Coming March 24: Spring Fever Bacchanalia at the Speakeasy!
Maybe it’s the accelerated Daylight Savings or the Global Warming or the fact that the Bushites are in their death throes, but things are really heating up fast this year. And it’s about to get hotter: Spring Fever is going to break out at the Speakeasy on Saturday night, March 24 when we will celebrate the Spring Equinox with a “Spring Fever Primavera Erotica Bacchanalia.” With Annie Body, Tai Ellis and other newcomer Squirting Stars gracing our Primavera – we’ll probably have some Springs Showers, besides The Fever…
So… Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, Artists and Exhibitionists, Voyeurs and Connoisseurs, Wankers and Spankers, Starlets and Harlots, Bonobos and Bulldogs, Singers and Swingers, Sexy Spring Chickens and Horny Hot Dogs…check out some of our sexy special guests, and make your reservations now for the Primavera Erotica Bacchanalia of the year.
“What exactly is a Primavera Erotica Bacchanalia?” you may innocently inquire. Well, it’s a combination of words that all have something to do with Spring Equinox.
The first word is “Primavera,” which simply means “Spring” in Italian. Besides Pasta Primavera, it is most famously expressed in Sandro Botticelli’s “La Primavera” painting of the Goddess of Love in a dark enchanted garden pulsating with sensuous possibility. A radiant Venus (Aphrodite to the Greeks), looking rather like The Unvirgin Mary, presides over handsome Gods in skimpy tunics and lovely Goddesses in diaphanous gowns, her own little love child Eros (a sexy pagan Christ child?) flying above her, aiming his arrow of desire at the Three Graces, Aglaea (Beauty), Euphrosyne (Joy), and Thalia (Fun)” dancing a dazzling rondel. Their gowns flutter in the Spring breeze as Zephyr the Wind God blows and ravishes the wood nymph Cloris, transforming her into Flora the Original Flower Girl spreading rose petals through the Garden of Love. Mercury (Hermes) is the sexy security guard of this idyllic celebration of the innate romance of Spring. Since Mercury is one of Venus’ divine lovers (and the possible father of Eros), one can also see him as the boyfriend patiently waiting on the sidelines as his sex symbol sweetheart occupies the center of all this overheated heathen activity.
The Equinox has long been a heathen holiday, as all the best holidays are, at least originally. Of course, the monotheists have taken it over, as monotheists do tend to take over things, what with Easter, Passover and Persian New Year. But long before Mohammed found Allah… long before Jesus was Born Again on Easter Sunday (greeted by Mary Magdalene; we don’t know if she was Christ’s wife, but she was undoubtedly the First Easter Bunny)…long before Moses told the Pharaoh to “Let My People Go”… long before even Adam and Eve supposedly walked the Earth under One God in Heaven…long before all of these stories were told and told again, pagan peoples came together in small groups like the one of Botticelli’s “Primavera,” as well as large inter-tribal gatherings to celebrate the rebirth of Mother Earth, freedom from the slavery of winter and the born-again beauty of nature in the original passion play.
According to Greek mythology, Spring is also when the hauntingly beautiful Goddess Persephone (Proserpina to the Romans) comes up from the bowels of hell, where her bad boy husband Hades (Pluto) keeps her all Winter long. As the flowers bloom, Persephone comes through Eleusis to rejoin her Mother Demeter (Ceres), fairhaired fertility Goddess of the Earth, who is so ecstatic to embrace the Fruit of Her Loins that She showers the world in Spring! And everybody gets Spring Fever. Spring is mating time, dating time, time to fly with the birds and the bees through the flowers and the trees, all buzzing and chirping and blooming and dripping with fecundity and opportunity. Spring! The word itself makes you want to leap for joy, strip off your clothes and dive into romance, especially after a long cold Winter of discontent and misadventures, war and torture, lying and dying, erotophobic fundamentalism, high-level hypocrisy, fear and loathing. But now there is possibility, there is hope ~ it’s Spring! La Primavera! Carissami Amiche… C’est la printemps, mes amants…
The word “Erotica” is kind of gratuitous, as erotica often is. Meaning, just in case you don’t realize that “Primavera” and “Bacchanalia” are sexy, I threw in the word “Erotica,” so there’d be no misunderstanding. Not that eroticism is a predictable force. But between the porn stars, the squirting goddesses, the classical motif, the grape-kissing, the Feast of the Phalloi, the stimulating art, Chinese aphrodisiacs and bonobo philosophy, it is bound to be an erotic Equinox.
In the early Spring, all religions of the world celebrate some sort of vital faith-affirming holiday of resurrection, renewal and return, both complementing and contradicting the season’s natural blooming eroticism. Though the forces of Sex and God (at least, the monotheistic Gods) are usually quite at odds, sexuality and spirituality are, in many ways, opposite sides of the same Easter Egg. The mystical experience and the erotic experience are the most intense in human life; both connect desire with awe, love, anguish, ecstasy, terror, pain and extreme logic-defying pleasure.
At their most sublime, both religious and sexual feelings are intense passions beyond reason. The word “passion” comes from the Latin “passio” which means “to suffer.” We suffer for love as we suffer for God. Religious mystics love God with a passion that can be feverishly erotic, and to whom do most lovers call out in the throes of erotic passion? God, baby, God, baby, God!
But which God are we really calling? Are we calling for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when we come like that? Are we calling for Jesus? Allah? Eros? Perhaps we are calling for Bacchus…
And so we come to “Bacchanalia,” one of my favorite Latin words: Bacchus – Dionysus to the Greeks – is the powerful charismatic God of Spring. In fact, the Dionysia of ancient Greece, when Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripedes would present their tragedies and Aristophanes mounted his comedies, began every Spring on the 24th of March. These were the public Dionysia. But there were also unofficial Dionysian festivals, orgies and terrifying, ecstatic rituals that Euripedes wrote about in “The Bacchae.”
As the Lord of Spring, Bacchus/Dionysus is also the God of fertility, wine, and ecstasy, and his festivals and cults were extremely popular throughout much of the ancient world. A complex deity, Dionysus played at least two different roles in Greek mythology and culture. As the god of fertility, he was closely linked with crops, the harvest, and the changing of the seasons. As the god of wine and ecstasy, he was the lord of orgies and revolution, associated with wildness, intoxication and unrestrained sexuality.
Bacchus, Dionysus and Jesus
Like another God of Spring, Bacchus/Dionysus has a divine Father, Jupiter or Zeus, King of the Gods, and a mortal “virgin” mother Semele. Zeus’ fiercely jealous wife Hera disguises Herself in human form, then befriends and convinces Semele to ask her Lover-God to reveal Himself in all His glory to her. Zeus begs Semele not to ask for this, but she insists, and He reveals Himself in a glorious lightening bolt that incinerates poor Semele who is pregnant with Dionysus. Just before the divine fetus is incinerated along with His hapless mom, Zeus snatches Him up. Puritanical translations say Zeus sews little Dionysus into His “thigh,” though the original Greek says says He inserts the fetus into His royal balls. Thus, Dionysus is reborn through His Heavenly Father’s testicles as a testament to His divinity. Furious, Hera convinces the Titans to tear the child limb from limb. Zeus manages to shoo the Titans away with thunderbolts, but not before they have torn Him to pieces and eaten all the yummy bits, except His heart. Dionysus’ divine heart is all His Father needs to recreate the Son who is, miracle of miracles, “born again” in Spring.
Beyond the resurrection theme, there are many ways in which Dionysus/Bacchus eerily foreshadows Jesus Christ:
- Both Gods are great liberators of the common people.
- Both Gods miraculously heal the sick.
- Both Gods have human “virgin” mothers and divine heavenly Fathers.
- Both Gods are intimately connected with wine.
- Both Gods are androgynous, with many feminine characteristics, such as long hair and peaceful loving natures, but both are stronger than any man, and flare with potent anger when crossed.
- Both Gods have many passionate, prominent female followers and treat women as equals (unusual for their times).
- Both Gods live among humans on earth as well as in heaven or Mount Olympus.
- Both Gods are Gods of The People, not the Elites who are threatened by and opposed to Their Holy Egalitarianism.
- Both Gods preach that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you.
- Both Gods seduce you, saying that “Heavenly ecstasy is yours to enjoy if only you follow Me.”
- Both Gods are revolutionaries, overturning the status quo.
- Both Gods were especially adorable babies..
- Both Gods die terrible bloody deaths, suffering for the sake of humanity, and both are reborn in Spring.
- Both Gods have, in a sense, their “flesh and blood” eaten and drunk by others.
- Both Gods are extremely sexy and charismatic.
And that’s just the beginning.
So, if Bacchus/Dionysus is so much like Jesus, why not have a Christian Primavera Erotica? Why not indeed. Why is the idea so utterly ludicrous to our ears? Well, there are many reasons, but essentially we don’t hold Christian Primavera Eroticas because the Christian Church managed to succeed with the elite classes on a massive scale like the Temples of Bacchus and the Festivals of Dionysus never did. The Church became the Elites, as Barbara Ehrenreich so astutely points out in her wonderful book “Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy,” and the passionate ecstatic essence of Dionysus/Bacchus/Jesus was repressed, oppressed and then, for the most part, lost. This is why so many of us need to reach beyond the Church, back to Bacchus and Dionysus to find the ecstatic essence that may have once been the power of Jesus before His divine whitewashing by the Church. Besides, it’s a good excuse for a jammin’ play party!
Of course, even the old loving, somewhat sensuous Jesus of the Gospels wasn’t as kinky as Dionysus, a wild and crazy pansexualist of a God, if ever there was one. Maybe it had to do with His upbringing. After His second rebirth, Father Zeus gave the baby Dionysus over to Hermes who proceeded to crossdress the child, raising Him as a girl to confuse Hera’s murderous eyes. Thus, Dionysus became an androgynous God, attracted and attractive to both men and women. Consider the raunchy though touching tale of Prosymnus, a shepherd living near the reputedly bottomless Alcyonian Lake. When Dionysus went to Hades to rescue His mother Semele from death, Prosymnus guided him to the entrance by rowing him to the middle of the lake. Prosymnus demanded and was granted a reward for this service: the right to make love to Dionysus. However, when Dionysus returned to earth by a different route, He found that Prosymnus had meanwhile died. Dionysus kept his promise by carving a piece of fig wood into the shape of a phallus (i.e., a dildo) and inserting it into his anus, ritually penetrating himself, while seated on the tomb of Prosymnus. This was given as an explanation for the presence of a fig-wood phallus among the secret objects revealed in the course of the mysteries of Dionysus. Undoubtedly, one of the mysteries revealed to initiates is the revolutionary ecstasy of of a man finding his P-spot. Since Pan was a frequent consort of Dionysus, you could call it his “Pan Spot.”
Both Pan and Dionysus/Bacchus are often depicted with horns on their heads; could this be the origin of the term “horny”? Pan, Lord of the Satyrs, is usually shown as a half man/half goat hybrid. Clever Medieval Christian Karl Roves, working diligently to further their cause of controlling the horny populace, took that once joyous one-with-nature image and turned it into Satan, the Christian Devil. Perhaps this Spring, we should take it back.
In the less controversial Spring Dionysian tradition of presenting theatrical performances of tragedy and comedy, our March 24th Bacchanal will begin with a Faux Show for the upcoming feature film “Speakeasy” directed by award-winning young filmmaker Canaan Brumley of Ears Open, Eyeballs Click. See, Canaan has to do some “pick-up” scenes in the first hour, so we have to pretend we’re doing a regular show except we’ll be retaking certain scenes, and we appreciate your patience :) We will then introduce an assortment of featured guests, honoring the Gods of Spring with a Dionysian Feast of the Phalloi, Bacchanalian Grape Kissing, Holy Water Sprinklings and other erotic and tasty Rites of Spring and Collective Ecstasy. Forecast for the Equinox at Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy is Hot and Wett….
You must be a Block Studios member or the guest of a member to attend our March 24th Spring Fever Primavera Erotica Bacchanal. If you are a membership, you can make your reservations here. Yes, membership has its pleasures! For information & reservations by phone, call 213.749.1330.
If you can’t be here in the flesh, you can join us online for some virtual Spring Fever. While you’re BACKSTAGE, you can check out some NEW hot pics from our critically acclaimed SQUIRT SALON by Alex Saglimbeni and other photographers, plus newly posted rare photos of once-popular-now-retired nudist model Candy Gisela and the radiant ladies of Desert Sin.
Speaking of photos, I just took some with Kevin Scanlon of The LA Weekly, soon to appear in the LA Weekly People Issue. I also just did an interview about bonobos with Ian Parker soon to appear in The New Yorker, one of my favorite magazines. So things are looking pretty good in my Fourth Estate.
The nightly show on RadioSuzy1 gets better every night! Some fascinating interviews about the bonobos, sex, love, politics, religion, architecture, squirting, blowjobs, glass sex toys, Dionysus…Great calls too! Tune in and call in. You can even call toll-free: 1.866.289.7068.
Whew! So much for the start of Spring; I think I need to lie down.
Yes, the natural “miracle” of collective ecstasy is a marvelous bonobo thing, and something we don’t get enough of in this day and age. Thus, we do attempt to whip it up in some fashion here at the Speakeasy every once in a while or so, and that is the “plan” for March 24th. Then again, the best laid plans may not get you laid the way that you planned; you never know what can happen with a big group of horny, usually repressed, drunken brothers and sisters, lovers and sisters. Thus there is also always something to be said for private, intimate, one-on-one ecstasy with someone you love…which I’m going to see if I can get into with my H right now. We’ve been having these amazing simultaneous orgasms lately, usually with me on top. Mmmm…talk about ecstasy….from the collective to the intimate, there are so many wonderful kinds of ecstasy…And I’m not even talking about the drug…Whoo...I guess I must have Spring Fever…
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio 😊. Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
03 · 23 · 07 @ 7:07 pm
i’ve seen you on tv over the years. so i appreciate how you put yourself out in the world, express yourself so freely and celebrate sexuality. and you’re hot.
03 · 22 · 07 @ 8:56 pm
It is amazing how fundamentalist religion embraces two deadly sins: pride and greed. They denigrate “lust,” and will go on about how faithful they and how saved they are. Then they glorify crapitalism. Yes I think there extremist version of capitialism is a bunch of reactionary bs . Let’s see how much the bible really loves capitialism: “A rich man can get through the eye of needle easier than to enter heaven,” “the love of money is the root of all evil,” Let me see how Christ fed the poor and healed the sick. I don’t see anything about turning lead into gold or increasing the stock or 401 k
03 · 22 · 07 @ 5:57 am
wow i love your photo… i have to admit it that i wanna mansturbate with your picture… you are so pretty!
03 · 21 · 07 @ 7:30 pm
I just saw you on Real Sex on HBO. You are beautiful and your club looks amazing. My wife and I really want to go. What is your address?
03 · 21 · 07 @ 7:25 pm
Hi DR Suzy, I have been a follower of yours for sometime, and have enjoyed seeing you on your cable tv specials. I would love to join in and become a part of your group. Not only is your voice sensual, but I also like hearing your excellent advice, and to be honest, I also enjoyed seeing you masturbate. You are an incredible lady
03 · 20 · 07 @ 3:00 pm
I appreciate what you are doing freeing people’s minds.
03 · 19 · 07 @ 8:54 pm
GREAT article, Susan!
03 · 18 · 07 @ 5:04 pm
Nice…Also dr suzy I am officially coming on the 24th. What do you think the attire should be? something festive…u know how I like to dress up in costume all the time. <3 Cyn
03 · 18 · 07 @ 1:21 pm
re: “the divine fetus” : if fetus is here can “the culture of death” be far behind?
03 · 16 · 07 @ 4:01 pm
ive been a fan of your show on HBO. keep up the good work and hope to see you on the 24th ! xoxox jim
03 · 16 · 07 @ 6:55 am
i am so grateful for the things you say or write….i used to minister the convict sorts’ about the “glory of god” and of course lecture about all of those “bad things” to people and inside i never believed half of the stuff that came from my own mouth.obviously one of the largest issues amongst most european based culture ( catholic/christian and the like is sex.they seem to have forgotten that we are not only sexual creatures but that we possess a wonder ful thing called higher brain function,why is it not ok to feel GREAT,i have yet to see the inherent evil in sexual actions that are not malice based.yes i see a very clear difference…..i think that i have tried everything short of kids/animals and i’m totally ok with it.i have had a great time exploring myself and others….unfortunately i don’t get express that alot as a silver smith ( very staunchy industry) but i can easily walk down the street and see a hot girl/boy and think yummy i wanna taste.why are so many people freaked out by those of us who really enjoy being passionate in all that we do. i love you for what you do for us all you are both great
03 · 15 · 07 @ 9:44 pm
i really enjoyed our open and refreshing dialogue the other night on the air. it is no wonder that we are friends and kindred “spirits”.
03 · 15 · 07 @ 5:16 pm
Well, after reading your blog, your ethical hedonism manifesto and your faith based sex essay, I have to say that you remind me of one of my favorite writers. You may not have heard of him. Robert Anton Wilson. He has written many books, mostly in the science fiction field. His most well known is probably the Illuminatus trilogy. He just recently passed away, but you can still get a lot of his writings from his website. The subject matter is different, but the style and humor shine through in both of your writing styles. And the subject matter isn’t as different as it seems. Guess you both just have your heads screwed on straight. (pardon the pun)
03 · 14 · 07 @ 7:58 pm
Hi Dr. Suzy, I love your show I always want to call in and tell you that i want to eat your hot pink pussy you are so so seductive & ide like to nibble on your neck and bite your nipples your so fuckin hot i would make love to you for hours, so how can I make it happen? well i feel a little better now i got to tell you what ive allways wanted to tell you, well keep being so hot.
03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:25 am
I am looking forward to doing your show!
03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:16 am
You look like the happiest bunny in the world in that first picture of the colunm. You inspire all of us who search for joy in the world. Your writings are great, your insight astonoshing…I’m amzed how you have been born again after your tragic but victorious dance with death.May you be protected by the universe and all it’s power. You are an itellectual asset to the world and all of us who share earth with you.We love you,Carlo FilangieriPortofino, Italy
03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:15 am
i saw you on real sex, loved it. your a very lovely lady and i was wondering.. are you a swinger as well. i see you have a phd, and host a great show, and you write a great blog here, but do you meet and greet as well?
03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:14 am
would love to come. cant wait to meet this amazing group, lead by the Doctor of all devilish delights! hmmm hope to be able to join you all in LA.
03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:14 am
I noticed your news interview on the web and I must say I am impressed with your sex and political views!
03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:13 am
i just want to thank you for all that you have done through the years to show so many of us in world the pleasures of exploritive sex practices either with or with out a partner i think that you and your husband have been a rock solid influence :-) in so many lives.thank you both so much!!!!
03 · 14 · 07 @ 6:11 am
i would LOVE to attend! i was excited to before i saw you on HBO, but now i can hardly wait!
03 · 14 · 07 @ 5:55 am
you have been a great inspiration in my life atleast. XXXOOO Girnie
03 · 14 · 07 @ 5:54 am
Hi Dr. Block,I just wanted to thank you for what you are doing. I am a big fan of yours and have watched you on HBO for a long time. I just wanted to let you know that sexy, intelligent people like yourselves make this world more fun. as for me, I am a clean white professional male always looking for a good time with good friends. Hope to meet you sometime. maybe on the 24th thanks again and take care. :)James