Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Jessicagrorm
    03 · 9 · 09 @ 1:53 pm

    Very nice blog. I totally agree with your thoughts.


  2. ArianaNult
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:54 pm

    I just love your weblog! Very nice post! Still you can do many things to improve it.


  3. heather deville, princeton '99
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:52 pm

    Fantastic blog, dr Suzy. You do so much to help others, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, especially when they spell “lewd” as “lude.”


  4. dibstruth@yahoo.com
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:51 pm

    Dr Suzy,Your attitude presumes everyone has free choices in life. You teach our young adults to emotionally disconnect and think they are filling the voids in their lives sexually. Young people searching for acceptance and love in this way are vulnerable to greater pain and hurt. You do not know who in your audience has been raped or molested. You do not know who has been forced into a life filled with shame and lying and denying to cover their hurt. You don’t know who has real fear hanging over their heads if they dare tell the truth. You don’t know who has had loved ones ripped out of their lives because they are too fearful for the truth to be known. You don’t know who is being exploited. You don’t know who has been taught to value sex and money over a human life. You don’t know the price some have paid to speak out against the evil of others. If you chose to delude yourself that you are loved because you can lure someone into the rack, guess again. They are users like you are. But teaching that to others is a malignancy that puts others at risk.Follow the link and see what happens to young women. One woman was promiscuous and ended up murdered. The other was exploited and she lost her life trying to free herself and be a complete person. http://groups.google.com/group/joan-webster-murderSexuality is a beautiful and loving act shared between people that value and respect each other. Without that emotional connection and genuine intimacy, it is nothing more than a lude act that can be solicited anywhere. Stop teaching others to devalue themselves. Dibs Truth


  5. audrey w.
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:51 pm

    hey dr susan (and co., of course!)I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures/yale/toad’s. i appreciate the kind publicity (not that anyone knows me anyway!!!)Good luck in all of your pursuits, and never forget that happiness and success are just words with fabricated meanings– all we are sure of is now.much loveaudrey(ps. on a side note, dr. susan i LOVE LOVE LOVE that you understand the differencebetween being a “whore” or “easy” versus being kinky when you are with a man/woman you get pleasure from (with platonic meaning or not….haha :) )maybe sometime we can talk about this at more length. few girls are open about these things.stay beautiful,audrey w. ezra stiles 09


  6. walter a. davis
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:50 pm

    HI Suzy, My niece said you gave a great talk at Yale! Best, macwalter a. davisProfessor Emeritus, Ohio State Universitywww.walteradavis.com


  7. William Patrick Haines
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:49 pm

    Certainly true morality must be voluntary. One of the biggest gripes I have with religious zealots of any kind is when they impose their beliefs on others, stifling intellectual discourse such as yours. Unfortunately, the United States is still a very immature anti-intellectual / anti-literate society. Hopefully the fundies will never wield the kind of power the Catholics did. At least there were some scholars among the anti-literate Catholic thugs who worship capitalism, first and foremost, as much as the fundies do.


  8. Rev. Bookburn
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:48 pm

    After watching an especially stupid episode of Law and Order, in which pornography, consent and abuse were meshed together in an anti-educational way, I read the Sex Week at Yale Part III bloggamy. It was good to return to a reality-based and pleasurable perspective. At first I thought the guy with the panties over his face wanted to be a part of horny western movie, but that’s my imagination in action.Your coverage of the panel with Dawn Eden Goldstein was very revealing of the stupidity that extends from the Law and Order show to the Puritans of Christian-Taliban churches. So many of the followers of these types of church leaders use the worst “I’m a loser” stories to talk about their good fortune of becoming mindless sheep… as if panels and press conferences were their personal rehab testimonials.The content of the messages is too absurd for words. If anything, the lack of masturbation could lead to depression. The ‘chaste’ message is so absurd, their own leaders take the church money and run to their next scandal. Rather than live with a healthy balanced appreciation for sexuality, they advocate sexual repression that is as realistic as saying ‘just say no to air.’ Even the pretence of this kind of repression is what creates the kind of monsters that her new church has seen by the thousands.Dawn’s new church has to be the most laughable presenters of any kind of ‘morality.’ They advocate defying nature and creating deranged monsters that resulted in no altar boy being safe. Then they preach to the world as if they do not represent the worst Chesters in modern history.It’s sad that Dawn has such a pathetic life story. It’s unfortunate that she cannot think for herself. It’s her loss that she could not appreciate or participate in the fun during Sex Week. But our sensitivity to her becoming a dupe for the Church of Pedophilia ends when she represents a challenge to freedom.Your temptation to prescribe Dawn to ‘take the Pocket Rocket and say three Hail Maryies’ should have been been fulfilled! She was already at the conference, surrounded by porn and sexual freedom advocates. Despite the posturing, she probably needed it.It sounded like such a fun week. I think I’ll reread the bloggamy, masturbate and work on the Palm and Stroke Sunday broadcast.Rev. BookburnRadio VoltaPhiladephiaReverendBookburn.comYoutube.com/revbookburn


  9. Paul Thomas
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:46 pm

    I’d love to attend one of your evenings. I’ve several candidates to bring as guests. More importantly I’d like to spend more time with you. Kindred souls on certain levels, we are easy company and have much to share. I know far too few kindred souls with whom I can trip the light fantastic, share a joint, maybe a caress and also hold a decently intelligent conversation. pt


  10. Chris D.
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:46 pm

    Susan, thank you so much for joining us in Babeland for Sex, Life & Hannah. You provided great insight, wisdom, and resources, and we couldn’t be more thankful. Chris D.Producer / Marketing StrategistTelevision – Live Events – Digital Media


  11. Carlo in portofino
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:45 pm

    Why is it that good christians like to call liberated women “Whores”? See comment above. Then there is Happy Papist. Dr. Block is certainly not bashing christians. She is just writing about the history, methodology and daily deeds of Christianity, and the words that discribe the actions of Christians throughout history reveal the brutality or their actions. That’s not bashing, Happy Papist. These are just facts about the Christian Church. Of course, not all christians are responsible for these actions. There are millions of good christians and a lot of bad apples. But do believe this: if you are not of my faith which is the faith of the Great Owl, you will burn in hell for eternity, and your flesh will be torn from your bones. But if you drink the sacred blood of the almighty Great Owl, your blindness shall be lifted and you shall see the truth. But you must be sprayed before death, for those who are not sprayed shall not stand before the Great Owl…May the Great Owl bless you,Carlo


  12. Saybrugian
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:44 pm

    I was at the tea, and I found your talk quite honest and illuminating. Provocative, yes, but not “blasphemous” (and I am a Christian). I was one of the first arrivals fortunate enough to receive one of your famous Pocket Rockets which I haven’t yet tried (waiting for just the right moment). Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience with Saybrook and Yale!


  13. happy papist
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:42 pm

    This is anti-Catholic Hate Speech. You are no better thanthose you criticize, and probably a LOT worse


  14. Stevie Jay
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:41 pm

    Needless to say, it was FANTASTIC meeting you and hangin’ with you on your old stomping grounds! I really appreciate what you do in the world, Susan, and I SHO’NUFF appreciated your presence up there in New Haven…in a multitude of ways! I look forward to visiting L.A. very soon for some extended schmoozing and performing.Looking over some of your materials, I saw the phrase “peace through pleasure” and it made me wanna share a couple of my posters with you– so I pasted in a few links below.x.o.Lots of love ’til then,; – )Steviesteviejay3.com/gravity/sex_world_peace_2up.pdfsteviejay3.com/gravity/men_guns_2up.pdf


  15. blazingtommyd
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:40 pm

    I would Love to attened your Purim Party – you ought to tell your story it’s the best :)


  16. Glen in Lancaster
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:39 pm

    DOC, You have Guts and my Admiration! XOXO glen


  17. Michael Blum, Yale MBA '95
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:38 pm

    Awesome! It was a great time indeed. Let’s keep that tape rolling SuzyQ!! Luba:)Michael


  18. Viktoria
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:36 pm

    Dr. Block, magnificent provocative blog. I’ve been aware of your work for quite a while now. I appreciate how you share with me the viewpoint that orgasm is not just physical pleasure, but it’s spiritual, theraputic and recuperative for everyone.


  19. Wallace Jackson
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:35 pm

    Susan: Hi. Do you miss me, sugar??? I miss you. Ha! I may call upon you in the near future to ask you a BIG favor. No, not that! Ha!


  20. good christian
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:32 pm

    you think your so smart, watch what happens when you go to HELL for being a liberal jewish whore


  21. Cee Bee
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:32 pm

    Blasphemy. Wow. What a great crime to be accused of. Pretty sexy.


  22. Tom in NY
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:31 pm

    dawn eden is nothing. most women are sexually dead on the east coast. Believe it


  23. David A. Johnson
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:30 pm

    Dr. Suzy – It was a pleasure to meet you at Yale. I looked through your website and am impressed with your breath of knowledge in the area of sexual health. I’m sure you’ve made a lot of your readers really happy.David A. JohnsonGroup Product Manager Sexual Health CareChurch & Dwight Co., Inc.


  24. Carlo in Portofino
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:30 pm

    What a trip that was! Your bloggamy is so wonderfully descriptive and brings it all back to me. I must say, I was ready for the snow, sleet and rain, but I was not ready for this woman Eden Dawn the Catjew plotting the infiltration and crucifiction of Sex Week @ Yale leaders who were so gracious to invite her. I was born and raised Catholic, and she reminds me of all the damage the Church has done with their fairy tales, indoctrination and fear-mongering of innocent people from the moment they are born. Catholic theology is great at the game of slander and deceit. We are born sinners (based on the myth of the Garden of Eden, without which there would be no reason for God and Jesus) and must be constantly punished and forced to do unnatural things. Those of us who were born in the 1940s know full well the Church’s violence and intimidation of young children. The Prince of Peace would be appalled, and God would smite them all as heretics and hypocrites. And then there’s the question of that place called limbo which preacher Dawn tried lamely to obfuscate. To this day the Church has not repudiated this cruel and vicious story that has caused so many parents such pain and grief. I could go on and on, but it’s all very obvious that these fairy tales no longer work. The state of the Catholic church is dire and desperate, like Dawn herself.On another note, that beautiful girl Audrey was great. We need more women like her in the world to counter-balance these anti-sex, anti-female, anti-reason folks.We must be careful, we must bring change and we must work to end the rein of terror that these religious people have rained on the world for two thousand years. The snow-job is over. We’ve gotten out the limbo in Great Neck and can see the sun shine in California and Italy, warming up the darkness of our souls.You look beautiful, by the way. Love all the photos.Carlo


  25. Devinne Darkness in Ohio
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:28 pm

    Dr. Suzy, I love your blog and admire you so much for what you do, I wish I had the courage to be as out in the open with my life.


  26. Gram Ponante
    03 · 9 · 08 @ 1:27 pm

    Dr. Suzy, Great blog on Sex Week at Yale – there are a lot of things here that no one else talked about.


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