Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Friederikejem@aol.com
    04 · 18 · 06 @ 10:18 pm

    Peace be with you. I think you should know that I think Hitler masturbated. Surely you do not want to range on a par with that or anybody who reads your instructions to genitally mutilate(masturbate). The fantasies affect the whole world. They are not in the mind. It is that which has caused sept.11. Please heed the warning and come off it. God bless.Friederike J.E. Justus-Marshall


  2. Dr. Betty Dodson
    02 · 12 · 06 @ 9:23 pm

    Suzy,First, I apologize for being late. That simply is not my Virgo way. But dinner with all the people that night was out of my control and then we got lost. In LA that can be serious. Your loft space is HUGE and fascinating. Have you ever considered putting up photos of your digs other than where you shoot? It’s even more Fellini like than one of his movies. My friends thought they were on some exotic movie set. I would have preferred to see your many rooms more slowly, but I had to get some fresh air. The cigarette smoking was hard to take. One of the most spectacular rooms was video production central and the thousands of tapes. You are definitely a sex industry, Darling. Congratulations. I know it was a quiet night for you because we planned this at the last minute. Still, we had a nice chat about my favorite subject – masturbation – while your pet snake coiled around your arm. It’s a very pretty little snake. You know I’m the sign of the snake on the Chinese calendar. I look forward to returning and I promise to be on time. It’s very easy to talk with you about sex. Big Hug, BAD


  3. sudsngl@YAHOO.COM
    02 · 9 · 06 @ 2:12 am

    Just wanted to say that Nancy and I attended the Saturday night festivities with Dr. Susan and Betty Dodson. We had a fantastic time. Everyone there was real and very genuine. We are definitely planning on attending more of these erotic get togethers. Nancy says “perfect”; her sentiments exactly.John


  4. Armin
    02 · 7 · 06 @ 10:51 pm

    Dr. Suzy, your opening monologue about your first orgasm while reading Betty Dodson’s book was absolutely spellbinding.


  5. Prof. Vern Bullough
    02 · 7 · 06 @ 10:46 pm

    I though you did a very impressive interview on Saturday night. You are so knowledgeable. You really do keep up with everything. I enjoyed it very much. Have a nice time in your travels. Vern


  6. kate
    02 · 7 · 06 @ 7:59 am

    Sorry I missed such a “stimulating” evening!. I am sure if I had gone it would have cured my headache. Staying home though gave way to quality time with my guy. Now THAT is always a good thing…See you at the next event whenever it may be…Many Blessings…


  7. Kim
    02 · 7 · 06 @ 5:09 am

    Dr. Betty Dodson is amazing and looks great!! What an inspiring woman.Oh! Thank you Susan, for my assignment to try the vaginal barbell. Ladies, it’s a must to experience.


  8. carlo filangieri
    02 · 7 · 06 @ 4:47 am

    The two docs were amazing! You were just so hot and great and your high school friend was really hot, i don’t remember her name. I watched every minute of it. Dr. Betty is the best. Sorry i haven’t written. Sounds a little pompus. I’m sure you will all have missed me as I have missed you. When I look at your bloggamy it touches me in the V of my crotch, a line from Peyton Place. I think the actual words were “he touched her in the v of her crotch, or something like that… I’ve been masturbating the rest of my life. Life, itsa so good. Thanks doc! Imagine to have such delicious women… Carlo


  9. Lin and Jeff
    02 · 7 · 06 @ 2:57 am

    Thanks for a most exciting, enlightening evening with one of our favorite authors. The after-party was fun too!


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