Alien Sex Secrets, Raelian Encounters and Sweet 16 Years of Marital Love and Pleasure Sex
We’re between TV shows at the moment, doing a little of this and some of that, celebrating our Sweet 16th wedding anniversary, doing delectable dinners and dynamite radio, moving Bonoboville into the next stage of beta, trying to figure out how to take over the world and survive the recession and, most importantly, sharing beautiful orgasms of all dimensions.
- Ecstasy or Agony?
My Dinner with Raël
Last week, I had dinner with Raël, internationally renowned connoisseur of pleasure and “prophet” of the Raëlian Movement with about 80,000 members in 90 different countries around the world.
Raël and Me
Apparently, after watching a few of my living legendary HBO specials, Raël recognized a kindred spirit in the cultivation of what I call ethical hedonism and what he calls our right to pleasure, and he asked his staff to make contact with me.
Raël’s Girls: South Beach Sector
Raël is all about “making contact.” Before becoming a prophet, he was Claude Maurice Marcel Vorilhon, a singer/songwriter, then a journalist/race car driver, speeding down the highways and backroads of life like the rest of us. In 1973, while cruising around a volcano park in the center of France called Puy de Lassolas, he felt an irresistible impulse to pull over and get out of the car.
The Prophet Elisha sees Elijah ride a Chariot of Fire into Heaven
This is where Raël gets a little unreal. But then, what prophet worth his prophesy only sticks to dull demonstrable reality? Think of the Prophet Elisha who beheld the Prophet Elijah in a Chariot of Fire taken up by a whirlwind into Heaven. How real is that? Anyway, at this point, Raël says he saw lights flashing in the dark sky, and a large silver flying saucer slowly touched down right there in front of him, within the ditch of a volcanic crater. A staircase unfolded from the belly of the ship (guess this was pre-“Beam Me Down, Scottie” spacecraft technology), and down marched a small, humanoid “alien” with vaguely Asiatic features and a neatly trimmed black goatee.
Raëlian Alien
This “extraterrestrial,” who called himself Yahweh (yes, like the most sacred Hebrew word for “God” in the Bible), told Raël that he was one of the Earth’s original “designers,” called Elohim (another Hebrew word for God or “gods,” or “those who come from the sky,” also in the Bible). Then, over the course of six mysterious encounters (none of which were photographed or witnessed by anyone else), Rael claims that Lil’ Yahweh gave him a “message from the designers” regarding science, religion, love, sex, relationships and eternal life, among other things. Rael accepted his “mission” to spend his life transmitting this message, as well as news of their imminent public appearance on Earth (preferably in an “embassy” he would build), to the rest of humanity.
Green Finger
The “message from the designers” is one of love, peace, pleasure and nonconformity, blending spirituality, sensuality, art and certain sciences. In some ways, these Alien Sex Secrets are rather similar to my own message of Ethical Hedonism and the Bonobo Way, though I did not have the benefit of learning it from any aliens, unless these aliens have disguised themselves as bonobo chimpanzees.
More Krazy Kitchy Korean Love Park actioni
Over the years, Raël has engineered many commendable sex-positive public actions, from calling for the free distribution of condoms in schools to promoting masturbation for everyone; from worldwide campaigns to support sexual minorities to the creation of an association to help restore the clitorises of victims of female circumcision called Clitoraid. These are truly “good works” in the controversial field of sexuality, for which no other international religious organization has stepped up to the plate. For me, this more than makes up for the fact that journalist Raël happened not to have his camera on him when the Elohim came a’ knocking.
A Raëlian in the Naked City
Nevertheless, UFOs and good sex works aside, I do have some major problems with Raël’s belief system, particularly his denial of the essential principles of evolution, which are the prime building blocks of biology, zoology, ornithology, anthropology, genetics and many other sciences. I can sooner tolerate Raël’s story about “Yahweh” and the little green (or whatever color) Elohim. After all, the original Yahweh/Elohim story is also pretty outrageous, not to mention nebulous and contradictory. Every religion features some mythological, other-worldly story about the whole world being created in 6 days by a distinguished old guy named “God” (Hebrew), by an egg-shaped cloud breaking to release the matter of the universe (Chinese), by a bored deity named Atum masturbating into the void (Egyptian), or by the great god Eros blowing the Breath of Life into all things (Greek), which I like to call The Original Blow-Job. Then there are all the amazing tales of virgin births, resurrections, rivers being turned into blood and water being turned into wine. Raël’s“My Favorite Martian Visits France” story is no better or worse than any of these. The Raëlian Movement is controversial in many other ways, especially for their support of human cloning, some of which you can peruse in Wikipedia. They’ve sued and been sued, and as a fellow pleasure preacher in a society that tends to exploit people’s pain, I can sympathize.
But rejecting evolution? Might as well join the science-phobic ranks of creationism. Even the Pope says evolution can co-exist with any faith, whether in a Son of God or Extraterrestrial Creator(s). I “believe” in evolution primarily because of the mountains of scientific evidence. I consider it a “theory” only in the sense that the National Academy of Sciences defines theory as “a comprehensive explanation of an important feature of nature that is supported by many facts gathered over time,” not in the popular usage of the word “theory” as a hunch, conjecture, opinion or speculation.
But I also have my spiritual reasons for my faith in the principles of change that Charles Darwin most famously (and imperfectly, but still brilliantly) identified: Because when I look into the eyes of my friend Lana, who happens to be a bonobo, I see my close cousin. And it’s not just that I have a bonobo fetish (though I do). When I look into the eyes of monkeys, I also see cousins, though more distant, and when I look into the eyes of my snake Eve, I see an even more distant cousin, but a cousin nonetheless.
My Cousin
So I am not going to become a Raëlian (surprise, surprise). But I have no plans to become a Buddhist either, and I’d still dig hanging out with the Dalai Lama. Thus, I enjoyed my dinner with Raël. Even if I evolved from monkeys, and he comes from outer space, Raël and I are friends and neighbors, and we share a common belief in the importance of the cultivation of pleasure for the individual and society. The people that surround him include a variety of artists, scientists, sex workers (some of whom are called Raël’s Girls) and bon vivants, many of them devout believers in the Raëlian religion. A couple of these followers had invited me to Raël’s free Las Vegas seminar, but I refuse to put myself through the ding-ding-ding of Vegas unless absolutely necessary, and besides I was in the midst of producing our spectacular Porn ‘n’ Purim Bacchanal. It turned out that Raël was going to be passing through LA on his way to Japan (which has the largest number of Raëlians next to Africa) on a convenient evening for me to go out. So Jenni and I drove over to the acclaimed JiRaffe Restaurant in Santa Monica where we found ourselves amongst an impressively international group of So Cali Raëlians as they welcomed their “messiah” with shiny red balloons and signs declaring “We Love You, Raël!”
Dinner with the Raëlians at JiRaffes. Photo: Jimmy A. Rich
By the way, the food at Jiraffe was out of this world (pun intended), including the most delectable foie gras I’ve eaten since I was in Côte d’Azur. I felt positively sinful consuming it, since they torture the poor geese to make it (as Raël gently reminded me), but I couldn’t help but savor the sheer delectability of every bite. Mmm. Like the most luscious cunnilingus imaginable; but with this meat, you get to swallow!
Raël addresses our dinner party as partner Sophie looks on s. Photo: Jenni
So we ate and drank and talked about the importance of pleasure sex education and our mutual love for anglewings and similar interests in creating erotic hotels. Raël treated me like a guest of honor and charmed me with his French manners, though he’s not too keen on his native country now that it has classified his religion as a “cult.” Since I hadn’t done much “homework” prior to our dinner, I didn’t know about his anti-evolution stance, so he was spared my interrogations on that point. I was curious about something else though. “What’s with the outfit?” I inquired, gesturing at his all-white costume which looked like a cross between a Samurai uniform and a spacesuit. He smiled and said that he wears it, as well as the little hair knot on top of his head, to “keep the fools away.” I could have questioned that logic, but far be it from me to criticize people’s wardrobe choices when my own generally swings from elegantly slutty to patently outrageous. Besides, the samurai spacesuit is no sillier than those bright red dresses with white lace aprons that the Catholic Cardinals wear.
Cardinal Fashion Statement
Raël was flying off to Japan the next morning, but one of his top “guides,” Lara Terstenjak, recently promoted to the position of US National Leader or Bishop of the Raëlian Movement, was staying LA for a few days.
With Raëlians Lara, Jimmy and the Alien that fell through the Speakeasy ceiling, landing comfortably in the Vulva Lounge
So I invited Lara to be my guest on RadioSuzy1 the next night.
With Raëlian Bishop Lara and Melo Queen Sara on RadioSuzy1s. Photo: Jenni
Melo Queen, Speakeasy Girl, Warner Sister and BonoboWay Developer Sara Sioux Robertson, a fairly devout atheist who was raised in a Born Again Christian home, happened to be here at the Speakeasy that night after a BonoboWay development meeting. Sara passionately and intelligently questioned the believability of Rael’s visions of alien visitations and the creation of the universe, and Lara held up well under fire, never changing her story, unbelievable as it might be, never trying to “convert” us or disparage our skepticism. Moreover, we had fun just hanging out with her and her boyfriend, music producer Jimmy A. Rich.
Big Love in Korea’s Sex Education Theme Park
The next day, Jimmy sent us some of his deliciously explicit music, and Lara sent us a bunch of photos of this amazing Korean sex theme park called Jeju Love Land, as an example of the type of sculptural decor that might adorn parts of the alien-welcoming embassy and/or erotic hotel that Raël intends to build, possibly in Vegas.
Jeju Love Land girls laugh at all the kooky kitchy sculptures below them. Why not? For the most part, sex is a comedy, not a tragedy.
I’ve never been particularly interested in visiting Korea before. But take a look at these kooky kitchy wonderful sculptures sprinkled through this bloggamy, and you’ll have some idea of why I’m now considering Korea’s Jeju Island as a destination vacation.
Jeju Love Land Blowjob with Treegasm sprouting from head
So Lara, thanks for the tip!
Korean Jeju Love Land Urinals: Which would you use?
Even though I won’t be converting to Raëlianism, I’m happy to have made these new friends and fellow advocates of the goodness of pleasure sex, tolerance and peace.
Whipping invisible extraterrestrials with my fablulous new Elk Skin Floggers. Photo: Jenni
Fluxus & Flow
We’ve got more new broadcasts posted on RadioSuzy1, including a fascinating interview with Dutch Fluxus artist, radio pioneer, publisher and storyteller Willem de Ritter
With Willem in the Zen Room at the Speakeasy. Notice the Buddha behind me (which I painted at Yale after my trip to Nepal) and notice my ultra-stylish Stop Bitching Start A Revolution! T-Shirt s. Photo: Mar
We also talked with Michael Schuessler, author of The Holy G-rail, and his muse Lady G, about female pleasure sex, the G-spot, female ejaculation, blended orgasms and other juicy topics.
With Michael & Lady G on RadioSuzy1 Check out my T-Shirt: Squirt for Peace!s. Photo: Mar
Dr. K: My Kind of Holy Man
I had a truly “religious” experience when I paid a visit to Dr. K in his rustic home, perched on a steep cliff in Pacific Palisades over looking the ocean. As those of you who know me know, the saintly Dr. K saved my life when I almost died from septic shock in June of 2006. Sometimes I think of him as my Orpheus whose medical skills pulled me out of the Underworld, though unlike unlucky Eurydice, I did not look back.
Almost exactly one year later, Dr. K went in for his own surgery and suffered a stroke on the operating table. When he woke up, he did not remember his name. Of course, he didn’t remember mine either. But he managed to get his father to call me and then I called him, and our friendship deepened over these past nine months as I tried to help save the sanity of the man who saved my life. Thank God & the Goddess (and maybe ET) that Dr. K is almost back to 100% of his old self, and in some ways, he’s even improved. He whipped up a delicious healthy dinner for us on a wood-burning stove, by an elephant ficus growing up from the ground right into the house. He is working at USC-LAC, though not yet back in his old job as a surgeon. However, in a couple of weeks, he is headed to El Salvador where he will perform surgery and other kinds of medicine for poor women at a clinic where he has donated his time for the last several years. I was happy to hear that he is going to do his life’s work again. Dr. K has given so much to El Salvador, and this opportunity for him to do surgery there now when red tape is tying things up at USC is something El Salvador is giving back to him.
With Dr. K in front of the Elephant Ficus growing through his floors. Photo: Jenni
For me, visiting Dr. K was like going to the mountaintop to see a Holy Man. Dr. K is one of the most selfless individuals I have ever known, and I’m not saying that “just” because he saved my life, but because in all my interactions and conversations with him, he seems to want nothing more than to heal the sick. After all he has been through, having suffered a stroke on the operating table at the age of 33 during surgery that was supposed to prevent just such a stroke, he is not bitter or angry. He just wants to get back to his calling: healing the sick. He is especially drawn to healing those less fortunate, whether in El Salvador or USC. I was very fortunate to be among his patients, and my good fortune to be near him continues. Visiting Dr. K in his secluded, majestic outpost, eating fresh corn and spaghetti (no foie gras here) prepared by his strong and meticulous surgeon’s hands, looking out with him upon the dark rolling ocean below us, sharing thanks in having survived our brushes with death with our respective scars, was as close to a spiritual experience as I’ve gotten for a while.
Buongiorno Italia!
I am thrilled to announce that The 10 Commandments of Pleasure will be translated into Italian (finally!), published by Armenia in Italy in June, 2008, where my married name is Dr. Susan Block Filangieri. I Dieci Commandementes di Piacere. The Italianos are doing things a little differently, as Italianos are wont to do, publishing the book in two separate volumes, one for the male and one for the female. Piu tarde…
Gaetano Filangieri, my in-law ancestor
Sweet 16th Wedding Anniversary Party
This past Saturday, April 12, my Prince (a.k.a. my Butler) and I celebrated our Sweet 16th wedding anniversary.
Sweet Sixteen. Its our anniversary.
We considered flying to Paris (where we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary) or San Francisco or maybe the Planetoid Eros.
Close Encounters
Then we just decided to throw a little private dinner party at the Speakeasy.
Celebrations. Photo: Mar
After all, what cooler place is there than the Speakeasy to celebrate the long-term power of love with some short-term fun?
Lorelai & Jenn . Photo: Bromeo
I put on a flimsy Springy green number, we opened up the gallery, bar and commissary, and about 50 invitation-only friends and colleagues joined us for a night of luscious pasta pesto, music, hookah, multiple toasts and animated, intoxicated conversation.
Dinner in the Commissary . Photo: Lydia Teez
Plus a pinch of public sex…
Dessert in the Womb Room . Photo: Mar
If you weren’t invited, I apologize.
Mae Victoria returns s. Photo: Mar
It wasn’t a show, just a little party we threw together in a few days, and if you missed it, it’s your own damn fault for not keeping in closer contact with us.
Liquid-Tongue Lydia laps me up . Photo: Mar
If you were here, you know it was low-key, compared to something like Eros Day, but it was a blast.
Evie slithers from Nic to Teri . Photo: Mar
People kept coming up to me to ask my recipe for making love and lust last in marriage. But since this has already become another one of my endless bloggamies, I’ll just direct you to my new and revised 10 Commandments of Pleasure.
BonoboWay Development Team . Photo: Lydia Teez
The BonoboWay Development Team was also here to celebrate our higher state of Beta. BonoboWay is our new community site, and it’s also “invitation only.” But you can request an invitation, and at this stage, and especially considering you’ve managed to make it to the end of this bloggamy, we’ll definitely invite you.
Riding the rickshaw with Lisa (notice her panties match my outfit) . Photo: Mar
So it was a great celebration of 16 years of bonobo marriage and lots more love.
A little wedding anniversary shtup between courses Photo: Lydia Teez
Then the Sweet 16th anniversary nightcap: a couple of pelvis-shattering private orgasms in our marital bed, inspired by our libertine interpretation of that stodgy but valuable institution of marriage and a night of fun and frolic with our sexy Speakeasy friends.
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio . Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
04 · 20 · 08 @ 4:32 pm
Great blog, as usual, Dr. Suzy. You are the sexiest, funniest, most thought-provoking, and most sane woman on the web today.
04 · 20 · 08 @ 4:31 pm
Perhaps the pope is looking for converts especially those who ain’t familiar with the church’s hijinks
04 · 20 · 08 @ 4:30 pm
Hello Dr. Block,I enjoyed your column on Rael, but I disagree that “handing out free condoms in schools” is a “sex-positive” activity. Condoms stink. They literally smell bad (chemical/rubbery), and they diminish and “plasticize” sex. Do bonobos use condoms? I doubt it. Giving them to students for free creates an atmosphere where childrenare encouraged to have anti-sex (“safe sex”) without learning about real sex, which is sex that is open to the prospect of creating new life. Not to mention that as free items pertaining to “school-sanctioned sex,” they will be used in fashions not as intended. I’m not looking forward to seeing these free condoms strewn into water fountains, choking turtles in the streams, etc. Ultimately, even advocating for “free”condoms is a violation of my rights as a taxpayer, as no manufactured physical object is really “free.” Sincerely, Brendan Frost Sanford, NC
04 · 20 · 08 @ 4:29 pm
Great stuff. I really enjoy you when you are on Skype. I haven’t had a chance to jump in and talk yet but I will keep trying. I saw you on Real Sex on HBO a couple of nights ago,”sweet”.
04 · 20 · 08 @ 4:28 pm
And who’s to say that some of us are not more closely related to dogs, say, than monkeys? I like the traditional practice of feeling your soul to be aligned with another species; I certainly never feel as though my soul is aligned with Homo sapiens sapiens! But most people seem to need to feel that they are not “animals” and that is the beginning of human ignorance and folly. And it has a lot to do with fear and hatred of sexuality.Just one correction: We did not “evolve” from monkeys. We share a common ancestor somewhere long, long ago, but monkeys are at the end of one branch on the (current) evolutionary bush, as we are. Dogs, pigs, and bears share a common ancient ancestor (and have a lot of habits in common!), but they are also at the ends of their branches. I love Richard Leakey’s analogy of evolution as a bush, with various living forms of life out at the ends of the branches.Where does your friend Lana live? I hope she is not isolated from other bonobos; they sound much more appealing and sane than humans or chimpanzees.
04 · 20 · 08 @ 4:27 pm
Great Blog and no worries on your opinion:-) We are all entitled to that, I have no worries you are supporting our causes and we will see you in the future to have contact about more actions for Pleasure and freedom of expression :-)Thanks for your individuality and passion for peace and pleasure!!! It’s wonderful to know creatures like you exist on this planet!Hope to see you again soon!Love and Light,Lara
04 · 19 · 08 @ 4:26 pm
well, if you believe in evolution, susan, then you must believe in relativity and if you believe in relativity then you would have to believe that nothing is absolute, therefore what we think we know about the totality of existance is in a constant state of change, that we are evolving and may still be in a rather primitive stage of development and that the religions were at one stage the ‘cutting edge science’ of their day that don’t want to expend the effort give up the way of thinking (believing) that they have become accustomed to and is comfortable for them…and so it may also be with some scientists and their ‘congregation’ of believers, puting up obstacles to ‘uncomfortable’ change and criticizing the heretics of non-orthodoxy, and so creating the religions of tomorrow. so if there is evolution then there must also be spiritual evolution as well, there’s evidence everywhere of a more subtle approach to belief systems at present, humanism for one, even contemporary western buddhism that is highly relativistic and comes across more as a science of the mind and spirit than as a religion. so be careful not to rattle that basket of eggs around too much, you might create an absolute omelet. i liked the article tho…
04 · 19 · 08 @ 4:25 pm
I enjoyed your article and very much support your interest in “pleasure, tolerance and peace.”I just can’t seem to resist asking you about your emphasis on the theory of evolution. First of all, the distinction between theory and fact is not merely a formality in science, as you imply. On the contrary, it seems to me, it expresses the very soul of that discipline. Nevermind how many scientists are themselves sorely confused on this point: fossils are a fact; Darwinian evolution is a theory. Science has been brought into considerable disrepute by scientists who, shortsightedly, obscure this point.I too enjoy seeing my kinship, not only with primates, but with all creatures great and small. Indeed, this kinship has inspired the idea of evolution at least since the days of the pre-Socratic Greeks. Even the idea of survival of the fittest dates to this early time. In short, this is NOT the distinctive Darwinian contribution to the subject. Rather, it is the mechanism of random mutation.But, how all of this might cause you so decisively to accept “the principles of change that Charles Darwin…identified” quite mystifies me. If it is simply “[your] faith,” as you say, then I wouldn’t quarrel. Faith, in the sense of belief, is hardly arguable. However, I think it may be worth your while to ask yourself what beyond this, quite concretely, in the way of evidence, leads you to such conviction? Yes, I know the great vast majority of scientists claim to have this evidence for Darwinian principles. But claims must be verified, no matter what the profession, and social authority, of the people making them. I’ve looked into these claims myself, as a layman, and found them surprisingly lacking. Just one man’s view, but there it is.One more quibble, if you don’t mind. To cite one folk tale as a representative expression of the religious attitude and outlook of Chinese civilization is not particularly helpful in the increasingly heated discussion of religion that people seem to be having these days. Like most of your other references to various specifics of religion, it amounts to a fairly gross misrepresentation of reality. Surely tolerance depends more on real understanding than it does on some sort of formal reliance on live-and-let-live ethics. With understanding, we learn that others, even our distant and superstitious ancestors, are not quite as dumb as we first thought they were. (Remember Mark Twain’s quip on how his father had grown through the years?) Isn’t such understanding a prime source of pleasure, and a much more reliable guarantor of peace?
04 · 19 · 08 @ 4:22 pm
Great read! Have never seen your cable show but can see you it must be a lot of fun, providing good information without shame and lots of humor. You have a wonderful writing style that I’m sure helps open eyes.
04 · 19 · 08 @ 4:20 pm
There are two types of mysticism: dangerous and benign. The dangerous, virulent type of mysticism is currently being espoused in the new Ben Stein movie “Expelled”. It is another example of the Holy Rollers trying to impose their creationist beliefs on others while attempting to play the victim.
04 · 18 · 08 @ 8:50 pm
Hey Cuz I can’t believe it’s been 16 years. I only wish I could be there with you both, to clink a glass and give kisses all around. Well, I can send you a million kisses and drink a bottle while thinking of both of you. Does that count? Listen cuz, I truly do send both of you my love and I really do wish I could be there with you.Love you always,Diane
04 · 18 · 08 @ 8:49 pm
Congrats on 16 years of marriage–in this day and age that is truly AMAZING! Demi and I had a great time at your party.
04 · 18 · 08 @ 8:47 pm
Hey Dr. Suzy .. I think you’re the hottest woman alive.. since I was young middle school little bad ass ..and honestly I would actually be your slave .. and I’ve never said that .. let alone ever let a woman belive I would be her “slave” ever .. and god can strike me DOWN ! i can promise that…. but I wouldn’t be your slave all the time .. I’m too dominant and passionate for that …lol … I have to meet you and get an autograph and a picture of you someday at one of your events .. it would mean the world to me …. Luv you always and forever… hope you understand..
04 · 18 · 08 @ 8:33 pm
very much enjoyed your blog as well as seeing a few of your shows…So you’re a hottie AND you know Yiddish…amazing….
04 · 18 · 08 @ 8:30 pm
i admire the work you do and i believe sexuality knows no boundares…Thank you for what you do. You are both sooo attractive! Inside and out!
04 · 18 · 08 @ 8:30 pm
I enjoyed your blog, and I loved your movie about the Bonobo Way. People have a lot to learn from those creatures! You are certainly helping spread the knowledge.
04 · 18 · 08 @ 8:28 pm
Thank you dear Suzan ;-) Do you come to isRael? I watch your program on EGO almost every night :-)Last night, I returned from Turkey after a wonderful seminar with Raelians from all the Middle East countries and had a lots of fun :-)))) It’s always a great pleasure to see Raelians from Muslims & Jewish origins hugging each other :-)I would love to be in contact with you and meet if possible.Lots of loveLeonhttp://www.rael.orghttp://www.clonaid.com
04 · 15 · 08 @ 8:26 pm
Your Raelian encounter was quite interesting. I am incapable of converting to irrational thinking and hallucinating visions or messages. On the up side, I have completely converted to Lara worship, so in that sense, they have prompted a new person to talk in tongues.Your timing is great. People who should know better are using the ‘polygymist cult’ headline story to decry lifestyles that differ from their own vanilla exclusive means of relating to others. The call to crack down on all poly ‘cults’ was at Huffington Post, not a far-right crackpot’s site. It was a continuum of the porn-is-bad, the headline-scandals reflect ‘sex-addiction’ myths, and alternative lifestyles equal abuse posturing.Speaking of abusive, whacked cult leaders, did you notice the arrival of Pope Eggs Benedict? Instead of tar and feathers, he was greeted by war-criminal/ numbnuts Bush and approached like rock star. The Queenpin of the Church of Pedophilia did have an amusing side. That was the tackiest dress I’ve seen on television in decades. That’s one abusive cult that I would like to see better exposed and prosecuted. That will be the theme of the May 11 show (April 20: 420 With Rev. Bookburn; May 11: Pope’s Candy For Altar Boys US Tour – possibly including a classic Tour t-shirt).The bong salute for your anniversary went very well and the show will be at in a few days. The DC Madam was recently convicted. Perhaps she’ll take down many pillars of state and church with her. That will make for much good radio material for both of us. We can have a humane, pleasurable, non-delusionalworld.Love,Rev. BookburnRadio
04 · 15 · 08 @ 8:12 pm
Dear Dr Susan, Firstly i would like to thank you for your excellent work, and being of pagan persuasion myself, i can fully agree with most of what your saying except for your ideas on evolution, i just cant believe that we came from apes, we may be related to them as another species but i cant see that we have come directly from them, because if evolution is a constant ongoing thing, then where is the in between half man half ape entity ? i mean, wouldnt there still be individuals in the in between stages ? Most indigenous tribes, dont seem to share your views, like the native americans, the aborigines, the maoris etc. We are definatley all related cousins but i reckon we, as humans are just another unique species in the great web of life, all evolving spiritualy towards awareness of life an infinity….. Love ,Light an Life to you.. jon. uk.
04 · 15 · 08 @ 8:10 pm
While I do not view mysticism of any kind as healthy, hedonism is certainly not immoral or unhealthy. Enjoying life should not be confused with selfishness. After all, the Christians are the most ardent supporters of capitalism which validates the Christian faith far more than hedonism. Also while I certain believe in life elsewhere via bilogical evolution and exoplanets, I am extremely leary of Von Danikenism.
04 · 15 · 08 @ 7:54 pm
SuzyQ! Thanks for a great night on your anniversary. We had a tremendous time and only wished we could have stuck around longer as the evening was certainly ‘heating up’ by the time we unfortunately just had to go – baby sitter was at the house more than an hour longer than planned. Luba:)
04 · 15 · 08 @ 7:53 pm
Thank you for inviting me to join you in your 16th anniversary celebration! It was fun and great seeing you again! You looked just lovely in your lime green sherbet outfit. Good enough to eat!
04 · 15 · 08 @ 7:49 pm
it was so much fun. great to see canaan, the melo kids, and of course you and your lime green.
04 · 15 · 08 @ 7:43 pm
I loved how much fun you were having. So glad to see everyone feeling good. I can’t really party much at certain times but I hung out enough. The doc was a blessing to talk to..
02 · 18 · 08 @ 8:29 pm
Don’t ever get septic shock again. Okay? I was afraid to ask what happened. Stay healthy. I want you around. The damn smoke is going to cut the time I will have with such a wonderful couple as you are. Your wedding album is the best. Thanks again…ox