Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Jack Thurston
    11 · 25 · 15 @ 1:16 am

    That come hither motion thing really works on the ladies and it makes me feel like a vagina scientist. Great advice.


  2. Ikkor the Wolf
    11 · 17 · 15 @ 11:55 am

    Thank u much Dr. Susan M Block & Maximillian for allowing me to rock the mic n the “BONOBOVILLE” sanctuary… I TRULY Appreciate u both to no end… U guys really make a way for alot of people & u r TRULY Blessed for that… I’m Glad & Honored to have met u both & the continued Awesome interaction… I LOVE “BONOBOVILLE”… One Luv’…!! ;)


  3. Ono Bo
    11 · 17 · 15 @ 2:21 am

    In a time of conflict, remembering the bonobo way is a optimistic way to propel into the future.

    And while people fight for the recognition of cultures having the autonomy to express their desires and express the need for the the livelihood of their cultural heritage to be represented in ways that feel good to them, it is best to educate ourselves around how to express ourselves without harming cultures that have a legacy of appropriation and misrepresentation.

    In these times where we see acts of war and terror unfolding around us, sex education remains key – so, we can, as Dr. Suzy says, “make like bonobos.” Sex is a powerful healing force and with its aid, violence can be transformed into love.

    And even if some of us have different opinions, all of us should remember that in the political struggles for justice, to take time with those you are in resistance with them to share in intimate and sexual moments to heal and endure the obstacles in the fight for justice.

    But in the meantime, we have to find out about the g-spot! The G-Spot Brand and the actual g-spot – which, when worn, makes you look real cool, when found on the body, can create arousing and amazing feelings beyond belief!


    • Elizabeth Aston
      11 · 19 · 15 @ 2:37 am

      Gotta say: “Take time with those you are in resistance with them to share in intimate and sexual moments to heal and endure the obstacles in the fight for justice.” WOW. Beautifully stated <3


  4. UNSCENE abe
    11 · 16 · 15 @ 8:45 pm

    @01:20:00 — The entire time, i kept repeating a piece of music that was created by IKKor


  5. Elizabeth Aston
    11 · 16 · 15 @ 7:18 pm

    “Liberté, égalité, fraternité”

    The national motto of France translates to “liberty, equality, fraternity”. In this frightening day and age, we can look to this wise phrase in order to understand what drives Revolutionaries…and conversely, what can prevent Revolutions in the first place.

    France’s 1789 Declaration of Rights explains that LIBERTY consists of being able to do anything that does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of every man or woman has no bounds other than those that guarantee other members of society the enjoyment of these same rights.

    This impactful French document goes on to explain that EQUALITY in law must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes. All citizens, being equal in its eyes, shall be equally eligible to all high offices, public positions and employments, according to their ability, and without other distinction than that of their virtues and talents.

    FRATERNITY refers to the brotherhood of man – that of moral obligations rather than rights, links rather than statutes, harmony rather than contract, and COMMUNITY rather than individuality.

    If we considered these things before making war with our fellow man and lived by example, we would not find ourselves in this constant cycle of pain and punishment. I deeply appreciate the culture we perpetuate through The Bonobo Way as a result. By living in Peace through Pleasure, we become an active part of an integral microcosm that is full of solutions and possibilities.

    The French represent liberty and love. May Her people stand together and overcome this horrific display of imbalance in humanity.

    We are all a part of one Universal culture. As Robespierre said: “Men of all countries are brothers; he who oppresses one nation declares himself the enemy of all.”

    Let’s try to love each other through this often overwhelming era. Love never divides – It multiplies.


  6. Dr. Mars
    11 · 16 · 15 @ 7:16 pm

    Amazing show,love watching the great Dr, teach&preach on the G-spot! and Dayton for helping xoxo


  7. Bob Gryszka
    11 · 16 · 15 @ 4:38 pm

    OMG! Love it! Beautiful.


  8. Rose
    11 · 16 · 15 @ 4:04 pm

    What a great and educational show- I have never had a such a clear vision of the what/where/how-wet of the G-spot. I love that featuring a cute clothing apparel line on the show opened the dialogue of exploring the female anatomy in a way that matters. I got quite the lesson. I am a little embarrassed to admit that before watching that juicy close up of Dayton’s vagina which revealed her pulsing raspberry G-spot poking out, I really wasn’t sure what it looked like or the exact anatomical location of this precious jewel.

    Thank you Dayton, Dr. Suzy and G-Spot brand clothing for creating this opportunity for me! Haha. Now, I just have to wait and see how this new knowledge will improve my sex life…and maybe open the doors to squirting life.

    And although the show discussed some of the tragic current events that have been playing out on the world stage (along with potential pleasure-based solutions in line with the wisdom of the Bonobo Way) I find it relieving that it was cushioned against something as beautiful, fun and empowering as G-spot exploration/stimulation. We take a departure from the guns and violence of the established (male dominant) “great ape paradigm” and plunge into the pink, wet world of feminine pleasure…the pleasure and sexual freedom that has the capacity to upend humanity’s obsession with war.

    And thank you Dr. Suzy and Capt’n Max for maintaining and propagating the voice of the peacenik, reminding all of us that we are “us!” -a collective, global, human family that benefits from creative collaboration, and has the capacity for acceptance and respect when those collaborations appear futile and simple agreements can’t be reached.

    PEACE and pleasure for all!



  9. Nick Salazar
    11 · 16 · 15 @ 1:24 pm

    Love you Dr. Susan!


  10. Tracy Vanity
    11 · 16 · 15 @ 3:10 am

    Now more than ever we must follow The Bonobo Way as laid out by Dr. Suzy. Bonobos solve conflicts by fucking. No war, more sex!


  11. Del Rey
    11 · 16 · 15 @ 2:10 am

    This show was definitely a family affair, thankfully we’re only family by species, otherwise this whole exhibition of g-spots would be a bit a little taboo.

    Taboo humor aside, this show was a pleasant one that touched upon one of my favorite subjects, the G-Spot, a portal to the cunt’s floodgates.

    I can honestly say that I know what I know about the g-spot, the p-spot and sexuality thanks to my Love of Punk rock.

    True story, I used to watch late night public access, for my favorite punk rock videos– guess who else was on the tube too? Dr. Suzy! I’d watch NOFX videos, and Dr. Suzy, read Destroy All Magazine and call it a night. To this day I exercise my PC muscles and I’d say that years of practice have paid off, I truly know my body and Love it.

    Not all of my partners have been easily orgasmic, but having a solid foundation and understanding about the “pleasure points” has helped tremendously. :D


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