In the Beginning
My Darling Reader,
And so it has come to this: I am about to commit bloggamy. Actually, I’m already doing it. As of now, I am a bloggamist. It sounds seriously naughty, as if there’s a commandment against it. And if the censors have their way with us, there will be. Is bloggamy more like bigamy or blasphemy? Stay tuned.
For years, I’ve stayed off the stuff. Not my drug of choice, I’ve always said, wouldn’t even try it. Stuck to writing my little articles, Terror Journals, Dr. Laura Diaries, emails that drove Max crazy, stories, books, Jurassic-era media. I was afraid a blog might drown me in quasi-journalistic minutiae. The word itself BLOG sounds like something you get stuck in. Scary stuff. I do so love my freedom. Freedom is the greatest aphrodisiac. But bondage is a close second. And, as of today, I can resist the Call of the Blog no longer. I am ready and willing to give myself over to utter abandoned unexpurgated bloggamy, even though I know I am cheating on the rest of my life.
I wonder if my fears will come true. Do you know? Does surrendering one’s tender neck to the tight collar of bloggamy change things? Does it ruin one’s life?
I kept a diary when I was in my teens and early twenties. But that’s different because no one was supposed to read it (though of course, everybody did, but theoretically, it was private). This is a two-way street. I am committing bloggamy with you, my darling reader. Maybe more than two ways, as hopefully I will have more than one reader. Orgiastic bloggamy. It’s got that zesty Italian flavor: I blogga you, you blogga me. Oh baby, bloggamy.
I’m looking forward to it. Seems more exciting than just emailing and cozier than writing articles alone in my loft. Please help me decide what to blog about – sex, politics, events at the Speakeasy, minutiae? Cut me a little slack, as I try to conform my ancient 20th century skills to the *new* media. But let me know when you think I’m full of shit. And of course, tell me you love me to swell up my already swelled head (thus the hats). Oh, I love you already. Let’s have blog sex.
Speaking of sex…
It’s the holidaze – a most WUNDERFUL time of year, unless it’s not. My advice is to do as the ancient Saturnalians who celebrated Xmas before there was Xmas, and have some Hot Holiday Sex to Chase Away the Cold Dark Winter Blues. You can also read it in my favorite online publication (besides my own journal), Counterpunch, if you prefer my prose without pictures.
And so my fellow bloggamists, brothers & sisters, lovers & sinners, fellow Children of Sex, it’s XXXmas Eve, the night before Hannukkah, the day before the deluge…the turkey is roasting, the taters are boiling, the war is raging, lovers are screwing, the pretty little angel’s butt is stuck on the big fir tree, and I am stuck in my blog (in a good way). Whether you believe in God, the Goddess, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Saturn or you’re a believer in Faith-Based Sex, joy to you, my darling bloggamy-reader…
Peace on Earth ~ Pleasure for All ~ Follow The Bonobo Way
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio 😊. Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
12 · 30 · 05 @ 11:57 pm
Oh, in case anyone’s wondering, I’m a woman, 41, and married to a non-op M to F transsexual. The portal to my life online is I chose the name Shiva when I moved to Charlotte, NC after 17 years in NYC because he’s the hindu god of transformation, or destruction and renewal as is sometimes said. Since I was transforming my life so drastically, it fit. And I added “little” in front because it gives it a nice burlesque ring. I liked your mention of “Jurassic-era media” in the last post. I design websites–among other things–and really love the internet, the eighth wonder of the world, but never got into blogs. I publish a quirky little zine called QZ (for Queen Zine) once a month, and enjoy stocking people’s bathroom libraries with it. I like reading words on paper I can hold in my hands. I like opening books or magazines and sniffing the crack. I like holding some folded-up rag in one hand while eating with the other. The nuns in my Catholic girl’s school in Belgium in the 70’s used to tell me that reading while eating would give me indigestion, but that never happened. I first discoverd you way back in NYC in the early 90’s when websites and speakeasys were probably just a twinkle in your eye, and no one had even heard of blogs yet. Your newsletter was printed (or copied) on some kind of tan paper, and I think I still have a copy somewhere. I’ve been a fan of your intelligent, sexy and prolific self ever since. So here’s to Jurassic media, for making the introduction! P.S. It’s really sexy to write letters by hand, with a fountain pen.
12 · 29 · 05 @ 1:33 am
Dr. Block: may i congratulate you – your holiday sex column was a great ‘Piece of Sass ‘…. (wicked pun intended)
12 · 25 · 05 @ 8:15 am
You know Dr. Suzy, sweet you are, slippery and wet, I’ll comit all kinds of acts with you including bloggamy. viv
12 · 25 · 05 @ 4:45 am
Wow Dr Suzy!This is great I look forward to reading more. Take care!…Scott