The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia: Hillbilly Rebel Women vs. Corporate Mass-Murderers
Utopian feminists—the ones who profess that if only women ruled, society would be peaceful—should take a look at the ladies who preside over the violent, pill-snorting, gun-toting, hillbilly White clan in “The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia.” This riveting, hilarious, disturbing and profound new documentary directed by Julien Nitzberg and produced by Johnny Knoxville of MTV Jackass fame, opened to rave reviews at the Tribeca Film Festival and is now playing in LA and other cities around the country.
I interviewed my old friend Julien on radioSUZY1 last week, as he regaled us with tales of how the living legends that are the White family—outlaws, hellraisers, brawlers, speed freaks, gas huffers, kitchen-tattooed rednecks, robbers, shooters, homicidal maniacs and world-class tap-dancers (there had to be something redeeming about them)—is run by a matriarchy of violent, emasculating and generally all-around law-flouting mothers, grandmothers, sisters and coal miners’ daughters. Yep, even though crazy, charismatic, tap-dancing, knife-wielding Jesco White (star of Julien’s first documentary “Dancing Outlaw”) is the most famous living member of the clan, sister Mamie rules from the center of the White storm like the quintessential Queen of Chaos, while her daughter Mousie virtually rapes her quivering husband upon her release from prison and her niece Kirk brags about stabbing her ex.
So much for the notion that a “return” to matriarchy would ease the violence in the world. That said, we should already have been clued-in by the war-mongering efforts of far more powerful sisters, mothers and grandmothers like Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, Condi Rice, Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher and Lady MacBeth, not to mention ancient Chinese Empress Wu Zetian who is said to have poisoned most of her enemies (so much more ladylike than messy stabbing).
It all just goes to show: Men are not from Mars, and women are not from Venus; we’re all from the same homicidal, hell-raising planet Earth, and we’re far more alike, for better and for worse, than we are different.
But the biggest outlaw—and mass murderer—in the “Wild and Wonderful Whites” story isn’t a woman, nor is it a male member of the notorious Boone County, West Virginia clan. It’s a corporation: Massey Energy, the largest coal mining company in Central Appalachia. For centuries, the coal industry has ruled the lives and deaths of the people who inhabit this rural, poverty-stricken area of West Virginia, and for decades “coal” has meant Massey. With corrupt corporate criminals like CEO Don Blankenship (who has financed multiple WV political campaigns in exchange for laws that favor Massey Energy) allowing lethally hazardous working conditions in their mines, it’s no wonder that folks like the Whites find it honorable to flout the law in whatever way they can. That’s not an excuse for a family history of chronic violence, just a hell of a catalyst.
A few months ago, on April 5, 2010, an explosion at the Massey-owned Upper Big Branch mine—the worst mining disaster in over 40 years—killed 29 non-union miners. Now that’s damn emasculating.
Investigators from the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration are still searching for the exact cause of the blast, though the MSHA is itself said to be under investigation for accepting bribes. In any event, it appears to have been a methane explosion—largely preventable with proper ventilation. Of course, such a significant safety lapse could easily have been lost in the sauce of the 1100 violations at the Upper Big Branch mine over the past three years, 50 of them in March 2010 for improper methane ventilation and inadequate escape routes.
Even President Obama was outraged by such blatant criminal negligence. “Safety violators like Massey have still been able to find ways to put their bottom lines before the safety of their workers,” he said, shortly after the deadly explosion.
“They placed profits over safety repeatedly,” said Tonya L. Hatfield, a WV attorney who sued and won a multi-million dollar settlement against Massey after a 2006 fire at their Aracoma mine trapped 12 miners, killing two. A 2005 Blankenship-authored memo obtained in Aracoma litigation indicates that before the Aracoma fire, all of Massey Energy’s deep mine superintendents—including those at Upper Big Branch—were put on notice that coal production superseded any other concerns, including safety.
Yet it’s not *just* a cavalier attitude toward safety. An aggressive proponent of mountaintop removal mining (strip-mining or surface mining), Massey Energy’s flouting of environmental protocols showed its true toxic colors when, in October of 2000, the containment area for a noxious liquid by-product failed at a Massey impoundment, releasing a 300-million gallon spill of poisonous sludge, considered by some to be the country’s worst environmental disaster east of the Mississippi. So much for coal being “clean.”
The saga of the rebel White family unfolds against this backdrop of corporate corruption, pollution, criminal negligence and disregard for human life that’s every bit as dark and dirty as a lump of coal.
As Julien opines, “The Whites represent a part of America the media avidly avoids. Poor and with no ability to buy into the American dream (or interest in buying into mainstream values), they are the part of our country that is too often demonized or stereotyped. They live in a world of rural poverty that has bred a cycle of dependency and criminality. These are people with no options at all but who have taken this lack of hope and stood up to it in the only way they saw as possible—creating a badass outlaw persona that thrives on romanticized self-destructive behavior.”
As among urban people with no options, when times get tough (which is most of the time), the women take charge. They have to, in part, because all of the alpha men are busy killing each other.
Not that “The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia” is a political message film—not at all. It is a tragi-comic, anthropological portrait of an all-American family run by a gang of rebel women who’ll be damned if they’re going to let a bunch of corporate mass-murderers and government thieves tell them what to do.
Of course, the White women always wind up paying a heavy price for their rebellion, as their government locks them up or takes their children away. But through it all, they are entertainers by trade—tap-dancers, storytellers and now movie stars—and they’re telling us a story that needs to be told.
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The first few photos in the free gallery below are from Julien Nitzberg’s movie “The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia.” Other photos are from Julien’s interview on radioSUZY1 . Also on the show were porn pioneer and legend Veronica Hart, aka Jane Hamilton, as well as porn starlet and fetish model Cadence St. John. RadioSUZY1 photos were taken by JuxLii and Lisa Villareal. To see more, much hotter photos, join the bloggamy
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02 · 3 · 11 @ 6:54 pm
West virginia whites.. Outstanding :)
08 · 1 · 10 @ 11:53 pm
I’m oddly turned on and frightened at the same time. Women rule the world; they have that magnum cum laude, golden, spark shootin’ pussy all men want (exceptions of course). Yes thats my saying, paraphrased from some movie or comedian i heard. Behind every great man is…a woman, be it a wife, a mistress, or both, or worse…his mother. Men of power, who treat people poorly, its up to their women to use their charms to correct the situation, aka use your sex against him to steer him on the righteous path.
07 · 6 · 10 @ 2:15 pm
I guess you could call me one of those “utopian feminists” who believes that if women are in charge, everyone is better off, including the men. Your well-written article certainly made me think twice about my assumptions. However, I would have to say that if the White women were NOT in charge of this family, then they’d all have killed each other off a long time ago.
George M
07 · 6 · 10 @ 2:07 pm
Fascinating piece, Dr. Block, about an oft-neglected segment of America. Now I have to see the movie!
Elaine Purkey
07 · 6 · 10 @ 1:48 pm
Dr. Block, I sure hope you’re right about what people are seeing in that movie, but I’m afraid the majority of people who watch it are just watching it to “poke fun” at all of us poor, illiterate, stupid, violent, uneducated, … West Virginians who marry our kinfolk and have babies with them, living on welfare and raising families who will do the same. MOST OF US ARE NOT LIKE THAT. And I think it does a great disservice to those of us who are hard-working, decent, honest, Christian people who fight against violence and domestic disturbances that are portrayed in this film.
The White’s are a “one-of-a-kind” family and have always been that way. Granted, they do have their own way of living and thinking about things but I think it started happening before Don Blankenship came on the scene. Don’t get me wrong, I think Blankenship belongs in prison where no key can be found with no door and no other way out. I think he is a thief and a murderer and I really hope he and his company get what’s coming to them. But there were other mining companies and businesses these people could have worked for over the years had they chosen to.
Our young people are already changing their way of thinking because of the economic stress put upon our families by the current economic status of this country and the world. I really hate to see a movie created about a family so close to our area (I live in Lincoln County) that seems to validate their way of thinking. Things like this just tend to make young people think it’s ok to give up and get lazy and blame everybody and everything else for what goes wrong in their lives instead of getting out there and getting an education to do something else. That was possible for the Whites. Maybe not for D. Ray (Jesco’s dad), but certainly for his children and grandchildren.
Many of us were out of work for many months due to the bad situations at all the coal mines in WV, especially in the Logan, Lincoln, Boone County area of the state. But we didn’t call it quits and crawl back in a cave and start breaking the law and pickling our brains to survive. NO! We took advantage of the re-training or we got other jobs until something in the mines came along. My husband worked for a year building the play areas in Chief Logan State Park for at that time $3.35/hr. Many of his friends that he worked with in the mines did the same. Some of them worked at fast food places and others delivered papers. One of his friends just gave up on the mines and went to work for a paper in KY and now is the editor of that paper.
I don’t doubt that some of the White family are victims of changing times but their problem is that they just refused to try to change with the times to do anything better. I feel sorry for them because they are not dumb and they have wasted what could have been a much better life for them. I resent the fact that two people from somewhere else decided that this is what they wanted to show the world about West Virginians and have everyone thinking that this is the “norm” in our state.
Both sets of my grandparents lived off much less than the White’s had to live on each month and they did alright. None of their kids ever went hungry. My Grandpa and Grandma raised 14 kids on practically nothing. When the democrats were in, Grandpa worked for the State Road but when the Republicans were in – he didn’t work at all because he was a political figure in control of a large block of voters who voted against them. He then picked up and went to the mountains and worked in timber and didn’t come home for weeks at a time. He had to do something to feed his family. He had an eighth grade education but he was willing to work and work hard! He and Grandma worked their land and raised most of what they ate and he did anything he could to make extra money for the rest. Who stopped the White’s from doing that?
Thank you for writing what you did. Hopefully, many people will read it and not think that we are all a bunch of “White’s” living in this state. Can you imagine what damage that movie can do to our tourism? All because two guys wanted to make some money off (according to what you wrote) a poor disadvantaged family who happened to have the misfortune to be born and raised in rural West Virginia.
Well, I was too and so was my husband and we manage to get by.
Don’t you even wonder just a little bit about the rest of WV and how we survived? Do you think we are all as down-trodden as the White family?
Shari Baby
07 · 2 · 10 @ 8:55 pm
Dr. Block, you’re so right on with everything you say…the women are in charge, in my opinion, because the corporate, money making, mine-owning, mafia ceo’s are killing our men who are poor and just looking to try to make a decent living to help provide for their families…and, these people will always and forever, be victim to the money making machine that rules their lives and their immediate world…on another note, you’re very sexy and such a great role model…kisses
Robert McKinney
06 · 29 · 10 @ 1:09 pm
I’ve just recently moved to the Ozarks in southern Missouri after having lived in Japan for twenty-four years. Why the Ozarks? Low taxes and a very independent people who have no use for mega-Corporate robber barons and Congressional errand boys who are bought and paid for. There’s still a frontier spirit in the Ozarks – guns are common and churches. Women are rugged. The real estate agent I bought my home from owns a 300 acre cattle ranch. She’s twice divorced. One husband was an alcoholic. She’s a survivor. And she raised two or three kids of her own and now cares for a runaway grandchild.
Corporations have been the ruin of this nation since the days of Upton Sinclair and before. When did “we the people” decide that corporations knew what was best for us?
We are all like hourly wage slaves in some company town. And the Boss man will poison us, lie to us, tax us unfairly, and send us off to distant lands to fight his oil wars.
What a joke.
Good for the Whites of West Virginia. I hope they kick the Corporate goons right in their silk covered testicles.
BP isn’t the first corporation to rape the American people. This has been going on for far too long. And the U.S. government, a bunch of asshole political parrots, keep singing the praises of such corporations, for campaign contributions of course and payoffs and perks.
06 · 28 · 10 @ 4:19 pm
Thanks doc for pointing out the real issue. The Whites may be criminals, violent, vicious, and unscrupulous, but Massey and the corporate bottom line has killed far more people over the past few years, and destroyed more lives then the Whites ever have. That’s where the spotlight needs to be. Massey and the coal mining industry are the disease, the White and Greene families of WV are just a symptom. The question is how do you cure the epidemic? How do you instill ethics into corporate America? How do you make the fat cats and big wigs of our “Capitalism-esque” society be good moral people? The system isn’t broken, humanity’s broken!
Susan Elizabeth Siens
06 · 28 · 10 @ 1:44 pm
Living in Appalachia as I do (tourists move here, then are shocked to find that they are, essentially, living at the northern end of Appalachia), people such as the Whites hold no charm for me. What interests me is the commonality between the people at the lowest end of our class system and the people at the highest end. They bear a great deal of resemblance to each another.
06 · 26 · 10 @ 10:54 am
having seen the film, i have to say at first you laugh at them but long before the end you’re ready to cry, smile, break things and laugh WITH them. i, myself, found durkey and kirk to be my favorites, though billy is a g for takin so many shots and still having love for brandon poe. now if only we could get some of them on the show… just kidding.
Michael Donnelly
06 · 26 · 10 @ 10:37 am
Jesco is a legend up here in Oregon! We used to watch the original Outlaw Dancer documentary up at Jawbone Flats, the mining camp we restored up at Opal Creek and used as HQ for our successful protection effort to get Opal Creek designated a Wilderness. 1st time I saw it I thought it had to be fake! Boy can that hillbilly dance! Watching it and reading Joe Bageant’s great book on this culture, Deer Hunting with Jesus (, gave me a lot of respect for these folks.
Imtiaz waris
06 · 26 · 10 @ 1:56 am
Great article Susan .Julian was also a nice guy,I had a nice conversation with him.
06 · 26 · 10 @ 12:07 am
Hey Doc Block,
Loved your review and insight into a dark world of poverty and violence, a forgotten world in our own backyard and yet I can’t help but somehow admire the Whites. Perhaps it’s their struggle against the more criminal corporate world that as always only looks at bottom lines, and if somehow they can’t make their financial projections, then they cheat, cook their books or just outright steal from both the rich and the poor. Funny, they make no distinction, one man’s pocket is as good as another. White on guys…
Keep it up…Doc
06 · 25 · 10 @ 10:19 pm
Awesome blog, Dr. Suzy. I could never imagine I would feel empathy for a bunch of rednecks, let alone a bunch of gun-toting ugly rednecks (though the pregnant gal is kind of hot), but now you got me with this one. Now I gotta see this movie. I haven’t wanted to see a movie about rednecks since Deliverance.
Jerry Stalzberg
06 · 25 · 10 @ 9:42 pm
Dear Dr. Block,
I’m going to see the movie, I listened to the radio show, pretty amazing stuff and a great review. By the way the radio show is always so much fun and full of information and of course some pretty hot sex.
bless ya Dr