Merry Masturbation Month 2009!
Merry Masturbation Month! T’is the First Day of Masturbation Month 2009. Have YOU celebrated yet? I did, just after the stroke (pun intended) of midnight May 1. I didn’t feel up to partner sex, as I am currently being beaten into submission by some kind of virulent flu. No, it’s not Swine Flu, though my nose is so stuffed it might as well be the snout of a pig. Anyway, a little quickie jilling-off did just the trick, even decongesting me for a few delightfully mucous-free moments before and after orgasm, and then dropping me down into a much needed good night’s sleep. This is just one of the many marvelous benefits of that much-maligned pastime of sex for one. I could go on and on, but I really should stop bloggamizing and go back to bed to wank and sleep some more. Besides, I’ve already bloggamized countless times about Masturbation Month. Here are a few favorites:
Merry Masturbation Month
Liberating Masturbation with Dr. Betty Dodson
My First Orgasm
For inspiration, watch our Jack ‘n Jill-Off Jam, a three-ring circus of wanking and spanking, flirting and squirting, a celebration of masturbation in a cavalcade of permutations, featuring spontaneous sex acts, solo sex madness, wandering minstrels playing mellifluous haunting music, and eloquent masked nude theater.
If you’d prefer a quickie, try something in Clip-O-Rama like Daisy Layne Rides the Monkey Rocker or get your own Monkey Rocker – at $150 off for the month of May! If that still doesn’t fit your Recession Era budget, try a Hitachi Magic Wand (my personal fave) or a Pocket Rocket at half-off, or let your fingers do the walking while your imagination does the talking for a completely cost-free climax.
If cost isn’t an issue, and you’d like a little personalized guidance, try Guided Masturbation with one of the helpful telephone sex therapists at the Institute. We’ll fill in the blanks in your imagination and give you some Wanking Tips you might never dream up on your own.
I’m pleased to note that The LA Weekly has acknowledged the importance of Masturbation Month. So why shouldn’t you?
Give Yourself A Hand!
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio 😊. Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:23 pm
Merry Masturbation Month!
I sent you the Pocket Rocket bc it’s an awesome “starter” vibrator. Great for traveling too. And we’ve got them on sale in Shopping Heaven: :-)
Enjoy…You got the Power!
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:23 pm
Merry Masturbation Month!
I sent you the Pocket Rocket bc it’s an awesome “starter” vibrator. Great for traveling too. And we’ve got them on sale in Shopping Heaven: :-)
Enjoy…You got the Power!
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:22 pm
Hey Cuz
I received your Pocket Rocket. What a cool little vibrator! It really does pack a wallop and it’s so quiet!
I really do appreciate it and the battery too (lol). I just can’t get over how powerful it really is. Ah the memories!!
Again, thanks from my heart.
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:22 pm
Hey Cuz
I received your Pocket Rocket. What a cool little vibrator! It really does pack a wallop and it’s so quiet!
I really do appreciate it and the battery too (lol). I just can’t get over how powerful it really is. Ah the memories!!
Again, thanks from my heart.
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:22 pm
If Dr. Betty Dodson is the Godmother of Masturbation, Dr. Suzy Block is the Sexy Auntie :-)
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:22 pm
If Dr. Betty Dodson is the Godmother of Masturbation, Dr. Suzy Block is the Sexy Auntie :-)
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:22 pm
Hi Cuz
Great bloggamy about masturbation month and just wanted you to know (in case you don’t) that at the VA, this is also Pap Month. So don’t forget about the pap smears too.
By the way, I need your expert advice. I want to get a good vibrator for myself. Any recommendations are what I should buy? My GYN suggested it lol. .
All love always,
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:22 pm
Hi Cuz
Great bloggamy about masturbation month and just wanted you to know (in case you don’t) that at the VA, this is also Pap Month. So don’t forget about the pap smears too.
By the way, I need your expert advice. I want to get a good vibrator for myself. Any recommendations are what I should buy? My GYN suggested it lol. .
All love always,
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:20 pm
Great blog, Dr. Block. What do you think about designating this month as Maysterbation? Or when using skin-nourishing lotions and oils while pleasuring oneself…moisturbation? :-D
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:20 pm
Great blog, Dr. Block. What do you think about designating this month as Maysterbation? Or when using skin-nourishing lotions and oils while pleasuring oneself…moisturbation? :-D
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:20 pm
Man I love that photo
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:20 pm
Man I love that photo
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:18 pm
Do you know many of my listeners are STILL talking about my interview with you? You left SOME IMPRESSION with that ultra-sexxxy voice of yours….
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:18 pm
Do you know many of my listeners are STILL talking about my interview with you? You left SOME IMPRESSION with that ultra-sexxxy voice of yours….
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:17 pm
Dear The Good Doctor,
What entity or body (other than mine) designated May as National Masturbation Month and, a la discussions following Barack Obama’s accession that “Black History Month” had run its consciousness-raising course, do you worry about a masturbation backlash?
I’ll take my answer off the air.
Great job, as always.
Gram Ponante: America’s Beloved Porn Journalist
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:17 pm
Dear The Good Doctor,
What entity or body (other than mine) designated May as National Masturbation Month and, a la discussions following Barack Obama’s accession that “Black History Month” had run its consciousness-raising course, do you worry about a masturbation backlash?
I’ll take my answer off the air.
Great job, as always.
Gram Ponante: America’s Beloved Porn Journalist
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:16 pm
Merry Masturbation Month to you too, Dr. Suzy, as you make all our months merry with masturbatory ideas.
02 · 26 · 10 @ 7:16 pm
Merry Masturbation Month to you too, Dr. Suzy, as you make all our months merry with masturbatory ideas.