We just posted a new female ejaculation clip in Clip-O-Rama: “FAITH-BASED SQUIRTING” features none other than yours truly, your Pleasure Preacher, your just-a-little-bit-over-the-top Love Doctor, your Female Ejaculation Femme de la Mode, oui, c’est moi, Little Squirtin’ Suzy…
But don’t all rush to the Splash Page; “Faith-Based Squirting” is not for everybody. It’s not for you if you’re looking for a hot young Squirting Star who can ejaculate literally buckets of amrita, like the amazing Annie Body (whom you can see in such Clip-O-Rama streams as Annie Body Squirts Holy Water or Annie’s XXXmas Squirt) or Annie Cruz in Double Annie Squirting Anniversary or Shayna Knight with Axel Braun’s G-Team. Faith-Based Squirting is also not for you if you’re looking for a clear instructional video that really teaches you how to squirt or help your partner squirt, in which case you should check out the very best in the female ejaculation education field, our own award-winning, critically acclaimed DVD and download featuring the world’s foremost expert in female ejaculation, Deborah Sundahl: as well as Annie, Leila Swan and Big D: Dr. Susan Block’s SQUIRT SALON(S).
Faith-Based Squirting is also not for you if you’re a card-carrying AA member or if you’re simply turned off by the sight of a woman joyously imbibing a strawberry daiquiri, since I am imbibing said daiquiri before and after said female ejaculation. Last but by no means least, “Faith-Based Squirting” is not for you if you can’t handle mixing squirting with philosophy or orgasm with revelation or sex with politics, because I do all of that – rather extravagantly – in this clip.
But if you’d like to experience a uniquely exciting stream of your darling Love Doctor indulging in a bit of sensuously explicit and intimate self-pleasuring (after a long and whacky Dommes & Hollie Show), climaxing with female ejaculation (shot from different angles, including extreme close-up), and followed by a passionate philosophical rant (my own and Brother Dave’s), beautiful art (including a fantastic digital painting of me squirting by none other than my beloved running mate, U.S. Presidential Candidate Frank Moore), and a hefty helping of peace-through-pleasure politics, with awesome editing by Mar Sorell, and if you liked my sermon on Faith-Based SEX, then you definitely need to check out “Faith-Based Squirting.” I can’t imagine that you’ve ever seen anything quite like it (and do correct me if I’m wrong).
Dita Von Teese when she was Heather Sweet in-studio at our Bettie Page Live Interview featured on FAITH-BASED SQUIRTING
And there’s a rather remarkable bonus: “Faith-Based Squirting” also includes an amazing “clip within a clip” featuring the living legendary Bettie Page. Yes, THE Bettie Page. The clip comes from a live radio interview I did with Bettie about 10 years ago, the longest, most in-depth interview the great pin-up legend has ever done in her life. We talk about her nude modeling, her Born-Again Christianity, my “sexy voice” (according to Bettie), God and the Garden of Eden.
In “Faith-Based Squirting,” Bettie Page says God doesn’t disapprove of nudity or why would He have created Adam and Eve nude in the Garden of Eden?
As you listen to the Bettie Page radio clip, you’ll see old video footage of Bettie as well as some shots in my studio featuring a lovely 18-year-old Bettie Page lookalike named Heather Sweet, who would soon become world-renowned retro supermodel (and ex-wife of Marilyn Manson) Dita Von Teese. What are Dita and Bettie Page doing in a clip with female ejaculation and philosophy? Well, you’ll just have to find out: Watch the Stream or get the “Faith-Based Sex” Download….
Last weekend, we felt like we were travelling, we were away from the Speakeasy so much. Friday night, we went to Il Corral to support my running mate U.S. Presidential Candidate Frank Moore who was performing there with his band, the Cherotic All-Stars and another great band called Spit. Frank, Linda, Erica, Mikey, Carl Off and I got into a deep discussion about the devastated state of the nation, how we must replace fear with joy and war with diplomacy, and how Frank will depend upon me as his Vice-President to keep Congress in line by seducing them (oy, the pressure!). Then I introduced Frank as the “Next President of the United States” to the filled-to-capacity house, and he gave a rousing inspirational speech as only Frank can give.
Saturday night and Sunday, we stepped out again, this time to the Knitting Factory for the first LA Erotica Film Festival where our erotic political satirical music video BLONDE ISLAND: FUNK ME had its world premiere for a cheering, enthusiastic, packed-to-overflowing.
Real and Celluloid: Introducing the World Premiere of “Blonde Island: Funk Me” to the LAEFF Audience . Photo: Sara Sioux
If you weren’t there, you missed the communal pleasure of seeing BIFM with fellow humans on the Big Screen, but you can still watch the stream or get the download right here.
Canaan Brumley and Dr. Susan Block on the Red Carpet at the LA Erotica Film Festival with Sara Sioux.
Whos Camera-Stalking Me? — Photo: Lydia Teez
The Festival itself was an opportunity to connect with fellow erotic filmmakers and rub shoulders and other body parts with some of the living legends of porn like Ron Jeremy, Seka and Marilyn Chambers, as well as some nouvelle sex goddesses like our old friend Dana DeArmond and Joanna Angel, and colorful entertainment by Cirque Berzerk and Mutaytor, an auspicious start for a brand new festival.
Of course, this being a first, it was far from perfect; there was confusion around some of the events and not a lot of focused discussion. Then there was the red carpet which was about the size of a bath mat.
This would have been no big deal, except that Canaan was trying to film a red carpet scene for his Speakeasy movie, and that plan kind of fizzled.
But otherwise and all in all, it was a fun time and an honor to participate in what hopefully will become a great LA erotic cinematic tradition.
So…last Friday night and Saturday was the Jewish high holiday of Yom Kippur, a day of atonement, meditation (a.k.a. “prayer“) and fasting. Sounds pretty grim, and Purim it ain’t, but it’s a biological and psychological fact that some degree of denial actually enhances pleasure. So I fasted, did a radio show on the meaning of “atone” (at one), and atoned for my sins as best an inveterate sinner like me can atone. Then I broke the fast with a veritable orgy of eating, drinking, partying and sex, and yes, it’s true: a little bit of pain and denial makes the inevitable pleasures of life so much sweeter. This is one of the drives behind the sadomasochistic, bondage and discipline fetishes.
Dr. Susan Block relaxing in her office between Speakeasy scenes in her “Dr. Strangelove” Blast-Off Outfit.
Besides partying heavily, we also managed to shoot a rather complex “Speakeasy” scene with Canaan, another version of our take-off on one of my favorite films ever, Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. You know the “powder room” scene where General Buck Turgidson (George C. Scott)’s sexy secretary/girlfriend “Miss Scott” (Tracy Reed) answers the phone in her bikini, then relays an urgent message to him from a General Partridge that General Jack D. Ripper (Sterling Hayden), Commanding General of Burpelson Air Force Base has just ordered his B52 bombers, which are at their fail safe points, to attack the Soviet Union? Well, in our scene, David is in my “powder room” getting his haircut (by Canaan!) while relaying an “urgent” message from Wallace to me. And you’ll just have to see the movie to find out what that urgent message is.
After the scene, Baroness Fred snapped pics of me glowering in red for a painting in a series she’s doing on women glowering in red, and we will keep you posted in this bloggamy on the results. Then JJ came over and we went party-hopping, first just across the hall to Dwyer’s B-Day party, then actually leaving the Speakeasy again to go to Hollywood for Sara Sioux’s Meloversary where we hobnobbed with the barely-twenty-something set, danced with Sara (developer of our new BonoboWay community site), the Melo Girls and Go Go Girls, then back to the Speakeasy for more debauchery and to cap it all off, a little hot fairly intoxicated marital sex.
Want to celebrate the Scary Season in sexy style? Join us for a Hallowe’en Bacchanalia on Saturday night, October 27th. Come as your erotic persona. Roleplay your fantasies. Turn yourself into living art. Wear one mask so you can take off another. Join the Speakeasy Parade, or just watch from the shadows. We are conjuring up some super sexy surprises (BOO!!!) even as I bloggamize this, so (quick, before the donation price goes up!), make your
reservations now!
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio 😊. Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
10 · 15 · 07 @ 12:36 am
Hi Susan. It was nice meeting you at the LA Erotica Film Fest. ‘Blonde Island’ was great! Thanks for trying to sit through my film despite the technical blunder & the lack of audience. Would’ve rather continue drinking up with you on the couch. I’m back in SF. Let me know if you have any plans of visiting the Bay Area. Wish I was still in LA for your Halloween party….
10 · 8 · 07 @ 9:43 pm
I saw you on a television program called “Wired For Sex” last evening. I enjoyed what you had to say about reproduction responsibility. Good show, and you looked Fantastic! You’re the best!
10 · 7 · 07 @ 6:19 pm
Hey IBS, speaking of freedom, Dr. Block has the freedom to write and speak about politics, even if she is not a so-called expert. And you have the freedom to stay away from her blog.
10 · 7 · 07 @ 6:17 pm
Dear IBS,This is not world war two, nor world war one. This is an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation, the overthrow of an old ally of your America who provided you with cheap oil. How much do you pay for your oil now, sir? How many have you killed with your tax dollars in the name of freedom over there? How many do you have in prison over there? How many do you have in prison in your own country? How many indians have you killed? Your president is not only an international criminal but a man who just vetoed health care for kids in your own country. How sad!And of course we would all still be here without the grace of American military power, we have been in one form or another for millions of years. The world didn’t start in world war one and George Bush didn’t create the universe, it’ll go on long after we are dead, at least for a while IF we stop raping mother earth with an American dream that is spreading round the world like cancer.”Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.” Janis JoplinCarlo FilangieriGoogle me, my family knows a lot about politics.
10 · 6 · 07 @ 4:46 pm
DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE ISLAMO FASCISTS WOULD DO WITH PEOPLE OF THE LIKES OF YOU AND YOUR LIFESTYLE IF THEY TAKE OVER, if we “lie down” and do nothing? i’d wish you stuck to your specialty and leave politics out of your blog you abviously don’t understand much about politics, a the very least let the courageous people do THEIR job, they did it in WW1 and WW2, and we wouldn’t even be here if not for the US saving Europe and the world as they are doing again! please respect others as they respect you! Freedom is the only way, if not you wouldn’t be in business!
09 · 29 · 07 @ 6:18 pm
Thank you for faith-based squirting. If gawd didn’t want us to experience pleasure, the cross would not resemble a vibrator with handle bars, His son wouldn’t have had a foot fetish, and He wouldn’t have nailed Mary (Joseph would believe anything). I believe in faith-based target shooting, miraculous climaxes, and slowly-removed holy beads sensations.We should share this knowledge with those who ‘govern’ us. Then they can transfer this information to: faith-based weapons of destruction (think of the savings!), faith-based nukes, faith-based drug-war hysteria, and faith-based pursuit of oil megaprofits.As Jesus said ‘Dad, that’s not what I meant when I said I wanted to get nailed!’Love,Rev. BookburnRadio
09 · 29 · 07 @ 7:02 am
I’m a huge fan. I think you’re making a real difference on the side of sanity in this often loony country. Please keep pushing the boundaries.
09 · 29 · 07 @ 6:59 am
Showing you some love and looking forward to seeing you on the Halloween show Oct. 27th !!
09 · 29 · 07 @ 6:54 am
wow, you are truely an impressive women dr. , radio, tv. Is there anything you don’t do ? It is nice to see women embrace there beauty as well as intelligence with such authority and grace .
09 · 29 · 07 @ 6:41 am
O Love Goddess!You’re still lookin’ fly at age…29?Keep the Bonobos safe and the Speakeasy Rockin’…I hope to make it out there one of these days…K.K.
09 · 29 · 07 @ 6:38 am
I’m from Israel and I watch your show. I admire u because your consulting brings peace and harmony amongs people, and that’s the high quality of pioneers.
09 · 29 · 07 @ 6:11 am
Dr. Suzy, you are the Trevi Fountain of Love. You inspire us all.