remember your Navy girl? It’s been a few years!! I wanna come down…again.
11 · 7 · 09 @ 8:19 pm
Dr. Suzy, I think you are stealing my wife Jenna Valentine away. My heart is breaking into tons of pieces. Can’t we all just share?
11 · 7 · 09 @ 8:16 pm
Fun show! Very cute boys!!! Glad the GodsGirls introduced me to you :)
11 · 7 · 09 @ 7:33 pm
Thanks so much for having us on your show. You are the best!! Annaliese and I had tons of fun <333 But we forgot our Squirt Salon video, and we were SO sad. Regarding your new space, I work across the street. So I'm moving in.
11 · 7 · 09 @ 7:25 pm
Congrats on Hot Sex With Max after his heart surgery! If he is taking adavan, he might forget. I lost days of my recovery taking that shit.
11 · 7 · 09 @ 7:23 pm
“Hot Sex After Heart Surgery” – great idea for a book! Would have been appreciated over here…
11 · 7 · 09 @ 7:17 pm
Dr Suzy, its been a long time since we have connected and been to your lair. YES, I would be happy to help out. Peeps call me the WHITEKNIGHT, especially women. I’m good with my hands not just for massage and sensual stuff. I know how to screw, I mean use a screwdriver. I have tools, dolly, etc… Email me if you would like an extra hand.
11 · 7 · 09 @ 7:14 pm
Caught your excellent HBO special while overseas, made a note to check out Dr Suzy’s when I got back home (today)! I would love to enter your world…
11 · 7 · 09 @ 6:24 pm
I will be heading down your way for Thanksgiving. I hope that won’t be too late for me to be a good naked slaveboy with a truck and help you with the move.
11 · 7 · 09 @ 6:15 pm
I just “stumbled upon” you and I am completely dazzled not just with your beauty, but the incredible level of comfort you seem to have with this aspect of your life – most of us dream of it… I wish I could help you with your websites or your move, but I like 2000 miles away and I’m not very web-savvy. So I wish you the very best in all your exciting endeavors (I especially hope you get this TV show!), and if you don’t mind, I will just continue to admire and be inspired by you from afar.
11 · 7 · 09 @ 6:05 pm
Wow love! Is that the new place? It looks awesome! Let us know if you need help we will try to help out as much as we can!
11 · 7 · 09 @ 5:50 pm
I have forwarded a link to your blog to friends that might be able to help. What is the date? Let me know asap.
11 · 7 · 09 @ 5:07 pm
I read some of your blogs and admired your pics, wow, this is really what it is all about, isn’t it!
Gea (pronounced Hay-ya, I am from the Netherlands)
11 · 7 · 09 @ 5:02 pm
You are awesome! And your new place is just four blocks from factory. Famous sams hofbrau. I have trucks I can help . You need some cabinets?
11 · 6 · 09 @ 1:03 am
Dr. Suzy,
The pictures of the new place are amazing! I will be there for Eros day and I will also see you at Yale…cheers to revolution and evolution!