Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. man fred man
    03 · 23 · 07 @ 7:07 pm

    i’ve seen you on tv over the years. so i appreciate how you put yourself out in the world, express yourself so freely and celebrate sexuality. and you’re hot.


  2. William Patrick Haines
    03 · 22 · 07 @ 8:56 pm

    It is amazing how fundamentalist religion embraces two deadly sins: pride and greed. They denigrate “lust,” and will go on about how faithful they and how saved they are. Then they glorify crapitalism. Yes I think there extremist version of capitialism is a bunch of reactionary bs . Let’s see how much the bible really loves capitialism: “A rich man can get through the eye of needle easier than to enter heaven,” “the love of money is the root of all evil,” Let me see how Christ fed the poor and healed the sick. I don’t see anything about turning lead into gold or increasing the stock or 401 k


  3. Ri
    03 · 22 · 07 @ 5:57 am

    wow i love your photo… i have to admit it that i wanna mansturbate with your picture… you are so pretty!


  4. Ethan Denson
    03 · 21 · 07 @ 7:30 pm

    I just saw you on Real Sex on HBO. You are beautiful and your club looks amazing. My wife and I really want to go. What is your address?


  5. Eric in Corona
    03 · 21 · 07 @ 7:25 pm

    Hi DR Suzy, I have been a follower of yours for sometime, and have enjoyed seeing you on your cable tv specials. I would love to join in and become a part of your group. Not only is your voice sensual, but I also like hearing your excellent advice, and to be honest, I also enjoyed seeing you masturbate. You are an incredible lady


  6. Kent
    03 · 20 · 07 @ 3:00 pm

    I appreciate what you are doing freeing people’s minds.


  7. Alma
    03 · 19 · 07 @ 8:54 pm

    GREAT article, Susan!


  8. cyn
    03 · 18 · 07 @ 5:04 pm

    Nice…Also dr suzy I am officially coming on the 24th. What do you think the attire should be? something festive…u know how I like to dress up in costume all the time. <3 Cyn


  9. gortry@shaw.ca
    03 · 18 · 07 @ 1:21 pm

    re: “the divine fetus” : if fetus is here can “the culture of death” be far behind?


  10. jim
    03 · 16 · 07 @ 4:01 pm

    ive been a fan of your show on HBO. keep up the good work and hope to see you on the 24th ! xoxox jim


  11. bi bi
    03 · 16 · 07 @ 6:55 am

    i am so grateful for the things you say or write….i used to minister the convict sorts’ about the “glory of god” and of course lecture about all of those “bad things” to people and inside i never believed half of the stuff that came from my own mouth.obviously one of the largest issues amongst most european based culture ( catholic/christian and the like is sex.they seem to have forgotten that we are not only sexual creatures but that we possess a wonder ful thing called higher brain function,why is it not ok to feel GREAT,i have yet to see the inherent evil in sexual actions that are not malice based.yes i see a very clear difference…..i think that i have tried everything short of kids/animals and i’m totally ok with it.i have had a great time exploring myself and others….unfortunately i don’t get express that alot as a silver smith ( very staunchy industry) but i can easily walk down the street and see a hot girl/boy and think yummy i wanna taste.why are so many people freaked out by those of us who really enjoy being passionate in all that we do. i love you for what you do for us all you are both great


  12. ellis martin
    03 · 15 · 07 @ 9:44 pm

    i really enjoyed our open and refreshing dialogue the other night on the air. it is no wonder that we are friends and kindred “spirits”.


  13. Jay
    03 · 15 · 07 @ 5:16 pm

    Well, after reading your blog, your ethical hedonism manifesto and your faith based sex essay, I have to say that you remind me of one of my favorite writers. You may not have heard of him. Robert Anton Wilson. He has written many books, mostly in the science fiction field. His most well known is probably the Illuminatus trilogy. He just recently passed away, but you can still get a lot of his writings from his website. The subject matter is different, but the style and humor shine through in both of your writing styles. And the subject matter isn’t as different as it seems. Guess you both just have your heads screwed on straight. (pardon the pun)


  14. Anthony Santavenere
    03 · 14 · 07 @ 7:58 pm

    Hi Dr. Suzy, I love your show I always want to call in and tell you that i want to eat your hot pink pussy you are so so seductive & ide like to nibble on your neck and bite your nipples your so fuckin hot i would make love to you for hours, so how can I make it happen? well i feel a little better now i got to tell you what ive allways wanted to tell you, well keep being so hot.


  15. Busty Panther
    03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:25 am

    I am looking forward to doing your show!


  16. Carlo Filangieri, Portofino, Italy
    03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:16 am

    You look like the happiest bunny in the world in that first picture of the colunm. You inspire all of us who search for joy in the world. Your writings are great, your insight astonoshing…I’m amzed how you have been born again after your tragic but victorious dance with death.May you be protected by the universe and all it’s power. You are an itellectual asset to the world and all of us who share earth with you.We love you,Carlo FilangieriPortofino, Italy


  17. katie p.
    03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:15 am

    i saw you on real sex, loved it. your a very lovely lady and i was wondering.. are you a swinger as well. i see you have a phd, and host a great show, and you write a great blog here, but do you meet and greet as well?


  18. john
    03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:14 am

    would love to come. cant wait to meet this amazing group, lead by the Doctor of all devilish delights! hmmm hope to be able to join you all in LA.


  19. Rich
    03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:14 am

    I noticed your news interview on the web and I must say I am impressed with your sex and political views!


    03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:13 am

    i just want to thank you for all that you have done through the years to show so many of us in world the pleasures of exploritive sex practices either with or with out a partner i think that you and your husband have been a rock solid influence :-) in so many lives.thank you both so much!!!!


  21. kimberly
    03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:11 am

    i would LOVE to attend! i was excited to before i saw you on HBO, but now i can hardly wait!


  22. Girnie
    03 · 14 · 07 @ 5:55 am

    you have been a great inspiration in my life atleast. XXXOOO Girnie


  23. James
    03 · 14 · 07 @ 5:54 am

    Hi Dr. Block,I just wanted to thank you for what you are doing. I am a big fan of yours and have watched you on HBO for a long time. I just wanted to let you know that sexy, intelligent people like yourselves make this world more fun. as for me, I am a clean white professional male always looking for a good time with good friends. Hope to meet you sometime. maybe on the 24th thanks again and take care. :)James


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