Length 01:50:53 Date: Aug 3rd, 2019
by Dr. Susan Block.
From bondage to mommy fantasies, massage to mass shootings, incel therapy to sex worker law, from love to war and back to love, this show features the delightful kinkster couple Sara Vibes and Desiree Soto, my adorable assistant Sunshine McWane, my beloved Capt’n Max, and of course, me, your Love Doctor, your Irreverend of the little Love Church of The Bonobo Way in Bonoboville, your Mistress of the Airwaves, your Mother Confessor.
More on your Momma later.
Desert Susan & Desert Shield 29th Anniversary
August 2nd, the day before we broadcast live, marks the 29th anniversary of Operation Desert Shield, the American military action that started the devastating Gulf War in Iraq that has essentially never ended. In those Rah-Rah War days when it all began, Capt’n Max and I made a little antiwar tape called “Desert Susan,” sending free cassettes to the troops and generals.
Quoting “Desert Susan” in the February 13th, 1991 edition of the Chicago Tribune, columnist Mike Royko wrote that in a “sultry voice penetrating the horrors of war… [Desert Susan] comforts, inspires and counsels the troops and generals on their long, lonely mission… bringing them a hot little piece of American pie with a lot of cool whipped cream.” Over the years, many veterans of the Iraq Wars have let us know how much Desert Susan meant to them, and how they will never forget that sultry voice delivering her message of peace and love.
I was just interviewed about Desert Susan and other audio erotica on NPR (WBUR) which will be broadcast in about a week or so.
In the meantime, listen to this ancient tape that feels more relevant than ever, go bonobos and stop the wars!
The War at Home: Mass Murder in America
Indeed, “the wars” America perpetrates abroad have “come home” to American shores, American schools, American nightclubs, stores, churches, synagogues, festivals and concerts. Just hours before we broadcast this show, a young white supremacist pro-tRump gunman murdered over 20 people, including several immigrants and Mexicans, in an El Paso Walmart.
A few days before, another young white supremacist murdered three people at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. As we broadcast, another young white gunman shot and killed nine people, including his own sister, in a bar in Dayton, Ohio.
If these killers are “crazy,” a large portion of America is crazy. As Dr. Wendy Osefo says, “This is not a lone wolf; it is a PACK of wolves,” a pack that is breeding rapidly. Many of these mass shooters are fighting a war against racial, sexual, religious and/or cultural diversity. Some are veterans of America’s wars, like the former U.S. Marine who shot up a Ventura bar. Others are just caught up in America’s pro-war, pro-gun, racist, terrorist mentality. Indeed, they are the American white supremacist version of ISIS. They may act alone, but they are radicalized by racist hate groups and their leaders, including the one in the White House.
We certainly need gun control, STAT–like every other “civilized” country has–and we can blame Senate Majority Leader Mitch “The Grim Reaper” O’Connell, as well as the NRA-fellating White-Supremacist-in-Chief, for that not happening.
As a sex therapist, I can’t help but wonder what part these young men’s sexual feelings played in their heinous acts. Though they’d laugh derisively at the designation, many have Post-Trump Sex Disorder. Some are incels, replacing real-life intimacy with 8chan, substituting their guns for their shriveled, resentful penises.
I discuss these factors with Sara, Desiree, Sunshine and Max. How can we make our bonoboesque motto of “Make Love Not War” a reality in war-and-mass-murder-torn America? Can we provide more sex-positive solutions for this incel-stained population? For many reasons, sex work ought to be decriminalized, destigmatized and even subsidized so people who can’t afford to pay sex workers can get it when they need it. Let’s help our youth to shoot their actual penises—consensually—instead of their penis-substitute AR-15’s.
“I believe I could solve all the world’s problems with my mouth!” declares Sara, only half in jest. The other half of her knows that many of “the world’s problems” stem from sex-negativity especially among young men in their early twenties or late teens, the age of most mass-shooters.
Power to the Sex Workers!
There’s a glimmer of a chance that help is on the way. In any case, there’s good news for sex workers, friends and lovers: California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill to protect sex workers when reporting crimes or carrying condoms which used to make them subject to arrest; thus, many violent crimes would go unreported. We give a shout-out to State Senator Scott Wiener (who appears to be redeeming the “family” name—though they spell it differently—after former Congressman Anthony Weiner infamously dragged it through the slime) who authored Senate Bill 233, and the fabulous Goddess Soma Snakeoil who helped make this happen.
g Goddess Soma with Dominatrixes Against Donald Trump director Mistress Tara and two tRUMPs at the International Sex Workers Day March in LA
Hopefully, it’s a step toward decriminalization of sex work. The time has come. Let’s do it! Let’s do it for the sex workers, for the johns, for the people!
Several Democratic Presidential candidates, including Senator Kamala Harris, Representative Tulsi Gabbard, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Cory Booker and good old Mike Gravel, have come out for decriminalization, and I wish Bernie would too already! C’mon Bernie, sex workers are workers too! But, and this is a BIG butt—not the good kind—all these 2020 candidates (except Gravel) voted for the FOSTA-SESTA law—which tRump, the John-in-Chief, signed—that has created a form of Post-Trump Sex Disorder for sex workers, making it harder for them to screen clients and endangering their lives when they practice their trade.
Which brings me to the Democratic Debates. In the first debate, Bernie did great! So did Elizabeth Warren—even though the CNN moderators were almost as bad as my AASECT moderator! Don’t they know that most Americans want a little socialism when it comes to health care and the wealthy paying taxes? Of course, they do. But these so-called “liberal” CNN moderators are serving their billionaire corporate paymasters, not most Americans, which is why they give front-runners Bernie and Elizabeth such bad attitude.
Tulsi brings up Kamala’s record of going after weed smokers as Ca. Attorney General, but doesn’t mention that she also went after sex workers.
In the second debate, Tulsi Gabbard, the first Samoan American in Congress, took down Kamala Harris pretty hard, calling her out on her record as California’s attorney general, putting a lot of people of color in prison, many for marijuana, even though Kamala admitted to smoking weed herself, and holding back exonerating evidence on a death penalty case, though she says she’s against the death penalty. What Tulsi didn’t say is that Kamala also went after the sex industry. Kudos to Kamala for changing and saying she NOW supports sex work decriminalization, but a few short years ago, she was the original Back Page destroyer, when Craigslist had closed down their sex section, and Backpage was the primary provider of ad space for sex workers to advertise—pimp-free!—and screen clients relatively safely. Kamala called the consensual adult Backpage marketplace a “despicable…online brothel,” conflating “sex trafficking” with consensual sex work, and she was one of the sponsors of the sex-worker killing SESTA FOSTA.
We have our favorites, but we will all vote for just about any Dem to dump tRump! Photo: Harry Sapien
So, being a sex-positive Californian, I have some serious gripes with Kamala. However, if she is the Democratic presidential nominee, I will vote for her to defeat the Trumpenstein. Even if the uninspiring Biden is the nominee and Kamala’s the Veep, a totally bought-by-Wall-Street, Prison-Industrial Complex-loving combo, I will vote for them to defeat the current Thief-in-Chief, who is so odious and toxic, I would vote for my local garbage man to defeat tRump. At least, my garbage man takes out the garbage and doesn’t fill America with it. And yes, one of the Presidunce’s worst “accomplishments” is rolling back at least 83 pro-environment rules, “freeing” the oil industry and others to make America more of a garbage dump.
Sara and Desiree agree. The Democratic leadership is surely taking advantage of our desperation, but we will vote for any Democrat to remove the Trump-cist tumor that is growing within our society.
Sara Vibes & Desiree Soto
People like Sara Vibes and Desiree Soto make a difference, helping to make the world a happier, sexier, more open and sapiosexual place. Both come from interesting backgrounds. Sara’s biological mother left her at the hospital, but her adopted Jewish parents gave her a lot of love, creativity and sex-positivity (she grew up savoring their copies of Penthouse)… until they passed away when she was still young. Desiree hails from what seems like a warm Puerto Rican family (we love Puerto Rico!) which gave her a strong dose of sexual repression along with the love. Both have found love, lust, trust and each other in the kink community.
I’ve known Sara online since 2010, and she was first on DrSuzy-Tv back in 2011, having just won the title of International Ms. Leather 2011, in Sex Geeks, Nerds, Dorks & Toys with a large group of toy makers, porn stars and sexperts. The group included famous sexpert Reid Mihalko who asked Sara to insert a Crystal Delight butt plug into his anus, which she accomplished with great skill and enthusiasm.
About a year and a half ago, Reid was accused of “sexual misconduct” by a woman who used to work for us, one Kelly Shibari. Though I’m a supporter of the #MeToo movement, and I don’t know Reid very well, nor do I know exactly what happened in that car where Kelly volunteered to give Reid a blowjob, but eight years later said she felt “pressured” to do so, I do know that Kelly lied many times when she worked for us, including in court, where we won a judgment against her for destroying company documents.
With Katie St. Ives, Sarah Shevon, Kara Price, Megan Andelloux, Reid Mihalko, Sara Vibes, Jen Friel on “Sex Geeks, Nerds, Dorks & Toys” in 2011. Photo: Ajay
So I’m glad to hear Sara report that Reid is doing well, now in Oregon, and back in the sex-positive scene again, having publicly apologized to Kelly and “served his time” in counseling with various therapists and colleagues, including in an accountability survivor support pod, since Kelly’s much-publicized accusation.
Sara herself has definitely matured into her own woman since 2011, with a Mohawk, platform stilettos, a dazzling smile and an attitude like a plus-size Grace Jones, she’s more Ms. Leather than ever.
Steve the Masturbator
Mid-show a call comes in from a student named “Steve” who wants to know if he masturbates “too much.”
All of us try to reassure him that masturbating approximately once a day for about a half hour each time is not “too much.” Nevertheless, he should try to socialize more.
When Steve confesses that he wants to submit to a dominant woman, we suggest that he socialize more with kinksters. Somehow this gets Sara on the subject of ball-kicking, which is very interesting (watch our clip “I Get a Kick Out of You”), but probably makes Steve clutch his family jewels protectively.
Later Sara demonstrates her ball-smashing—and scratching—skills on our big-balled, small-dicked tRump voodoo doll.
Back to Steve, who tries to sound game for kink explorations with other humans, but still seems pretty down on himself about masturbating alone in his solitary splendor, even though he really loves it. It’s like there are two Steve’s: the pro-wanker and the anti-wanker. I think that’s true of a lot of wankers.
Is Steve an incel? Hopefully not. He says he likes, respects and is attracted to women. He’s *just* busy with his studies and worried that no woman will be able to touch his penis like he does. Like a lot of regular wankers, Steve like to touch himself in very special, intuitive and precise ways, “edging” slightly to make his arousal last through those ecstatic 30 minutes.
It’s true that most women wouldn’t “get” Steve’s cock, like he does, especially with all that masturbation “practice.” But there are other benefits to erotic relationships. Moreover, there’s nothing wrong with touching yourself while having sex with someone else. Then there’s always that possibility that that sexually “perfect” woman (or man, trans or queer) will come along who will touch Steve’s cock even better than he can do it himself.
Steve agrees to try our advice and call us back… so we’ll see! I hope we can help him. At least, we can try to make sure he sticks with wanking and stays away from 8chan!
We do a lot of talking on this show—there’s a lot to talk about!
However, about midway through, we take the talk to action.
We switch the conversation from our minds to our bodies.
To ease the transition from talk to action, Sara opens her bag of toys, and we play with her wondrous Weapons of Mass Seduction: dildos, vibrators, massagers and floggers of different materials, including a lovely rabbit fur flogger. Like most things made from animal parts, I have mixed feeling about the rabbit fur flogger. After all, it was once a bunny! But rabbits aren’t endangered, and it feels so much better than synthetic fur. I know, that sounds so anthropocentric, which is why I have mixed feelings. But I eat rabbit, or at least, I ate it once in France (and yes, it tasted like chicken), so why shouldn’t I also enjoy the fur? Yeah, not the same. Mixed feelings.
I didn’t express these feelings (much) on the show as I didn’t want to inhibit my guests. Moreover, our next move was over to our own tiger-striped sheepskin rug, a gift from a viewer, but still, we enjoy it a lot. Mary had a little lamb… that grew up to be our rug. I feel a twinge of guilt almost every time we use it. Regret won’t bring it back, but maybe respect for the loss gives it balance.
Anyway, once again, we have a great time on the tiger-striped sheepskin rug.
Sara demonstrates her latest kink skill: the fine art of bondassage.
Desiree submits to Sara, reminding me of a good but naughty Catholic girl submitting to a punishing nun. Photo: Harry Sapien
Her first subject is Desiree, whom Sara puts into a blindfold, wrist cuffs and a collar, directs her to kneel as she smacks her ass with a flogger.
Desiree looks very happy, like she’s entered sub space. A good Catholic supplicant, she surrenders to Sara like Jesus to the cross surrendering to his Heavenly Father.
“Poor Jesus,” quips Sara later in the evening. “He forgot his safeword.”
At this point, we are learning about bondassage, “an ecstatic exploration of the senses through light bondage, sensory deprivation, esoteric bodywork, and sensation play.” In other words, it mixes bondage and massage.
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: “Freedom is the greatest aphrodisiac. But bondage is a close second.”
I recall this type of bondage/massage combo being practiced to varying degrees by Japanese Shibari (not Kelly!) and Kinbaku. And some of those big Swedish masseurs will hold you captive with one hand when they massage you with the other. But in terms of creating a word, brand, curriculum and certification process, credit for Bondassage® goes to Jaeleen Bennis, a sensual Domina and professional bodyworker, as well as a pretty good businesswoman. Now certified Bondassage practitioners are binding and rubbing happy people all over the world, and Sara is one of them.
At one point, Sara gives Desiree what looks like a great butt massage.
Judging from Desiree’s moans of delight, it also sounds like a great butt massage.
Also at this point, Anthony calls in wanting to talk about the Gilroy Garlic Festival massacre. I’d really like to talk him about this (I think), by I don’t want to stop the scene. Nor do I want to mess up the scene but having them continue while Anthony talks about mass murder. So, I tell Anthony to hold for a couple minutes, he says yes, and maybe we go on for more than a couple minutes, but by the time we take a break and I say “Anthony?” he’s gone. I hate to say this, but I’m sure there will be more mass murders, and Anthony will have a chance to call again. That sounds terrible. Well, no worse or more useless than “thoughts and prayers.”
Well, meanwhile we’re having fun with Bondassage!
At first, though Desiree is blindfolded, she’s not bound; it’s more kinky massage than bondage and massage.
Then Sara clips her handcuffs together with a big metal clasp, as Desiree seems to go deeper into sub space, reveling in the restraint.
Then we learn why the “vibes” of Sara Vibes aren’t just kinky vibes; they’re musical vibes.
Sara played drums in high school; in fact, she still plays drums.
We switch the music to something less sensuous and more percussive, and Sara plays the drums on Desiree’s butt.
#GoBonobos for bondassage butt bongo!
Sunshine’s Virgin Bondassage Experience
Desiree looks like she’s having so much fun that Sunshine decides to take turn and experience her first official Bondassage session.
Sara and Sunshine spend a few minutes in negotiations, always a good idea when strangers are about to indulge in any kink play.
Sunshine is very game for a sensation adventure.
Wisely, Sara begins with the soft, lush rabbit fur flogger across Sunshine’s breasts. Photo: Harry Sapien
However, she doesn’t want to be massaged “too hard.”
And be careful around her nipples, or she might transform into a raging pillar of thermonuclear fire.
Thus informed, Sara puts her blindfold on Sunshine who then pulls up her top to reveal her lovely—but sensitive!—breasts.
Then Sara proceeds to try different various kinky toys on Sunshine’s prone body.
Even Betsy has to check out the Bugs Bunny Bondassage.
However, once she sees it’s just fur and no meat, she saunters off.
Sunshine appears to like most of these sensations, though some tickle.
Sara even steals a few licks.
Bonoboville Communion without the salt.
Would you be able to guess what these fingernails are if you could only feel them, not see them? Photo: Bianca
One of Sara’s wildest sex toys are her metal fingernail extensions.
When I ask Sunshine what that feels like, she pauses to think about it and concludes it’s a spider.
Freddy Kreuger Erotica
Then Sara puts on her Freddy fingers.
“Freddy” as in Freddy Kreuger, of course.
First, she test-drives them through Desiree’s hair, like a menacing finger comb.
Then I let her “finger” me; well, my torso.
I’m not in bondage, so I don’t know if I’d call it Bondassage, but it’s feels nice.
Then I place my hands over my head, putting myself in fake bondage, something I’ve seen bonobos—and humans—do during sex.
Very sensual. Giving. Sharing. Stimulating. Instigating.
At least, that’s Sara’s vibe.
“Squirting” Talk with FindSisterhood
As I said, we talk about a lot of things on this show, and one of them is female ejaculation.
Decked out in my “Juicy Fruit” tank top and pineapple shades for National Pineapple Day with my Squirt for Peace thong for FindSisterhood’s Female Ejaculation podcast. Photo: Selfie
Squirt for Peace!
With the Bonoboville Brotherhood of Max, Luzer and Abe before the Find Sisterhood podcast. Photo: Selfie
Squirt for Love.
Squirt for Pleasure.
And if you want to learn more, listen to the Art of Squirting, an interview with me on the FindSisterhood podcast with the sultry and sapiosexual Ana Pompa Alarcón Rawls and Maria Villegas.
With Marria Villegas & Ana Pompa Alarcón Rawls of FindSisterhood just before the podcast. Photo: Selfie
Do you squirt? Do you want to learn? Do you want to help your partner learn the fine art of Female Ejaculation? Listen to this awesome, informative, sapiosexual and very juicy interview with two hot ladies… and me!
Btw, I wore my Squirt for Peace thong for obvious reasons, and my “Juicy” pineapple tank top because we recorded the interview on National Pineapple Day.
Plus squirting is pretty juicy.
When I mention the FindSisterhood podcast, Sara and Desiree chime in with their squirting stories. Sunshine already told hers (at least one of hers) on Dark Violet.
These days, almost every woman has at least one squirting story.
At the end of the show, I squirt cold water from my water pistol all over Desiree’s beautiful boobs.
Squirt Water Guns, Not Real Guns!
Pool Time
Jump in a cool pool of love to beat the heat of hate.
And not just woo-woo Marianne Williamson “love.” Erotic love. Bonobo love that empowers females, takes care of males and makes peace… through pleasure.
Meet me in the Bonoboville pool, baby.
Yes indeed, just in case you don’t know, Bonoboville has a very cool pool.
I wish I could invite you for a swim, but there’s no room to swim.
Lounging in the cool pool on another thermostat-breaking hot day in Bonoboville and around the world. Photo: Selfie
There’s only room to lounge…
Which is sometimes all you need on these crazy hot days of Global Warming on steroids.
“Some like it hot,” and usually I do, but this is ridiculous.
Mommy Phone Sex Therapy
I also give a shout-out to AffairHub for dubbing me the “Master of… Mother Fantasies” who understands “the connection between mother figures and sexual repression” and who “helps [you] to get to the root of [your] issues.”
With great pretend-modesty, I’d have to concur.
After Women Fitness Magazine thanked me for virtually inventing the “phenomenon” of “phone sex therapy” back in the 1980s, now the AffairHub is calling me, well, the Mother of Mother Sex Therapy over the phone. Freud definitely preceded me in the field of Mother Sex Therapy with his rather disturbing Oedipus Complex though I hope my contributions to the field are a little less toxic).
Were you breast-fed or bottle-fed as a baby? That might have something to do with how you feel. Photo: Bianca
Ah the nuclear family; it fills us all with complexes that often morph into erotic fetishes.
Whether it’s mommy fantasies, memories, abuse, trauma, obsession or endless love, I’m your Mother Confessor and the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute are, as AffairHub says, the best in Mommy Phone Sex Therapy.
Can’t afford private therapy? Call DrSuzy.Tv, and we’ll do what we can to help within the limits of a show..
Practicing my swing as Sunshine reads Lira’s comment about his Mother-in-Law on Facebook Live. Photo: Harry Sapien
As we’re talking “Mommy Love,” a guy named “Lira” on Facebook Live writes that he has a “Huge Confession” to make to his Mother Confessor
“It all started 2 weeks ago when my Mother In Law Walked In on me changing,” he writes. “See she takes care of our 5 year old son that’s why she was in my house. I was running late to work.”
Though Sunshine asks for more, that’s all he has to say for now. Maybe he’s busy babysitting.
We all discuss how a Mother-in-Law, an Aunt, the MILF next door or certain teachers can all be mother figures for someone with a “Mommy Fetish.” Then again, we’re not sure if Lira has a Mommy Fetish, or if he’s just lusting after the woman who is just a more mature version of his wife. Hard to say. Though if she “walked in on him changing,” it must be because he didn’t have the door locked. Theoretically, it’s fine among consenting adults (though I doubt his wife is consenting to all of this). The only piece of firm advice I could give Lira is, “Don’t involve your five-year-old son.”
Don’t be a Weiner—as in Anthony Weiner.
Lira (must be Italian) says he’ll call or write more later. Stay tuned!
Beyond Bondassage
Since they’re such serious kinksters and fun guests, we give Sara and Desiree copies of the NEW Speakeasy Journal: Spank ‘n’ Art (censored by Amazon) and the first Speakeasy Journal: Splosh ‘n’ Art.
Then Betsy the Dog waddles on set.
She demands her fair share of whatever pleasure it looks like everyone is sharing.
After the after-party, Capt’n Max and I do our own version of bondassage.
That is, he massages my toes—hard, like acupressure—and I bite my hand to keep myself from screaming.
It hurts so bad… but then it feels so good, such a release of tension through my toes, I have a toegasm!
Also, it opens my air pollution-afflicted sinuses and respiratory passages as regular orgasms also do (temporarily), a couple of which we also have after the toegasms.
Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners: Pleasure Heals.
It sounds corny and kind of obvious, and is often denigrated as “hedonistic.”
But it is true.
Pleasure heals.
© August 3, 2019. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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08 · 9 · 19 @ 11:16 pm
Those metal nail tips are amazing! Bondasage is a pretty cool medium between light gentile regular massage and all the fun and delicate or somewhat lighter parts of BDSM. ITs kind of cool that it uses sensory deprivation to help you fully experience the moment and immerse yourself in how you feel with each sensation.
Isn’t it sad that its young men that end up committing these acts of domestic terrorism? Considering these are young and vibrant men with all the privilege in the world and a bright future ahead of them but instead, they choose to risk it all for hate. And not even their own hate but hate that they have learned.
08 · 7 · 19 @ 10:30 pm
Wow, Bondassage looks like quite a bit of fun, Sara Vibes sure does love her toys! And I can’t believe there’s a caller who would have thought 30 minutes a day of “personal time” would be too much?!
08 · 7 · 19 @ 9:11 pm
Great show and it appears you hit everything!?!? How much masturbation is too much? Well certainly 30 minutes a day isn’t too much. Great advice! Bondassage! Squirting. Mommy fetishes! You even got pics of your feet! Inventing phone sex! There is something of interest for everyone here! My favorite line of the whole evening “my mouth can cure all the world’s problems” yeah!
08 · 7 · 19 @ 10:41 am
Every time I think I’ve got it all figured out and know it all, Dr. Suzy comes along and shows me something new. Whoever thought of combining massage with bondage. I can’t wait to try this out!!!!
08 · 6 · 19 @ 1:51 pm
08 · 6 · 19 @ 1:41 pm
Really u is the best Dr. Block
08 · 6 · 19 @ 7:22 am
Desiree Soto!!!
08 · 6 · 19 @ 2:31 am
Bless you.
08 · 6 · 19 @ 2:30 am
You look gorgeous, Dr. Suzy. Great show