Bonobo Way Bound for DomCon, FemDom 4 this Saturday, DTease Res-Erection & Phone Domination: Call 310-568-0066
❀ ❀ How do YOU spring into the Bonobo Way? ❀ ❀
Dr. Suzy.Tv | Dr. Susan Block Institute | Bonoboville
DomCon 2016 MC Goddess Fae Black & the Femdom 4 on DrSuzy.Tv this Saturday 4/2. Deets! |
The DTEASE & UnPros Sex-Rock DrSuzy.Tv with a feather storm of fun, burkas, bikinis, anal art and a whole lotta style. This bonoboësque troupe gives our jungle a feel-good rumble with songs like “Insurgent,” “Big Girl Panties,” “A Little Bi,” “Cum Again” & “Dirty Mattress.” Photo: Jux Li. More Here. |
“You Have a Bonobo Inside You Who Wants to Read this Hot Book!” Read more of Jason Hall‘s rave 5-star of The Bonobo Way and order your copy of Dr. Susan Block‘s acclaimed “Peace through Pleasure” manifesto today! |
♫ Wicked Violin in Bonoboville ♫ Wicked‘s electric violin puts Dr. Suzy‘s whole Womb Room into a bonoboësque state of aural ecstasy. An excerpt from “Poly on Wry” edited by Del Rey. |
Therapists without Borders | Radio without Boundaries
Kick Out the Shame: Put the Music Back Into Your Life Sexpert advice on marriage, femdom, spanking, ecosex, nonmonogamy & more –> here & here |
Dr. Suzy to speak on The Bonobo Way: A New FemDom Paradigm for Humanity 5/21, 4:30pm. Be there! |
Freedom is the greatest aphrodisiac, but restraint is a close second. Call our BDSM specialists NOW. |
Inner Bonobo been Hibernating? Spring is mating time, dating time, time to fly with the birds and the bees through the flowers and the trees, all buzzing, chirping, blooming and dripping with lustful fecundity. Time to release your inner bonobo! Need some help with that? Call 310-568-0066. |
Need to talk about it? Call 310-568-0066 anytime. |
Dr. Suzy’s Clip-O-Rama XXX Theater
Read Carrie Weisman‘s insightful new article on the All-American Big Boob Fetish, quoting Dr. Suzy profusely. Need Breast Therapy? Call the Breast Fetish Specialists of the Block Institute. |
Do you ♥ B( . )( . )bs? Do you fetishize or fantasize about breasts? Call 310.568.0066. Let’s talk about it. Also see: Striptease. |
Bonoboville Communion brings together Sasha Sweet & Katie Kinns‘ talented tongues & Tera Patrick’s terrific nips in one sexy clip. |
The RƎVO˩ution is What You Watch. | DrSuzy.Tv
Join Us this Saturday on DrSuzy.Tv …for pro-sex surprises under the palm trees! And join us at DomCon 2016, where Dr. Suzy (shown left at DomCon 2015 with Goddess Soma and this Saturday’s guest: Goddess Fae) will give a talk on The Bonobo Way of FemDom Peace through Pleasure! |
Visit Bonoboville for a LiVE Broadcast of DrSusanBlock.Tv! Dr. Suzy, Dayton, Ono, Bambi & everyone here in Bonoboville invite you to a special Saturday evening of unscripted sex – fun – wisdom! Get a studio membership & join us for Bonoboville Communion, an evening of pleasure by the palm trees. A portion of all proceeds goes to help save the wild bonobos from extinction. Membership Has Its Pleasures! RSVP: Call 310-568-0066. Meetup –Studio members attend free. Can’t join us In the flesh? Listen FREE on your cell phone, watch on demand, or chat during the live-stream in the studio! Have a question for Dr. Suzy or her guests? Ask via Skype: 213-599-7398 Tweet to us or call 1-866-289-7068 or 310-568-0066. |
Welcome to the Rumble in the Jungle | Bonoboville: Feel the Bonobo Vibe.
Dr. Susan Block and Pr. Max celebrate 24 years of Love, Lust, and RƎVO˩ution through The Bonobo Way. Join us on April 9th & 16th! |
The RƎVO˩ution Loves Music! Want your tunes to be played on The GREATEST SEXUALITY SHOW ON EARTH? The Dr. Susan Block Show broadcasts live every Saturday night, and Bonoboville Radio on is always live. Upload your track directly to Bonoboville, and be part of the aural pleasure. |
The RƎVO˩ution is what you read. | Block Books
Think Jesus was the original springtime resurrection rock star? Long before the Son of God’s rebirth, the Daughter of the Goddess was reborn in spring . |
It’s in the air… |
So begins erotica editor’s Sylvie Storm’s profound, penetrating and illuminating rave review of The Bonobo Way. To read the entire review, click here. Or just read The Bonobo Way |
Sex-Rock RƎVO˩utionaries for Bonobos Release your inner animal! Read Dr. Susan Block‘s The Bonobo Way, raise your ESQ, improve your relationships, enjoy better sex & join the Bonobo Way movement towards world peace thru pleasure–or get a book-spanking! Be like Wilson Gil and make music not war, or be like Dayton Rains and drop bras not bombs. Learn how to help save the bonobos from extinction. For private, personalized Bonobo Liberation Therapy, call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute at 310-568-0066 |
Need to talk? Why wait? Call now…
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio 😊. Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?