Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. John Mason
    05 · 3 · 14 @ 6:51 pm

    Thank you, Suzy, for your work. I noticed what you said, that most of the sex activism is focused in and around San Francisco, I would like to hear about such activism in the Philadelphia area. Thanks again.


  2. Pandora
    04 · 29 · 14 @ 10:12 pm

    I had an amazing time on the show- Dr. Susan is an amazing conversationalist and Trixie is a real beauty. Can’t wait for more! =D


  3. Miss Jamie Vega
    04 · 29 · 14 @ 5:16 pm

    It is always a pleasure! I can’t wait to come play in person! Thanks for the bonoboville account! Xoxo


  4. Simon
    04 · 28 · 14 @ 1:49 am

    I thoroughly enjoyed the show! I like when you take callers and help them on air… you end up helping untold numbers of listeners out there.

    Cheers to Chris Gagliardi… you’re better than the bullies, pal. Keep moving forward away from all that.

    Love the pic of the gorgeous Doc with Trixie and Pandora! Bonoboville should sell postcards with this image because everyone wishes they were here!

    Damn, ladies!


    • Christopher C. Gagliardi
      04 · 28 · 14 @ 12:28 pm

      I wanted to drop a note to Dr. Suzy and the crew and express my appreciation for mentioning my petition and more on their radio show and discussing the issue sincerely. Simon, your thoughtfulness in your comment to me, was more than I can ever imagine. I sincerely hope you are blessed. If you want me to promote my petition to make bullying and bully-cide a criminal offense, i will do that. :)


      • Simon
        05 · 6 · 14 @ 1:11 am

        Thanks for writing back, Christopher. The scary thing is that a lot of what constitutes bullying is already illegal. We have laws against assault, threats, murder, etc. Unfortunately, legislation doesn’t always protect us and neither do the cops that supposedly serve and enforce those laws. Too often cops, as Dr. Suzy pointed out, are just bullies themselves.


  5. Dr. Grace
    04 · 28 · 14 @ 12:22 am



  6. Sammy C
    04 · 27 · 14 @ 11:06 pm

    It’s a sad day for America when people are afraid of their own police. Shame on us for not revolting against these government crimes against the people. Can we please have an American Spring?


  7. Peter
    04 · 27 · 14 @ 10:51 pm

    Loved the show. Jamie Vega was very cool. You should have her come on the show in person or she should be one of your therapists. This police photo story is just amazing and so sad that our police are worse the the gangsters…thugs in uniform. I mean we talk about other countries and their civil rights violations. We need to look at ourselves and bring these uncivil servants under control, their killing of civilians amounts to a war against the people.


  8. Dwyer Jones
    04 · 27 · 14 @ 10:23 pm

    Well, you picked the right ape to name your club after. Bonobos use sex–actual and mimed–for nearly every social encounter. If we humans imitated them–we’d have a better world. Imagine: “Fuck you, please?” rather than “Fuck you, asshole!””


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