Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Jenny J
    03 · 24 · 10 @ 2:46 pm

    Dr. Block, your take on Tiger Woods rings so true, even truer now that we’ve seen all the sexting and his obviously hypocritical attempts at rehabilitation (for what?). Well, the plot thickens, like coagulating spooge, lol. Keep up the excellent, insightful, sex-positive work.


  2. Randy Souders
    03 · 24 · 10 @ 2:27 pm

    I’m going on the record now as predicting Tiger Woods will >>NEVER<< achieve the level of success (i.e. tournament wins/ top finishes) he had prior to this sex scandal. I believe that his addiction to sex with multiple partners was an integral part of both his personality and his game. Previous to this he led people to believe he achieved greatness due to his superior ability to focus. I believe sex somehow factored into this equation --possibly as a reward in his mind. Most athletes are highly superstitious regarding their game. Tiger's sexual activity was obviously a top priority in his life. So for that to suddenly be eliminated must surely be cause for doubt on his part. However, if he somehow manages to win again without indulging in such sexcapades I'll be proven wrong.


  3. Licketyspit in Paso Robles
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 3:17 pm

    Well Damn at last! Someone speaks to the reality of the whole thing. I think most women wish they were in his bed, most men wish they could have that many hot women. As for the cucks, They just want to clean up his mess. I’m not a cuck but that wouldn’t be a bad gig.


  4. Licketyspit in Paso Robles
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 3:17 pm

    Well Damn at last! Someone speaks to the reality of the whole thing. I think most women wish they were in his bed, most men wish they could have that many hot women. As for the cucks, They just want to clean up his mess. I’m not a cuck but that wouldn’t be a bad gig.


  5. DJ
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 2:18 pm

    Just saw you on Inside Edition Dr. Suzy, I like your comment about the “Frying Pan” and the “Tiger Woods Syndrome”


  6. DJ
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 2:18 pm

    Just saw you on Inside Edition Dr. Suzy, I like your comment about the “Frying Pan” and the “Tiger Woods Syndrome”


    01 · 4 · 10 @ 9:11 pm

    Dear Dr. SB:

    Thanks for your great article on Tiger W.

    At the end, you mention Viagra. Did you know that “viagra” is a Sanskrit word and means…”tiger”?


    01 · 4 · 10 @ 9:11 pm

    Dear Dr. SB:

    Thanks for your great article on Tiger W.

    At the end, you mention Viagra. Did you know that “viagra” is a Sanskrit word and means…”tiger”?


  9. Carol from Tribe
    12 · 27 · 09 @ 10:14 pm

    Dear Dr. Block,

    I contacted you some time ago in that two friends of mine, Jamal and Chester introduced me to your videos, and taught me how to squirt. I was very thankful for that and the three of us have remained friends, and one interesting development just occurred . I have always been quite attracted to Black Men, and this has been my fascination, with my husband’s support for over 10 years now.

    I am married, a white Italian girl, age 41, and have been happily married for 15 years. I am also a registered nurse, work as a hospital administrator, an amateur pilot, and have always felt myself a Free Thinker. However, this was put to the test this Christmas.

    On December 25, my husband and I had planned a very quiet Christmas day for a change, but that is NOT how it turned out. Our Friends Jamal and Chester showed up, and also Chester’s Dad, Mr. Jess. To make it short, Mr. Jess found out about my fascination with black men and wanted very much to help me experience everything I had always dreamed of. That was indeed our Christmas, and my husband and are QUITE thankful for it.

    Throughout the day the three of them and I were celebrating Christmas the way we wanted to. At around 11 a.m. Jamal and Chester and I were celebrating it while my husband watched and photoed us. But at 2:00 Mr. Jess arrived and really taught me about sharing:) As you can imagine, an older, wiser, and more dominant black man really had a lot to say about sharing and generosity. He felt he would really teach me to give of myself during this Holiday and I must say, well, he was VERY right:)

    Mr Jess said at 11:00pm that Christmas was almost over, and wanted very much for me to experience the joy of giving. I must say that I did! He and Chester both enabled me to give to them both simultaneously. Mr. Jess challenged me to open my heart, as well as my vagina in that he had a bit more to give than I was ready for. Mr. Jess wanted me very much to take the present that he wanted to give me.

    Mr. Jess encouraged me to make room for his gift. He pushed hard and, yes, I was finally able to accommodate him. We all laughed and applauded, and we celebrated Christmas the way we wanted to.

    Dr. Block, we apologize for bothering you with this, but we wanted to share it with someone who would understand and not judge us.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2010.

    Carol :0)


  10. Carol from Tribe
    12 · 27 · 09 @ 10:14 pm

    Dear Dr. Block,

    I contacted you some time ago in that two friends of mine, Jamal and Chester introduced me to your videos, and taught me how to squirt. I was very thankful for that and the three of us have remained friends, and one interesting development just occurred . I have always been quite attracted to Black Men, and this has been my fascination, with my husband’s support for over 10 years now.

    I am married, a white Italian girl, age 41, and have been happily married for 15 years. I am also a registered nurse, work as a hospital administrator, an amateur pilot, and have always felt myself a Free Thinker. However, this was put to the test this Christmas.

    On December 25, my husband and I had planned a very quiet Christmas day for a change, but that is NOT how it turned out. Our Friends Jamal and Chester showed up, and also Chester’s Dad, Mr. Jess. To make it short, Mr. Jess found out about my fascination with black men and wanted very much to help me experience everything I had always dreamed of. That was indeed our Christmas, and my husband and are QUITE thankful for it.

    Throughout the day the three of them and I were celebrating Christmas the way we wanted to. At around 11 a.m. Jamal and Chester and I were celebrating it while my husband watched and photoed us. But at 2:00 Mr. Jess arrived and really taught me about sharing:) As you can imagine, an older, wiser, and more dominant black man really had a lot to say about sharing and generosity. He felt he would really teach me to give of myself during this Holiday and I must say, well, he was VERY right:)

    Mr Jess said at 11:00pm that Christmas was almost over, and wanted very much for me to experience the joy of giving. I must say that I did! He and Chester both enabled me to give to them both simultaneously. Mr. Jess challenged me to open my heart, as well as my vagina in that he had a bit more to give than I was ready for. Mr. Jess wanted me very much to take the present that he wanted to give me.

    Mr. Jess encouraged me to make room for his gift. He pushed hard and, yes, I was finally able to accommodate him. We all laughed and applauded, and we celebrated Christmas the way we wanted to.

    Dr. Block, we apologize for bothering you with this, but we wanted to share it with someone who would understand and not judge us.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2010.

    Carol :0)


    12 · 26 · 09 @ 6:51 pm

    SNOWBALL FIGHT TURNS UGLY IN WASHINGTON D.C.: (12-21-09) a black off-duty plainclothes detective pulls a gun on students in a “Twitter-arranged” snowball fight… because they pelted his already snow-covered Hummer at a Washington D.C. intersection. YouTube Video of incident goes viral, prompting DC police chief, who at first denies that any weapon was brandished at the crowd, to take detective’s badge and gun away. Newspaper editorial follows that “anyone else pulling a gun on an unarmed crowd, black or white, would immediately be put in jail….obviously that strangely doesn’t seem to apply in regards to this particular incident”

    And why would you “arrange” a massive snowball fight on a public street, instead of in a public park, where no one could get hurt or private property damaged? Because you know that it will “stir something up” in the nation’s capital, one the most racially tense cities in America?

    Please see above 12-16-09 blog entry TIGER WOODS/KANYE WEST/HELTER SKELTER references about “rehearsals”. And let us not forget the “Beer Summit” with the black Harvard professor last spring.


    12 · 26 · 09 @ 6:51 pm

    SNOWBALL FIGHT TURNS UGLY IN WASHINGTON D.C.: (12-21-09) a black off-duty plainclothes detective pulls a gun on students in a “Twitter-arranged” snowball fight… because they pelted his already snow-covered Hummer at a Washington D.C. intersection. YouTube Video of incident goes viral, prompting DC police chief, who at first denies that any weapon was brandished at the crowd, to take detective’s badge and gun away. Newspaper editorial follows that “anyone else pulling a gun on an unarmed crowd, black or white, would immediately be put in jail….obviously that strangely doesn’t seem to apply in regards to this particular incident”

    And why would you “arrange” a massive snowball fight on a public street, instead of in a public park, where no one could get hurt or private property damaged? Because you know that it will “stir something up” in the nation’s capital, one the most racially tense cities in America?

    Please see above 12-16-09 blog entry TIGER WOODS/KANYE WEST/HELTER SKELTER references about “rehearsals”. And let us not forget the “Beer Summit” with the black Harvard professor last spring.


  13. Clarence Gafeney, Jr.
    12 · 19 · 09 @ 8:59 pm

    Good Morning – Dr. Susan Block:

    Racial Psychopathic Persona
    Dr. Bobby Wright wrote of a …racial psychopathic personality defined thusly — The psychopath is an individual who is constantly in conflict with other persons or groups.

    Tiger’s narcissistic personality will be addressed via Oswald Chambers expounding on “Personality” Personality is that peculiar incalculable thing that is meant when we speak of ourselves as distinct from everyone else. Our personality is always too big for us to grasp. Personality is the characteristic of the spiritual man as individuality is the characteristic of the natural man. Personality merges, and you only reach your real identity when you are merged with another person. {Spirituality} emancipates the personality, and the individuality is transfigured; the transfiguring element is love, and a personal relationship with one’s Higher Power. Love is the outpouring of one personality in fellowship with another personality.

    My thinking is that Tiger came to disrespect white women – like
    heavyweight champion Jack Johnson and the incarcerated author
    Eldridge Cleaver – who wrote “Soul on Ice.” Additionally, Tiger’s athletic prowess as a Cablinasian golfer with narcissistic tendencies, are coupled with an exceptional ego that matches his golf skills. Thus, Tiger’s peers are on the Professional Golfers Association (PGA) are almost all exclusively white males – who also use their athletic celebrity to prey on white females. As the sole golfer of color (SGC), Tiger’s narcissistic tendencies have resulted in his possessing little indication of negromachy and his tremendous wealth has enabled him to develop as the only male of color (OMC) who has can be perceived as a racial psychopathic persona (personality). Especially, as thus far Tiger has only preyed upon white females. (If you desire a more detailed paradigm please Google Clarence Gafeney, Jr. and read the clarencian commentary on “Caucasian Carty” circa March 27, 2007)

    Meanwhile, doing my research and reviewing of the Tiger athletic motif as it relates to a black ethos and persona I am greatly assisted by Charles Barkley’s “Who’s Afraid of A LARGE BLACK MAN?” Tiger’s chapter is entitled “Looking Back at the Balcony.”

    But for Tiger, the sense that he was somehow different came very early: “I became aware of my racial identity on my first day of school, on my first day of kindergarten. A group of sixth graders tied me to a tree, spray-painted the word ‘nigger’ on me, and threw rocks at me. That was my first day of school. And the teacher really didn’t do much of anything. I used to live across the street from school and kind of down the way a little bit. The teacher said, ‘Okay, just go home.’ So I had to outrun all those kids going home, which I was able to do. It was certainly an eye-opening experience, you know, being five years old. We were the only minority family in all of Cypress, California.”

    Dr. Block, you most definitely provided me with some profound insights. Thank you.


  14. Vanilla Sex Kitten
    12 · 16 · 09 @ 9:04 pm

    I think the first time I heard of you was reading the Nation online, or it just could have been surfing through sites about Bonobos. I think you’re funny and brilliant. Your Tiger Woods piece is a classic.


  15. Carlo Filangieri
    12 · 16 · 09 @ 6:57 pm

    My deareast Dr. Block,

    You have once again unblocked many blocked minds with your very funny piece on the American golfer and his balls and holes.
    Thank you.


  16. Marcia Login
    12 · 16 · 09 @ 1:19 am

    You’re so right: Sex is (usually) a comedy, not a tragedy. And your blog made me laugh and laugh! Great writing. They should be interviewing you on these talk shows instead of these bland by-the-book know-nothings. Keep up the great work!


  17. Emilio
    12 · 16 · 09 @ 1:16 am

    I don’t condemn him for philandering as much as I do for him being a phony. Don’t get me wrong, the philandering is bad also, but not as much as his wanting to be white at all costs. I have always sensed that he is a racist who refuses to acknowledge his black heritage. Blacks that I know don’t like him and consider him a sellout and I’m with them on that.


  18. Anonymous
    12 · 15 · 09 @ 10:58 pm

    The Golf Digest cover is a revelation to something far more disturbing going on here, unseen beneath the surface and very sinister…the breach of security via party crashers happening precisely one week before the Tiger Woods story broke and during an unprecendented bout of coverage on Obama’s freefall in the polls as President…and then Obama’s sudden decision to “pull a Bush” and “man-up” with troops in continuing the war-script that he had promised in November of 2008 to NOT DO, there-by getting the first black man elected to the Presidency.

    crashers=INCENTIVE to assassin. WOODS SCANDAL=dry run to ” mega-powerful black-role model” takedown/assassination. A kind of “rehearsal”, if you will, for the “big kill”.

    KANYE WEST/TAYLOR SWIFT=increase in white/black racial tensions, precisely one month before. More “rehearsal”.

    ROMAN POLANSKI ARREST; 30 years later? Why?….so that you could refer back to Mr. Manson and his notions of HELTER SKELTER and a future apocalyptic white/black race war?

    More Tiger-Meat to chew on: Several articles published in UK Telegraph after mid-term elections held in early November 2009 which defeated Democrats with new Republican installs with these words writ large:

    HENCE, quote: THE OBAMA ERA IS OVER, unquote. Immediately followed by SNL comedy sketch using the exact same sentiments with a “Glenn Beck” impersonation. Immediately followed by crashers, immediately followed by “Project Mistress”.

    Night of State Dinner, one week before: Google gets major heat for a computer link to Michelle Obama with a racist “monkey-face” preceded in July 2009 by a blog asking people to vote “whether or not Obama should be assassinated”. Both posts are immediately taken down, with press coverage bringing both incidents to wider media attention than if they had been ignored.

    Tag Heuer Watches, which used Woods as icon/pitchman for their product with the phrase “What Are You Made Of?” kills ad campaign as of 12-15-09, and dismantles Christmas billboards. They do not admit it has anything to do with the “problems”.

    Headline: TIME’S UP!

    It’s a phrase often used in the movies by assassins and hit men….obviously.

    “Look beneath the surface of something wrong…and you will usually see something even more evil”–Giradoux


  19. Casey k
    12 · 15 · 09 @ 10:56 pm

    That’s tell’in it how it is … Love it !


  20. Jenna Sherman
    12 · 15 · 09 @ 10:41 pm

    Wow, this is the best piece I’ve read on the Tiger Woods scandal, and I’ve read a lot! I’m a little embarrassed to admit how much this tawdry story has captivated me, but everyday I google “Tiger Woods Sex” and today I found you, and learned so much, not just about Tiger, but about men and sex in general. So maybe my Tiger Sex Addiction isn’t such a bad thing. Thanks for a great, thought-provoking read :)


  21. Marvin Hamilton
    12 · 15 · 09 @ 10:37 pm

    As my daughter would say, “I don’t mean to be mean,” but aren’t you so typical; offering free services to the “richest of the rich.”


  22. Ken Kupstis
    12 · 15 · 09 @ 4:06 pm

    All we’ve got is an accident report to go on. Any woman could say “Tiger Woods got my hole in one”, and we’ll probably see more. (I won’t be surprised if a few GUYS jump on the bandwagon and say “Tiger joined our threesome”). It gives desperate opportunists a quick spotlight and a story sale, and it gives porn stars extra notoriety to stand out from the herd.

    So since we’re all speculating, here’s some more speculation. Tiger and Elin had an arrangement. Succinctly: She gets to live in a mansion and shop ’til she drops, in exchange for watching the kids and turning a blind eye to his affairs. It works for a while (two years), then she either snaps or wants more $$$. That works too: other speculators are saying he rewrote his prenup so she’d get $5 million for leaving now, $55 million for staying another three years, and $80 million for staying seven years. What do you know, she decides to stay! ‘For the sake of the children’, of course.

    If any of the affair rumours are true, Tiger’s only ‘Syndrome’ is pretending to be monogamous. He could have had a battalion of women if he’d stayed single.


  23. auntie debra
    12 · 15 · 09 @ 8:52 am



  24. Richard Melvin
    12 · 15 · 09 @ 6:47 am

    Dr. Block,

    I think you should quit being a sex therapist and become a comedian because that was one of the funniest articles I read in a long time. It was no real surprise to see him playing the sexual field because that is one of the perks of being on top of the heap: nearly unlimited sexual opportunities. Really though, from a personal prospective, I find the multiple hookup idea more entertaining in the mind and in reality. People are just so hard to be in any relationships that I just find it to be unappetizing. For me one person is more than enough. I guess I just have been a workaholic too long and just shake my head at relationships.

    Again, a great article and I commend you on your insight.


  25. Greg Stricherz
    12 · 15 · 09 @ 6:45 am

    Come on, Doc. Does anybody really believe Wilt Chamberlin had sex with 20,000 women? At one a day, it would take over 55 years to do that. He may also have had wood. But not to that degree.


  26. Polybi
    12 · 14 · 09 @ 11:33 pm

    Are Tiger and Elin going thru motions to keep the REAL truth from coming out? hmmm…


  27. Christine Olsen
    12 · 14 · 09 @ 11:12 pm

    I have just finished laughing out loud all through your piece on Tiger Woods. Brilliant. Thanks.


  28. Paul Zuckerman
    12 · 14 · 09 @ 10:51 pm

    nice piece… eye am an american writer living in the south of spain n caught ur cp article on the net. much enjoyed n loved the tone n posture. (not to mention what u said was also write/rite/&right on–particularly dug the anti-war stance: it’s all connected (no poun intended, if there is one there)… in my novel about the country eye left, written two years ago, a main character has several “clients” who tend similarly): gr8 fun reading of your shafts n pins on psycho-socio-sexuality …


  29. Scott Frasier
    12 · 14 · 09 @ 10:47 pm

    Dr. Block, I always enjoy your perspective on these matters. The complex variety of human sexuality is fascinating. I’d be interested to know more about the other side of the coin – the women who offer themselves up to celebrities for thrills or claim to be “in love” with them. The groupie phenomenon is largely a female thing as far as I can tell. I’m sure there are men want to have sex with powerful women, but an industry to facilitate this does not seem to have caught on. I’d also be interested to know what the Tiger women considered to be “fun, wild, crazy sex”. Specifically, was it really all that different from what they could have had with other men, or was the presence of Tiger what made it wild and crazy? Or, more disturbingly, was “wild, crazy, freaky” just a euphemism for abusive or humiliating or degrading, albeit done by a celebrity. The 70′ rock stars were famous for trashing hotel rooms and treating their groupies horribly, just because they could.

    From my point of view, the lusty sex part of the Tiger Woods escapade is the least disturbing part of the story. If I thought he was just engaging in mutual pleasure with these women, that just fine and dandy. I’m beginning to suspect that the picture is more disturbing. Tiger appears to be golf’s version of Bobby Fischer, the late chess player prick. He has managed his image much better of course, but the picture of an unsocialized child prodigy who feels entitled to whatever he grabs for shines through all the little stories about him: a billionaire who won’t give one of his “mistresses” a few bucks, doesn’t tip the wait staff, expects meals to be provided free because he’s Tiger Woods. It is a disturbing picture of a man who really gets off, not on the sex, but on the power he has to just demand and get, and in the most humiliating way possible. It doesn’t appear to matter whether he wants these things, he just wants others to have to give them to him.

    Tiger is part of a larger phenomenon in this country right now. The rich don’t just want to consume more with their vast wealth. It’s now becoming a sport to see how many of the rest of us can be humiliated for sport.


  30. John V. Walsh, MD
    12 · 14 · 09 @ 10:45 pm

    Great column today!


  31. Timothy Dyer
    12 · 14 · 09 @ 9:30 pm

    You are the best always, what an AMAAAZING story you tell here. You see, I’m no longer “plugged into” the matrix anymore. That means I kinda sorta know who this young man is and a bit about his golf history and his daddy (who has since died) but mostly I don’t do tv or celebutards anymore so I found your piece most informative.

    What strikes me in all this is how little we have changed from Casanova’s time, even the male phantasies. I was once married to a Brit who knew a lot about budgerigars, aka parakeets, and what the males are REALLY like when left au natural. Having had a couple of them, and giving them the run of the house, I learned what she meant. She called it “budgie consciousness”. In the wilds of Australia from whence they hale, the fearsome budgie wants to fuck anything that walks, crawls, or flies through the air. It will fight bloody battles with any other male for control of harems which are maintained through physical dominance and coercion. In the presence of a 10” tall Mealy Amazon or Double Yellow parrot (of either gender) the budgie goes for the toes (erogenous zone for birds) and will also attempt to physically dominate them. Laughable surely in such a small bird, such a tragedy in humans.

    Beyond that, any part of this story would be irrelevant to the Etruscans. They had as much gender equality as I’ve seen in any culture in history. They knew. People generally know who their mother is, daddy is an open question. Daddy may find that bedding lots of women is his idea of heaven and if they choose to have a baby with him that is their decision, the offspring will know their mothers (for better or worse). Patriarchy is always about wealth production through slavery enforced by brutal violence, again subject to the rules of habituation for both the Slave Master and the Slave. That violence cannot be encysted or contained within the self, it touches every part of who we are and everyone we touch around us – and now that violence is killing the species and the biosphere. That said I’ve not encountered anything as powerful as a Duadic Cyclone, as John Lilly used to call it. We don’t do that much here. Pity. Something about a dearth of authentic, self-directed humans possessed of a capacity to feel the pain of others with a child’s ruthless sense of fair play.


  32. Maxine Raymond
    12 · 14 · 09 @ 7:21 pm

    Brilliant blog on the Tiger. So glad you finally weighed in with your smart, sex-positive point of view. Tiger IS a cheetah, of course, but mainly because our society demands monogamy of marriage.


  33. Untold Cravings in Brooklyn
    12 · 14 · 09 @ 7:05 pm

    Dr. Susan, what a great idea you are! You’re the dream for us all.
    I hope one day to play in your sandbox. Peace and thanks for your refreshing analysis of world events.


  34. Michael Donnely
    12 · 14 · 09 @ 6:56 pm

    Great Woods analysis! I knew if anyone could put it in perspective, you’d be up to it!

    After all the drivel written about it all so far (with much more to come, I suppose), what a refreshing, realist take.


  35. marie
    12 · 14 · 09 @ 6:16 am

    Too bad “super-special sex” usually leads to totally traumatizing tabloids!


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