Summer Fires, Happy Hookers and Corporate Phone Sex Therapy
“Try to set the night on fire” Jim MorrisonThe fireworks of July seemed to fall out of the sky, igniting the hot dry So Cali countryside with wildfires.
The conflagration reflects my soul, inflamed by all I see, as I attempt to steer our little Speakeasy ship across the enormous Lake of Fire that is the American “justice system” which systematically burns the blameless, the poor and the unconventional, incinerating whole families, burning innocent witches at the stake.
Witch-burning is a growth industry in America. Meanwhile, out-of-control electrical fires rage through US military bases in Iraq, thanks to shoddy electrical work by Bush and Cheney
July was named for Julius Caesar, who was a pretty fiery guy. Jules crossed the Rubicon and fell in love with Cleopatra who is said to have invented the blowjob or at least put it to good use by fellating dozens of her top soldiers and sailors in one night. That’s one way to make sure the military is on your side.
And speaking of the Institute, we now have a cool *modern* SEO-compatible new look to the Institute site, thanks to Speakeasy High Priestess of Technology, BonoboWay Fairy Godmother, Melo Queen, Warner Sister and champion smoke ring blower Sara Sioux Robertson. Unlike my personal domain where anything goes and hardcore images and radical progressive politics abound, the Institute site is our version of “corporate,” with no explicit nudity and only subtle references to politics, but an excellent library that we are in the process of developing, with articles like “Squirting World: Secrets, Stories and Techniques of G-Spot Female Ejaculation” “Sex-A-Phone: Adventures in Phone Sex”, and “Sperm Wars: Cuckolds, Sluts and Evolutionary Biology.” Talk to us about any of these topics or whatever else your dirty mind and/or sensitive soul can come up with – no topic is too taboo – when you call 213.670.0066.
And speaking of hookers who moonlight as authors, “The Happy Hooker: Xaviera Hollander,” a film by Robert Dunlap, will have its West Coast premier at the Dances with Films Festival, with a 2:45PM screening on Monday afternoon, July 28th at the Laemmle Sunset 5 on the Sunset Strip on 8000 Sunset Crescent Heights. I’m not going to even try to be objective about this film, because I’m in it, as are Dr. Betty Dodson, Dr. Annie Sprinkle, Candida Royalle, Veronica Vera and others influenced by Xaviera’s sex revolutionary life and writings. I attended its World Premiere at the Cinekink Film Festival in New York where Dr. Suzy’s Squirt Salon also premiered, and loved it then, and I hear it’s even better now in its latest incarnation. The film dramatically tells the story of one of the sexiest, most fascinating and resourceful women of our times. My favorite part – besides the blow-job scene in the pool – is the haunting footage of an angelic little flaxen-haired Xaviera spending the very first years of her life in an Indonesian concentration camp during World War II. Recently, the film won the First Prize at at the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival. And now it’s here in LA! So come join us for an exciting Monday afternoon at the movies…
Xaviera Hollander
Speaking of oral (and aural) pleasures, the Dr. Susan Block Institute is pleased to present our newest telephone sex therapist: the luminous, fire-haired, preternaturally sexy and intensely empathetic Mae Victoria. Mae is multi-faceted: HOOKER: A Beautiful Madness author, porn star, gangbang enthusiast, bellydancer, fellatrix extraordinaire and RadioSuzy1TV featured guest star of our Porn ‘n’ Purim Bacchanal. Mae is a day person, so if you want to talk to her, call us during day or early evening hours (unless she’s ovulating, in which case, all bets are off). She’s just started to do phone therapy and is already getting rave reviews, and soon she’ll do webcam! Yes, the Institute is now opening up a Webcam Sex Therapy wing. Get more info when you call us – anytime 24/7! – at 213.670.0066
“Burn, baby, burn.”
Bill Epton and The Trammps
If you find yourself in the Dantean Inferno around Twin Towers on any afternoon except Monday (or Sunday), do your soul a favor and visit Lisa Nardoni’s poignantly beautiful art gallery right by her dad’s famous bail bonds office (remember Lisa from our 16th Wedding Anniversary?). The space is called, simply and appropriately, JAIL, and it is a little island of pleasure in the sea of pain that we call Jail World, LA.
Whatever you do, before the summer fires die, be sure to wet yourself down with A Midsummer Night’s Wet Dream and A Midsummer Night’s Fantasy on RadioSuzy1TV.
Then you can squirt out the embers with amrita, baby.
Even in a sea of pain, there are islands of pleasure. Even in a crazy world on fire, there are moments of pure wet cool collective joy.
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio 😊. Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
03 · 4 · 10 @ 9:17 pm
So glad to find you and your blog here. I’ve watched you on TV for years, and I always thought u were the sexiest dr ever:]
03 · 4 · 10 @ 9:17 pm
I just want one night with you. To say I slept with one of the most beautiful women in the world. Then I can go somewhere and die.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 9:16 pm
Oooh, sounds fun. Still want to go to the Speakeasy and meet all of you guys. That job position had me thinking of so many things and seeing the Speakeasy is the next best thing. :)
03 · 4 · 10 @ 9:16 pm
there is such tension between pleasure and pain in this bloggamy. hope all is well with you and the speakeasy. the squirting shot of mae is spectacular.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 9:16 pm
Dr. Suzy, you are an inspiration. If anyone can steer a ship through a Lake of Fire, you can.