The Swinging Lifestyle: From Sex-for-One to 101 !
Lifestyles Festival 2014 coordinators Rick Diaz and Mary Diaz (holidng her Treasure Box Novelties “Waterproof Bunny Wall Banger,” Dr. Susan Block, Kerry (holding Dirty Tequila) and Layla Now, therapist with the Block Institute. Painting in upper left by Obyonetaopy. Photo: L’Erotique
Length 1:32:39 Date: May 17, 2014
It’s mid-Masturbation Month on DrSuzy.Tv broadcasting live from Bonoboville, and our exploration of sex-for-one explodes into sex-for-101, orgies, swinging and “The Lifestyle,”in this stimulating warm-up for the resurrection of the original Lifestyles Convention as the 35th annual Lifestyles Festival at the Hyatt Regency Spa and Resort in Indian Wells, California, coming up July 23-27, 2014. This is going to be the hottest couples (and single ladies) party of the summer! Come one, come all… or just come.
Our featured guests are Rick and Mary Diaz, charming veteran playcouple, “ClubWETGroup” operators and “legends” of the swing club scene, as well as Director of Festival Operations (Rick) and Festival Coordinator (Mary) for the Lifestyle Festival 2014. They are accompanied by their sweet, exceedingly busty “slave,” Terry, she of the 40DDs or Gs, depending on which brand of bra she’s pouring her buxom abundance into.
Kerry shows off her bountiful boobage to the ooohs and aaahs of the DrSuzy.Tv crew and viewers, though she doesn’t talk much (she has her reasons). But Rick and Mary are brimming with sexy stories, such as Rick’s tale of Mary being at the orgasmic epicenter of a giant naked clusterfuck that sounds like something out of an ancient ecstatic bacchanalia. They’re also totally into bonobos, which is not surprising since bonobos are also “swingers”—through the trees and with each other. In truth, they save their best stories for off the air, when we hear about their wild experiences (swing and non-swing) with world-famous musicians, major statesmen, tinpot dictators, cosmic astrophysicists and other assorted celebrities. But that’s another show…
This show is about the Lifestyle and how to sexually share your husband, wife or designated significant other without going bananas, but rather by “going bonobos,” expanding your personal horizons and deepening your intimacy. Various forms of sexual sharing are getting more and more popular with all types of couples from all walks of life. If you could factor in the folks who just fantasize about it (presuming a study could actually get people to be honest about their fantasies), the numbers would skyrocket. Somewhere between the Republican party and the Democratic party lies the swing party.
Mid-show we are joined by our lovely webcam sex therapist Layla Now who shares a few of her own swinging encounters. Of course, many of our clients here at the Institute call to talk about group sex of some sort, fantasizing aboutcasting all rigid social boundaries aside and indulging in the orgiastic pleasure of a threesome, multiple partners, a swingparty, a polyamorous arrangement or a full-on orgy. Some of them discuss their feelings and fantasies while masturbating, which brings us back to the M Month. Somehow, no matter how wild things get, it always comes back to your first and most constant lover: you!
Besides our personal experiences, we discuss some great books that explore the natural human origins of group sex and the swinging lifestyle, such as the amazing Sex at Dawn by Drs. Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethas, Plays Well in Groups by Dr. Katherine Frank and The Lifestyle (which just so happens to include a chapter about ethical hedonism) by Terry Gould. We also talk about the pioneering work of our old friend, Lifestyles founder Dr. Robert McGinley, whom they call the “Godfather” of “the Lifestyle” (he actually invented the term!) and who has been bringing playcouples together in safe, sane, open, erotic, sumptuous and fun environments since the early 1970s. The upcoming Lifestyles Festival at the Indian Wells Hyatt Regency Resort and spa (which includes a championship golf course, if you’re more interested in that type of hole) will feature glittering theme parties, a topless pool, private cabanas, seminars (including one on the Bonobo Way given by yours truly), a 4-star luncheon featuring keynote speaker Seka (the “Platinum Princess of Porn”), hilarious contests, and the wild private swing parties and orgies in all the luxury suites and villas (including ours!) for which the original Lifestyles is world-renowned.
Then Weapons of Mass Discussion give way to Commedia Erotica action, as often happens on DrSuzy.Tv, making the transition via “Bonoboville Communion.” Rick and Mary were both raised Catholic (Rick seems to have been born lapsed, but Mary wanted to be a nun… until she discovered sex), so they really appreciate Bonoboville’s version of communion. And they can’t get enough of our dangerously delicious Dirty Tequila (must be the cinnamon and pineapple), so we give them a bottle to take home and share with their swinging friends. After they lick the ceremonial salt (Bonoboville’s version of the wafer) off each other’s nipples, as well as Kerry’s grand gazongas, Layla joins us by lapping at her own lovely pink tatas and downing a little tequila she happens to have on hand—not as yummy as the Dirty, but hey, it’s pretty good for a spontaneous cross-country Bonoboville Communion!
Thus fortified, we open our brand new box of sex toys from TreasureBox Novelties. After carefully examining all contents, Mary chooses to celebrate Masturbation Month with a “Waterproof Bunny Wallbanger” (perfect for sticking on the wall of your shower for those moments when you’ve got nothing to do while conditioning your hair). Between the Lifestyles banners, the Bonobo Way signs and the Brooklyn Bridge shower curtain, we don’t have a lot of wall space in our little radio studio, so we wind up sticking it to the chair whereupon hot MiLF (and GiLF!) Mary gracefully lifts up the hem of her little black slip-dress, removes her panties, wiggles her ass (which I whack with my convenient JuxLeather finger-flogger) and slowly but surely sits right on the thing, humps it up and down a bit and then sticks it in her purse for “later.”
Click the link above to listen free or watch this stimulating show on DrSuzy.Tv—and guess what, Bonoboville members get to watch free! This is a limited-time offer so take advantage and join Bonoboville while we’re still swinging through our Beta testing phase.
Postscript: We just got the sad news from Dr. Bob McGinley that Lifestyles 2014 has been canceled.
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05 · 21 · 14 @ 12:39 pm
An excellent show with inspiring guests. A hearty bravo to such a pioneering couple!
05 · 20 · 14 @ 10:38 am
Merci beaucu Dr Suzy…..for DesformO’s painting on your Wall… it goes well with you enchanting smile….Yes DesformO’s dream is you naked n near 2orgasm under a T SHIRT with his Painting printed on …
05 · 20 · 14 @ 10:40 am
Yes that’s true, but worse than that I dream of Dr. Suzy’s wet orgasm that stick this T shirt on her skin
05 · 20 · 14 @ 10:30 am
Looks like the resurrection of the Lifestyle Convention is coming along well!
05 · 20 · 14 @ 10:28 am
ur sweet ur sexy ur a doctor i would luv 2 have examine me :) ur awesome ur wonderful ur 1 of a kind much luv 2 u ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
05 · 20 · 14 @ 10:25 am
Thanks! Always happy to join your debaucheries, Doctor.
07 · 22 · 14 @ 6:50 pm
We talk about you and your wonderful book “Sex at Dawn” often here at Bonoboville!
05 · 18 · 14 @ 11:24 pm
Greetings Dr. block, that was a very interesting show. My husband and I have been talking about this for a long time and it seems as if it’s now the time. I’m going to have him listen to the show tonight. Your guests were great. We hope to finally have a breakthrough and actually do this swing thing.
Love G
05 · 18 · 14 @ 11:20 pm
Hi Dr. Suzy,
We got started in swinging several years ago and it was all because of your book The 10 Commandments of Pleasure.
We are looking forward to going to Lifestyles and to once again say hello in person. We’ve enjoyed our evenings at the show and have met many wonderful people.
See you soon,
05 · 18 · 14 @ 8:09 pm
Thank you Suzy, for your work in bringing Sex as a public topic.
05 · 18 · 14 @ 7:34 pm
Looks like it was a great show!