Russell Brand Brands “RƎVO˩ution”
by Dr. Susan Block
What a joke. Russell Brand has branded the RƎVO˩ution as his own personal property. The adorable, toothy, wild-eyed comedian/pundit may rant like a prophet against “corporate tyranny,” but he’s not below making a quid off the struggle, even if it means ripping off the people. According to the Daily Mail, in a move one might expect of the corporate sharks he disparages, Russell Brand “is himself embracing capitalism, trademarking a logo that uses his own spelling of ‘revolution.’”
Except it’s a little worse than that. Brand’s brand of “RƎVO˩ution,” with its backwards letters spelling “LOVE” tucked neatly and sweetly inside the “Revolution,” isn’t even “his own spelling.” A quick Google image search shows that love revolutionaries and graphic designers have been utilizing this heartwarming word-within-a-word play for years. Isn’t this—or shouldn’t it be—public domain?
The Daily Mail doesn’t mention that that the spelling of the word has already been in circulation for several years, and neither does Brand. It’s bad enough that thousands of Brand’s fans think their hero invented the “RƎVO˩ution” when he didn’t. Ironically, one of the Web’s most prominent uses of this spelling was in Ron Paul’s 2008 presidential campaign—long before the cover of Brand’s 2014 book was published. This just shows anyone can be a love revolutionary, even a Free-Market Libertarian.
Full disclosure: Max and I have been putting the backwards “LOVE” in our “REVOLUTION” for The Bonobo Way, Bonoboville and on T-shirts for years. I also use it in my foreword to the forthcoming Ecosexuality collection edited by Dr. Serena Anderlini D’Onofrio and Lindsay Hagamen. If anything is worth calling a RƎVO˩ution, it’s the Ecosexuality Movement.
Even earlier, Max used it in Love Magazine in the 1970s, during what’s been called the original Love Revolution. Who knows who came up with it, probably a couple of “Mad Men” brainstorming on acid during the Johnson administration. And now here’s Mad Brand trying to brand it as his own coat of arms that nobody else can use, at least not in the UK.
Limited Edition: RƎVO˩ution The Bonobo Way.
Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate Brand’s sometimes eloquent efforts to speak for the 99%, for love, peace, social equality and the spiritual value of cunnilingus. He’s pretty funny, and I wouldn’t kick him out of my broadcast bed. And of course, he has as much right as any of us to use RƎVO˩ution on his book, T-shirts (Nice touch, scrawling RƎVO˩ution across a cross, Russ—no trademark infringement there, of course), “trinkets,” comedy routines, political campaigns, lingerie and project fundraisers. But when he tries to stop the rest of us using it, it’s not funny. Nor is it revolutionary. And it’s certainly not LOVE.
So, let him sue us. We’re going to continue using it, as should everybody else. The RƎVO˩ution, with its playful bonoboësque spelling, is our RƎVO˩ution, not just a brand of Russell Brand.
© May 12, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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05 · 13 · 15 @ 11:45 am
He needs to make good here, obviously … !!!
05 · 13 · 15 @ 9:06 am
Russ sell Brand
05 · 13 · 15 @ 12:53 am
Russell Brand is Britain’s answer to Kanye West – an overblown ego on the lose. As a comic he’s not that funny, and I can’t understand why’s being enthroned as a definitive social commentator/philosopher when he is now more famous for being famous. He is too dependent on media to be independent of its social force, however he tries to Brand himself.
05 · 13 · 15 @ 12:49 am
I say let’s invite Mr. Brand to join the ecosexual movement and throw in with us. I am not at all familiar with his book but there has got to be some synchronistic cross over of some sort that makes him more of an ally than an opponent. Lawyers have a way of making a difficult situation worse. Appeal to him directly…and invite him to join in a frolic!
05 · 13 · 15 @ 12:48 am
I like him
05 · 13 · 15 @ 12:47 am
Put up an objection to his trademark. The revolution belongs to all of us.
05 · 13 · 15 @ 12:46 am
This is good though…. He’s annoying and I never found him funny, but it’s good for the show!!!
05 · 12 · 15 @ 5:29 pm
That’s my Suzy!
05 · 12 · 15 @ 5:19 pm
Cirque du soleil has been using this for their Beatles show for many years too:
05 · 12 · 15 @ 11:39 am
Great piece for peace, Dr. Suze!
05 · 12 · 15 @ 11:36 am
Can’t we all share in the #Revolution? Remember #Peace & #Love :) >
05 · 12 · 15 @ 10:15 am
Ah Russell, seems you’ve succumbed to the very thing you claim to rail against: capitalism… hardly revolutionary eh mate?
Great write up Dr. Suzy, and I agree with your POV about this issue 100%
05 · 12 · 15 @ 9:01 am
I cunt under stand what the blok is ever say’n. I just cunt!
05 · 12 · 15 @ 1:47 am
Few things ruffle my feathers but when I saw that Brand was trying to steal a logo that has belonged to all of us, that got me. Especially since up until a couple of weeks ago I didn’t know who this upstart was (hey I just found out the Brooklyn Dodgers just moved to Los Angeles). So I walked the down the walkways of Bonoboville to the design department and put up some trinkets for sale. Revolution, The Bonobo Way. You should join right now before the drums of war become too loud and peace will be shattered.
05 · 12 · 15 @ 1:45 am
Wow, I would’ve expected this sort of culture jabbing from Apple, from Donald Trump, from Paris Hilton, but Russell Brand, that just came out of left field. The privatization of this word is counterproductive and far from revolutionary.
I understand that Brand is attempting to brand an idea, but my moral compass tells me that trademarking the word is not the route to travel– despite the noble cause that the profits go towards.
Maybe Russel needs to surround himself with more bonoboёsque company to get his head back on straight.
05 · 12 · 15 @ 2:01 am