Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Christopher K
    06 · 6 · 14 @ 3:00 am

    Tell it how it is Susan! Nice work.


  2. Marina Nogales
    05 · 30 · 14 @ 2:25 pm

    Even though I agree that the character of Elliot Rodger defies analysis, yours is the most insightful article on the subject that I have read on the web, and I have read a LOT, trying to make sense of this madness. But what I love the most about your article is your appreciation for Richard Martinez whose powerful voice of a father’s anguish may be just what we who wnat peace need to combat the evil NRA.


  3. Michael D
    05 · 30 · 14 @ 1:09 pm

    Kudos. Very well written and many insights that are nowhere else to be found on this. I really do wonder if his therapist(s) had sent him to someone like you or Hof, would seven people not be dead, others wounded, grieving and traumatized?
    As the Gaian I am, it dawns on me that these frustratos also suffer from severe Nature Deficit Disorder.


  4. James W. Prescott, Ph.D.
    05 · 29 · 14 @ 9:47 pm

    Elliot Rodger is a bizarre case with many life dimensions not understood. Not the least is his early infancy and childhood experiences that is shared by many other mass killers. We agree that Pleasure deprivation leads to anhedonia– the inability to experience Pleasure, which is first learned at the breast of Mother. The neural networks of the brain are not developed that are essential for the ability to experience Pleasure in life.

    Elliot Rodger, 22, never learned to bond with Mother or anyone else. He was very likely never breastfed.

    Many thanks for your sharing. The world-wide violence against women reflects the reality that we have lost our Humanity.

    Keep up the good work.

    Peace with Pleasure.

    James W. Prescott, Ph.D.
    BioBehavioral Systems


  5. Ben
    05 · 29 · 14 @ 8:39 pm

    Psychiatry is a big and brutal fraud, therefore cannot be improved nor reformed; it should be outlawed instead, and with no further delay!


  6. Alex K
    05 · 29 · 14 @ 6:40 pm

    Read your article on the Santa Barbara massacre in Counterpunch, liked the part about sex therapy, I worked with teens with Aspergers some years ago, and agree that many with this condition especially had issues in this department. I often wished I could refer them to some sort of help in this regard, but of course refrained given that I was employed by a school district and living in puritanical midwestern America.


    • drsuzy
      05 · 29 · 14 @ 6:53 pm

      Thanks for your response, Alex. It’s so sad, though very understandable in today’s sex-phobic climate, that staff workers are frightened to even discuss sexual issues with people who could really use the help.


  7. Lee R.
    05 · 29 · 14 @ 4:28 pm

    It is refreshing to see some humility in this case (not being sarcastic)… I am continually amazed, surprised, shocked that no one else seems to be able to acknowledge the fact that Rodger first killed three man by knife. Out of the seven victim two were females (28.57%). I suppose they all want to cash in on the tragedy


  8. William Haines
    05 · 29 · 14 @ 4:22 pm

    You made some excellent points here and I am very grateful! While I do not think just getting laid is a panacea, this puritanical mind set really is not healthy and does lead to a lot of excessive drinking, drugs etc . It just amazes me that prostitution is not legal and it really is enormously hypocritical to arrest street walkers while adult movie performers are basically getting paid to have sex in front of a camera ! I happen to think this tragedy is yet another one of saint Ronald Wilson Reagan’s legacies when he deinstitutionalized a lot of mentally ill individuals !! I am by no means a fan of Gandhi but he stated poverty is one of the worst forms of violence . If you can advertise violence as legitimate entertainment than just how far is this really from encouraging indifference and apathy towards the misfortune of others? I also believe that selfishness is not a virtue but the most cowardly lazy and retarded type of cruelty there is !


  9. Teri
    05 · 29 · 14 @ 4:16 pm

    Thank you, as always, for being a part of the solution.

    I’m buried deep in the #YesAllWomen hashtag on twitter right this second.


  10. Joe Giambrone
    05 · 29 · 14 @ 3:20 pm

    It occurs to me that perhaps Elliot exploded because he was so repulsed by pornography and sex that he never even masturbated. Could that have sent him over the edge over time?

    Joe Giambrone
    The Political Film Blog


    • David
      05 · 29 · 14 @ 7:46 pm

      I for one and many others are repulsed by the death and violence that comes out of Hollywood. This is the lowest kind of human exploitation that one can imagine. I seriously doubt he went and killed because of his aversion and disgust with porn.

      He killed in real life because he felt entitled to kill, he felt entitled to get laid, he felt entitled to have a BMW, he felt entitled to have a Rolex…he felt entitled to slaughter and he felt entitled to star in his own movie. And now perhaps his father will make a hit movie and everyone else will cash in on this tragedy.


  11. Linda Mac
    05 · 29 · 14 @ 2:56 pm


    You saying this means so much to us.
    It warms us inside.

    It reminds me of Frank’s idea of getting people to go into institutional settings to touch and play and have sex with people confined to these settings. He had talked to several people about this over the years.


  12. Jack Thurston
    05 · 29 · 14 @ 2:53 pm

    Very nice piece. I read it. I liked it. Maybe you could have helped him. Maybe not. You should not let it get under your skin. You did not know him. “What if?” is irrelevant. You help many others. That is what matters. You are also pretty hot.


  13. Michael Donnelly
    05 · 28 · 14 @ 8:32 pm

    Excellent, Suzy.

    Good Gaia, We have to transition from this toxic “white man’s world” reality to something akin to Bonoboville if we’re to end the race, age and gender insults (and violence.)



    PS The Monkeys talked a lot about your Bonboboville and the ethics behind it over our Memorial Day weekend of trail work, hiking, music and play (I posted some photos to my FB page – tame ones). Pretty much everyone has read Sex at Dawn (and love it) and when I tell them a worthy follow-up is in the works – your book – they can’t wait.


  14. Simon
    05 · 26 · 14 @ 7:21 pm

    I don’t know which is more disturbing… that our society now seems to expect violence and accepts it (real and cinematic) as normal, while sex, nudity, and affection are taboo and even condemned…

    Or that the media now fosters the continuous flow of what Aaron Sorkin called “tragedy porn” providing these madmen with the posthumous fame they invariably imagine… while real porn (by far the largest segment of internet content) is hypocritically condemned to the point where bankers jerk off watching porn stars, but won’t allow them to open an account. One deposit certainly deserves another, right?

    Very thoughtful show, Dr. Suzy and Max. Thank you.


  15. Catherine Imperio
    05 · 26 · 14 @ 6:35 pm

    Thank you so much for having me as your reporter in the field ;]


  16. Bob Gryszka
    05 · 26 · 14 @ 6:08 pm



  17. Linda Marie Smith
    05 · 26 · 14 @ 6:07 pm

    I wish I were a sexual healer like Dr. Susan. I’ve settled for being an artist and writer!


  18. James D. M.
    05 · 26 · 14 @ 4:37 pm

    Dr. Susan My pants are getting smaller What should I do??


  19. Max
    05 · 26 · 14 @ 12:33 pm

    First of all let me say that I love you Dr. Suzy. Your piece is brilliant, touching and it reminded me of when I was a child. I was a war baby brought up in my early years by four wonderful women, my mother, my aunt, my grandmother and my great grandmother.

    They were forever loving and yet allowed me to be Massimo the curious little boy who rejected religion at a very early age and was supported by these unique guardians of little Massimo to think on my own.

    They taught me a lot, but they taught me one special thing. They told me that I should always be nice to girls. They taught me to respect and appreciate women, their beauty and their strength.

    I have never forgotten and I never use the word “bitch”.

    Then there was my father who was very concerned with my sexual progress in life and he was the one that arranged my first sexual encounter with a beautiful German hotel chamber maid in Rothenberg Germany.

    At fifteen I was working in the theater and traveling around with a Vaudeville troupe in Italy. During that period I had more sex then I’ve had the rest of my life–until I married you. I lived in a wonderful world of sex..a peaceful fun world.

    So as you can see from the photo above not much has changed since I was a little boy in Naples Italy.

    No we can’t stop the madness in the world but we can stop the madness in our own world. We can look at our world in a more respectful and peaceful manner. We can touch each other with a gentle hand and change everything around us, and from us, the world will perhaps learn there is another way.

    We make peace or we make war. Our choice.

    your husband


  20. Sarah
    05 · 26 · 14 @ 9:03 am

    Thanks for having me on the show! I hope all your bonobos download the S.A.C and keep track of who they sac!!!!!


  21. cesar simental
    05 · 26 · 14 @ 4:08 am

    chaaaaaoooow ! gonna masturbate to that calendar tomorrow morning! ! Thanks Ladies


  22. Wheel Heung
    05 · 26 · 14 @ 3:57 am

    Interesting. You’re the only person, so far, who has tried to look further into Elliot Rodger’s psyche than the evident misogyny.


  23. Panty Boy
    05 · 26 · 14 @ 3:19 am

    This is the Best Radio of LA n Dr. Suzy she is a GREAT Host :) XoXo


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