Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Carlo in Portofino
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:08 am

    Hello Dr.Susan,Nice piece on the Da Vinci Code, yes and beautiful smiling Mona, how sweet she is. i haven’t seen the movie or read the book but I did read Holy Blood, Holy Grail. have you read that book?Yes, Mary and Jesus having sex! It is an old story that has been whispered through the centuries here in Europe. My own family is even oddly connect, since the Filangieris left France around the time of the Albegensian Crusade. Much blood has been shed over it, but the idea of Jesus and Magdalene having sex is just too delicious. Perhaps there is a secret video of them or paintings stowed away in the Vatican underground. He certainly is a sex symbol to millions of Catholic girls and some men too?Of course nobody knows if these two people even existed, there’s no record from that period. This Jesus story is bold faced that it has been one of the great propaganda campaigns of all time.And of course all this repression of sex has over the years brought up some hot little catholic girls, oh so eager to discover the mysterys of the miraculous wet panties and the V of the Crotch.Your friend,Carlo


  2. Karen
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:07 am

    I’m a fan of the Da Vinci Code, but your criticism does make sense. It would have been more appropriate for the killer mastermind to be someone from the Church.


  3. Rev. Bookburn
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:06 am

    The reactions of the Christian Taliban cult leaders to the film is highly amusing. Although I tend to think that it’s like debating whether or not Rudolph was Santa’s favorite raindeer, the backlash has turned this film into a smash. It’s equally amusing that ancient history can be debated so fiercely. The powers and their communicators can’t even relay the 1960s reasonably. And most folks from that era are still alive. However, assuming that there’s a shred a truth about the existance of the mighty mythical character, despite the absolute lack of evidence, then how would anybody really know the first thing about Him? All of the major cults have been used throughout time by the empires to manipulate the masses. In a hundred years, the sacred animated character could be described as the ultimate guitar player resembling Jimi Hendrix. The further one goes back in time, the more likely it is that there will be layers of bullshit added to the content. But assuming for a minute that He existed and pretty much resembled the myth, it is so comforting to know that He was horny, appreciated feet, and possibly said ‘eat my body.’ Therefore, since the animated masters of the universe characters can feel sexual urges and ‘get nailed,’ it would seem appropriate to for all humans to lose sexual guilt, inner-conflict, gender-role conditioning, and the ‘moral codes’ of hypocrites.Perhaps some day, we’ll all have an opportunity to sit with the supreme entities on the carcass of Pat Robertson, light up a doobie, watch Monty Python films, and then participate in a condoned heavenly orgy. Meantime, we can be amused by the fact that this new film is causing bowel trouble for deluded mullahs. Thank you for another classic bloggamy offering. I’m going to go now and get ready for some communion.Rev. BookburnRadio Voltawww.reverendbookburn.comwww.radiovolta.org


  4. qwert23@ig.com.br
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:05 am

    I have to disagree with something, I´ve never heard any serious historian who says there no historic proof that there was a Jesus. Ok, there really isn´t scientific proof that the son of god walked on earth and resurrected, that´s absolutely a matter of faith.By the way, the story told in the Da Vinci Code book does no not have historic proofs either. It is very unlikely that Mary Magdalene run away to France (no historic proofs here), let alone that she married Jesus. If she had married Jesus, she would be named after that since women used to carry the name of their men with them. If she was known as Mary Magdalene that´s because she was named after the city she was from: Magdala, and that makes the fact that she ever married unlikely.Well, at list the book/film raises a very interesting point: Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute. As long as you believe in the gospels you should not believe she was a harlot because no gospel affirms that.


  5. gary harvey
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:05 am

    once again, dr. suz, you have “nailed” the situation to a cross – er, T. brilliant put-down of dan brown and opie the director without dissing the goddess.


  6. jomason57@verizon.net
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:04 am

    yes, I agree, the questions raised by The Da Vinci Code, and by the apocryphal book the BGospel of Judas, changes the whole story about Christianity. Is celebacy really that spiritual? How did celebacy become so important in Christianity? Is it a realistic option, or does it do more harm than good?


    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:03 am

    Dear Dr. Block:As a child, I can remember feeling more than oddly reassured, upon learning Jesus had at least one brother (James), and probably other sibs, as well. Yet in some circles, the notion of a sexual Mary, whether pre- or post-Jesus’ birth, is still regarded as heretical.Not having seen ‘The DaVinci Code’ or read the book, I wonder if the story makes use of the French Christmas carol, “I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In”? As you surely recall, one of its verses, in English translation, reads roughly as follows–“And what was in those ships of three,On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day?’Twas Christ the Lord and HIS LADY!”When I first reached an age to give thought to these words; I realized the “Lady” in question must be Christ’s wife, not his mother. The ‘Lady’ of a feudal lord is his wife, who herself is called “Lady _______,” after the Lord’s family name.Perhaps the most persuasive argument for Jesus’ marriage I’ve yet seen: marriage by the Jewish rabbinate was universal, if not actually required. Thus, Jesus’ bachelorhood would certainly have been noted in any of the accounts of Jesus’ life, which have come down to us.Many thanks for expressing in words, the relief I also feel.Kindly keep up the good work! With best wishes,BRUCE TYLER WICKAttorney at LawWestlake, Ohio 44145


  8. adrien burke
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:03 am

    Since Holy Mother Church (I was raised in a convent school) is so alarmed that people might see and be influenced by this film, I simply had to see it, however lame it might be. I had VERY low expectations after hearing and reading what the critics had to say. It was a little long. But it was a FUN movie! I can’t help thinking that many of those so-sophisticated critics are disturbed – whether they will admit it or not – by the movie’s ‘blasphemy’ – to be so furious over such a mostly-harmless chase film. And if there is a downside it is, as you say, that the church is excused from modern-day evils and the horrors of the inquisitionS (for more than one holy, bloody campaign against heresy and heretics was conducted) go largely unexamined. Some pretty irreligious friends of mine have argued intensely that the premise of the story (whatever that is) has been discredited. Well, of course. On the other hand the premise of the Life of Jesus has been thoroughly discredited as well – so what’s the diff? Really this is no more blasphemous, outrageous, or silly than Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Last Ark – which I enjoyed without the slightest shred of belief in either the great power and importance of the ‘ark’ or in the authenticity of the silly story! One time I was in a poorly kept, heavily graffiti- embellished laundromat restroom, noticing once again that there are really only two themes written on those walls. What it is about bathrooms that brings girls face-to-face with God, or turns their thoughts to poorly-spelled sex, I don’t know. But I was suddenly inspired to combine those two themes into one glorious slogan! With a permanent black marker I lettered on the wall “God Gives Good Head.” I don’t usually see myself as one who writes on bathroom walls, but since that time I have done it twice – same slogan, and only on similarly disfigured walls. It’s an experiment. That first bathroom was permanently locked, not a desirable outcome, really. On one bathroom, where the management apparently encouraged this sort of personal expression, the wall was painted over within a day or two. And in another unkempt bathroom, my blasphemy inspired a much-needed cleanup (and repainting). Even atheists have expressed shock at my salacious slogan, tho it was not nearly so graphic or so stupidly pious as those it joined.Great article, by the way.


  9. Da Vinci Coed
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:02 am

    So G^D has sex, makes big box … in office? Confucious?This is so Greco-Roman that any roamin’ Greek or Roman god would feel almost slighted by their omission in the comission of the mission of visions of interplay between the deified and the mortal. So, what would the offspring be, something along the lines of “Bewitched,” having the stronger genes take over and the god-/goddessliness be the winning trait? As seen in the case of Jesus the Nazorean, his was an unique case and therefore might have had a recessive “god” gene, something like the effect of too-tight jeans, pressing the gonads into the warmth of the trunk, spoiling all them little semen swimmers. We can all imagine how Samantha’s clock would have been ticking toward multiple alarms had she had a son that was bereft of any magical or supernatural powers. Nineteen-sexties “Viagra”? Or, could she, as an embodiment of the divine have worked some “healing” on the child and pulled those genes together? Doing a little curing blindness and leprosy along the way, along with any other side-effects of masturbation?We know that the World moves from one scam to the next, each one represented as the “truth” to be followed until such a time as it is exhausted or another more appealing one comes along. As the perpetuators of the ruses are more than likely their own best fan(atic)s, there is no indication of “lying” except that their “truths” cannot be independently verified, only constantly rationalised and reworked to make them look weather-worn and having had enough distress and duress to create the impression that they have suffered and survived the trials of Time. No matter the provenance. No matter the expert evaluations and findings. It is always a matter of whose ruse is most believable over time, especially when time heals all wounds, erasing evidence of any actual pain and suffering, rendering it to ashes and dust. Certainly, mass hypnosis and hysteria are useful, along with a few threats and worrying admonitions. Too, a little infusion of Frenchiness goes a long way toward creating credibility cracks. We know the Gallic gall. And don’t it beat all?Your Blog-Ami,Alamaine, IVeGrand Forks, ND, US of A


  10. William Patrick Haines
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:01 am

    Heaven forbid that the creator might actual have a sexual side. The Greek religion has deities with an active sex life, so why shouldn’t we? In addition, the Book of Job refers to the “Sons of God.” Perhaps this refers to the great great great … and so forth offspring of Jesus. Hey, instead of getting Yourself crucified and raising Yourself from the dead, why not do something useful here on earth? Why not 1) solve some real problems like famine, war, disease, poverty and inequality, and 2) get Bush out office! Please! Maybe You ought to raise some people’s brains from the dead, You know, the ones who voted for this incompetent imbecile.


  11. Little Shiva
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:01 am

    Haven’t read the book or seen the movie either, but I love the point you make about the juicy message that people want to hear. I remember seeing Amiri Baraka perform in some cool bar in Manhattan’s meat-packing district back in the 90’s, and he had this great rant about the father, the son and the holy ghost, after which he said “but what about the MOTHER?” No shit! I’m always amazed that the feminine principle has been so repressed over human history. What’s with that? We’ve got the pussy, so we’ve got the power. What gives? Did the patriarchy just sneak up and whack us upside the head while we were sleeping, or did our sisters just wimp out? I say it all starts with the mother.


  12. Veronica Monet
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 1:00 am

    Amen regarding “a big sloppy kiss for the Church!” My sentiments exactly. While I haven’t seen the movie yet, the book certainly disappointed when it turned cowardly at the very end and stopped short of committing a cardinal sin by indicting the Catholic Church for one tenth of the historical atrocities it has committed.But let me add something which appears to have escaped scrutiny thus far – the Da Vinci Code is not only ruffling feathers because it asserts that God has sex. More importantly, the old Whore/Madonna controversy is resurrected and then quickly dispatched with barely a whimper. We are posed this question – was Mary Magdalene a prostitute or an apostle or the wife of Jesus. To which I respond, why not all three? Must we continue to divide women into categories and identities which are deemed polar opposites? Must we continue to assume a whore cannot also be a wife and/or mother and/or spiritual leader and/or positive role model?Try this on for size: Mary Magdalene is the Great Goddess in disguise. And as all pagans know, the Goddess is three identities in one: maiden, mother and crone. And all three of those identities are sexually empowered and imbued with political power and spiritual authority. The Whore of Babylon to some, Isis, Ishtar, etc. to others. Jesus Christ is merely her consort. Madonnas and virgin births predate Christian mythology. And virgins were originally Sacred Prostitutes. The term had nothing to do with intact hymens. Virgin simply meant no man owned or controlled the woman. So not only does the Jesus story suggest that he had a sexual relationship with and perhaps married a woman who was possibly a prostitute and a sacred priestess, but even the story of Jesus’s virgin birth is tied to ancient sacred prostitution. The reason his mother and his wife/sexual partner are both named Mary is because they represent the three aspects of the divine feminine: maiden, mother and crone (all virgins in original myth as they were not controlled by a man but rather served the Goddess as sacred prostitutes).The Bible takes this ancient sacred story about woman and splits her into three different individuals – the “innocent” female ripe for impregnation, the devoted but asexual mother and the “irrelevant” old woman (all male dominated and sexist perversions of female power). Further, we are told the ultimate lie – whores are dirty and evil and virgins have intact hymens. This splitting up of a whole empowered female indentity leads to sexual shame and sexual frustration for both men and women – not to mention the rape and murder of many women who fall outside the confines of “good women” considered worthy of society’s protection (this serves as a warning to any women who might consider living sexually free lives).So The Da Vinci Code not only wimps out regarding the Catholic Church, it completely occludes the biggest secret of all – that both the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene represent the original divine authority and as such embodied all aspects of the feminine – maiden, mother, crone and whore. It is Jesus who has the bit role in this story.Veronica Monetwww.veronicamonet.com


  13. Linda Smith
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 12:59 am

    Of COURSE God has sex! Jesus was a GREAT LAY!! We humans do enjoy a good story! People are, in the coming years, going to come to a greater, more complete, more respectful understanding of Mary Magdalene…. she was far more than a sacred harlot; she was a lineage-carrier, she was a healer, teacher, world traveler herself. When people can’t see the light directly or swallow the elephant whole, God drops hints. And she drops hints through us. Like an infinite strobe-light. At night, everything looks different. The sun is not in evidence in our area of the world, but you DO see the stars! Unless it’s foggy….


  14. Rhino Rick
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 12:58 am

    [here’s another perspective on the DaVinci Code. RR]www.truthtellers.org/alerts/behinddavinci.htmlTHE JEWS BEHIND DA VINCI CODEBy Rev. Ted PikeAlmost everyone realizes the Da Vinci Code is an unprecedented attack on Christianity and Jesus Christ. But most people don’t know that the media giants orchestrating this attack are Jewish. Sony Corporation, the force behind the Da Vinci Code movie, is the eye of this Jewish promotional octopus. In the late 1980s, Sony of Japan bought out Metro Goldwyn Meyer, Columbia Pictures, and United Artists. Former president of Jewish-owned CBS, Howard Stringer (a Jew), became second in command of Sony International. He is chair and CEO of Sony of America. 1 Sony of America is dominated by Jewish names. Emily Susskind is president. Robert Wiesenthal is executive VP and chief financial officer; Nicole Seligman is executive VP and general counsel. Phil Weiser is CTO and senior VP. Michael Fidler Jr. is senior VP. Jay Samit is general manager of Connect. Gretchen Griswold is director of corporate communications. 2 Sony’s subsidiary, Columbia Pictures, maker of the Da Vinci Code movie, is headed by Amy Pascal, a Jew. She is also chairman of Sony’s Motion Picture Group. 3 The producer of the film is Brian Grazer, a Jew. The screenplay was written by well-known, Jewish screenwriter Akiva Goldsman.A MEDIA OCTOPUS While originating with Sony, the Da Vinci Code’s promotion is a many-pronged attack on Christianity coming from the Jewish media community. Sony worked closely with NBC in promotion of NBC/Universal’s anti-Christ Book of Daniel last winter. Now NBC, presided over by its Jewish head of television programming, Jeff Zukor, has lavishly promoted Sony’s Da Vinci Code movie on NBC. This past week, Today Show host Matt Lauer led the nation on a European “treasure hunt” in the steps of the Code. CBS, presided over by Jewish Sumner Redstone, and ABC, by Jewish Michael Eisner, have helped build a firestorm of public curiosity about the book and movie.MEGA BOOK SALES The largest Jewish publishing houses reap staggering profits from sales of Da Vinci Code books. Jewish Joel Klein is chairman of American operations of Bertelsmann A.G., the largest publishing conglomerate in the world. Random House, which the Encyclopedia Judaica confirms is Jewish-owned and controlled, is part of this consortium, benefiting by massive distribution advantages. 4 Random House owns rights to produce all large-print copies of the Da Vinci Code. As a division of Random House, Doubleday owns rights to produce all regular-print and special collector’s editions of the book. Finally, Anchor Books, another venerable Jewish publishing house and subsidiary of Random House completes this Jewish monopoly by printing all paperback copies. Jewish-controlled magazines also hype the Code. Some 50 popular magazines, including Time, Life, and People, are owned by Time/Warner, with Jewish Norman Pearlstein, editor in chief. Newsweek, published by Jewish Donald Graham’s Washington Post, has featured recent conspicuous articles enticing millions to purchase the book or see the movie. Articles too numerous to mention continue to emerge from Jewish-controlled newspapers. These include those owned by the Samuel Newhouse chain, the New York Times, the Boston Globe, the New York Review of Books, the Village Voice, etc. All have been intensifying interest in the Da Vinci Code’s blasphemous message. The New York Times praised the book as “impeccably researched,” despite the Code’s outrageous claims, including that the Roman Catholic Church burned five million women at the stake. These media voices, which reflected so gravely on possible anti-Semitism in Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ, have not a word of concern about the Code’s rabid anti-Christianity. That’s because they share it.ATTACKS ON CHRIST CONVERGE In a previous e-alert, I documented how Jews helped the National Geographic Society to bring the “Gospel of Judas” blasphemy to the attention of the world (See, “Judas: Historic Jewish Hero”). I revealed how NGS’ prestigious Codex advisory panel, the driving force behind promotion of this sacrilege, is top heavy with Jewish names. Such fevered Christ-bashing continues a pattern of stepped-up attacks by Jewish activists over the past six months: • Last November, Abe Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, attacked politically involved Christian conservatives as a threat to freedom. He vilified the Southern Baptist Convention for allowing witnessing to Jews. In his recent book, Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism, he accused Christians who witnessed to Jews of being anti-Semitic. The New Testament, he rails, is a lying, hateful, hurtful book, ultimately responsible for the deaths of 6 million Jews in World War II. (See, “ADL’s Foxman: New Testament is Anti-Semitic”) • Last December, in CBS’ 48 Hours special, “The Mystery of Christmas,” CBS dramatized the possibility that Christ was a bastard. (See, “More Christian Bashing from Media this Easter?”) • This winter, NBC’s Book of Daniel, authorized by Jeff Zukor, trashed Jesus and the Christian family. (See, “Who’s Behind NBC’s ‘Book of Daniel’?”) • Also this winter, Jewish activist Mikey Weinstein was successful in his suit against the Air Force Academy, banning chaplains there from using the name of Jesus in public prayers. He was assisted by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff, highly placed ethical consultant to both the Navy and Air Force, in upholding such an end of free speech. (See, “Correction: Speech at Air Force Academy Not Free”)EVANGELICALS WON’T IDENTIFY THEIR ENEMY One would think evangelical leaders, clearly under attack by Jewish activists in high places, would at least inform Christians of the identity of those who assail them and their Savior. This is not the case. Evangelical and new-right leaders are silent concerning the Jewish origins of present attacks on free speech, Christian witnessing, the New Testament, and the integrity of Jesus Christ. Why this incredible silence? Evangelicals won’t identify their attackers as Jewish because of a centuries-old superstition. They believe a divine curse will fall on any person or nation who criticizes Jews. The Biblical promise to Abraham, “I will bless those that bless thee and I will curse them that curse thee,” (Genesis 12:3) is taken to mean that no matter what evil or injustice Jews commit, Christians must only bless them, never criticize. This is flatly contrary to Scripture. The Bible teaches that godly reproof and warning are not curses but the greatest gifts that can be given to any sinner. Reproof brings with it the possibility of repentance, saving a soul from an eternity in hell! It was with such a desire to bless Jews, that the Hebrew prophets, including Isaiah and John the Baptist, fiercely reproved the Jewish people and their leaders for sin. Does the Bible consider such fearless truth-telling to be anti-Semitic? Does it record terrible curses descending upon such prophets? Quite the contrary, God’s curses did descend on those false prophets who flattered the Jews, exactly as do modern-day evangelicals. In the time of Elijah, compromising prophets cooed unconditional blessings on Ahab and Jezebel. Today Jerry Falwell, John Hagee, and Hal Lindsey lavish blessings on the vilest of Jewish sinners including arrogant, violent men like Shamir, Begin and Sharon.A CULT OF ISRAEL-WORSHIP Christ’s followers 2,000 years ago viewed His crucifixion from afar. They were impotent to restrain evil Jewish leaders who had Him killed. Today, evangelicals are paralyzed from really striking a blow against those who now publicly re-crucify the name and reputation of Jesus. Yes, they write letters and emails and perhaps boycott TV sponsors. Their intellectuals argue against the fallacies of the Da Vinci Code. But no one points a prophetic, bony finger at the Jewish media moguls, identifying their racial and religious origin. No one says like Nathan to the adulterous David, “You are the man!” (2 Sam. 12:7) Incredibly as Jewish anti-Christ activism surrounds and overlays Christianity, the silence within the Church only becomes more deafening. About all that can be said then, is that when “Israel first” leaders and their flocks are at last herded into gulags to be slaughtered, few groups of people in history will have worked harder to ensure their own destruction. End Notes:1 Standard & Poor’s Register, 2006.2 Ibid and LexisNexis, Corporate Affiliations International, volume 8, 2005.3 LexisNexis, Corporate Affiliations International, volume 8, 2005.4 Encyclopedia Judaica, “Publishing.”.


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