Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Rev. Bookburn - Radio Volta
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:30 pm

    Great blog. Your brilliant and sexy way of countering this Talibanish culture is legendary. Please keep it up. Poor Sen. Larry Craig and Pastor Ted Haggard. They have to publicly posture for the forces of hatred, while dealing with their own internal conflicts. Regarding the sexuality of those different than oneself: why care? I’m not into jellybeans (never tried that) but if someone told me about their experience, I’m not going to freak out. If someone gives a lot of thought to those different than self (an old Pat Robertson video comes to mind), then there must be an inner level of desire that’s also part of the equation. Supporting gay rights gets one labeled gay or bi (I’m neither) and hatred that goes with it, but I think if someone puts that much energy into thinking about someone else, desire is a part of their mental struggle. Anyway, thank you for opposing bigotry and celebrating this victory for justice. Maybe I will try the jellybeans. Love, Rev. Bookburn – Radio Volta


  2. MadBob
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:29 pm

    Dr. Suzy, I am in the process of reading through your blog archive and I am in love with your writings and musings! There is so much good information and thoughtful opinion. It has really inspired me to think about life, love, relationships, and society in different ways. Thank you so much for making your unique voice heard!


  3. teri
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:29 pm

    Great blog!


  4. William Patrick Haines
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:28 pm

    A lot of paranoid persecution of gays steams from the fact that A) according to the Kinsey scale, most people have a degree of bisexuality and some are not emotionally stable enough to handle it, B) biologically, all men have a P spot. So the religious zealots, when confronted with these facts, get very uncomfortable, kind of like they do with the heliocentric theory or biological evolution. Another astounding item is that they worry whether people are fit families, but they don’t worry about making families fit, like by providing medical care, family leave, living wages, affordable housing, access to real quality education, etc. It is amazing how a person depreciates in value once he or she is born.


  5. puppymouth
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:28 pm

    I think you’re like the greatest person ever, and visiting the Speakeasy has changed my life. Thank you so much for inviting me here.


  6. polybi on bonoboway.com
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:28 pm

    As much as I would like to see it happen, lets not get too excited. The righteous Flock already has plans to put this on the ballot, with the intention of putting the fear of God in the erotophobes that populate this country. Groups like Focus on the Freaks…errrrr..Family are already gearing up. We did win a battle, but the war is up hill and we have not won anything yet. The fight still goes on.


  7. bonoboway
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:25 pm

    As always, your words are beautiful. I started a thread about this in the “In The News” forum on BonoboWay a few days ago. I may not be gay but I believe that all people should be treated equally regardless of their sex, race, or sexual preference. I always thought it was pretty hilarious that the biggest excuse for outlawing same sex marriage was to preserve the sanctity of marriage. I’ve been married (to a man) for just over five years and I’ve always considered it a personal decision, not a right to be taken or given. I did it in true American tradition and married in Las Vegas in a semi-religious ceremony. It didn’t matter to me if someone else’s god approved of my decision, I just liked the words the pastor promised to say. To this day the most beautiful wedding I’ve attended was my older brother’s last year. He was married at a beautiful restaurant in the hills of Orange County. It was a fine Celtic ceremony, so intimate and beautiful. They married on 7-7-7 and although it was considered a “lucky” day for marriage, I thought it was beautiful that my brother stood before all that supported him and said that he hadn’t chose that day for luck but that he felt so lucky to have found the love of his life that it only made sense to wed on that day. Why shouldn’t everyone have such an opportunity? I see no reason to dictate who is and isn’t allowed to marry based on sexual preference. This is the land of opportunity so lets give everyone the same chance. This isn’t just about the right to marry but also the right to be treated as true equals. This goes so much farther than just a marriage, it’s about sharing all the benefits like being respected and offered all the same things that hetero couples already have… spousal medical benefits, filing taxes as a married couple, and even visitation of a dying lover, to name a few.


  8. recidivision
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:25 pm

    Another excellent post!!!Marriage isn’t particularly for me – but it is for some. The thing about striving for equality is not claiming that we are all the same – but ensuring that basic rights are not denied to anybody because of discrimination. The guy next door is the same race, roughly the same age, probably similar sexual orientation – but we are not the same. A healthy culture promotes the qualities of each individual as an individual. A frightened culture seeks to undermine these qualities.I often wonder how these homophobes or religious fanatics (and any fanatic just customises, and picks and chooses, the bits of dogma that match their prejudices – except in the cases of indoctrination) would like it if the world were mostly homosexual – and that their heterosexuality was treated as some kind of abomination. Anyone with a basic grasp of psychology will tell you that the most fervent homophobes are those that hate out of fear – and the fear being acceptance of their own homosexual urges. I might not like eating cabbage – but I accept that it is just not to my tastes – I have no problem – or even great interest in those that do – I certainly have no desire to hang them or prevent them from the things and opportunities that all should be able to enjoy.Keep up the excellent work in fighting against the ignorance and stupidity that cause so much hurt and pain.


  9. Xochitl
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:24 pm

    Applause! I have always wondered how people in this country who are against this can have a real argument. Seriously, in some very conservative parts of the country a 14-year-old kid has more of a right to get married than 2 adults with the same junk downstairs. As for the kids? If marriage is really for family then should all post-menopausal women & impotent men, infertile couples and those who don’t want kids not be allowed to get married or surrender their wedding rings? I think the best is how people get married all the time 3 or 4 times without thinking about it. Or worse, we let convicted felons like child sexual predators get married & have kids we & don’t do anything to stop them but if it is two guys, well that just isn’t right! I just wonder how much do we really care about children, or do we just use them as an excuse?I am not religious but if you use that rational then should we stone adulterers to death? Could you imagine going before a judge with that as your excuse for killing someone? I doubt it would hold up & there would be a lot of dead people.I am very happy for all the gays & lesbians of CA. I have many friends who have been in committed relationships for years, their kids are great & don’t have problems any different that other children out there. I do hope that one day we can look back on this & realize how ridiculous it was to ban people who are often tax paying citizens who contribute a lot to society to make it a better place at large such a basic human right. Glad to know that the requirement for getting married in CA isn’t just having a penis & a vagina anymore, hopefully people will realize being married is all about emotional maturity & respect! Those 2 things are almost never heard when the opponents of this issue argue their point.


  10. blazintommyd
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:24 pm

    Suzy, you beautiful gorgeous darling thing, after seeing your videos and hearing your voice on BonoboWay, i know I’m going to faint in a state of near orgasmic altered consciousness when I’m finally in your presencecrush, crush, crush … please be gentle with me oXo


  11. John V. Walsh, MD
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:22 pm

    I will have to see your Cathedral on my next visit to LA.Great piece in CP today.jwJohn V. Walsh, MDProfessor of PhysiologyUniversity of Massachusetts Medical School


  12. Joe, Maine
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:22 pm

    Thank you for your article on same sex marriages…our wonderful leader told us it is not natural for people of the same sex to express love…it is only natural to bomb the shit out of other countries…


  13. Ketty Nguyen
    03 · 5 · 10 @ 7:07 pm

    Dear Dr. Susan, Thanks for your wonderful article about same sex marriage. I agree with you that they , too, needed the right to married as any normal person can. I don’t see why it would threaten any one if they do get married. Marriage is not designed just to produce children. I think people truly don’t understand the meaning of love and marriage at all. They are humans beings like we are, so why are we up about them being together? what’s the difference? they love like all of us? So is that a sin? why would that be a sin if they fell in love with the same sex instead of the opposite sex? If that is who and what they are, then let them be who and what they are. I think this country is the most discriminating and prejudice country in the whole wide world! Talk about equaility and all that..is really is all BS! Christian country huh? yea right. Anyway, your essay is always an enlightning one. I appreciate it very much.


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