Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. devolution1@gmail.com
    07 · 10 · 06 @ 3:13 pm

    My beloved and I are attempting to bring to life (or back to life) the wonderful legacy of Voluptas.We’ve created a website http://www.voluptas.info, where you can read a poem that my beloved wrote. I am into music, and am hoping to create a musical piece over the next year or so, and my beloved’s sister is a talented artist, and we’ve asked her to paint an image of Voluptas…


  2. Kate
    01 · 16 · 06 @ 7:46 pm

    The legends of the gods and goddesses fueled my my romantic soul as a young girl. Even now as an adult they still fascinate and fuel but in a very different way. I love your interpretation and thoughts about Eros and Psyche. Very similar to my own. What stands out for me the strongest today as I read it ironically the sisters. Their jealousy. Your interpretation of Psyche’s sisters reminds me of the “friends” of Mary in Claire Booth Luces’ wonderful play “The Women”. They encourage Mary to press her husband for the truth about his infatuation and dalliance with the perfume counter sales woman Crystal. Instead of listening to her wise mother she listens to her friends who tell her to give him an ultimatum.. Instead of leaving well enough alone…it was a mere temporary infatuation with Crystal…Mary and her husband divorced. They were both miserable. Of course the story ends happlily and they reunite but my eternal question is why do women most of the time try to sabatoge and destroy each other’s happiness? Because they are miserable? So someone who is truly happy must be destroyed? I am not perfect but when a friend of mine is happy I rejoice for her. We women are sisters. The universe’s creation. We need each other. I am a new person to the world of Dr. Block, but what she has created and continues to create is a place…a world where we can come together and just be. Be who ever we want. As for Voluptas. I’ve looked around for stories of her too and I came to this conclusion…I think we are all Voluptas and are each in our individual ways writing her story.


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