Masturbation Month Memorial Day ClimaxXx
Chris Gore, Tracey Sweet, Tasia Sutor, Dr. Suzy, Yasaman Madanikia, Dr. Hernando Chaves. Photo: JuxLii
Length: 94:10 minutes Date: 05/26/2012
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Masturbation Month 2012 comes to a climactic grand, screaming finale with a Memorial Day Weekend bare booby salute and exhortation for “Masturbation Not Occupation” in my Womb Room. Sexperts join sexpots, from Persia by way of Toronto to Florida, New York and the soul of Dowtown LA, bringing today an intriguing assortment of masturbation researchers, comedians, therapists, porn stars, pussy poppers, booty shakers, Chinese dissidents and American revolutionaries on this lugubrious war holiday mixed with a celebration of self-pleasure. Praise be to the art of self love and let us relish it for all seasons. Lay down your arms and use your fingers. Huzzah!
Featured Guests:
Yasi Mandanikia: Her first time in the Speakeasy as a show guest (she was an audience member on the SSSS Show and a guest on the phone on Masturbation de Mayo), this exquisite and bright Persian scholar and masturbation researcher from Simon Fraser University has watched every major movie since 2005 depicting masturbation scenes. Unfortunately, she didn’t find much to jill off to, disappointed to find that films generally portray solo sex as something shameful, primarily performed by single men. When asked to show and tell her self-petting skills, she coyly replies that she “just does the research part.”
Christin Bowman: Calling in from the Big Apple for the first time on RadioSuzy1, this City University of New York Graduate Center researcher in female masturbation has pinpointed 5 reasons why women touch themselves. (Find out what they are by clicking Play at the top of this blog to listen to this part of the show). Christin’s research inspires a spirited, political and personal discussion of female masturbation motives among my panel of sexperts and sexpots, though we all agree that sex education in American schools needs some revolutionizing, and Christin is on the front lines.
Marcy Diamond: Camming on The Dr. Susan Block Show over Skype, Marcy—and predominately Marcy’s bodacious behind—is the latest internet sensation for bottom-shaking fetishists everywhere (she also loves anal sex, and in the event she is “vaginaless” she feels she will remain just as satisfied). Tired of waiting for the 1 in 99% chance of making it in Hollywood, she capitalizes on her pre-existing ass-et as nature bestowed onto her and shakes her champion cheeks—both and individually—for us on webcam. No wonder visitors (including many coming from us!) are pouring into her site.
Tracey Sweet: In her third RadioSUZY1 appearance, Tracey sports Mini Mouse ears after having visited Disneyland (listen to the show to hear her confess which Disneyland ride has been christened by her) with our producer Tasia on her recent birthday. Sweet Tracey gets naked and plays with an Adult Play Parlor vibrator that looks like a phone. Then I paint her succulent nipples with red and blue frosting, turning her into a perfect Miss America with patriotic pasties which Tasia and I then deconstruct by sucking off all the frosting.
Dr. Hernando Chaves: SSSS (Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality) 2012 Western Region President-Elect, as well as local LA psychotherapist and clinical sexologist, Dr. Chaves imparts his wisdom on morality, sex education funding and safer sex rubber band usage during masturbation.
Chris Gore: G4 comedian and friend of the Speakeasy, Chris arrives at the last moment to fill in the hole in the Womb Room left by our missing scheduled guests. An ever-grateful citizen of his country, Chris persuades me to flash my boobs for all the troops and dupes of America, many of whom come home with some variation of PTSD, needing all the titty treatment they can get.
Tasia Sutor: One year older and cuter than ever, the most outrageous and efficient producer in the history of the Dr. Susan Block Show, our self-twiddling Tasia, outfitted in her new Sorcerer’s Apprentice Mickey Mouse hat and gloves, closes the last Masturbation Month show with Tracey Sweet planting a neon American flagpole inside her patriotic posterior. Whereupon we all brokenly recite our pledge of allegiance. Finally, for a grand finale, she screams her way into a vociferous climax for Masturbation Month and this show on the Speakeasy Sybian.
Calls & Tweets:
Jason from Florida, an intense celebrator of Masturbation Month, is already in a state of release as he is put through on the air. After a brief refractory period, he asks if excessive petting can result in damage to the penis. Dr. Chaves suggests not leaving the rubber band on for too long.
Robert from Kansas calls to say that he masturbates EIGHT times a day, though he only masturbated once on the day of his call, and he was thinking of me when he came, for which he gets a gold star on his Masturbation Month report card.
Panty Boy tweets in his appreciation for the show and Tracey’s lacy panties.
Weapons of Mass Discussion:
Masturbation Not Occupation, Masturbation Month, Memorialists, Wankers & Spankers, Sexperts, Sexpots & Sex Addicts, Dr. David Ley, Perpetual Perma War, Underground Harems, Persia & Iran, Sexually Frustrated Persians, Monogamy, Polygamy, Polyandry, Orgasm Via Masturbation, Empowering Masturbation, Power At One’s Fingertips, Sexual Catharsis, Why Women Masturbate, Poor Sex Education, Fifth Graders Looking At Porn, Masturbation In Sex Ed Curriculum, Children Being Treated As Sexless Beings, Morality & Sex Ed Funding, Voting For Rick Santorum, Anal Sex Fluid Leaks, Women Masturbating Shamelessly, Occupation, Double Ass Smother, Saving Hymens Via Anal Sex, Group Spanking, Vaginalessness, Tampon Fetish, Redwings, Disneyland Corruption, Orgasms Alleviating Menstrual Pain, Sex During Menstruation, Masturbation Interruptions, Non Erotic Masturbation Movie Scenes, Hot Masturbation Scenes, Pleasantville Masturbation Scene, Masturbation To Alleviate Road Rage, Bonobo Way
Performance Erotica:
Sucking On Phallic Flagpoles, Patriotic Fellatio, Filling The Guest Hole, Researching And Masturbating, Saluting Our Soldiers With Titties, Webcam Ass Shaking, Epic Skype Ass Shaking, Pussy Popping On American Flag, Individual Ass Cheek Shaking, Blowing Bubbles, Sexy Cupcake Eating, Flogging Nipples, Patriotic Nipple Frosting Licking, Frosting Pasties, Butthole Flashing, Butthole Soundtracking, Tech Department For Sex Toy Support, Unfriending Panties, Panty Prophet For Bonobos, Agwa Body Shots, Sticking the American Flag Up The Butt, Pledge Of Allegiance To Tasia’s Asshole, Dr. Stephen Hawkins’ Voice Requesting Anal Sex, Riding The Sybian, Screaming Sybian Orgasms, After-Party Hula-Hooping.
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12 · 7 · 12 @ 12:03 am
just rewatched ur Memorial Day show Dr Suzy …goddamn ur the sexiest soldier ever…good thing u don’t go over seas, couldn’t lose ya ;)
on the flip side, if u were over there and not the ugly female soldiers they have out there.. The terrorist might like us ;)
07 · 13 · 12 @ 5:48 am
dear dr suzy,
i wanted to thank you for the very informative show you’re producing, and also wanted to become a member for the clip-orama section i was wondering if you could give me any hints as to what type of clips you’d like to receive.
p.s i wish you could get the persian girl to actually perform what she researches, because afterall, you only learn by practicing ;)
06 · 5 · 12 @ 10:14 pm
Dear Dr Block
Please place a well deserved curse of the repubilcan party that brought trickle, on economics and obcene gap between rich and poor. I really hope them all the misfortune they deserve
05 · 30 · 12 @ 6:32 pm
I had so much fun on the show! My new vibrator is making me very, VERY happy. Cannot wait to see you soon. :)
05 · 30 · 12 @ 5:33 pm
I took one for the team this show. Our headline pornstar became all frosted like a flake at the last second. Thank Goodness my dear pal, Tracey Sweet, came over to play with me that night! She and I pulled through and were able to saved the perverted portion of the show with our ever so lovely Butt-Holes!!! Tracey’s proudly spread apart her ass cheeks and properly displayed her tight, pink, little ass-hole. I, on the other hand, was able to use the tight pinkness of my asshole as a tribute to the Troops by sticking a flag up my ass and using my anus as a flag post. I could feel the emotion swell up in the room as they saw that plastic glow stick flag poking out of my ass with a shriveled up, baggy, dangling condom from the flags pole. We don’t know what we are celebrating here at the Dr. Susan Block Show for Memorial Day but we DO go out there and do our darndest!!! For The Memorials!!!! or maybe, For the memories!!!!!!! Don’t matter
05 · 28 · 12 @ 7:45 pm
Loved Marcy’s amazing booty!
05 · 28 · 12 @ 2:12 pm
Hey suzy thanks for having me on the show! I loved shaking my ass for you guys! If there are any big booty fans, ck me out! and you can follow me at @marcydiamond too! I do special request vids
05 · 28 · 12 @ 12:09 pm
I will celebrate MM finale by thinking about you, Susan….But I don’t have to stop after May, do I?
05 · 28 · 12 @ 1:50 am
Dear Dr Block
One of the most insidious aspects of any religion is they want to impose their values and beliefs on others usually through force or legislation . Also how do they find masterbation sinfull /amoral when it is on done privately and in manner where it does not interfere with a persons daily rotine/.functionality a great moral offence /
Iam have long been against Religion because it is against being against the pursuit of knowledge and pleasure and standing up for yourself and thinking for yourself . Yet do to its flaming hypocrisy that same religion that is against somebody standing up themselves will endorce a war in which you harm others that never did anything to you or is any way a threat to you .
It is amazing how strongly religion condems that practice of homosexuality as amoral and unnatural . Yet it it ignores the amoral and unnatural practice of selfishness .
05 · 28 · 12 @ 1:24 am
Many flags were planted on conquered territory through means of violence and rape.
I am bathing in the memory of Flag Anal on this show.
05 · 28 · 12 @ 4:45 am
As long as the economic rape of the working class is tolerated you will have the rape of other nation states known as undeclared war /corporate errands not just tolerated but endorced . I reccomend The Gore vidals books Perpetual war for for peace how we got to be so hated
05 · 28 · 12 @ 1:18 am
It was my great pleasure to be on the show with you guys! Amazing shows on masturbation all month long ending with an amazing masturbation climax! Have tons of fun next week on your bday dr suzy!!! Hopefully I will see you guys again soon!!much love