Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. William Patrick Haines
    07 · 8 · 12 @ 2:14 am

    Dear Dr Block
    I have joyfully noticed your Brand of Ethical Hednoism does not continually glorify the truely amoral capitalistic system . Ever notice any attempt by any philsophy makes to legitmize the current form of capitailim does a tremendos disservice to that philsophy .
    I have noticed most christains are fully aware of comproise but no idea of sacrafice.The religious right is fixiated on private sins that hurt one but ignore public sins that endanger everyone .
    I am amazed by those who extol;l the virtues of capitailsm but are sheltered from it from by being employeed by the government .THis Of cource reminds of chicken hawks who extoll the virtues of the military but never served !!! .


  2. William Patrick Haines
    07 · 6 · 12 @ 12:24 pm

    Dear Dr Block
    Socialism does remind me of masturbation some groups openly accept others will partake but deny and other others refuse and end with severe mental impairments . The nineteenth century is long dead and usually accounts of resurrecting the dead are the stuff of horror stories . So trying to resurrect the dead ideas of the nineteenth century are bigger nightmares than anything Freddy Krugger could ever come up with


  3. William Patrick Haines
    07 · 3 · 12 @ 2:25 pm

    Dear Dr Block
    Thank for ,letting me discus the numerous emails I sent you
    On June 28 2012 I sent an email with the title “is peace the ultimate future” . Do you think that it is indeed the ultimate fate of humanity? Below are links to groupd that advocate for ablolition of war and nuclear weapons . Perhaps you might decide to post my email and answe it your blog
    included a link about an anti nuclear weapons conference ,and was wondering whether you might actually decide to attend ,or do blog on it .
    Speaking at Conference on Nuclear Abolition at SOKA University (Aliso Viejo, Orange County, CA)

    Point of Contact: smnd at soka dot edu

    This web site that claimed the abolition of war is possible . http://www.paulkchappell.com/ and TWO THAT advocated for the abolition of nuclear weapons http://www.globalzero.org/


  4. Ivy Thornton
    06 · 21 · 12 @ 4:20 pm

    Wet dreams are the best. Going to have some of those tonight about the sexy ladies that will be on the show Saturday night!


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