Cougar Kink
Length 01:36:41 Date: July 21st, 2018
A cougar, a kinkster, a professor and a pornstar come together in my Womb Room sanctuary smack dab in the middle of Bonoboville for an intimate evening of taboo roleplay, erotic psychodrama, group spankings, topless Communion, big booty twerking, ingenious bondage, political intercourse, tRUMP-gagging (with Russian flag) and scintillating sapiosexual conversation.
We are all a bit shaken from the news of the latest mass-shooting, leaving one woman dead and several injured, that has just occurred very close to home: the Silverlake Trader Joe’s on Hyperion and Griffith Park Boulevard. I used to live in Silverlake right off Hyperion, and then I moved into a duplex on Griffith Park. Bonoboville shops twice a week at Trader Joe’s (a different one, but still). We wish we could say it was “fake news,” but it’s all too real.
It’s especially too real for the loved ones of the murdered TJ worker Melyda Corado. Ironically enough, a few months before she was killed by gun violence, she posted videos on social media about stopping gun violence. RIP Melyda Corado, as your brother tweets, “You were immensely loved.”
As of this writing, we don’t know if the lethal bullet came from the shooter’s gun or the police, since poor Melyda was caught in the crossfire. We do know that this latest atrocity, like so many others, began with domestic violence, the suspect shooting his grandmother and girlfriend just before going on the TJ rampage.
It’s all very disturbing, depressing and dystopian. Between so-called “toxic masculinity,” the NRA, the overwhelming greed of the .001% that is currently gobbling up “ownership” of most of this country and the rest of the globe, the ecocidal effects of unbridled capitalism, an American Presidunce who regularly steamrolls facts, logic and diplomatic decorum for the sake of his racist base, and a Brave New World of virtual (almost) everything, have we doomed ourselves as a species?
Probably yes, at least, according to many environmental scientists… but maybe not. So, as individuals and communities, if we really DO care (yep, that jab’s for you, Melania), we need to stand up for what’s right and good in the world. For me, the most important thing to convey is the Bonobo Way, the only way I can imagine that we silly humans might save ourselves (and so many other species, including the real bonobos) from this road of murder, mayhem, greed and Global Warming we’re hurtling down on the way to mass extinction.
If we “care” enough to pay attention, humanity’s closest genetic cousins on Earth, the bonobos, show us a “way” that we can live in peace through pleasure, female empowerment, male well-being, inclusivity and sharing resources, like they do.
And SEX, lots of sex with a capital “X.” Good consensual sex, of course. With all the stories of rape, molestation and sexual harassment swirling around the Trumpocalypse, I feel I should stipulate that when I say “sex” is good for you, I mean the consensual kind.
You can’t shoot a real gun while you’re shooting the gun between your legs.
That’s the theme of every DrSuzy.Tv show, including this one, though every show, like a “snowflake” (liberal or literal) is different, as this one certainly is
Cougar Sally
This show features the aforementioned cougar, kinkster, professor and pornstar.
The latter is none other than my sexy Ass. Producer Phoenix Dawn.
Phoenix lives up to her job description, getting her producing ass spanked and whipped numerous times in the course of the live broadcast, as well as during the after-party.
The “cougar” is “Hello Cougar” host and comedienne Sally Mullins, all dressed up like some kind of cat which she describes as a cross between a leopard and a mountain lion (or is that a “mountin’ lion”?) in a cuddly onesie with cat ears.
Our new intern Chris gives Sally the perfect present—pussy panties that say “Meow”!
Sally brings us up to date on her life as a “cougar,” an “older,” experienced woman (sometimes a MILF) who enjoys sex with younger men (called “cubs”) on the comedy circuit in the Red States of Trump’s America. For a more detailed definition of cougar, check out Sally’s first appearance on DrSuzy.Tv.
On this show, she promotes her new youtube program, “Cookin’ 4 Pussy,” in which men of all ages over 21 cook something delicious for her in exchange for sex… if she likes what they cook, or maybe how they cook it.
As always, Sally is as sexy as she is funny. I just adore how she merges smart, imaginative, pro-sex, feminist comedy with sensuous, authentic cougar love and lust for hot younger men.
Mas Mas Mimosa
From Cougar to Kinkster, I’m delighted to welcome back Mimosa, a former Christian Scientist from Sacramento, the seventh sibling among nine, now finding herself as a queer pansexual kinkster and BBW porn star.
No, that’s not tRUMP’s favorite Russian beverage! It’s just a mimosa in honor of Mimosa. Notice our cool, eco-friendly Speakeasy Jar. Photo: Selfie.
Since the we saw her last on the Speakeasy Recovery show, Mimosa has been hanging out in Vegas, and she’s s looking sexy, her hair grown out, framing her fascinating face, and her big thicc body toned and summer-hot. A sometime performer, Mimosa has often performed a type of consensual, professionally produced humiliation called “public disgrace.”
Public disgrace is, of course, very popular in social media right now, though most of it is not consensual. Ironically, when a liberal celebrity is caught with her or his (usually his) pants down, he is punished almost instantly, fired from his cushy corporate job or at least excoriated and condemned by a jury of his Twitter followers. When a Trumper is publicly disgraced, it’s mostly ignored, especially by the increasingly amoral Religious Right who have become the all-American avatars of ignorance.
Of course, the epitome of Public Disgrace is the Trumpus himself who, like the “heel” in professional wrestling, appears to revel in getting more disgraceful every day, like a toddler gleefully sploshing himself. Last Saturday’s Bastille Day show featuring Daniele Watts as Putin kissing our tRUMP impersonator who also sucks Vlad’s baguette seems almost prophetic, as this very week our disgraceful Presidunce was sucking up to Putin in real life. And no to my sweet critics, it’s not “homophobic” to depict a Trump/Putin Cuckold Bromance; it’s the perfect comic erotic metaphor.
Unlike many of my liberal colleagues, including the top brass in the Democratic Party and the Resistance, I do not favor making Russia an enemy—hot or Cold War-style—and I am all for tRUMP trying to make “peace through pleasure” with Putin, even if it’s only to erect a tRUMP Tower Moscow or to evade the release of the notorious Pee-Pee tapes (we have them).
But the level of public disgrace to which Trumpty Dumpty has fallen, upsetting even his friends on Fox-TV, was truly astounding. It’s remarkable how effectively this big dickhead with a tiny penis can command our astounded eyeballs, all while his family members, henchmen and billionaires club cohorts are robbing the American people blind, leaving us with nothing but guns and trash.
Breaking News: Screaming racist slurs and showing his hairy white ass on Sacha Baron Cohen’s new “Who Is America?” program in what he supposedly thought was a terrorism training video, GOP Georgia state representative Jason Spenser takes “public disgrace” to new lows.
In comparison, Mimosa’s forays into consensual “public disgrace” are hardly disgraceful, but more like triumphs of positive sexuality over old trauma. Three cheers and a mimosa for Mimosa.
In fact, the delicious champagne and orange juice beverage is our Speakeasy Bar drink of choice for this show, though Mimosa herself has a gin and soda, showing that you just can’t compartmentalize anyone!
Bonoboville Communions
Speaking of delicious, we have some sweet sensuous Bonoboville Communions this show.
First, Sally opens her catsuit to reveal her lovely, firm and natural boobs as our Altar Girl. Actually, Phoenix opens it and licks it, even before Communion.
When I ask her to choose a Communion recipient, she asks for Bonoboville’s hunky rapstar Ikkor the Wolf.
What a gorgeous Cougar-and-Wolf Communion!
What a sweet, affectionate Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style.
“But can he cook?” our Cougar is probably wondering as she woman-handles his big muscles.
Then it’s Sally’s turn to take Communion from Mimosa who unveils her also natural 40DDs, as Sally takes her licks.
Usually, we use Agwa, but this time we Waterboard with a Mimosa and Sally, experienced cougar that she is, sucks down the whole shot!
Sax-y Professor Shows Us His Balls
Professor Oni also joins us, serenading us on his saxophone in the Bonoboville Garden before the show.
Upon my invitation, the Professor drops trou and shows us his balls, revealing his complex “ApaDydoe” penis piercing which consists of two barbells and a total of four rather large steel balls.
Professor Oni teaches a Master Class on his balls. That’s ApaDydoe, and you will be tested. Photo: Jux Lii
Wow! As if that’s not stunning enough, he then shows us how an older Prince Albert piercing resulted in a “subcision” or split down the middle of the head of his penis. “Ouch!” think all the boys and most of the girls, but Professor Oni assures us that it didn’t hurt… much.
Sadly, in less than a week, the kinky Professor and his interesting penis will be leaving us for Florida, though he assures us he’ll be back in Bonoboville very soon—maybe for the next Speakeasy Journal party when “Spanking” will be the theme.
Group “Family” Spanking
My spanking theme announcement gets my guests’ creative juices flowing.
In our Sexual Psychodrama, Domme-y Mommy Sally pulls up Daughter Mimosa’s skirt to spank her as Sister Phoenix prays by her side and Papa Oni prepares her punishment. Photo: Malik Daniels
Sally the Cougar assumes the role of Domme-y Mommy Cat to her two naughty daughters, Mimosa and Phoenix who gyrate, twerk and squeal on their hands and knees as Mama spanks their bottoms.
A total BDSM team player, Professor Oni volunteers to play the Bad Dad in this incestuous and ridiculous (but very sexy), spank-happy psychodrama.
At a climactic moment, Daddy Oni even ties up daughter Phoenix, than ties her to sister Mimosa in a nifty demo of “predicament bondage,” using his trusty kinbaku bondage “jute” rope.
Throughout the debauched proceedings, I play the Fairy Godmother, snapping my starlit whip at all family members.
Attempted to explain the world of difference between Incest IRL and Fantasy Roleplay as Papa Oni ties Phoenix to Mimosa and Mama Cougar has another drink. Photo: Jux Lii
Just to round out the picture of a deranged family circle, Mama Cougar sips her Mimosa as she spanks her naughty daughters, one of whom (Mimosa) is giving the Womb Room a very nice view of her neatly shaved and trimmed womb room.
Of course, we wholeheartedly disapprove of spanking children (it lowers their IQ and teaches them that violence is the solution to problems), as well as any kind of “family sex” with underage participants (if you’re over 21 and you want to have sex with your adult brother, knock your Fool-for-Love self out; just don’t diddle the kinder!), but fantasy roleplay of taboo scenarios like this can be fun, erotic for some, mostly harmless and sometimes very therapeutic.
A scenario where “fake news” is a good thing!
We Are One AND We Are Bad
With all the disturbing news swirling around us, it seems topically appropriate for Ikkor to sing “We Are One.”
But the tensions of the week also make me long to cut loose and be “bad” to “She Bad.”
Plus I want to see Mimosa twerk that big beautiful butt again—this time without a thong (quick, turn the Facebook cam away)!
In one of my notoriously indecisive moments, I wiggle and waver, until someone calls out, “How about both?”
So that’s what Ikkor does: a soulful rap of “We Are One” segueing into a wild, twerking rendition of “She Bad.”
A vital message in these divisive times: We Are One
A twerkalicious ode to power and glory of female sexuality:
She Bad!
Post-Show Antics, Orgasms & Possibilities
After Ikkor’s rap medley, Capt’n Max gives a rousing speech about fighting the Neo Nazis.
Capt’n Max and I fighting Neo-Nazi with lazer whips and mimosas from the Speakeasy Bar. Photo: Abe Bonobo
We wind up the live broadcast with Free the Nipple.
Usually, there’s at least on or two guests who won’t show nip. Not this group. Everybody frees the the nipple with joyous summer-hot abandon.
Then we chill out in the heat of the sultry summer night.
What a beautiful evening to hang out at the Speakeasy bar…
Sharing tales—and tails—with friends and lovers.
We sip mimosas with Mimosa, show off Cougar Sally’s new kitty panties and whip my Ass. Producer Phoenix Dawn’s fabulous ass. with Goddess Phoenix‘s dazzling neon whip.
Even as the Trumpocalypse sweeps us into the darkness, we are blessed by fire and light.
Pansensually aroused by all the fun and games, Capt’n Max and I, two old married folks, go bonobos, turning the fire and light of Bonoboville into orgasms of enduring love.
Life in Bonoboville is filled with little miracles; the other day, a bunch of us watched two baby birds (sparrows?), born into a nest their parents built into the commissary doorway, learn how to fly.
The days are hot, palm trees swaying in the balmy breeze, with occasional semi-spontaneous gatherings (Happy Birthday Harry!), and every Saturday night is sacred… with a twist.
Who knows what fresh public disgrace awaits our regularly assaulted senses, when “horrible” has come to be “normal,” in the continuing and devolving Trumpocalypse?
We only know that we believe in the light of possibility and the love of the Bonobo Way.
Thanks to Our Volunteers: Videographers/FB Cam— Kris A, Wesley Mack; Photographers – Brian Bar, Malik Daniels, Slick Rick, Jux Lii; Intern: Chris; On-Campus Bonobos – Phoenix Dawn, Abe Perez, Camille Rosebud, Mita Altair, Harry Sapien, Gideon Grayson, MarsFX, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel
© July 21, 2018. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066
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10 · 26 · 23 @ 12:59 pm
Your excitement as well as energy is transmittable as well as it drives all of us to pursue peace through pleasure! Thank you!
12 · 30 · 20 @ 7:13 am
Exceptionally well written! Love cougars.
11 · 19 · 20 @ 6:42 pm
You’re so pretty and this was a really wonderful article. Thanks for a great show.
07 · 31 · 18 @ 12:02 pm
Meow-oh-wow, a good cougar is hard to come by, but I guess that’s because they’re always on the prowl. *Zing*
Lovely show Dr. Suzy, and I gotta say, cougars, pumas, panthers, cheetahs, bonobo, whatever the inner animal, I’m a fan. There’s something empowering and divine about women who just own their sexuality. Great show!
07 · 26 · 18 @ 12:43 pm
Dr.Suzy and Sally getting cougar kinky together, it doesn’t get more sexy than that! I love this photo set!
07 · 25 · 18 @ 3:21 pm
Goddess Susan, you are so lovely and wise and appealing. Lovely eyes love is ur nature
07 · 25 · 18 @ 5:59 am
Sally Mullins!!!
07 · 25 · 18 @ 1:17 am
The Cougars were definitely out in full sexy force this show!!!
07 · 25 · 18 @ 12:14 am
I need a cougar any takers…..
07 · 24 · 18 @ 7:49 pm
Dr. Susan looks like an angel
07 · 24 · 18 @ 7:48 pm
07 · 24 · 18 @ 7:42 pm
Happy Pride and Thank you for your Most Excellent work. 93!
07 · 24 · 18 @ 7:39 pm
Susan Your So Gorgeous!!!
07 · 24 · 18 @ 6:33 pm
The roleplaying scene everyone played out seemed like so much fun! It didn’t hurt that it was a little naughty :)