Casual Sex and Squirting with Dr. Zhana & Deauxma
Casual Sex & Squirting: Yasmin Lee with The Bonobo Way, Dr. Zhana Vrangalova, Dr. Susan Block with Agwa, Deauxma, Sally D’Angelo. Photo: Jux Lii
Length 1:50:17:00 Date: Feb. 28, 2015
Audio Playerby Dr. Susan Block
From stimulating “Casual Sex” conversation to a marvelous demonstration of female ejaculation, this star-studded bonoboësque DrSuzy.Tv show brings together great performers and thinkers, professors and porn stars, sexpots and scholars, from Macedonia to Texas and Egypt to LA, to discuss, express, explore and explode with 50,000 shades of the poly-colored rainbow of human sexuality and (once again) soak my bed in Holy Water!
Dr. Zhana
My first guest on the bed is New York University professor and sex researcher Dr. Zhana Vrangalova, born in Macedonia, homeland of another great teacher, Aristotle, who tutored Alexander the Great. I’ve been an admirer of Dr. Zhana’s work for more than a year now, so much so that I include a passage about her fascinating and bonoboësque “Casual Sex Project,” in Step 9: “Be Bonobo-Friendly” of The Bonobo Way. The Casual Sex Project solicits true stories of “one-night stands, friends-with-benefits, short flings, fuck buddies, booty calls, sex with an ex” and more, from adults of all ages and from around the world.
I especially appreciate Dr. Zhana’s relatively clear-eyed academic approach to the subject, since the media tends to portrays casual sex and “hookup culture” as a moral crisis among godless college students and mindless perverts. As Dr. Zhana’s project shows, casual sex can be a positive experience for the individual at least as often as it can be negative. The current hook-up boom is part of a cultural revolution that has been going on at least since the 19th century, accompanying technological advancements such as the electric light, the car, the movies, the computer and the mobile phone. Essentially, this techno-cultural transformation has gotten multitudes of young people “off the farm” and away from the judgmental eyes of their families, into the cities and universities where they can more freely experiment, find each other fairly easily and experience the kind of casual sex they desire. And hook-ups aren’t just for the younger crowd, as our other show guests attest…
Next up on the bed is one of my favorite people in the world. She also happens to be one of those megawatt stars who needs only one name, and that name is a doozy: DEAUXMA (pronounced “Doo-May”) is in the house, Brothers and Sisters! Since I haven’t seen the amazing, warm and wonderful lady in over a year, and since neither of us is getting any younger (though she looks more vibrant and beautiful than ever), our reunion is a little emotional. Deauxma is also featured in two fantastic photos in The Bonobo Way Kindle edition, one of which shows her squirting. Always the most congenial guest, Deauxma brings me a big bag of gifts, including a cowgirl hat, a personal wine goblet and some wine from her home state of Texas. But her greatest present is her sweet presence.
I’m not the only one who puts Deauxma at the top of my list of living humans. This AVN Hall of Famer, the quintessential MILF, has over 133,000 followers on Twitter, one of whom, Ali, calls in on this show to sing her praises all the way from Egypt! He just can’t stop gushing about how much he adores her, from her big 32 GGG jugs to her even bigger heart.
Speaking of gushing, Deauxma is the original Texas gusher, single-handedly disproving that recent, rather shoddy study that says squirt is pee with a fountain of pure, unmistakable Holy Water. Though we have disproved it vividly on Squirt Salon, as well as a few times in the past few weeks, most notably with Rainey Lane, Deauxma is the still-reigning Queen of the Feminine Fountain.
Before she ever-so-graciously squirts for our enjoyment and edification, she takes the Casual Sex conversation with Dr. Zhana into The Lifestyle, a.k.a. swinging, which she’s been into for the past 15 years. She says she got into after reading my third book, The 10 Commandments of Pleasure (that’s okay, I’ll take the blame!), which opened up the floodgates (pun intended) of communication in her marriage. That brings Larry, her hubby of over 35 years, onstage to talk about their funniest swinger bloopers. Casual sex—like any kind of sex—does have its ups and downs.
Sally D’Angelo & Dale DaBone
Deauxma’s friend, sexy, bubbly Sally D’angelo, joins the party, along with another AVN Hall of Famer (also in town for AdultCon), Dale DaBone. Dale won AVN’s “Best Actor” award in 2012 for his title role performance in “Elvis XXX,” directed by our old friend Axel Braun (the first man to make me squirt, with the help of his dad, our even older friend Lasse Braun who recently passed away). Now a musician, Dale comes bearing “Hot Rawks,” his favorite herbal aphrodisiac, demonstrating their potency as he gives Sally a taste of Bonoboville Communion from his hard cock. Nice boner, Mr. Dabone! Either Hot Rawks really work or Sally gives an expert blowjob. Probably some of both.
Champagne Deauxma
All that licking makes me thirsty… for Champagne Deauxma. This is good because Deauxma is a sexual purist and does not use vibrators, dildos or other toys. For her, it’s all about kissing, licking and loving. That and exhibitionism; she’s a natural performer. First she goes off to pee—with a witness!—to show that the ejaculate that she is about to produce, though it comes from the bladder and contains trace elements of urine, is NOT urine, for the most part, or as they hashtag on twitter, #notpee. Then we kiss (yes, Deauxma fans, her lips are divine) and I lick her clit and luscious labia (yes, her netherlips are also delicious!), fingering her G-spot as it swells (yes Virginia, there is a G-spot). Then Deauxma’s amazing geyser of desire erupts in a glorious gush of Holy Water. Though she has squirted more forcefully on some of our other shows, including our viral “27 Squirts” that you can see on DrSuzy.Tv (as well as various other places on the Internet), this time has a beauty all its own, a sparkling waterfall clear as an Alpine spring, pretty odorless and very magical. Everyone in the Womb Room, from sex stars to scholars, feels blessed, baptized by Goddess Deauxma.
More Amen & Awomen…
Deauxma’s shimmering geyser is the clear climax of the show. But there are many bright moments in the mix. Besides her hubby, Dr. Zhana also brings a lovely friend, TS porn star Yasmin Lee, who joins in on Bonoboville Communion with gusto. Luzer Twersky, winner of “Best Actor” in several film festivals (for his performance in “Félix & Meira”) as well as “Best Pick-Up Artist” on DrSuzy.Tv, shares his technique of seducing ladies into casual sex (or maybe more) by “not talking about my problems.” Last week’s eloquent caller, Dr. Mars, now a Speakeasy member, steps up onstage in his suit and tie to testify to Bonoboville being his new home away from home. Besides Ali from Egypt, Chris G calls in on this show to share his excitement over “Casual Sex,” and we all give support to his #StopBullying campaign, eliciting a discussion with Dr. Zhana about how not to allow yourself to be bullied into casual sex you’re not keen on having. More fan tweets from Panty Boy, another one of Deauxma’s biggest fans. Sorry, she wasn’t wearing panties when she squirted, Panty Boy, but we do have Dark Phoenix’s squirt soaked towel, if you’re interested…
Congrats to Jux Lii for getting his fabulous Jux Leather floggers and crops on Kink’s new store. Shout to Abby Martin who we’re excited to have as a guest on a future show. Also must mention Chelsea Raw sashaying around the Womb Room who, though she doesn’t get on mic this show, what with all the featured guests, does get a mention just for being so casual-sexy. Also seen in the Bonoboville Bar: fellow sex therapist and man-about-town, Dr. Hernando Chaves. Another shout-out to guest coordinator Dark Phoenix, for putting it all together and pouring some excellent “Bonoboville Communion” Agwa shots. Now there’s an effective aphrodisiac!
All in all, a great eclectic, electric, boho-bonoboësque night of casual sex talk and real squirting. Thank you everyone! Enjoy the free audio above and video archives.
© March 1, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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03 · 23 · 15 @ 12:57 am
I finally got home, Thank you for letting me be on the show. You are one of my favorite people to be with.
Those are fabulous moments cherish forever! You have always had a special spot in my heart!
03 · 15 · 15 @ 9:30 pm
That was by far the hottest interview ever! Would have loved to been there in person.
03 · 7 · 15 @ 4:16 pm
Keep up the great work, Dr. S, huge fan here
03 · 3 · 15 @ 9:58 pm
I wrote a short story once where advanced copy readers forced me to change a sentence claiming the protagonist squirted in her own face “because that just doesn’t happen.”
Umm. Sorry?
I’ve met Dr. Zhana on several occasions and enjoyed each of them. I’m so glad she’s FOUND.
Her message (our message) about the benefits to choosing to engage in casual encounters is extremely important.
Adding thoughtful research to the mix can only help people as they make decisions about their own sexual preferences.
Looking forward to following your blog Dr. Susan! I’m so glad I found you!
03 · 2 · 15 @ 1:09 pm
SUPERWOW, WHAT A AWESOME SHOW! I cannot wait till you have your next “Sex-pisode” :) I know it will be super HOT!
03 · 2 · 15 @ 10:57 am
Kool, I hope to be able to come see the show live soon…Grins
03 · 2 · 15 @ 10:18 am
It was a show that fired on all cylinders and talk about a room full of powerful women! By the end of the night we had 4 doctors in the house! So great to have so much knowledge and experience in one room!
I will echo Dr. Mars sentitment: If you’re not a member, whaddya waitn’ for??? Greatest show on earth.
03 · 2 · 15 @ 2:13 am
Had so much fun at this great show. Thank you Dr. Susan Block for your hospitality.
03 · 2 · 15 @ 1:07 am
After meeting the confident no-nonsense Dr Zhana, founder of Casual Sex Project last night I feel I can breathe a deeper sigh of relief rather than stuff those skeletons ever deeper in my closet! She doesn’t get bullied either from the squeamish mainstream judgments on what sexual encounters should look like anymore than she’d be pressured into an encounter she does not want … Keen on empowering young girls to be outspoken and have good boundaries, she also claims there’s just as much good as there is the most-oft touted “bad” of the noncommited sex hookup of which there are infinite variety and shades of connection or lack thereof… I think the word here is “rational” in regards to the reality of healthy vs not healthy. I ramble but thank you Zhana for your public campaign on this!”If I thought Deauxma would be jaded and unreachable with all her film and swinging credits, films made and followers in the gazillions I’d be wrong. I think the tenderness and beauty shone through in her sweet, sexy countenance while frolicking on Dr Suzy’s bed making out with her at the end of the show then toasting us all to her Amrita Champagne!!! A 30+ year marriage to the husband who was present, relaxing and happy to top Dr Suzy’s 20+ to Captain Max again breaking all preconceptions of either porn actresses personal life or a sexy sexologist leftie to open everyone’s mind to the intersection of true love with true lust!
With that said, here’s a couple things about last night. You must realize this is only my first year associating with, guest-experiencing the Dr Susan M Block show and by far I’m very keen on the incredible work ethic, business acumen, ability to create these magical, vibrant and uplifting people-connecting SHOWS week after week for decades!
Never underestimate two happily married goddesses when they put sensuality into their longtime friendship (which builds over time when you have show episodes together; fun!) Deauxma has been on Dr Suzy’s show quite a few times and came bearing (baring) gifts. All this to say I can’t stop increasing my awe of Dr Suzy’s skillset. She is flexible enough to think out of the box, on her feet (or cute ass) and do things she might normally not do for extraordinary circumstances.
In fact that’s a big thing I love about being supportive staff on the show over the past 8 or 9 months, is the arena I’m able to and encouraged to be sexually creative… Anyways the show last night was scholarly, floozy-ish fun and spiritual plus emotionally deep. Who do you really know who can pull that off plus look so damn good doing it. (Plus Evie the snake behaved herself.)
Ah, and not to leave out my namesake pet product of the night was the Hot Rawks brought in by virile, handsome and masculine Dale DaBone who was given a few stern glances and comments when he dared say that women like a man who will take charge. I’m with him on that! But the raw vegan community I’ve been part of since the 70s are giving Hot Rawks rave reviews. Just two a day and it builds up in one’s system helping the libido for both men and women … Health is directly connected to sexual prowess. And what one eats is a seriously numero uno factor !!!
To be delighted by the guests and their communion activities, you’ll just have to read the Bloggamy blogpost above and LISTEN to the show yourself!!! I myself like to watch!
03 · 2 · 15 @ 12:18 am
Great show…
03 · 2 · 15 @ 12:15 am
Thanks DEAUXMA, Glad 2 have u Back on Dr.Suzy :) BEST RADIO SHOW of LA
03 · 1 · 15 @ 11:34 pm
love your sexy shows
03 · 1 · 15 @ 11:09 pm
Rockin Magical Show