GO BONOBO {8:(l)
Go Bonobo {8:(l) with Lylith LaVey, Kelsey Education holding Bonobo Conservation Initiative (BCI) print-out, Dr. Susan Block, Natasha Starr, Natalia Starr (row 2) Raul De Estrella, Tasia Sutor, Will Tauxe. Photo: JuxLii
Length: 100 Minutes Date: 12/01/2012
See the FREE PGish Pix. X Pix and Video at DrSuzy.tv
The core inspiration for the erotic, peaceful and loving life we espouse and try to live here in BonoboVille comes from the actual “Make Love Not War” bonobo chimpanzees. Bonobos (Latin: pan paniscus) are our “kissing cousins,” sharing over 98% of their DNA with us humans who are the only other species that enjoys kissing quite so much. Bonobos swing through the trees as well as with each other, the females are in charge, and (so far) they have never been observed killing each other in the wild or captivity. Seeing these sexy beasts “in action” opens our eyes to a sensuous, playful world without war. Yet they are, alarmingly, on the brink of extinction in their native habitat in the Congo, aka the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Back in the mid-1990’s, fellow bonobo buff and former National Geographic correspondent Sally Jewel Coxe came on my show to tell us about an organization she was forming called the Bonobo Conservation Initiative (BCI). Having just returned from the war-torn Congo (then called Zaire), Sally had big dreams of rescuing and protecting wild bonobos from the deadly bushmeat trade, preserving the Congolese rainforest (rapidly deteriorating thanks to heedless human exploitation), empowering the local people and creating a “Bonobo Peace Forest,” a cooperative conservation network surrounding the wild bonobos that would would work towards all these goals. At the time, with bloody conflicts raging in and around the Congo, Sally’s dream of conservation and cooperation sounded like a pipedream and, without access to their remote jungle habitat, nobody was even sure if there were any wild bonobos left to save.
Now, just a little over a decade later, I’m thrilled to report that Sally’s fantasies are becoming reality, and BCI is turning into an international powerhouse of enlightened conservation. Sally and her partners in the DRC are finding tribes of wild bonobos where we had once assumed there were none, educating people about pan paniscus and helping to protect them from poachers, saving bonobo orphans and bringing them to Lola ya Bonobo, Claudine Andre’s sanctuary (see Vanessa Woods’ “Bonobo Handshake“), as well as funding a medical clinic, school and other much-needed services for the poverty-stricken local population. With the help of bonobo lovers like us and conservationists around the world, BCI is making miracles happen right now, so that, maybe, just maybe, we can save our kissing cousins from extinction. Then maybe they can help us save ourselves from the debilitating destruction of lethal human violence, sexual repression, murder and war.
This show is dedicated to Sally’s vision and perseverance, and to BCI’s amazing accomplishments thus far and the urgent work that must be done to save the bonobos. The first half is a fascinating interview with BCI-UK’s about bonobos, their extraordinary sex lives, and the work of BCI. Then, revved up from bonobo “class,” the second half explodes into a peacefully riotous BonoboVille sexathon of spankings, stripteases, oral sex, Sybian rides, simian hoots and hollers throughout producer Tasia Sutor’s amazing jungle boogie set, as well as a lovely demonstration of that popular bonobo behavior that primatologists call “genito-genital rubbing,” and which the native Mogandu people call “hoka-hoka” which somewhat resembles human female tribadism or scissoring. Thanks to Condomania and Saran Wrap, all of this “performance erotica” is Measure B compliant—even though LA’s new Measure B is essentially unconstitutional and pragmatically ridiculous.
If you’re even remotely interested in bonobos, great apes, evolution, conservation, natural feminism or wild sex, don’t miss this awesome, sex evolutionary show. And please do whatever you can—give money or your time—to support the work of BCI, the bonobos, the rainforest and the future, which we’re all in—bonobos, people and all of life on earth—together.
GO BONOBO! {8:(l) Go BCI!
Featured Guests
Tallulah Bygraves: Director of BCI-UK with a background in zoology and a passion to protect pan paniscus, Tallulah joins us via Skype from England. After a few technical snafus (sorry, but we’re a very indie operation here on RadioSUZY1), the conversation really gets rolling, and Tallulah answers our questions about some of the finer points of bonobo sexuality from their complex bisexuality (penis fencing, anyone?) to how and when they ejaculate. She also invite us to her “King of the Swingers” fundraising event and bring us up to date on the wonderful work of the Bonobo Conservation Initiative, making us want to reach into our pockets and g-strings to give as much as we can to help BCI continue its ground-breaking work saving bonobos, preserving the rainforest and empowering the indigenous people to protect their local bonobos as the good neighbors and national treasures that they are.
Natalia Starr: This gorgeous blonde Hustler cover model was here last week to watch her sister, but this time she is ready to roll. Inspired by Tallulah’s interview, Natalia offers to donate her beauty to support the bonobo cause. As if to prove her point, she strips down to her natural Edenic state, showing off her very bonobo tattoo “Love and Be Loved.” Then she gives one of my other guests a spanking, performs naked genito-genital rubbing (aka hoka-hoka) with another guests and seductively fellates a lucky banana.
Lylith LaVey: This curvaceous, boobalicious, slightly Satanic sexpot is a virgin to BonoboVille, but she learns all about bonobos (being pan paniscus, they are related to the great horny goat god Pan, also slightly Satanic), how to “do the hoka-hoka” and that the delicious Green Fairy is her new favorite drink. She also rides the Sybian to a rip-roaring orgasm that liberates her inner bonobo and gets all the homo sapiens in the Womb Room hooting and hollering in contagious collective ecstasy.
Natasha Starr: Back already after her Spanksgiving premier on DrSuzy.tv, red ass recovered, Natalia’s sexy sister makes like a bonobo in all sorts of sexy ways. That includes giving her lucky husband Raul De Estrella a very enthusiastic blow job, then taking a wild Sybian ride as Raul licks her ass from behind (a very bonobo thing to do), making her come like the animal she is. No wonder Raul loves his Polish wife… and so do we!
Kelsey Obsession aka Kelsey Education: Last seen squirting on our soaking wet SQUIRTACUS MAXIMUS XXXIII: Squirt Salon 33 (now playing on DrSuzy.tv), Kelsey became one of our therapists here at the Institute and a bonobo fan as well, especially appreciative of the pan paniscus approach to “make-up sex.” On this show, she sounds more obsessional than educational , spinning a 50 Shades of Bonobo-style tale of being forced to fellate for food. Then she rides the Sybian, first to a major gigglegasm (I often say that “laughter is a mental orgasm” but this guffaw-burst is definitely physical) and then, after some focused fondling from her cute hubby Terry and some woman-handling from all the bonobo gals in the Womb Room jungle, she has an awesomegasm that shakes the trees.
Lilly Banks: Sweet, flaxen-haired pet lover whose favorite animal is her dog, Lilly adores pets for their “unconditional love” and “innocence.” Then again, she really likes my snake Eve who, as the Bible tells us, isn’t all that innocent.
Will Tauxe: As a Yale alumna (famous lately for having been banned from speaking at the event I helped create, Sex Week at Yale), back in 2004, I had a Yale-in-Hollywood Internship program here at the Institute called “The Y Annex,” with four bright promising Yale students working at the Institute as interns (hold the Monica jokes, please, we were all very proper, aside from the occasional dollop of female ejaculate landing on their clothes). Well, Will was one of those Yalies, and he wasn’t permanently ruined! In fact, after a stint at teaching high school, he’s now in his second year of medical school, which means soon he’ll be able to play doctor with us! And you know how we love to play doctor. In the meantime, he’s a pretty good rickshaw driver. Boola-Boola Bonobo.
WEAPONS OF MASS DISCUSSION: Bonobos, Endangered Species, Bonobo Conservation Initative, Poaching, The Congo, War, Matriarchal Societies, Penis Fencing, Dolphin Penises, Bonobo Penis Shape, Non-Reproductive Sex, Lactating Females Don’t Get Pregnant, Bonobo Peace Forest, Girl Power, Cum in a Cup, Animal Loyalty, Animal Communication, Bisexuality in the Animal World, Jungle Love, Make-Up Sex, Sex To Relieve Violent Tension, Falling Out Of Trees Upon Orgasm
PERFORMANCE EROTICA: Dressing Up as Bonobo/Human Hybrid in Fake Fur, Sparkling Lingerie Modeling Snake Play, Masked Play, Light Kissing, French Kissing, Spanking, Over The Knee, Hoka-Hoka aka Genito-Genital Rubbing, Cunnilingus & Fellatio, Banana Play, Fully Sheathed Sybian in Measure B Compliance, Sybian Rides, Stripping, Pussy Riding, Breast Play, Agwa De Bolivia Booby Shots, Absente Absinthe Shots, Nipple Sucking, Analingus, Hula-Hooping, Naked Trapeze, Jungle Love,Liberating Your Inner Bonobo
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12 · 24 · 12 @ 12:00 pm
12 · 3 · 12 @ 5:01 pm
Thanks so much 4 having me on ur show!! It was fun to go bonobo with u all! ♥ the blog {8(:|)
12 · 3 · 12 @ 4:59 pm
Nice meeting you on Saturday Dr. Suzy! Great show, and I’ll definitely come back again!
12 · 3 · 12 @ 3:57 pm
so good to see things blooming and thriving away! A happy loftful of bonobos is a joyous sight to see.
12 · 3 · 12 @ 1:44 pm
Bonobos rock! I love your work!!! Keep it UP!
Namaste :)
12 · 3 · 12 @ 1:39 pm
Awesome show, Dr. Susan, love the bonobos. I’m adopting one through BCI. And I just have have to say you are soooo incredibly gorgeous, sensual, naughty sexy and alluring………… Would love to get the chance to meet you……….
12 · 11 · 12 @ 7:39 pm
Then come to a show! We are in Downtown LA every Saturday night.
RSVP here: http://tinyurl.com/drsuzyRSVP
12 · 3 · 12 @ 1:25 pm
thank u for having me! I had a great time!
12 · 3 · 12 @ 3:42 am
I have been educated & inspired by you for many years susan. Thank you!
12 · 3 · 12 @ 3:33 am
damn I really miss my bonobo family! :( only miss one week and Im already homesick!
12 · 3 · 12 @ 3:31 am
dr suzy is beautiful and sexy and luscious :P
12 · 3 · 12 @ 3:28 am
great time!
12 · 3 · 12 @ 3:20 am
You’re such a sexy woman, Dr. Suzy! And intelligent to boot! A perfect role model.