Hot Summer Kink with GasMaskGirl
Length 01:53:44 Date: August 11th, 2018
Audio PlayerWe’re having a heat wave, which sounds sexy but it’s kind of crazy. Is it normal? Is it the new normal? Fire tornados are whirling out of massive infernos, one the size of the city of LA.
Scientists call it “climate change.” But our stable genius Presidunce—his tiny orange hand spotted emerging from the Holy Fire by the artist Jeffrey Vallance — would sooner say “shithole” or “grab ‘em by the pussy” than those two dirty words: Climate change.
The Trumpus’ Tiny Orange Hand emerging from the Trumpocalyptic Holy Fire. Spotted by Jeffrey Vallance.
Meanwhile, here in California, if we’re not burning or fleeing, we’re inhaling smoke and the toxic ashes of an incinerating civilization. Soon we’ll all be wearing gasmasks just to breathe.
Some of us already are.
GasMasks, Hollywood, Comedy & Porn!
Always on the cutting edge between yesteryear and tomorrow, the Dr. Susan Block Show brings onto our Womb Room stage a brand new GasMaskGirl, sweet, svelte and bubbly Coralee Summers, to show us how to make living in a toxic environment sexy and fun.
We also bring on budding porn star Eva Yi, wry comedian Lamar D. Sol, sensuous sexual healer Shana Lay, sexy model Larissa and Bonoboville’s favorite rapper Ikkor the Wolf, plus an exciting surprise visit from award-winning actor Luzer Twersky.
It’s quite a varied bunch, but we all get along like bonobos—talking,, stripping, spanking, playing, dancing, foot fetish fun, telling funny stories and getting into arguments. Hey, conflict is the spice of life. The key is to resolve conflicts in peace through pleasure.
That’s the Bonobo Way.
Bonoboville Pool Time
It’s so sweltering hot, I take a dip in the pool to cool off just before showtime. Yes, Bonoboville has a pool, if you can call a six-foot diameter, three-foot high, plastic, water-filled, trailer-trashy receptacle under a hedge of shedding bougainvillea in a parking lot a “pool.”
Maybe more of a bird bath.
What the Bonoboville pool lacks in class, it makes up for in convenience.
It’s right outside the Womb Room studio, so after my dip, I slip on some pink high heels and accessories, and open the show in my bikini (which is still nice and chilly wet), sitting on a bright pink Madonna towel.
Brothers & Sisters, Lovers & Sinners, welcome to the Little Church of Bonoboville where it’s HOT, though my ass is nice & cool fro the pool… Photo: Jux Lii
Space Force Follies
I begin by fulminating against Toilet-Mouth Trump and closet-gay Captain Pence, military chickenhawks in the Bush/Dick (Cheney) mold, trumpeting the highly lethal farce of the U.S. Space Force.
Not that this is new; NASA has long been in league with the U.S. Military. But the Trumpus is giving it a name and a robust PR campaign—to fire up his base, any undecided Star Wars fans and of course, the many powerful and toxic corporations that “serve” the military—and a special million dollar budget. Nothing but the best for our Space Force! Yet there’s no money for your health care and social security, let alone help the homeless or the desperate immigrants at our gates.
Who cares about the displaced human beings lining our streets and our borders with misery? We’ve got a Space Force to preoccupy our addled, bedazzled, opiated, corporation-connected, utterly Lost-in-Space brains.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Sex Worker Rights!
Behind Trump fascism lies corporate fascism. It’s not all about Trumpty Dumpty, though he makes it worse by leaps and bounds that send us crashing to the ground. Back in 2010, the Supreme Court’s Citizens United vs the Federal Election Commission decision gave corporations the status of human beings exercising (of all lousy ironies) their First Amendment Rights, when donating to political campaigns, and they grow stronger every day that Trump’s plutocratic policies get the government out of the way of insatiable corporate greed.
Between Trumpty Dumpty gagged with the Russian flag & Jeffrey Vallance’s Trumpus Puppy Pee Pads. Photo: Jason F.
Things look bleak, but I always hold hope for change. The day before this broadcast, a jury of twelve human beings ordered Monsanto, one of the world’s worst corporations, to pay school groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson $289 million, since their product Roundup, the most popular weed-killer in the world, was found to cause his terminal cancer. Of course, poor Mr. Johnson is predicted to die in a few months. Still, this is one strategic way for people to fight corporations, by targeting the only place they can be hurt: in the wallet. The almost $300 mil is just a drop in the bucket of poison that is Monsanto, but there are many more lawsuits to follow. Let’s sue the shit out of these toxic corporate monstrosities.
We also need representatives who aren’t on the corporate dogleash. For that, I give a shout-out to sexy “socialist Democrat” and soon-to-be Congresswoman from the Bronx/Queens area Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Ocasio-Cortez’ spokesman Daniel Bonthius stated, “It is important that we make a clear distinction between sex work and human trafficking.”
And to that I say Hallelujah, Amen and Awomen. She gets it! Rather than helping solve the real problem of human trafficking, the SESTA/FOSTA bill only makes it for harder for the trafficked to get help, as well as for consensual sex workers to work safely.
I have a dream that one day sex work will not just be decriminalized, but recognized as important healing work that can greatly help individuals and whole communities.
There are good reasons that sex work is the “oldest profession.” One is that consensual sex work—the exchange of goods for erotic services—is one of the most natural, healing things that creatures can do for each other. Bonobos do it, like most animals, including humans of every civilization in history.
For the most part, sex is “sustainable” pleasure, especially when you compare engaging in sexual activity with other human pleasures, like food, driving, sailing, flying, gaming, TV, movies, concerts, pro-sports and just about everything else we do for fun. I’m talking about recreational sex, of course, not procreational sex which is actually at the root of a lot of human problems. Too many people. Yes indeed, we are overpopulated. No offense to all the beautiful people and their spoiled kids, but Mother Earth is hemorrhaging from the weight of all the teeming, gas-guzzling, plastic-using humans.
We need more sex that’s fun, simple, playful, refreshing and releasing from the madness of 21st century life, sex that heals and brings us closer together, bonobo sex, consensual nonreproductive fucking, sucking, freaking, caressing, kissing, hugging, singing, dancing and loving.
Jumping Jack Flash, It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas!
Which brings me back to my awesome, sexy guests.
What a great little group we’ve got for this show.
First up on the bed is the new Gasmaskgirl Coralee Summers, fresh from giving a footjob to our old friend Ron Jeremy (who would have joined us, but he’s in Nashville). Coralee is hot, and not just because her last name is Summers. She’s decked out in a GasMaskGirl latex top and skater skirt, plus flipflops to show off her talented toes.
Coralee’s way too pretty to keep a gasmask over her face all through the show—plus it’s hot!—but occasionally, she dons the official signature GasMaskGirl fetish gasmask.
This gasmask is shiny and new, made in Israel, which people actually use during chemical attack scenarios.
But here in California, we want our gasmasks to be more than just functional life support systems; we want them to be fashionable, fetishistic, sexy and fun! Fortunately, the Israeli model is all that and then some, though wearing one makes everything way hotter.
GasMaskGirl mastermind Manny, nattily attired (and looking a little too hot) in a suit and tie, is a real gasmask fetishist—his fetish acquired while serving as a military nurse in the U.S. army.
He’s also a foot fetishist, as he eagerly demonstrates with Coralee’s pretty, bare feet.
I trail ice along Coralee’s feet and other parts of her hot body, cooling her and me off while heating up the audience.
She says she enjoys bondage, so after she removes her top, revealing her perky nips, I tie up her wrists with an Agwa lei.
When I promote the upcoming Spanking for Adults Only edition of the Speakeasy Journal, everyone agrees that Coralee should get a spanking.
She bends over my knee (OTK), and I pull up her latex skirt to reveal a beautiful set of toned buttocks, framed by a skimpy black thong.
Spanking the GasMaskGirl with the Speakeasy Journal, Splosh Edition, for the next edition: Spaniking! Photo: Jux Lii
Then I proceed spank that hot ass with a Speakeasy Journal, The Bonobo Way and my bare hand, intermittently caressing it with my mink aftercare glove.
GasMaskGirl Domme Tomasina comes up from the audience to whack Coralee’s bared bottom even harder.
Not satisfied with the level of whacking, our comic-in-residence Lamar D. Sol—born and raised in Philly (like me!), where people know how to spank like they mean it—strides over to deliver a resounding whack, while his lovely wife Tanya giggles in the audience.
It’s so quick, we don’t get a photo, so you’ll have to watch the video on DrSuzy.Tv (free!) to catch Lamar’s spanking style.
Meanwhile a masturbator calls in live to the show, but he doesn’t say much because he’s preoccupied. Talk about beating your meat in the heat!
Cute “Buddha Ho” Eva Yi
Next up in bed is up and coming porn star Eva Yi. Though well over 18, her slim little frame, black and white checked mini-dress, white lacy bobbysocks, Maryjanes, big black glasses and slacker posture make her look well under that age, like a preternaturally sexual schoolgirl hentai cartoon character cum-to-life.
“I do it on purpose,” she reveals when I question her taboo–teasing cuteness.
Eva prepares to launch herself onto the broadcast bed, giving us a great white panty view. Photo: Onyx
Raised in a strait-laced Chinese-Taiwanese-American family, Eva was taught to revere the Buddha (though she also went to Catholic school where she was inspired to have crosses tattooed above her knees). Her younger sister even became a Buddhist nun. Eva’s mother calls her a “Buddha Ho.” Or maybe that’s what she calls her sister. In any case, it’s a great phrase and I plan to use it next time I meet a Buddhist nun or pornstar, either of whom could be aptly called a Buddha Ho.
Intermittently quiet as a monastery mouse or burbling excitedly about something or other, Eva is adorable. She has been doing porn since she sort of fell into it about nine months ago and frankly states that she is not a camgirl or much of a masturbator, but prefers to partner up for full-on hard-pumping sex with well-endowed men.
She also just worked with our old friend Nina Hartley who plays a sex therapist in their film about a young couple (she’s the wife) who come to Dr. Nina for sexual healing.
Funny how Coralee and Eva worked with Ron and Nina whom we met about 30 years ago, before these ladies were even born.
When I ask her sexual specialty, she doesn’t take long before replying “sucking dick,” whereupon I look for a suitable demonstration model. All of the live dicks attached to men are feeling shy (though after the show, at least one Bonoboville penis is not shy at all, at least not off-camera), so I tear apart the broadcast bed area looking for a dildo that’s the perfect size and texture.
After she turns down the Jesus Jackhammer (too religious), Buck Angel glass dildo (too hard) and the Bad Dragon dog dick (too sick), I hand her the big yellow Buddha dong. “No!” she shrieks, “My mom would kill me.”
Finally, we settle on the Bill Clinton dildo, or “Billdo,” which is rather large, especially the head.
Eva eyeballs it like a jeweler examining a diamond under a magnifying glass, then opens her seemingly tiny mouth and shoves in pretty much the whole damn thing, right up to the balls.
Then because our cameras didn’t get it the first time, she does it all over again. Now that’s Deep Throat.
Obviously, Eva “swallows”… not just semen, but the whole hoagie (that’s what we call submarine sandwiches in Philly).
Lucky Luzer Twersky
Just after Eva’s big swallow and before the break, I spot our part-time chauffeur, SUZY-award winner for “Funniest Fundamentalist Refugee,” Film Festival award winner and mainstream Hollywood-ish actor Luzer Twersky.
“Funniest Fundamentalist Refugee” SUZY award winner Luzer Twersky is back in Bonoboville. Photo: Jux Lii
Sauntering around the Womb Room in his Queen Lizzy T and hot pink socks, he deftly balances a Parliament and a lighter in one hand and a Speakeasy eco-jar filled with beer in the other, all of which he handles more like props than functional items.
Breaktime’s a good time to try on the gasmask, since I’m taking off my headset anyway.
Wow, what a head trip–mentally and physically.
Trying vainly to converse with Lamar in the GasMask while Luzer is inexplicably handing me the Buddha Dildo. Photo: Jason
I enjoy wearing masks of any kind, but gasmasks are challengingly claustrophobic. At least these new masks don’t smell like the desiccating Desert Storm relics from the first GasMaskGirl show.
If you like fresh rubber, they’re the bomb!
Back to Luzer who recalls seeing those gasmasks being used for real in Israel during Desert Storm.
Since we saw him last year, Luzer’s been doing a bunch of New York theater, and has various LA television and film projects in the works, including one with the amazing 96-year-old Norman Lear (whom we saw at the Transparent screening).
Because he is doing such exciting, important, Hollywood things—most of it discussed around pools that people don’t get into—Luzer can’t tell us much about anything.
Luzer likes LA more than New York, though he claims to get more pussy in the Big Apple, much more than in LA. He surmises that New York women appreciate his style more than LA women. “New Yorkers are rude but honest, while Angelinos are very nice but full of shit” pretty much sums up the Twersky perspective.
We all love comparing the two hottest cities in America, especially when the topic is sex. As the night unfolds, we see that Bonoboville is the exception to Luzer’s LA rule.
This sparks an intense response from various sides of the Womb Room, especially from Larissa, a nineteen-year-old beauty decked out in black corset, kimono and heels, who apparently had some bad experiences with rude New Yorkers.
Lamar, my fellow Philadelphian transplant to LA, cracks a few really funny jokes (you’ll have to listen to the show, which you can now do on DrSuzy.Tv for FREE), which make Luzer feel he’s not such a loser on the West Coast. Laughter is a mental orgasm!
While everybody’s confronting their cultural feelings, I think about how, being from Philly, I come across as rude to LA people, while my old Philly friends and family think of me as So-Cal shallow.
Shana Lay gagging Drumpf, Ikkor the Wolf, Luzer Twersky, Eva Yi, Dr. Suzy, GasMaskGirl Coralee Summers, LaMar D. Sol, Larissa. Photo: Jux Lii
Is that the worst of both worlds or a happy medium?
I dunno, I just know I love my Jersey Boy and my Bonoboville, LA.
Trumpocalypse Therapy with Shana Lay
Whatever we’re all feeling about sex and everything else these days, the Trumpus is special because he makes so many of us feel so much worse.
Sexual Healer Shana Lay heals her own Trump Derangement Syndrome via Trumpocalypse Therapy Drumpf-Doll Ball-Spanking Therapy. Photo: Jux Lii
Shana Lay is here to help, and she expresses the exasperation that so many of us are experiencing with the insight and tenderness that comes from tending to the psycho-sexual wounds of her peers.
I encourage her to let out her frustrations on our Trumpus doll, the big dickhead with a tiny penis, gagged with the Russian flag. She punches his balls a few times and rants on.
Then she pulls down her top, offering visual “breast therapy” and general aesthetic pleasure to all ogling eyeballs.
In solidarity, Luzer pulls up QE2 for a quick moob flash.
Free the Nipple!
Triple Communion & GasMaskGirl “She Bad”
This sets the scene for Bonoboville Communion.
After getting an eyeful, Luzer excuses himself, seeing how his Hollywood agent might not appreciate him being filmed in the midst of such an orgiastic engagement.
But nobody notices, because these ladies are such so much fun to watch.
Since we don’t have much time left, I make it a triple.
Three delightfully different, all topless, Altar Girls—Shana, Eva and Larissa—display their lovely topless “altars,” as Coralee takes Communion.
Climatically, Coralee lays back between Eva’s knees and gets Waterboarded, Bonobo-Style for the giddy bonoboesque pleasure of all.
Then we’ve got just enough time for Ikkor the Wolf.
With all the beautiful “bad girls” in the Womb Room, he has to sing “She Bad.”
It’s already broiling, but the Wolf turns up the heat as we dance and play.
Nobody really twerks, but Coralee puts the gasmask back on and pulls down her latex top, looking very fetishistic, especially when I guide her around using the gasmask strap as a leash.
I spank her “Sisters” tattooed bootie with glamazon Goddess Phoenix’s Neon Whip.
We bad!
After-Party & Beyond
Growing up Jewish in Philly, I always wondering if complaining—or kvetching, as they say in Yiddish—actually worked to get you what you wanted. Maybe it does.
Make like bonobos, not baboons! Make love, not war. Make love to someone you love tonight, even if that someone is you… I love you. Photo: Jason
Kvetching Luzer was certainly a kvelling winner during the after-party of this show, but being the Hollywood star that he is, TMZ and Bonoboville cameras were barred from filming.
Upon completing my due diligence, I discovered that a good time was had by all.
A relatively quick after-party ensues and then Capt’n Max and I adjourn to cool off privately with a few heat-releasing oldster orgasms and a lot of crazy bonobo love.
And please watch this show for free.
© Aug. 11, 2018. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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08 · 11 · 22 @ 11:00 pm
Very sapiosexual, eargasmic, eye-gasmic, enlightening and yes, so prophetic!
08 · 11 · 22 @ 10:53 pm
Your Barbie Pink Hat with Hot Summer Pink Flamingos & Aqua Bikini is perfect & so is Your brilliant commentary & the rest of this funny sexy smart as hell show. Eva Yi reminds me of me if only I had her skills. Love the multi-boob Bonoboville Communion!
08 · 11 · 22 @ 10:51 pm
Great blast from the past. GasMaskGirl has cute feet, Eva Yi is a fine BlowJob artist, Luzer & Lamar are very funny, Shana is truly healing & you are the Summer Hot Queen of It All, flowing with brilliant commentary in a gorgeous bikini. Nice touch making Trump suck Putin’s flag.
08 · 8 · 22 @ 11:14 pm
It’s great to see people from different backgrounds and origins to have a great time together emanating so much positivities and fun loving time!
08 · 7 · 22 @ 8:04 pm
This is an interesting show with a whole trail mix of guests! Something for everyone! Laughter is the best medicine…in addition to orgasm!
08 · 7 · 22 @ 4:44 am
Such a wild show with sexy ladies, funny comedians, and great commentary. I will never look at a Bill Clinton Dildo the same way ever again :-)
08 · 7 · 22 @ 1:18 am
An amazing show with Gas MAsk Gitrl and Eva Yi, who really knows how to swallow. I agree with you that sex workers are sex healers.
08 · 17 · 18 @ 5:00 pm
Dr. Susan is the “new” Veronica
08 · 17 · 18 @ 1:00 pm
Gorgeosa, as always! Love u mamita
08 · 16 · 18 @ 8:45 am
I’ve been reading up on Warren G. Harding, who up until Donald, was the worst US President in history.
A corrupt, inept womanizer, just like Donald.
Read up on him, the similarities are dazzling.
One difference is is that there wasn’t Climate Change in Warren’s day…well, there was, but there was still ice in Norway then, so not many paid attention.
Harding died 2.5 years into his term. some say poisoned by his wife.
One can only live in hope….
08 · 15 · 18 @ 11:41 pm
The Dr. Susan Block Show is exactly what the world needs! With a refreshing and sexy view on world events and educating as well as encouraging society to be comfortable with themeselves, and their sexuality. With love, compassion and laughter, Dr.Suzy makes this show a true masterpiece.
08 · 15 · 18 @ 7:21 pm
Susan growing older has blessed you with great beauty.
08 · 15 · 18 @ 6:37 pm
Love that triple Bonoboville Communion!!
08 · 15 · 18 @ 1:27 pm
Feet teasing, Dr. Suzy and gasmaskgirl……….three of my favorite things!!! Sign me up!!!
08 · 15 · 18 @ 2:10 am
Coralee Summers!!!!
08 · 15 · 18 @ 1:08 am
It was an honor to appear on the Dr. Susan Block Show, a great time and a wonderful experience!
08 · 15 · 18 @ 12:19 am
I adore Dr. Suzy’s blogs because they remind me that it’s okay to play and sometimes I may even be a bad girl. I could use a spanking right now. And at the same time I am an infinitely divine being. I have these crazy head trips sometimes that I can’t be bad and good at the same time. But everything that I love and adore in the universe is both bad and good at the same time. So… thank you Dr. Susan M Block for the super kinky reminder
08 · 14 · 18 @ 11:02 pm
What a jolly good time! And great conversation too! Gosh Luzer is such a dream boat! & Ill take pictures of Eva Yi any day of the year. =D
08 · 14 · 18 @ 10:58 pm
A beautiful and brilliant lady.
08 · 14 · 18 @ 4:28 pm
Glad to see at least some porn people in the USA are still having fun!