Wildest Inaugural BALL of All: Eros Day Orgy for Obama 2009
On our 10th annual Eros Day, we celebrated the power of change and the glory of hope with an Orgy for Obama.
Date: 2/07/2009
Yes indeed, Brothers & Sisters, Lovers & Sinners…
HOPE Is The New Black.
More to the point: HOPE makes you horny. High on the horniness of hope that exploded with the spectacular inauguration of America’s first African-American President…
we came together…
black and white…
beige and pink…
professors and porn stars…
singers and swingers…
veterans and virgins…
masters and slaves…
and the couple-next-door…
within the warm velvet walls of the Speakeasy…
We came together to celebrate the auspicious inauguration of this amazing American whose name so magically and musically rhymes with our “Enemy”…
We came together to honor this man who is already living up to his peace-through-pleasure promises, whose first executive act initiated the closing of the shameful American dungeons of Guantanamo.
We came together to welcome this sexy new Prez who looks great shirtless (reminiscent of JFK looking great hatless)…
and shows us the way to love by engaging in an apparently active, romantic sex life with his HOT WIFE, the two of them caressing our eyes and lifting our hearts with their grace and sensuality.
Thus, under the twinkling 18-foot ceilings of the Speakeasy Cathedral…
we ate…
prayed (Yes indeed, Brothers & Sisters, Lovers & Sinners!)…
and screwed each other’s brains out…
with glee, gratitude and hope.
Yes We Did!
What did we do?
Sometimes I forget that most people have never been to an orgy.
It just seems so natural to me to gather together a diverse but compatible group of sexually eager, creative, open, mostly attractive human beings…
I provide some beds, couches, music, dildos, flowers, incense, art, a dance pole courtesy of PoleDanzer)…
some bondage equipment (courtesy of the Broken Door LA)…
some Doc Johnson Pocket Rockets (a word of diplomatic advice to Obama: Drop Pocket Rockets, Not Patriot Missiles)…
serve them some good libations to enjoy with the vibrations (Eros Day X drinks of choice include Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur, Agavero Tequila Liqueur, Absente Absinthe, Magellan Gin, Rhum Barbancour)
some condoms, of course (special Obama Condoms provided by Condomania)…
then allow them to shed their clothes along with their inhibitions…
touch, suck and ride each other to the stars…
and share in something you just don’t experience in a one-on-one relationship…
no matter how much in love or even in lust you are.
That something is communal ecstasy.
The liberating, exhilarating and very natural act of sharing sexual energy and activity with more than one other person.
So please forgive me when it slips my mind that most people in the modern world have never witnessed, much less participated in an orgy.
Let alone an orgy “for” the President of the United States.
Most people devoutly believe or go along with the conventional wisdom that just the word “orgy” is quite crazy, highly distasteful and rather dangerous.
PR Newswire refused to run our press release because of the word “orgy.” But you know, “Party for Obama” just doesn’t have the same ring. Nor does it mean the same thing.
So we put the word out as we usually do on BonoboWay, on Twitter, in the Googlegroup, on my hot new Facebook Fan Page, emailing announcements here and there…
And the orgiasts came from hither and yon…
all decked out for a patriotic orgy!
Some were veterans of Eros Day, celebrating 10 years of Speakeasy orgies, honoring Eros, the primeval god of love, lust and life itself according to classical mythology…
and a little phallic planetoid according to modern astronomy…
as well as the “Spirit of Eros” – the idea of passionate love and peace through pleasure in the world.
The fact that the cock-shaped planetoid 433-Eros comes closest to Earth at this time of year grounds Eros Day in a scientific framework that our “non-believers” appreciate.
So some came for the Planetoid Eros, ejaculating gamma rays as it spins closer to us.
Others didn’t know a planetoid from a hemorrhoid.
They came to the Speakeasy specifically to orgy for Obama.
Here is a President who arouses our erotic dreams along with our political hopes, stimulating our desire for a new era of peace-through-pleasure politics and an end to lawless militarism in America and around the world, inspiring us to choose hope over fear, change over inertia, love over war, the Bonobo Way over acting like a baboon, Eros over Thanatos.
We have gone through hell.
But we hope and believe that we are entering an Era of Eros.
And on the 10th Annual Eros Day, on the twenty-fourth day of the first month in the two thousand and ninth year of that other Lord…
we showed our commitment to our cause by laying our bodies on the line…
at the Eros Day X Orgy for Obama Inaugural Ball.
One of my favorite parts of the Inauguration coverage was an adorably flustered female reporter saying to a grinning Obama “Mr. President, you must have a lot of balls to attend to!” At that point, I decided Eros Day X would be the Wildest Ball of Them All (Inauguration Balls, that is)…
In that quest, we certainly succeeded.
Yes, we did!
Most balls and other star-studded events commence with a red carpet entrance…
and so did ours.
The New Era of Eros involves reaching out to our brothers and sisters across the aisle.
So we reached out to Sarah Palin (Sara Sioux) and invited her to the orgy.
Not too surprisingly, Sarah “Venus in Furs” Palin fit right in with the porn stars and fetish dommes.
In fact, Governor Palin became our press liaison, wrangling the media like a pro, from Hustler to The LA Weekly to Citizen LA.
Though she refused to distribute the Obama Condoms. She had her own.
Meanwhile, Teri, Fritz, Felicia and Bran wrangled porn stars and fetish models; tough job, but somebody’s got to do it!
At about 10:30 pm, we gathered the congregation together in the Womb Room for an Eros Day ritual, involving a bevy of beautiful Eros Angels, some porn stars, some fetish masters, a couple of doctors, several lawyers and one kindergarten teacher (though I won’t say which one).
It was a little corny and solemn but mystically erotic and slightly ironic, like a scene out of “Eyes Wide Shut” or “The Da Vinci Code” (the book, not the movie) or a Weimar Berlin-esque bohemian cabaret.
I support Obama’s policy of transparency, so my Eros Angels wore transparent togas, or nothing at all.
Like any good ritual, we lit candles.
Since this ritual was opening up an orgy, we used Penis Candles by Coco de Mer, LA’s swankiest “erotic luxury” shop…
plus some exquisite little candy apple red Vulva Candles.
Viva la Vulva!
Smoke enveloped a vision of Venus on The X…
The American Aphrodite was played with grace and passion by the divine Miss Piglet, completely nude except for an American flag scarf wrapped around her slim waist…
shackled to The X as Christ was nailed to the Cross, suffering for the sins of The Bush Administration, and all the rest of us who put up with that Gang of Chickenhawk Cronies and Thieves.
Just as our Eros Day Prayer climaxed with a resounding “Amen!” and then an even more resounding “Awomen!”, the great God Eros, in his half-human form of “Obameros,” flew through the Speakeasy Bar and into the Womb Room to save America, his Mother, who is also, according to those perverted classical myths, his Lover.
Obameros was played by young Obama-lookalike and Speakeasy newcomer Jonathan Footman. After Hairmaster Bran gave him the Obama Cut (now all the rage), he looked like he could at least be the President’s son, by Venus.
To the Agwa-soaked cheers of the crowd, Obameros unshackled the American Aphrodite from the X, kicking off the Eros Day X “Orgy for Obama”
Truth be told, I wasn’t sure how the orgying would begin. I’d made some plans, of course, but the best-laid plans may not get you laid the way you planned.
So I was pleased to see our alternate Eros, Paris, aka Peros, get that Inaugural Ball rolling via a Foot Orgy…
with a bevy of porn star feet…
Regan Reese, Jessica Jaymes, Kelly Leigh, Sinnamon Love, Natasha Skinski, a bunch of hot ladies from the Broken Door LA, plus our own gorgeous-gammed Ariel (body of a Victoria Secret model, soul of a Shakespearean sprite) all dipped their toes into the Foot Orgy of Peros…
I’ve often said that the way to a lady’s heart is through the pleasure points of her feet..
and Peros proved that point with his talented tongue and his large dark planetoid…
many toes over…
From toes to head, after the foot orgy, the “regular” orgy spread through the Speakeasy, planetoids shooting into black holes around the galaxies.
Eros also blessed us with some excellent live musical performances that kept everyone dancing and exploring.
Exquisite, talented, Yale-educated singer/songwriter Michelle Shaprow (whom I met at Mory’s during Sex Week at Yale ‘04) took the stage, her heavenly presence and angelic voice enticing the devils to play…
It also enticed me to spank Jessica Jaymes’ devilishly hot ass.
Then Curt Bonnem, whose priestly performance with The Beastly Bombing had graced the Speakeasy at the Eros Day Operatic Orgy in ‘07, now all dressed up like Burt Reynolds in “Boogie Nights,” for his role as Harry Reames in Lovelace: The Rock Opera, now playing at the Hayworth Theater, belted out “Let’s Fuck.”
And so we did…
as the virtuoso drummers of Naked Rhythm kept the beat erotic, with DJ Leo9 and Kyle the Bassist.
Other celebrity guests at this star-studded Eros Day: Mae Victoria, Kelly Leigh, Axel Braun (son of Lasse Braun who introduced Eros Day to me, and was the first to make me squirt), Chocolate Hercules (as Jupiter), Kat and BD, Lorelai Givemore, Dino Bravo, Violet Marcel, Dick Chibbles and the Disneyesque Dickey Balls.
And so it was another awesome orgiastic – and even squirting – Eros Day…
and I was everywhere in and out of the orgy, with and without Eros, as usual.
But this Eros Day was different for me, my heart unhinged like a broken door, because in the midst of all the orgiastic awesomeness, I was deeply missing, not to mention crazy-worried about Prince Max, unjustly shackled by the state for a non-crime: failure to appear on dismissed charges.
As I write this, he’s in the endless process of being “processed” out of the government’s clutches. What a Kafkaesque nightmare! What a travesty of justice (but that’s another bloggamy)!
So there was a certain amount of melancholy to my “performance” on Eros Day X…
but there was also hope.
Hope makes things happen.
I have hope that if Obama can open the doors of Guantanamo, he can free a lot of unjustly detained Maxes, innocent men and women, most of whom are black and brown, languishing in the vast overpopulated and archaic dungeons of America.
But back to my Eros Day X, which topped off with five frustrated men massaging my neck, my hands and one foot each.
It was a massage orgy, and not a bad one. These guys channeled the Spirit of Eros into their fingers. Ooooh rub me, rub me, baby…
There are many kinds of orgy – sexual, sensual, political, emotional, intellectual, therapeutic, inspirational – and we rocked them all at the Speakeasy in our Eros Day X “Orgy for Obama” Ball.
May all of that orgiastic energy and communal ecstasy flow into good fortune for President Obama’s peace-through-pleasure approach to governance.
Eros Bless You!
Amen. Awomen.
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03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:42 pm
We just read your blog about Obama and Eros day. We certainly wish that we had been there! What a fascinatingly erotic account as well of what must have been a truly marvelous event.
So I wonder how a couple (who are completely in love but completely adventurous and hopelessly subversive) can get on the invite list. Very happy to audition!
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:42 pm
I missed your orgy. I am so bummed. I fell ill. I am hoping I can be invited to the next one.
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:39 pm
I was a little worried that my lack of experience in that situation would be obvious, but I’m glad you were happy with my performance…After watching the movie “Yes Man” last december I decided to dedicated the year 2009 to giving myself new experiences and living life to the fullest possible. So When January turned I immediately started planning dates and meeting new people from the internet, including Robert and Felicia. Felicia told me about her involvement at the Speakeasy, and what it was about, and I was very fascinated with the whole thing. She told me about Eros Day X, and I sent my email of interest to you shortly after.The event itself is probably the best thing I’ve ever been a part of. I was a little nervous before the show, but a few shots of alcohol helped me to stay confident. When I was in front of the cameras, it almost felt blissful imagining just how many people could potentially be watching that moment (Both live and later on DVD). The other performers were fun to work with, especially Ms. Piglet, she was an excellent choice for Venus because I felt more chemistry with her than any of the others. I also loved dancing with Regan and performing with you on the stripper pole.If you ever want me to attend or participate in any of your future events, I’d be more than happy to. Since Eros Day, I’ve become a figure model for life drawing and nude photography classes, something I don’t think I would be as comfortable doing if I hadn’t done your event first.Were there any more photographs taken of me that night? I want to keep them to always remember one of the best nights of my life.-ThanksJonathan Footman
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:39 pm
I need to do more drugs too
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:38 pm
i love working for you and absolutely enjoy the atmosphere you create. its inspiring and keeps me on my toes when i get to cookie cutter… ;)so much love<3S~
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:29 pm
Suzy, I love you, i love everything you stand for, everything you’re trying to do in this world and i love being part of it
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:28 pm
Damn. I hope Max is liberated by now! Anyway, wish I could have made your Obama Ball, but I was in Belize having an outstanding time in that Imperial backwater. What a place. What great people. Joe Bageant, in Belize for the winter, as usual, hits it out of the park in this CounterPunch essay on America’s dysfunctional mental health system. http://www.counterpunch.org/bageant02102009.htmlI read his first and then read your blog on the Orgy. Joe defines the problem and you folks provide one of the best antidotes. When Max is finally free, you are both welcome to come up to the Hot Springs and retreat/regroup.
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:28 pm
Everybody writes about the pics, but I appreciate the poetry. Rock on, sistah doctah
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:27 pm
what an amazing collection of photos, and all for free! wow drsuzy you’re the best. on behalf of your fans who love free peeks into the speakeasy, thanks and happy eros day. happy valentine’s day too!
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:26 pm
Dr. Suzy, it truly was a “pleasure” being a part of Eros Day. The guests really let loose and danced there asses off. We look forward to connecting more in the future. Love and light,avi & alexNakedRhythm.com
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:26 pm
Thank you for having me at your fantastic event and keep me in mind for future parties. I had a good time and would love to cum back again!
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:26 pm
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:08 pm
Thanks! I had a blast!
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:02 pm
That was the greatest collection of photos from your orgies ever. What a wonderful celebration of the end of Bush. This was a fantastic stimulus package. Your friend with a tattoo above her butt is incredible. Some day, the east coast will be less boring and shall have simultaneous events. Thank you for sharing!Love,Rev. BookburnRadio VoltaReverendBookburn.comMyspace.com/reverendbookburn
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:01 pm
Hi Susan, Your photo blog about the Orgy for Obama made me think of this article that I published in Kasidie Magazine:The Orgy That Made Obama Presidenthttp://magazine.kasidie.com/2009/02/the-orgy-that-made-obama-president/ I thought your readers might be interested in the story and you might want to link to it from your Obama Orgy piece.Hope you’re doing fantastic.Steve HarwoodEditor / Creative Directorwww.kasidie.com
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:01 pm
I’ve been thinking about you, Sistah Suzy, and enjoying ALL of your blogs and emails! ROCK ON with the Eros Day X Orgy 4 Obama!! Here’s to a kick-ass new year FILLED with MORE fun and MORE freedom and MORE PLEASURE. Yes! Peace through pleasure. Amen and Awomen. Lots of love…big hugs.x.o.x.o.x.o.Yer Brother Stevie
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:01 pm
Hey Suzy, thank you, as always, for having us. We had a great time… as the pictures would indicate. Those are hot, thank you. Any more of those you may have floating around, we would love to see as well. We were so sorry to hear about David’s misfortune. He was sorely missed on Saturday and we hope is back among you very soon. Please send him our support. love ya, bd & kat
03 · 3 · 10 @ 9:00 pm
Dr. Suzy, I want to thank you for inviting me to your Orgy for Obama, that was the most intense experience of my life.
03 · 3 · 10 @ 8:55 pm
Suzy, it was the best party in my opinion you’ve organized yet! It was really well done and well laid out. We had such a good time. Angela, a black lesbian domme approached E and the two exchanged a very interesting kiss late in the evening. The bondage equipment is very first class equipment and beautifully made! You looked great! Sorry Max didn’t make it for the party but hope he gets released real, real soon! xxo, B
03 · 3 · 10 @ 8:55 pm
It was pretty amazing how those drugs got me out of the house. Really I should start doing more drugs.
03 · 3 · 10 @ 8:54 pm
Ye Gods and Goddesses, Dr. Suzy these pics are mind-blowing. And what a great line-up of stars. This evening will go down in the history of inaugural balls AND the history of Eros Day
03 · 3 · 10 @ 8:54 pm
i had an amazing time thank you so much! xoxoxo-jj
03 · 3 · 10 @ 8:53 pm
Thanks so much Susan!I had so much fun.I can’t wait til your next party.You certainly know how to throw an event!