DomCon Bound & Merry Masturbation Month 2019
Length 01:34:31 Date: May 4th, 2019
Once again, The Bonobo Way is bound for DomCon LA, going for our fourth notch in the big, thick, silver-studded belt of the largest professional and lifestyle BDSM, kink and fetish convention in the world.
Juggling Harry, Ana Banana, Me in the Middle, Sweet Shannon, Lei’ed Max, Billdo in Front, Marilyn Behind. Photo: Unscene Abe
Therefore, this live show is mostly a rehearsal for my talk, “The Bonobo Way: FemDoms of the Wild” which I am honored to have been invited to deliver to the good Mistresses, Madams, Masters, Goddesses, Queens, subbies and puppies of DomCon 2019 this coming Saturday at 1 PM PST in Room BI of the LAX Hilton Hotel.
SPOILER ALERT: if you’re planning to attend my DomCon 2019 talk (as well you should!), and want to be surprised, do NOT watch this dress rehearsal on DrSuzy.Tv or Facebook Live.
If you want to be really “safe,” click away now, and don’t even look at this blog!
Divine Demask
Speaking of “dress,” I am dressed in a tight, sleek red and black DeMask Latex body suit and belted black micro-mini skirt, designed by the incredibly talented Louva of Demask Amsterdam, and selected for me by the elegant and beautiful (even with no makeup) Mistress Isabella Sinclaire, director of Demask DTLA, a glittering jewel of a store in the trash heap of Downtown’s South Los Angeles Street.
At least, there was a lot of trash on the street the first time I went there this past Wednesday. Good thing I wore boots!
Wearing a Demask purple corset that’s a little too big for me and pants that are way too big in front of a portrait of the lovely Mistress Isabella Sinclaire. Photo: Blossom Green
By my second visit on Friday, the garbage was gone, and the street fairly sparkled in the Spring sunlight. Even the homeless folks (all very nice and polite despite their sad circumstances) looked like they’d taken a bath. Seems like Thursday is trash pick-up day on South Los Angeles Street.
I had to go twice because the first outfits I tried on were either too big or being saved for someone who could afford them (not me!).
By Friday, Mistress Isabella had received a new shipment of gorgeous clothes and, like my latex fairy godmother, she dressed me up in the perfect outfit.
Though I’ve worn Demask twice before to DomCon 2018 and 2017, I’d never made a personal visit to the store. I got lucky those first two times when my assistants just picked up outfits for me without me trying them on first which is rather risky when it comes to wearing latex.
I highly recommend going into the store (address: 303 South Los Angeles Street) so you can make sure your latex fits your body like Prince Charming’s glass slipper fit Cinderella’s foot.
Keeping My adorable editorial assistant on her knees before the fabulous array of new Demask latex. Photo: Harry Sapien
But if you go before trash pick-up day (Thursday?), be sure to wear your boots!
Merry Masturbation Month!
Not to be outdone by her boss-lady, my editorial assistant Shannon Sweet is looking extra-sweet for our live-streaming dress rehearsal in a lacey bralet and matching skirt.
It’s just the two of us this show, but there’s so much to do to get ready for DomCon, it’s not like we’re pining for company.
First, I get some other business-mixed-with-pleasure out of the way, wishing all my brothers and sisters, lovers and sinners a Merry Masturbation Month!
Big thanks to Ana Quintana for washing all our dildos just in time for May. You don’t want to start Masturbation Month with a bunch of dirty dildos.
She even cleaned up our dear dirty old man, Billdo, who looks just like the President who almost lost his day job just for getting a blow-job—with balls. I vigorously defended Bill Clinton when he was impeached by a sinister cabal of Republicans for having a consensual sexual relationship with his starry-eyed intern Monica Lewinsky. But I never liked Billy Jeff’s Republican-lite politics, ramp-up of the American Prison-Industrial Complex, starving of Iraqi children, bombing of Belgrade and (worst of all, from a sex therapist’s point of view) firing Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders just because she wisely answered the question of whether masturbation should be included as a form of safer sex in school sex education classes with a unhesitant “yes.”
Well, every black cloud has a silver lining and when Billdo fired Dr. J, some of my friends invented Masturbation Month. So have a merry one. Make love to someone you love tonight, even if that someone is YOU.
As for you firearms fetishists, won’t you please just toss your AR-15’s in the trash, listen to the old underrated Beatles ammosexual anthem, “Happiness is a Warm Gun,” and shoot the gun between your legs?
Peace through pleasure, Honey Pie. It’s the Bonobo Way.
Cosmo Loves Your Ass
Interested in anal? Have fun… BUTT be prepared; read my essential 11 Anal Sex tips in this month’s COSMO online.
It’s a very good and funny article by Cosmo’s Micaela Eckett, and not just because she quotes me more than 11 times.
Need private anal guidance? Call our Therapists Without Borders at 213.291.9497 anytime for telephone sex therapy.
We are experts with assholes, and I mean that in every sense of the word.
COUNTERPUNCH posts Post-Trump Sex Disorder(s)
And Post-Trump Sex Disorder(s) is now on COUNTERPUNCH, “America’s Best Political Newsletter,” according to Outback Magazine and a lot of old and young progressive types who need something more honest than MSDNC.
This sexual Trump Crime Family-afflicted kind of PTSD might not seem as serious as the “regular” kind.
However, when your spouse of twenty years is deported, when your life as a sex worker or trans person is threatened, when your lover would rather watch Trump/Fox New or Rachel Trump Maddow than go to bed with you, or when your incel neighbor shoots up your local nightclub, school, yoga center or pick-your-public-setting, well, that’s pretty damn disordered.
Putting tRump under gag order with a penis pacifier as per usual on our live broadcast. Photo: Selfie
Read it and weep—hopefully, with laughter as well as chagrin—and follow the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure and GREAT SEX, no matter who is Presidunce.
DomCon Here We Cum
The rest of the show is mainly our DomCon dress rehearsal, wherein I try my damn darnedest to recall what I said last year, mixing it up with what I’ve learned this year.
Actually I mess it up quite a bit, but recover fairly well in keeping with the 11th step of the 12 Steps to Releasing Your Inner Bonobo: “Swing through Life.”
Shannon does a nice job swinging through the “demo” sections, even though her co-performers, “Most Well-Rounded Kinkster” SUZY award winner, MFA and award-winning filmmaker Rhiannon Aarons, Block Institute sex therapist Del Rey and terrific tRump impersonator Tim Sewell, who will be part of our DomCon 2019 Bonobo Way Commedia Erotica troupe, are not here for the rehearsal.
We’re still not ready for outside guests, so it’s just us in-house Bonobovillians once again. That’s cool. I need to rehearse. Besides, Bonoboville’s got talent!
My favorite part of the DomCon talk is, as always, when my lovely assistants (in this case, Shannon and Ana) lube up my Demask skirt and body suit, as well as my Fetish Factory gauntlets, massaging it into that thirsty latex, making it shine, shine, shine.
What can I say, like all bonobos and most dogs (especially Betsy), I love to be rubbed.
Shannon also gives an especially compelling banana-sucking demo.
Actually, bananas play a big part in this talk/show/rehearsal.
Well, we’re living in a Banana Republic in the dirty orange shadow of the Trumpocalypse, so, why not do something good with your banana and dip it (consensually please!) in a luscious banana cream pie?
Mid-talk, Shannon dons a sort of bonobo furry suit which is actually a skater skirt and bra (complete with safety-pin-pierced nipples) she made herself from a gorilla costume.
I give her a bonobo mask, made by artist Mario Saucedo, and she looks like a Barbie Doll Ape, if Barbie Inc., aka Mattel, made Great Ape dolls.
Really, they should, and donate the proceeds to help save the highly endangered bonobos from extinction.
At one point, Harry Sapien fills in for Del Rey as the bonobo male who lets Shannon, the furry female, lead him around, literally, “by the balls,” based on a story told by primatologist Dr. Isabel Behncke. Of course, we can’t show anybody’s real testicles in the Hilton, nor on Facebook Live (I don’t think Marky Z has ever even seen his own balls), so the bonobo balls are represented by a set of juggling balls (actually plastic matzah balls left over from our Bunny 420 Passover, Honey) which Harry essentially gives to Shannon.
The “climax” of this “Trust Game” is that trust meets lust, and the two bonobos have sex, which is symbolized by Harry juggling his own balls! I told you Bonoboville’s got talent.
If Harry ever leaves (and we hope he never does), he could join the circus.
When Shannon and Capt’n Max answer questions correctly, I drop a bright green lei (one of many pieces of cool swag from our friends at Agwa di Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur) around their necks.
This will be a more impressive act when we’re doing the real thing, and I can say, in all honesty, “You got lei’ed at DomCon!”
We also enhance the roleplay with our exotic-looking Agwa masks… very dynamic during our “penis-fencing” demo–especially since we’re two females roleplaying bonobo males.
Many thanks to Terry Laban who created the graphic recording of The Bonobo Way of Inclusivity at AASECT 2016, and whose name I embarrassingly forget just as I’m about to give him credit for it during this rehearsal.
Many thanks to Terry Laban for creating this amazing graphic recording of my “Bonobo Way of Inclusivity” talk at AASECT 2016, Photo: Harry Sapien
That’s why it’s called a rehearsal!
Btw, I’ll be back to deliver “The Bonobo Way of Transformational, Healing Pleasure” at AASECT 2019 in my hometown of Philly this June. If you’re there, hit me up; let’s have a hoagie!
Another visual rehearsal highlight: pulling up Shannon’s gorilla skirt to spank her over my knee in our original, authentic, baseball-mitt molded Eames chair.
Giving Shannon one spank for each of My 12 Steps to Releasing Your Inner Bonobo… with one more for good luck and two more for (me) messing up! Photo: Harry Sapien
I spank her 12 times for each of the 12 Steps to Releasing Your Inner Bonobo, a different kind of 12-step program.
Since my edible-addled memory confuses Step Four with Step Six, I wind up spanking her about 14 times, so this is one of those cases where the “black cloud” of error has a “silver lining” of more spanks for Shannon.
Speaking of spanking, our new SPANK ‘n’ Art Speakeasy Journal, censored by Amazon, is on it’s way!
Meanwhile check out SPLOSH ‘n’ ART.
I’m not going into the whole DomCon talk in this blog, so if you’re curious about the content, watch it on DrSuzy.Tv or Facebook Live, or check out the 2016 or 2017 video.
Or choose the best option of all and join us in the latex-skinned flesh this Saturday.
© May 6, 2019. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements and interviews, call 213-291-9497.
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio 😊. Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
05 · 9 · 19 @ 4:14 pm
U rock!
05 · 9 · 19 @ 12:08 pm
WOW!!! Looking amazing in that black latex skirt!!!!
05 · 9 · 19 @ 12:07 pm
I love it, Dr. Block…!!
05 · 9 · 19 @ 11:31 am
WOW!!! I mean this TOTALLY checks all my boxes.!
05 · 8 · 19 @ 10:33 pm
Love this look!! Especially those handcuff earrings! Sucha great rehearsal, I bet it’s even going to be better at Domcon!
05 · 8 · 19 @ 1:34 pm
Beautiful. I love it. :))) You’re so awesome. You Rock Dr. Susi.
05 · 8 · 19 @ 12:18 pm
I kiss your boots Dr. Suzy …pls cure my fetish for your boots…I just want to lay down and be your doormat mam…I know it’s weird and m embarassed …pls help
05 · 8 · 19 @ 12:16 pm
You excite me a lot Dr. Suzy. I want to be like bonobo. I wish human beings are like them make love not war.
05 · 7 · 19 @ 8:08 pm
Why you weren’t a guest of honor at the Met Gala is a mystery and a crime, Dr. Block.
05 · 7 · 19 @ 2:47 am
Dr. Suzy, very nice visual presentations. I’m certain the DomCon guests will love it!!!
05 · 7 · 19 @ 12:11 am
Old is gold. I like it. Very good dress code.
05 · 7 · 19 @ 12:07 am
Kathi Lyn Austin may be able to help the bonobos?
05 · 7 · 19 @ 12:04 am
You’re looking a lot more delicious than the meal on the table Dr. Susan
05 · 6 · 19 @ 10:33 pm
Dare I say The Bonobo Way will “dominate” DomCon? <3