The Dr. Susan Block Show
The Dr. Susan Block Show
Spring hath sprung on RadioSuzy1TV, now playing our rambunctiously sexy Spring Fever Bacchanalia, celebrating the glorious sexual and spiritual rebirth of the Earth with wild Dionysian abandon, deliciously nasty sex, fun, wisdom, collective joy, orgiastic ecstasy and a burst of fresh fragrant Spring Showers (female ejaculation) to whet our erotic appetites and make our libidos bloom.
Feeding the Grapes of Dionysus to Cara Lott as she catches Spring Fever from Dino Bravo. My Springy turquoise choker is by Liz. Notice the happy bonobo by Caras left boob.
— Photo: Master Jerry
First up on my Show Bed is sweet Sara Jay, her big-as-beach-balls boobs bouncing with a Springy flair and a proportionately large Springy butt. Sara welcomes the equinox orgasmically with a little help from my funky new “Two Fingers & a Thumb Fun” vibrator that is the best mechanical facsimile of the “come here” gesture used to finger the G-Spot that I’ve ever seen.. If you or your partner need a lot of fingering, this “handy” little device can save you from carpal tunnel syndrome; and lo and behold, it makes Sara Jay squirt!
With this first burst of Spring Showers mingling with the Fever of anticipation, the night starts to steam up. Lexi Carrington, hot MILF (“Mother I’d Like to Fuck”) and a recent guest on RadioSuzy1, strides to the Bed in her sleek, corporate grey suit. She looks very businessnesslike, but it doesn’t take a Board of Directors vote to get Lexi to lose her suit, revealing the Springy pink lace lingerie, and then the hot naked body underneath. I give her a choice of all my toys to welcome Spring in Bacchanalian style, but no, Lexi wants a human toy. My next guest, the hardest working man in XXX, former-cop-turned-porn-star, Jack Lawrence, fills her desire. Jack has already gone downtown on Speakeasy photographer Lydel Lydia, following my monologue’s exhortations to “share the spirit of sex” with fellow bonobos, playfully sporting a dildo made from a mold of his own massive member. For Lexi, he doffs the dildo and reveals the real thing, and it is quite The Thing: 9.5″ long by 6.5 inches wide. With that hefty nightstick and a little help from his talented tongue, Jack makes Corporate Ms. Carrington come like the opening bell of the Stock Exchange. Let the trading begin
SPRING FEVER BACCHANALIA Photos: Ellis Martin, Wagner Rodriguez, Lydia Teez, Eban Lehrer, Bromeo, Tai Ellis, Lorelai, MarsFX
Next in Bed is Busty Panther who lives up to her name with her large, dark chocolate, all-natural breasts. When she pulls down her corset to reveal all that glorious lush brown boobage, she becomes bountiful Demeter, Goddess of Fertility, blessing the world with Spring. Unfortunately, the human Ms. Panther is a little stuffed up as she’s just getting over a cold. Orgasms are great for relieving congestion, so I suggest she have one. Despite my huge selection of toys, Ms. Panther also chooses Jack as her orgasmic instrument, and he proceeds to lick her luscious pussy into a climax that opens her sinuses better than a Benedryl. Yes indeed, Brothers & Sisters, Lovers & Sinners: Sex Heals a Billion Times More Than It Kills! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord and the Lady…And there are several more hot ladies…One of our favorite regular guests at the Speakeasy these last few shows, wild and winsome Cara Lott hops on the Bed, showing off her uncanny ability to swallow large long objects, such as her sword dildos and Jack’s jackhammer. Then our svelte sexy Tai Ellis leaps into the act, flower-woven pigtails flying, Dionysian lace-up sandles accentuating her divinely long legs. She finds a spot between me, Cara and the Lexi-Jack “beast with two backs,” then jills herself into a series of sparkling squirting orgasms. Spring Showers have struck again, and now my Bed is soaked with Holy Water. Hallelujah! Praise the Lady! Squirt for Peace!
Lisa Ann Davis of the Nymphs of Zorbacchus strikes a pose on the Vulva Lounge in front of a wall of images of her by Michael Robert Hartman at the Speakeasy Gallery of Erotic Art.
— Photo: MarsFX
With all these horny girls in my Bed, we need another guy. Handsome hung Dino Bravo rises to the occasion. More girls pile on him, including adorable naked Nancy from Vietnam. At this point, there’s a massive Dionysian orgy in and around my bed, with Jack screwing Lexi, Nancy sucking Dino, Dino screwing Cara, and Tai showering us all in amrita. Gene brings in a bowl of grapes, and we engage in an original Speakeasy ritual which I call juicy “Dionysian Grape-Kissing.” If you want to give someone a Dionysian Grape Kiss, offer him or her a grape from between your teeth or with your tongue, kissing as you pass it back and forth, devouring it together, grape juice squirting through both your mouths. What a burst of deliciousness! Praise be to the Power and Glory of Sexual Revelation! Amen and Awomen…
Spring forward…Time for the Dionysian Feast of the Phalloi! I’ve read teasing bits and pieces about the Feast of the Phalloi in various texts on the ancient Greek festivals that celebrated the resurrection of the great rock star God of Spring, Dionysus (Bacchus to the Romans), foreshadowing the ecstatic cult of another God said to be resurrected in Spring, Jesus Christ. One could make something of the Christian cross being a phallic symbol, but let’s get back to the feasting before we lose our appetites. It’s pretty clear that the “phalloi” referred to here are penis-shaped objects, but it is not clear what kind of objects they are, nor what the ancients did with them. Is “Feast of the Phalloi” a clever euphemism for group fellatio? Did celebrants actually suck each other’s cocks at these feasts? Or did they just munch cucumbers and long summer squash? Did they mount sculpted wooden lingams? Build marble temples of phallic columns? Probably all of the above, so just to keep our bases covered, we’ve got plenty of cock-sucking going on here, plus lots of dildo action and the Monkey Rocker. But our Feast of the Phalloi also includes Gene‘s white and dark chocolate-covered bananas (I know, they didn’t have bananas in ancient Greece or Rome, but they’re phallic and yummy). While the porn stars have their mouths full sucking the real cocks, Teri of Melodramatic joins us on the bed to feast on chocolate phalloi, Nude Beer and Chinese aphrodisiacs. Then, before I can say “Suck the chocolate off that banana,” I find myself caught between the hottest studs in the Womb Room: I open my legs and Jack dives between them, pulling my G-string aside and licking my labia like a hungry puppy. Then Dino shoots his hot come all over my ass, reminding us that despite the current craze for female ejaculation, men squirt too! Grapes go ‘round as the orgy intensifies, shaking my Show Bed with the Spirit of Sex, its power penetrating all the revelers in the Speakeasy.
Then DJ Mother with a 12-Inch (both kinds) strikes up the musical magic, with live bass accompaniment by Jezebella, and everybody who isn’t already fucking starts dancing or spanking or at least shaking their bootie to the Mother’s infectious Bacchanalian beat. Three of the famous Nymphs of Zorbacchus: join the fun: Elegant artist’s model Lisa Ann Davis (whose nude images by artist Michael Robert Hartman are now on display in the gallery), violinist and fellow Yalie Alma Cielo, and sultry Sanyo, her hair twisted into horns resembling those of Dionysus, Pan or perhaps the Devil. At one point, as I recline in the Vulva Lounge chatting with filmmaker Darius Kamali, Sanyo exhuberantly approaches me and accidentally spills red wine on my G-string (good thing she didn’t spill wine on the $3800 Vulva Lounge). Before I can spank her, she makes likes a cat and licks all the wine right out of the G-string – and me. How could I complain? Also in the Spring Fever congregation: our sexy young telephone sex therapist Lorelai, Sara Sioux looking sleek in Chinese silk with her giddy harem of Melo girls, Canaan Brumley and his harem of hot female videographers shooting for his upcoming masterpiece Speakeasy, Juliano of Juliano’s Raw Foods with the exquisite Ariel, Del Zamora of Repo Man, as well as a few celebrities too famous for their names to be dropped in this bloggamy. Shannon Coronado our bartending Bacchante, distributes Nude Beer, Agavero, Absinthe, Rhum Barbancour and all the wines of Bacchus. In keep with the Dionysian Phalloi theme, Gene makes a 6 foot high (and very thick) plush toy penis that feels fabulous to rub up against. Bondage Master Dave ties Sister Kimberly to Gene’s big furry phallus as I whack her naughty behind. Harmonious mini-bacchanals swirl all around us, welcoming the warmth of Primavera back into our lives…
Feeding the Phallus of Dionysus to Cara Lott. My fabulous “Pussy Hat” is handmade by JADE.
— Photo: Master Jerry
My mind reels as the night winds down. There are so many rings to the Circus of Sex that is the “show,” so many living parts of this erotic organism we call the Speakeasy …Many orgiastic hours later, I find myself riding around the gallery in back of the rickshaw with the lovely Cyn Moore, her soft lips, lush lashes and long dark ringlets cascade around her bare shoulders like a Pre-Raphaelite Persephone, Queen of the Underworld in Winter, Beloved Daughter of Demeter in Spring. As we open our mouths, our legs and our hearts to each other, I feel her flowering and returning to her Mother Goddess. Then we each go off to be with our respective menfolk in our own private underworlds..
My last orgasm of the night (which is, at this point, 6 in the morning) is with my H, who whispers his erotic perspective on the night’s adventures into my ear, as I breath deep into orgasm, and we both explode, drifting off into Spring Feverish dreams of Dionysian delights.
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04 · 15 · 07 @ 5:14 am
I wanted to thank you for having invited me to your speakeasy last month. It was great. I had a lot more fun than I really thought I was going to, and your snake is gorgeous, handling her made me miss the days when I had one so I went out and got one for my birthday, he’s a ball python that I named Genghis Khan. Anyway hope all is well with you and the gang. I love hearing the shows. Take care, Much Love and Respect – Heather
04 · 7 · 07 @ 6:25 am
Hello Dr. Block I really enjoyed meeting you and watching you film your show.
04 · 7 · 07 @ 6:19 am
I’ve always had a huge crush on you, Dr. Susan!
04 · 7 · 07 @ 6:15 am
thanks again for the environment, it was educational on so many levels. Being from conservative Texas, seeing such things live and in person is a new experience. Well I hope to see you again, feel I have ALOT to still learn. Plus the bartender, she was breathtakingly beautiful. Thanks.
04 · 7 · 07 @ 6:10 am
Dr. Suzy, It was a pleasure meeting you at your Show. It was so surreal walking into the building, with a cresent moon serving as a backdrop of things that would cum that night. You are much more prettieer in person than on TV – AND you look totally HOT on TV too. I me your husband at the bar and Stephanie the bartendress was really a cool girl – hot too. I am still interested in being your slave – i was the Transvestite that met you that night. I rode your chair witht the dildo pumping in my ass early SUnday morning. michele
04 · 3 · 07 @ 8:02 am
Dr Suzy,I really enjoyed the hospitality you and everyone extended to Me at SPRING FEVER BACCHANALIA !!!Its gratifing to see that you used the pic I took of you feeding that big dildo into Cara Lott’s throat !!!Your show (and everything happening all around it)was fun, entertaining, and an eye opening enlightenmemt !Thanks and hope to see you again !MasterJerry
04 · 1 · 07 @ 5:46 pm
You are Spectacular and Bodacious Woman…..
04 · 1 · 07 @ 5:38 pm
Thanks Suzy! I’m glad you like the hat!! Thanks for sharing. XXOO JADE
03 · 30 · 07 @ 11:38 pm
thanks for the amazing monologue and thank you for who you are and what you do. see you tomorrow.
03 · 30 · 07 @ 5:53 pm
I’m a new member and forgot my information to get on, When is the next live show I’m addicted and I want to see another one. I’m willing to have Dr. susan use my house for the next show/party. please use discretion when calling my office . just let my hot secretary know its Dr. Susan
03 · 30 · 07 @ 5:04 pm
Dear Dr. Suzy Block,Thank you for inviting Me and My slave, danny boy, to your wonderful Prima Vera Spring Bacchanalia. We had a marvelous time. We got there much too early because of some misunderstanding, but Tay and Lindsay took terrific care of us. When some girls arrived before your official bartender showed up, danny boy had the opportunity to serve us all. Apparently, the girls overlooked his meager bartending skills because they enjoyed looking at his tattooed chest. The show was very interesting and titillating. The start time reminded Me of My own serendipitous schedule when I have gone live on the web. I look forward to a return visit soon. Perhaps you would consider featuring Me to discuss engaging Pagan spiritual energy through leather sex.Until then,Lady Aylha and danny boy
03 · 29 · 07 @ 2:45 pm
I had a great time… -Jack
03 · 29 · 07 @ 2:43 pm
Thank you again!! I had a great time! The Dr. Suzy show is great and the party is filled with the most eclectic group of fun sexual people! Everyone has fun – isn’t that what it is all about? I love open bar and open sex!! It was also a great place to network and personally meet others in various sections of the adult industry.Thanks,Sara
03 · 29 · 07 @ 12:19 am
Looks like a carnival of erotic funIts better to enjoy life when youre high on erotic love than harmful dopeGreetings all. I am the one and only Erotic Servant Alan. The one that helps supply some of America’s beautiful and talented erotic species to Dr Suzy’s lair. Glad to hear you’re doing better than ever doc. That erotic love does wonders for recovery and the spirit doesnt it? It fights for you and keeps you going when the time gets rough. Keep up the great work you all do and keep the focus talent and fight for your rights so that you can grow and never quit and give in. And if any talent or model or adult business needs a helping hand with scouting or assistant work whether its online or offline in Vegas at a convention, shoot or event, just ring my erotic bell and I will be at your beckon callYOU’VE JUST BEEN SERVED !!!Erotic servant Alan Erotic personal servant to the adult internet stars since 1997 @
03 · 28 · 07 @ 11:33 pm
The hat looks great!
03 · 28 · 07 @ 10:46 pm
03 · 28 · 07 @ 9:38 pm
Dr. Suzy, I think your such a beautiful sexy woman and snaps for being so open minded in helping so many people find their inner sexual selves. I am very interested in being on your show as I have been with all kinds of woman and have had some very wonderful expriences in all kinds of sexual adventures. and more so I would enjoy working for you as the person who finds the guests for your show.
03 · 28 · 07 @ 8:40 pm
hey suzy, i had a great time the other night. thanks for having me. much love lorelai
03 · 28 · 07 @ 8:38 pm
Another fantastic show, Dr. Suzy. How do you keep creating such hedonistic paradises? Quite a few guys this time. Everybody seems to be so high, not on drugs, but on the hormones (I guess) :) Love all the food and sex!
03 · 28 · 07 @ 8:35 pm
I had a great time…I also think Jordan did as well…I think he claims it was a life changing experience in all…lol. Much love <3 Cyn
03 · 28 · 07 @ 8:33 pm
Hey Dr. Suzy, Thanks for the compliments! I hope I didn’t go too overboard (if that’s possible) LOL. Just wanted to make up for last time. Thanks again for inviting me on the show and allowing me to bring my cameraman!
03 · 28 · 07 @ 8:31 pm
I just wanted to thank you for your great hospitality while I was on the show Saturday. I had a great time and hope that I may make another appearance on the show on one of my future trips back to LA.