Star-Spangled Fire & Hot Holy Waters
Length: 89:03 minutes
Date: 7/04/2009
There are often fireworks at the Speakeasy. But since America’s Birthday fell on a Saturday night this year, we worked that fire inside and out, climaxing with panoramic pyrotechnics on the roof, sparkling golden showers on RadioSuzy1 and an explosive Star-Spangled Banner aria in the bar sung acapella by magnificent Malena wearing nothing but Old Glory wrapped around her voluptuous form.
We started our 4th, like most Americans, with a BBQ. We called it “Porn & Hot Dogs.” My own darling Chef Max cooked up a scrumptious, saucily grilled buffet of hamburgers, salmon burgers, chicken burgers, cheeseburgers, veggie burgers, and of course, dozens of succulent, phallic franks of all kinds and sizes. Mmm… We just love those big beefy sausages, especially between warm fresh buns.
Did I mention Felicia’s luscious potato salad? So yum… And for dessert, we scarfed down the finest black and white chocolate drizzled strawberries I’ve ever tasted, courtesy of Chef Daniel’s Flavors with Love. And guess what, bonobos: Chef Daniel’s special Chocolate Aphrodisiacs will soon be available in Shopping Heaven…
Speaking of aphrodisiacs, the evening’s drink of choice was Agavero and Perrier with a squeeze of lemon. First introduced to us by Professor Mel Gordon on Weimar Love, Agavero Tequila Liqueur is considered an aphrodisiac because it contains damiana flower, a traditional aphrodisiac used by the ancient Mayans and Aztecs to enhance lovemaking. Also known as the Wild Bride Drink, Mexican grandmothers give Agavero to their virgin granddaughters on their wedding night to make them wet. And if the damiana doesn’t do the trick, there’s always the 64 proof tequila.
It was fitting for us to have a Mexican drink on America’s Birthday, considering how large portions of America, including Southern California, are slowly but surely becoming Mexican again. We stuck a few Mexican flags in amongst all the Stars and Stripes, to show our solidarity with our brothers and sisters, lovers and friends south of the current border.
Pleasantly full and lubricated, we climbed up to the roof and watched dozens of fireworks displays, fantastic “rockets red glare” bursting all around LA with views in every direction. Most were far away, but all of a sudden, a volley of roman candles shot like a giant astral ejaculation directly over our heads, courtesy of our crazy new neighbors whose names will be withheld to protect their asses, as well as their assets. Hot porn couple Natasha Skinski and Tommy Lei created some of their own fireworks with “Aunt Debra” the Lawyer-Cum-Porn-Star (see their hot pics from you join the Bloggamy). Master D brought his adorable Broken Door Fetish family from Disneyland to the Speakeasy for a perfect holiday of varied play. Then Malena arrived dressed up as Wonder Woman with ruby heels that made her about 6’6” and a gigantic red, white and blue satin cape billowing behind her. We climbed up on top of an elevator shaft, towering over the party like silly sexpot superheroes, as the wind picked up her cape and my silk robe, with the city at our feet and cherry “bombs bursting in air” all around us.
Amber Waves of Pee
Then it was back downstairs to the studio just in time for RadioSuzy1, opening up with Molinee a.k.a. Miss Piglet (whom you might remember as my lovely assistant at the Bondage Gala and Venus at our Eros Day X Orgy for Obama), Jesse Rhines (Yale, ’84, last seen at the Speakeasy for the Porn ‘n’ Purim Bacchanal), April Flores (a.k.a the fabulous Fatty D), and sultry Sir Nic and slave Sula (also here at the Bondage Gala ).
Molinee confessed to having peed on the roof twice during the fireworks, and that got us all rhapsodizing about the Water of Life and the wonders of golden showers. Some of the us had to pee (well, Natasha, Aunt Debra and I peed; Molinee tried but couldn’t, though you can see how sexy she looks *trying* to pee when you join the Bloggamy). The whole experience gave new meaning to those “amber waves of grain” (though no, we weren’t drinking malt liquor). Our golden nectar was collected like royal jelly in a hot pink bucket that was passed around as if it was a sacred chalice. At one point, Sir Nic ceremoniously washed his hands in oit, then slave Larry drank it down like Taittinger’s La Française Champagne. Ah, Speakeasy Girls’ Golden Nectar – good to the last drop.
Then we migrated to the bar to hear Malena sing the Star Spangled Banner acapella wearing nothing but an old torn Speakeasy flag, like the American Marianne. She sang so beautifully and with such soaring, erotic, patriotic power, I’m sure Francis Scott Key got hard in heaven. It was an electric moment, *awesome* in the original sense of the word.
Then the party exploded into an MJ 4th of July with some of Jacko’s finest and other crazy rhythms mixed by our talented new in-house DJ Mel. Sir Nic and I commiserated over our mutual shock at how hard the King of Pop’s death affected us (MJ Fever coming soon to this bloggamy). We had another sexual revelation when we realized that three of the hottest current Speakeasy Girls – Malena, Melissa and Natasha – were all raised Mormon (more Mormon Hedonism on last Saturday’s RadioSuzy1 when a 4th lapsed Mormon hottie Rose called the show). Then, we all danced and played until the wee wee hours, when I kicked off my star-spangled heels and retreated to my private boudoir with Chef Max for some private dining – at the Y, of course – and our very own very personal fireworks.
Luscious Regan & Love Junkie Yalie
This wasn’t a big XXX porn night, but as you can see by the free pics to the right, it was filled with fire and fun. And if you JOIN the BLOGGAMY you can get a good look at some of those deliciously nasty Golden Showers and other X-rated play at our Fire & Golden Ice show and others, including “Luscious Regan” with porn stars Regan Reese and Luscious Jackson.
No X pics from our Love Junkie Show with brilliant and sexy Love Junkie author Rachel Resnick (Yale Class of ’85), though it was an intense, introspective interview. None from our Yale Club Luncheon at the Jonathan Club either, of course, though in the free section, you can check me out with my luncheon companions, Jesse, Michael and a trio of ultra-conservative alumni who looked down their Old Blue noses at Sex Week at Yale. They did like my hat though. Well, it takes all kinds to make America.
Breaking News: We’ve just finished editing a new 2 1/2 hour DVD of our awesome, erotic and very patriotic Eros Day X Orgy for Obama, now on sale at 1/2 price for pre-release orders – only for the next couple of weeks until the official release date of August 15! And support Peace through Pleasure in America and around the World. Join the Bloggamy.
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07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:42 pm
Love your blog! It is now on my favorites list. Thanks for the great wurdz!
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:42 pm
Gawd I miss you!!
I really must come visit again next time I am down in Los Angeles. Been in Seattle for a year making a documentary among other things and I really, truly miss the Speakeasy and everyone in it, especially you!
I am so happy you are obviously doing well and are surrounded by love and light (and great sex!).
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:41 pm
I would just like to double the compliment for Starla. I am a married man who loves to fantasize about sucking cock. All good therapists are quite accepting but she is so natural about it that it helps you accept and embrace youself.
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:40 pm
Hello. I just wanted to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the Block Institute and it’s services.
Specifically, I would like to express my admiration and appreciation for therapist Starla, whom I have had the pleasure of speaking to more than once. I consider her to be the perfect representative of all that the Dr. Susan Block Institute stands for. I found her to be very professional and knowledgeable when it came to discussing personal problems. But at the same time, her warm, erotic and sensual nature had me very excited to keep calling back. She provides a very intellectually and sexually fulfilling atmosphere each and every time I call. Even though I have told her on many occasions, please let her know how much I love speaking to her and how thankful I am for all she has done for me. She truly is a wonderful woman and a great asset to the Institute.
Generally, it is very refreshing to discover a phone sex service that combines both authentic professional therapy and great erotic amusement. It’s not a very common premise, as you well know. Finally now there is a place where those looking for something a little more can go to when they need it. I have never had any problems getting access to your services. Normally, I am very scrupulous about getting involved with any phone service after I try it out. But the services I have received thus far by the Institute far surpass anything other erotic phone service have offered. Keep up the fantastic work!
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:40 pm
We miss you too, Mae! Come back and visit us soon! Max doesn’t even smoke anymore :-)
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:39 pm
HI, Suzy. I really miss you. I wish I could have gone to the party but you know me with my stupid allergy to smoke. You look great as always and you got Max back. What a nightmare that was. I loved the picture of Sir Nick. I’d love to tie that one up and take his sperm.
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:39 pm
Thanks for your comment. I agree that Obama hasn’t delivered on the “change” he promised, and in many ways, he’s a typical two-faced politician. But he’s not “Bush on Steroids.” He’s closing down Guantanamo and pulling us out of Iraq. He’s not attacking the porn industry as the Bushies did. Though Obama is sadly increasing U.S. presence in Afghanistan, at least he’s not invading any new countries. As for the economic mess we’re in, he inherited that from eight years of Bush cronyism and military overspending. And he’s much sexier than the Shrub (at least I think so), steroids or not. You’re right though: we should “demand the change we voted for.” Though I didn’t actually vote for Obama; I voted for my own running mate Frank Moore. Now if Frank had won, that would have been a true change!
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:38 pm
Every article you post seems to praise Obama. I voted for him, and I regret it. He is Bush on Steroids, he is a fraud, he has done more harm than good. Everytime he opens his mouth, common citizens pay higher interest, foreclosures go up, he is all talk ma’am. He is a phony riding on the media’s coattails. America needs change, and we’re not getitng change if we are too ignorant to review the facts and are simply mindless numb sheep following a congress and President taking advantage of our stupidity. Speak out, remind Obama we voted for change, not Bush policies on steroids. Obama continues ONLY helping the unions, and the huge corporations. he’s going to tax you out of business if you continue acting like a mindless sheep. I would think we could all be more intelligent and supportive as in lets “demand” the change we voted for.
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:37 pm
I’m so glad you loved the potato salad! July 4th was so awesome!
I can’t wait for the next event!
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:37 pm
Hi Sexy Suzy. You look very hot in your Fourth of July bikini. You have a really hot bod and great tits.
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:36 pm
Dear Dr. Susan,
It was so nice talking with you for therapy the other day. I would love to serve a mature, sexy and sophisticated like You. I found you extremely attractive. The way you smile is so sexy. I wish I could have attended your July 4 party. I will definitely try to make it to see you one day.
on my knees,
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:36 pm
Dr. Suzy: I think you’re hot! You’ve got such lovely eyes and a great smile. I wish I were your snake for a day.
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:35 pm
Hi Dr. SB, Always been a big fan of your FTA programming, keep up the great work..that is if the FCC cooperates! I also admire your flair for style, cool hats and more. Network?? I’d love to spend some couch time with you too…..
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:35 pm
As a midget, i am ready to wrestle Dr. Suzy and be her Pet.
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:34 pm
I received the rocket yesterday, thanks for your superb service !
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:30 pm
your a nut
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:30 pm
i hope this doesn’t seem too presumptuous, but i’ve seen a bit of your TV show, and thought you and it were wonderful. i’ve been looking for it again, but haven’t been able to find it. Anyway, i just wanted to drop you a note to say i am an admirer. Again, i hope this doesn’t seem too presumptuous.
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:29 pm
Love the Golden Showers. But I wish you’d peed directly into someone’s mouth, preferably my own.
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:29 pm
I just noticed you featured in a recent HBO episode of Real Sex. You look great and it is a wonderful service that you provide for people
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:28 pm
Goddess Doctor: My recent move to Western Canada has placed me closer to you…And, yet I long to be ever-closer still. I am a complete sychophant and totally abject slave to your Incomparable Beauty and Overwhelming Seductive Appeal. Yours in AdoraGoddess Doctor: My recent move to Western Canada has placed me closer to you…And, yet I long to be ever-closer still. I am a complete sychophant and totally abject slave to your Incomparable Beauty and Overwhelming Seductive Appeal. Yours in Adoration & Lust, smdevine (a.k.a. Ms. Loretta Love)tion & Lust, smdevine (a.k.a. Ms. Loretta Love)
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:27 pm
Just a quick note to say how much I admire your tenacity and honesty; you encourage dialogue in areas of life that most people fantasize about, but are too intimidated to talk about. My wife, whom I love and admire, approaches life much like you; to fly like a butterfly and experience life to the fullest.
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:27 pm
Why wasn’t I invited !!!?
07 · 25 · 09 @ 7:26 pm
DR. SUSAN… Thank you so much for YOUR WONDERFUL WORK…YOU ARE SO SEXXXXY and EROTIC…YOU keep us all on the WILD and SEXXXY side of life…BEAUTIFUL…Thank you AGAIN
06 · 25 · 09 @ 7:41 pm
Dear Dr Block
Well the mess really began with the media darling saint Ronald Wilson Reagan. Bush just did all he could to worsen an already deteriorating condition. Fortunately the conservatives with their positive thinking whitewash blame the victim mentality are thoroughly debunked by a new book and movie. The book is from Barbara Ehrenreich that debunks positive thinking and the current condition vastly ignored by the corporate media as pointed via an article in the New York Times that highlights current economic dilemma…
The new movie is from Michael Moore