Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Kinky Eddie
    10 · 10 · 11 @ 7:40 pm

    You have a very awesome show! I listened last saturday night,and lmao


  2. Ivy Thornton
    10 · 5 · 11 @ 4:23 am

    I really enjoyed the play piercing scene with Marlo Marquise and Billy Vahan!


  3. Helen
    10 · 5 · 11 @ 1:14 am

    If I concentrate hard enough I can see something behind the feather. Another fantastic show!


  4. Tasia Sutor
    10 · 3 · 11 @ 10:34 am

    Thank you so much Marlo Marquise, Billy Vahan, Mindy Cantu, Desiree Cantu-Yost, and Lucy Love for coming on the show! It was my first show as a producer, and each of you are what made it a success!
    Marlo and Billy are the hottest couple that I have ever met! Oooooh, oui! Both of you have such a unique, dark and timeless style that exudes sex, power, sophistication and evil. Billy made the corset Marlo was wearing! It was a wearable masterpiece. Billy, you are truly an artist. Marlo, you are a gorgeous girl, especially when your chest is dripping blood from the puncture wounds left after removing the needles that Billy pierced you with live on the Speakeasy stage.
    Mindy, sweet, Mindy! I love you, girl! Thank you for coming to the show on such short notice. You were beautiful! I am so happy that Toledo suggested you to me. I had SO much fun playing on the trapeze with you! And your sissy bizkit is a f@cking MILF!! Trust me girls when I tell you that everyone (even your brother-in-law) imagines the two of you Getting it ON!!! Desiree you are sweet as your sugar tits!
    And my new friend, Lucy Love, for being so much fun! I love making messes. Thank you for letting me smash a pie all over your bent over ass! It is all I have ever wanted! And thank you for teaching me and Marlo moves on the stripper pole. When are you coming over to watch Disney’s, Alice in Wonderland!?!
    Finally, Thank You, Dr. Suzy!!! For being such an amazing woman, you never cease to inspire! And for letting me into your world, it is way cooler than the other one I lived in. Thank you for believing in me and giving me this opportunity to be a part of and contribute to your show and the Bonobos’! My favorite parts of the after play party was watching Susan and Max play in the hula hoops and share the sweetest, hottest, most loving French kiss in the hula hoop. So cute!
    See everyone next week on The Dr. Susan Block Show for Hollywood Sex Wars!


    • Max
      10 · 5 · 11 @ 8:46 pm

      One hundred cheers for Tasia…great show.


  5. Jon Catt
    10 · 3 · 11 @ 9:22 am

    Cream a little cream on me Sign I must stop watching porn


  6. Charlie Ninja
    10 · 3 · 11 @ 7:03 am

    Thank you, Dr. Suzy, for having me lastnight! You rock my baby porn socks lol!


  7. Bertsanity
    10 · 3 · 11 @ 7:02 am

    sounds like a good time ;)


  8. Nga Nga Lang
    10 · 3 · 11 @ 7:01 am



  9. Billy Antiseptic
    10 · 3 · 11 @ 7:00 am

    Thanks so much for having us! Marlo Marquise and I had way too much fun :)


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