God & Sex Week at Yale + Goddesses & Fun in LA
Benjamin Godfre, Ash Hollywood, Dr. Suzy, Nicole Aniston, DJ Heavygrinder, Alex. Row 2: Cici Rhodes, Tasia Sutor, Domme Kat. Photo: HJ Lugo
Length: 106:23 minutes Date: 09/15/2012
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Most Yalies and well-read Republicans will know that the title of the first part of this show—“God and Sex Week at Yale”—riffs on famed, conservative, National Review founder William F. Buckley’s 1951 diatribe, “God and Man at Yale,” which is often said to have fired the first shot in the right-wing war on higher education in the arts and sciences.
Basically, they don’t want you to study any other book than the Bible. That sounds like a bad joke, but did you know that in both the Republican and Democratic conventions this year, no other book but the Bible was quoted? No poetry, no prose, no rap, no Shakespeare, no Socrates, no Kahlil Gibran, no Benjamin Franklin. Just the Bible. The Bible’s a great book and all, but there are others, brothers and sisters!
The reactionary right-wing war on liberal arts education reaches its apex when it comes to sex education, which happens to be very popular with students who would like to learn a thing or two about sex. Neocon religious crusaders are on the march at Yale and other campuses, trying to take students back to the sexual Dark Ages. As those of you who know me know, back in 2002, as an alumna, I helped Yale undergraduates start a special elective week of sex education called Sex Week at Yale (SWAY), where students of all kinds could—if they so chose—learn about sex, love and relationships from a wide range of experts, sexperts, professors, porn stars, scientists, sex toymakers, ministers, rabbis, revolutionaries, born-again virgins, and each other. It’s been great—spreading “Sex Week” to college campuses all around the country—and it’s gotten bigger every year at Yale. But then, in 2011 – 2012, partly because of its success and popularity, SWAY came under attack.
I write about this in detail in my Open Letter to Yale President Richard Levin, citing some of the spurious reasons that the man I call President Dick—now on his way out of Yale—scapegoated and censored Sex Week—from a Title IX complaint over on-campus sexual harassment that had nothing to do with SWAY and everything to do with an entrenched, over-privileged fraternity system—to the controversial new Yale in Singapore project, to pressure from extreme, anti-sex, right-wing factions; in particular. one rather new, very conservative group which named itself “Better Yale” (a subjective title, if ever there was one) and then renamed itself “Undergraduates for a Better Yale College (UBYC)”. The letter generated a lot of responses on the blog, including a few from the co-founder of UBYC himself, Yale College senior, Eduardo Andino. Since, like Jesus, I believe in reaching out to those who try to attack me, whenever feasible, I suggested taking this debate to the air, invited Eduardo on the show, and he accepted.
The show starts with Eduardo on the phone from Yale, attempting to explain and defend his extreme right-wing point of view and UBYC’s attacks on Sex Week at Yale. Of course, I counter his specious contentions and reactionary double-speak when necessary, but I also want to give him a chance to give his “side.” Let’s just say I give him more of chance to speak than Bill O’Reilly gave me.
Then I open up the conversation to my in-studio guests, including several prominent “Goddesses,” performers and directors in the adult industry that UYBC so excoriates, as well as our very own Max and Tasia. So, the first 45 minutes is a passionate political discussion about sex education, censorship, religion, repression, rape, abortion, tolerance, empathy and love, and the last 45 provides a serving of sex education, Dr. Suzy style, with generous side orders of humor, spontaneity, eroticism and fun. Our very spiritual, sexual, libational “communion” ritual with the Agwa gods lubricates a quick and easy transition between the two sides of our brain.
We also discuss the recent rioting in the Middle East by Muslims upset over ridiculous depictions of Mohammed in “Innocence of Muslims”—a so-called film that easily has the worst production values of any famous movie in history—made by an anti-Islamic Coptic Christian, financed in part by an American organization called “Media for Christ” and supported by notorious, Koran-burning Christian Pastor Terry Jones. What does “Innocence of Muslims” have to do with sex education on college campuses? Not much, and that’s the point. Anti-sex education crusaders like Eduardo, often say that sex is dangerous. It may be, though education tends to make sex less risky rather than more. And current events prove—pretty vividly—that religion is a lot more dangerous than sex. These folks have been rioting, setting fire to buildings and murdering innocent people—including one of America’s great, truly heroic ambassadors—not over sex, but in the righteous name of God.
Featured Guests:
Eduardo Andino: Yale College senior and Catholic co-founder of the right-wing UYBC whose express purpose is to attack Sex Week at Yale, I imagine “Eduardo in BonoboVille” feels like “Daniel in the Lion’s Den.” Though we disagree on almost every topic of discussion, from censorship to abortion rights, I appreciate the fact that Eduardo has the courage—though some might call it the folly—to be on my show. For an overview of his opinions—as well as my replies and the responses of other readers—see the comments section of my Open Letter to Yale President Richard Levin or just listen to the show archived at the top of this page (it’s free to listen).
Nicole Aniston: Our first “Goddess” is a self-proclaimed “glutton” for food and sex. Despite all that gorging, she’s supermodel-slim, a banker-turned-AVN-award-winning-porn-star with elegance to counter-balance her wild side. During the “God and Sex Week at Yale” segment, Nicole shares that before entering the world of porn, she was dangerously ignorant about sex, and she is thankful for the education and awareness the industry provided her. In the second half of the show, she strips for us, showing her amazing body as well as her zaniness, trading briefs with Benjamin, and going “bobbing for dildos” and winning a Screaming O!
Ash Hollywood: On our second Goddess’ second visit to the Speakeasy, she reveals that she went straight from college into porn, and wishes she had had better sex education while in school. Raised Episcopalian, this Grace Kelly lookalike now flirts with Satanism, the philosophy of living for yourself. Speaking of her gorgeous naked self, in the show’s sexy second half, she strips down to nothing but pearls before doing shots off of her hot BFF Benjamin and having him do shots off of her.
Benjamin Godfre: This Dr. Susan Block Show virgin, model, video blogger and producer/director is first to speak when I open the discussion to my in-studio guests, asking Eduardo how he feels about “tolerance.” In the second half of the show, he strips down to his assets for us, does Agwa body shots off Ash and Nicole, and the super sexy and very silly panty swap with Nicole. The ladies in the Womb Room say Ben looks just as good in Nicole’s panties as she does!
DJ Heavy Grinder: Since her motto is “Speak through the music… Not through words,” it’s no wonder the chart-topping beauty DJ Heavygrinder, aka Bobbie, is pretty quiet through most of the show, but gives us a taste of her musical talents with a brief spin in the after-party.
Alex: Though she also doesn’t say much during the show (she’s actually the hot GF of one of our photographers), Alex does ride the Sybian in the after-party to a riotous orgasm.
Max: Also raised Catholic (though he converted to Judaism), my husband of 20 years reminds Eduardo that the Catholic Church has damaged and destroyed many more innocent people than sex ever has. Max points out that there are many victims of religious abuse which the Block Institute works to heal.
Tasia: The Womb Room hushes when Tasia tells the story of her brutal rape that occurred 16 years ago but still haunts her to this day. She tells it to show why pro-choice is the way to go—how could any moral human expect a woman to bear the child of a rape like that? But Eduardo remains resolute that abortion must not be permitted any woman, even a victim of rape. For more of Tasia’s intensely moving story, see the comments on Open Letter to Yale President Richard Levin
Caller #1 wants to know if it’s ok to masturbate with baby oil. We say sure, if you like it, but never with a condom. On the other hand, “baby oil” or mineral oil is an irritant to many skin types. Ash recommends water based lubes. Nicole and I go for coconut oil. “If you can put it in you, I figure it ok to put on you,” explains gourmand Nicole.
Caller #2 wants to know if cuckolding is ok. Sure it’s ok, as long as all the parties involved are happy. But there are many possible ways in which it could be not ok. Benjamin had a bad experience with a couple that seemed to want to use him as a means to solve their sexual problems. One of our audience members, Kat, a dominatrix, loves cuckolding, though putting men in chastity turns her on even more.
Weapons of Mass Discussion: Sex Week At Yale, Sex Education, The Right-Wing Conservative Movement on College Campuses, Religious Sexual Abuse, Porn, Abortion, Rape, Congressman Todd Akin, “Innocence of Muslims,” Rioting Over Religion, Tolerance, Empathy, Love, First Time Sex, Life Stories, BFFs, Masturbation, Baby Oil, Cuckolding, Bonobos
Performance Erotica: Passionate Discussion, Striptease, Agwa “Communion” Body Shots, Switching Panties, Ripping Underwear, Bobbing For Dildos, Snake Play, Trapeze, Cici Rhodes Visit, Hula-hooping, Sybian Rides
Multiple thanks, kudos and orgasms to the Dr. Susan Block Institute Staff here in BonoboVille for making this show possible.
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09 · 18 · 12 @ 2:28 am
Susan It was an excellent show. Absolutely fantastic. Excellent interviewing. You gave him no escape route. he’s obviously a very dodgy person. Eduardo has several problems. He seems to feel that his narrow interpretation of the Bible should be the global standard in a pandemic sense. There are people who think the Bible speaks to and for everyone. This is clearly wrong, when people misuse religion as a proposed force of social, political, and moral force of hegemony to control the choices of others. There’s nothing remotely pleasurable concerning Eduardo’s position. In fact Eduardo appears to have serious difficulties within his own sexual identity, and instead of sorting these issues, chooses to use the Bible as a shield and weaponry, against true intellectual intercourse.
09 · 17 · 12 @ 6:42 pm
What an awesome Saturday night!
09 · 17 · 12 @ 6:22 pm
What a pleasure! Can’t wait to cum back and experience more tantalizingly delicious moments with you and yours…. XO
09 · 17 · 12 @ 6:03 pm
Dear Dr. Block,
A pleasure to appear on your show. A friend passed along the following blog post, which I found insightful, and a good indicator of where you and I might differ on our visions of sexuality. Take a look, let me know what you think:
All the best,
09 · 17 · 12 @ 12:00 pm
Bravo, Dr. Suzy! You, Max (go Max!) and Tasia (who literally brought tears to my eyes as I listened to her story) and your other guests really schooled that little fascist punk kid Eduardo, though it sounded like he wasn’t actually listening to much besides the sound of his own voice spouting whole passages from the Republican radical right-wing religious playbook. Hopefully someone will send a link to your show to Yale President Dick, though it probably doesn’t matter, because he’s dead in the water. At least Sex Week is still alive, though it appears to be on life support. If anyone can breathe life back into it, you can, Dr. Suzy. Long live sex education on college campuses. Long live the LIBERAL arts. Live live Freedom of Speech in America! Long live Sex Week at Yale!
09 · 17 · 12 @ 8:38 am
Dear Dr. Suzy,
I found the show with Eduardo nothing but a continuation of the pleasure/procreation argument. I now believe this paradigm is a political construct designed to keep us arguing and divert us fro accepting sex as a powerful mechanism for transmitting love., with awesome results!
Regarding the Bible, the first translation into Latin was by Jerome, a screaming queen who was a hell of a linguist! Subsequent copies were done by scribes who added or subtracted here or there from the New Testament. So reading between the lines, all Jesus taught was love. So did others.
I teach, or preach love and sexual biology from a different perspective: energy. I begin with our DNA, pointing out “genetics” studies less than 3% of the base pair, and is much like studying the tail that wags the dog. When I queried Ted about a teaching fellowship at IASHS, I advised him I would teach anatomy from a different perspective. He parried with funding.
Dan Brown did not go far enough! It is not simply the lineage of Jesus—I no longer doubt he was married to Mary; from where do you think he got the power for his miracles? All women have similar anatomical structures to be able to empower men; it’s our heads that are screwed up. In James, Jesus tells us in two different places, “Ye shall do greater works than these.” It is this miraculous power the Church calls “witchcraft.” This is why I believe we have been diverted into pleasure/procreation.
As one who has returned to heresy, due to the misogyny of religions, I thank you for sex weeks, where ever you can have them.
Art Noble
09 · 17 · 12 @ 1:18 am
:O) WOW!!! Thanks Dr. Suzy!!! Thanks!!!! 2 All!!! :)
09 · 17 · 12 @ 1:03 am
What a great show !
09 · 17 · 12 @ 12:27 am
Fuck Jesus, love Dr Susan Block ;)
09 · 17 · 12 @ 12:22 am
Eduardo sounded like one of the parrots of the mythical paradise that the catholic church teaches it’s people awaits them. Even in it’s death throes, the church moves to third world countries to gather new innocent followers around the world. So these new innocent inductees into the game of HeavenVille are buying mythological forgiveness from a church that has caused major damage to generations of folks who look for redemption from the church that brainwashed them. Poor soul, poor sad soul that Mr. Eduardo is.
09 · 17 · 12 @ 12:13 am
thank u for having us.
09 · 17 · 12 @ 12:10 am
thank you so much !! :)\m/
09 · 16 · 12 @ 11:41 pm
Dr. Suzy, you’re amazing! Thank you so much again for having me, always a pleasure