Brothers and Sisters, Lovers & Sinners, Squirters, Squirt-Lovers & Squirt-Lickers: The Geyser of Desire is about to gush forth from the Womb Room at Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy yet again with a wet and wild Squirt Shoot Soirée.
Squirting Star Lexi Love will perform in Gushers 2 LIVE on @ Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy at a Date To Be Announced Shortly
Our special guest director will be our old friend Axel “The G-Man” Braun, one of the most prominent, prolific, “hands-on” modern crusaders for G-spot female ejaculation. Axel will shoot a couple of scenes for his upcoming Sin City movie Gushers 2 with Squirting Star Lexi Love and Sin City Contract Girl Tory Lane who will learn to squirt right here at Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy with the help of Spanish sex machine Marco Banderas and our Eros from Eros Day 2008, Jay Lassiter.
- Tory Lane will learn to squirt at Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy!
There will be room for a limited number of observers and participants in the shoot, and of course, that will turn into a party. So if you’d like to be here, if you want to learn to squirt, if you’re curious to see the real thing live and in person, or if you’d just like to enjoy another exciting evening at the Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy with porn stars, professors, female ejaculators, movers and shakers, make your reservations online or call us at 213.749.1330 and ask for Grace. You have to be a Block Studios member with a BonoboWay profile (free right now) to attend. Wear your Squirt for Peace T-shirt :-)
- Axel talks about female ejaculation
Just in case you don’t know, Axel Braun is the charming, nimble-fingered son of renowned Italian sex pioneer, author and filmmaker Lasse Braun. The elder Braun had written a booklet, The Nectar of Aphrodite, a sort of G-Spot Female Ejaculation Manifesto based upon his personal research into the phenomenon with 130 different women. Braun the Younger took his father’s work into the next generation of ejaculation.
- Axel shows off his soaking wet arm after making me squirt
Axel has long boasted that he can “make any woman squirt.” He almost lives up to his grandiose claim, having succeeded with 12 out of 15 of the women on whom he’s tried his method here at the Dr. Susan Block Institute, most notably the vivacious and juicy Shayna Knight, who even squirts anally using the Braun Method. As for the other three: One was deadset against squirting at all; she wanted to prove him wrong, and she did. Another was sick with a 102 degree fever (on another occasion, when she was well, she did squirt). The third admitted that she was too worried about what her jealous boyfriend would think to relax and let anything happen. The other 12, myself among them, all squirted with Axel, even though we’d never squirted before.
- Shayna Knight squirts using the Braun Method
The “Braun Method” is all in the finger action. It begins with the woman lying back, legs spread open, her partner (let’s call him the “G-Man”) at her right side, if he is right-handed. After some sort of foreplay (kissing, oral sex, nipple play, rubbing the clitoris and labia, whatever gets her wet), the G-Man inserts two fingers into her vagina. Axel uses his middle and ring fingers for this, though you might prefer to use your middle and forefingers. Slowly, the G-Man moves his two fingers around inside of her, continuing the foreplay – rubbing her clit, playing with her nipples, lightly spanking her butt, etc. With probing fingers, he locates her G-Spot. He can feel it as a slightly raised, spongy, ridged bump on the “roof” of the vaginal cave. In most women, it is just behind the clitoris, and some experts consider it to be an extension of the clitoris. He then finds the center of this spot, pressing it gently but firmly. This pressure releases a warm flow of fluid, whereupon the G-Man begins vigorously “fingering” her, in and out of her vaginal opening, causing the rapid expulsion of fluid. That is, female ejaculation.
- Anal-Entry Female Ejaculation
The first time Axel made me squirt was New Year’s 2000. Talk about toasting the New Millennium with my own Cristal Ejaculate! I’d just done a New Year’s show, plus received a particularly good whipping from Axel’s Daddy Lasse on Mario Saucedo’s Bondage Cross, and sat down and up a few times on Mario’s Dildo Chair. All that wild “foreplay” mixed with a few flutes of champagne got me loosened and lubricated for adventure. While Lasse was whipping me, Axel was whispering into my ear that he wanted to make me squirt. I’d seen several women ejaculate – Deborah Sundahl, Kiss, Annie Sprinkle and Carol Queen, to name a few – but I’d never been able to do it myself, not that I’d really tried. I was also one of those skeptics who wondered if it wasn’t just peeing while you’re coming. Not that there’s anything wrong with a nice golden shower, but well, that’s just peeing.
- With Lasse Braun at the Opening of Erotic Art of the Apocalypse Photos: Jolie Barry
But Axel and Lasse both, each commandeering one of my ears, promised me it wasn’t just peeing. Moreover, Axel insisted he could make me squirt without my knowing how to do a thing. As soon as I agreed, Axel disappeared into the bathroom to wash up. Emerging with sleeves rolled up and hands raised, he looked like a surgeon about to operate, or a magician showing he had nothing up his sleeve.
- Vanessa Blue was one of the few women that Axel could not get to squirt, partly because she made him wear condoms on his fingers and partly because she really didnt want to squirt
Just to prove to myself that it wasn’t urine, I took a nice long whiz right before sitting down with Axel. As I was already highly aroused and very wet thanks to all that whipping and whispering, Axel didn’t have to do much in the way of foreplay. He slid his middle and ring fingers easily between my inner labia and into my vagina and immediately began probing around for my G-Spot. Once he located the raised spongy spot under the roof of my vaginal cave, he pressed it gently yet firmly. I felt a slight pinprick sensation, followed by a gushing feeling in my womb, at which point Axel began his dynamic forceful fingering technique. In and out, in and out. I felt like I was blacking out, but I could hear the oohing and ahhing of spectators around me. Actually, I felt kind of like a human washing machine (in a good way!) on rinse cycle. My eyes were closed, so I couldn’t see myself squirt, but when I was done, everyone assured me that I had, indeed, ejaculated. I also noticed that Axel’s arm and the towel I sat on, as well as the sofa under it, were soaked with my bountiful juices. Later, I looked at the video. Yes, indeed, there I was, squirting like a burst water pipe. These juices did not smell like pee. They smelled like pussy. As for the orgasm itself, it was intense, a little bit painful, and exhilarating like a roller coaster ride, leaving me breathless, dizzy and more than a little worn out. A few minutes afterwards, I found myself feeling hornier than usual and wound up having a lot of wild wet sex that night. No more squirting, but some of my deepest, longest, juiciest orgasms ever.
- Its Holy Water!
I developed my female ejaculation abilities with other experts like Deborah Sundahl and Annie Body. But the Braun Method gave me my first experience of the waterfall of womanhood. Healing as Holy Water, sexy as sin, squirting is good for the soul, not to mention the skin. Luminous as a sparkling spring, threatening as a flood of feelings, female ejaculation is carnal proof that a woman’s ability to hit her lover right between the eyes when she comes is equal to that of a man. Thus, its importance is not only erotic, but political, as it is a tangible, palatable (i.e., delicious!) symbol of female sexual power. So I’m looking forward to seeing Axel and his apprentices make the ladies gush at our May 3 Squirt Shoot Soirée.
Jay Lassiter returns to the Speakeasy to demonstrate the Braun Method of Female Ejaculation
So Ladies: uncork your champagne! Gentlemen: get ready to get soaked! If the squirting wave hasn’t yet engulfed your neighborhood, it’s on its way to bursting out of the closet (the water closet?), and drenching a bed near you.
Yes, indeed, Brothers & Sisters, Lovers & Squirters…Let the holy waters shoot forth! Squirt Bombs produce Shock and Awe with Zero Casualties. Squirt for joy! Squirt for peace. Flood the world with pleasure. Cover the earth in cum. At least, occasionally….
From Holy Water to Kosher Wine…
- Speakeasy Seder
In other Speakeasy news, we had a rousing Passover Seder last week.
- Whipping up the Seder: The Dayenu Scallion Flogging
Highlights included Hebrew prayers from Camp Ramah, the Dayenu Scallion Flogging (a tradition we picked up from Kosher Sex Rabbi Shmuley Boteach), Nic finding the Afikoman and winning a lovely set of lacy handcuffs (this is a holiday about being in bondage), David’s scrumptious prime rib, drinking so much we could see Elijah and Charlton Heston drinking Manichevitz in the alley, and screaming with the ecstasy of the agony of my extremely strong Maror Parfaits, a deceptive layering of red and white horse radish that looked like raspberry swirl ice cream, but tasted like a thousand ultra-hot chile peppers. Mmmm. Now, that’s suffering…
If the Egyptian taskmasters had flogged the Hebrew slaves with sensuous Elk Skin Leather Whips like mine, Exodus would never have happened ;-)
Meanwhile, I’d like to invite you to join me in BonoboWay. Right now, it’s free and you get a premium membership with all the trimmings. Membership has it’s pleasures, dahling. It’s by invitation only, so invite your friends. Come swing through the trees with us!
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04 · 27 · 08 @ 7:28 pm
i so wanted to go to the party but i am in a wedding and can’t make it, i think that it would be so coool to learn how to squirt.
04 · 27 · 08 @ 7:26 pm
You sound like my type of doctor, doctor…
04 · 27 · 08 @ 7:18 pm
You know, Suzy, I really appreciate your invitation to the Squirt Shoot. I want you to know that. That is a class act to me and how things should be. I am leaving for Europe on Tuesday until June 3rd for lectures and workshop there. Otherwise, I love the idea of meeting Alex and hanging out and meeting Lexi Love and all that. And Tory Lane. and seeing you. I would like to be in Alex’s DVD, it would probably be a great thing. Too bad the dates don’t match up…. Very best to you and everyone, say hi!
04 · 27 · 08 @ 7:14 pm
omg. i cannot wait!! i have been dying to learn how to squirt (or at least do it once!) for a long time!! where have you been all my life?!
04 · 27 · 08 @ 7:13 pm
Sounds like my kind of party!
04 · 24 · 08 @ 7:12 pm
04 · 24 · 08 @ 7:11 pm
unfortunatly i cannot make it to what looks like it will be a wonderful event… but if you want…. you can add me for a prize… the best 3 squirters can use my oceanfront house in rio de janeiro, brazil 3 days free http://www.investmentsonthebeach.com. let me know how we can work this into your program
04 · 24 · 08 @ 7:10 pm
You blogs are inspirational! Your shows are wonderful! If I were single I’d apply for the live in assistant job I saw you advertising on bonoboway in a heartbeat, can’t wait to hear who you interview next on your radio show!
04 · 24 · 08 @ 7:07 pm
Good afternoon Dr. Suzy,I just downloaded Squirt Salon today. Just wanted to say Thank you very much to all of you for allowing all women the knowledge and guidance needed to acheive female ejaculation. I can actually say for the first time in my life I was able to squirt 4 times in a row in less than 15 minutes. Around a 1/2 hour later I got curious and tried it again. That would be number 5 in all and that’s only the beginning. I’m looking forward to sharing this experience with my man soon. Again, I appreciated the streamline video as well as the streaming success I had today. I would highly recommend Squirt Salon to anyone interested in taking the steps needed to achieve a higher level of satisfaction. My best wishes to you and your staff in hopes that all of your dreams come true. One of mine did today. : )
04 · 24 · 08 @ 7:05 pm
Susan. I can’t wait to see you and give you a big kiss!
04 · 24 · 08 @ 7:04 pm
Thank you for your fun Seder dinner last night. It was a great evening! It was fun helping with the Seder prep. It is a lot of work but it’s a beautiful annual ritual and you did it so well!
04 · 24 · 08 @ 7:03 pm
i love what you stand for! im a single lady and want to be a block studios member and then i want to drag my ex who came out to me well after we broke up that he loves squirting! ill make him pay the $69.69 and he will if it will help me learn how to squirt!! ive signed up for bonobos and yeah…soo excited i found you!
04 · 24 · 08 @ 7:02 pm
This would be up my alley if I lived in LA. Alas I am in the Great White North and cannot attend this Squirt Fest!Jaymz BeeProducer, Host, Jazz Safari BwanaJAZZ.FM91
04 · 24 · 08 @ 7:02 pm
Dr. Suzy, I really enjoyed your show as a teenager and you still look the same! Better, in some ways. Now I’ve got to see you squirt :)
04 · 24 · 08 @ 6:53 pm
Oh wow! you’re doing a squirt shoot? I only just discovered my ability to squirt and i f**king love it!!!! I’ve never had a problem orgasming or with my sexuality, which i embrace, but squirting is such good fun and such a pleasure! Would love to be involved if i wasn’t so far away..
04 · 24 · 08 @ 6:48 pm
Count us in for Saturday. We’ll be at the shoot and I’ve already registered us and we’ve joined bonoboway! What a great site for us libertines.Squirt for Peace (yes we also have your tee-shirts)Bill & Veronica