Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Diane Christian
    12 · 27 · 06 @ 6:18 pm

    Dear Dr. Block,Thanks for the warning on crying rape. I remember your articles, in fact, but had forgot how truly spooky and crazy the spinoff was. You’re deliberately visceral and good at it; I usually only imply. I more and more think though that skin connection is the right tactic. Happy to be on the same page with you.Brava.Best,dc


  2. Teka-Lark
    12 · 26 · 06 @ 9:07 pm

    Susan, I was so happy to run across your site. I’ve known about you for years and never thought to look you up online. I’m a literary artist (I do poetry), freelance writer and an ethical hedonist. I stumbled across the sex industry as a way to remain true to my artistic roots, but at the same time do something I enjoyed, was flexible and allowed me continue to buy wine and fruit and curate poetry readings and art events for my friends. The people of the world are my friends. I curate the poetry walk during the downtown art walk and I’m starting two series one is poetry (dorothy parker’s gin and tonic) and one is creative nonfiction (mark twains empty snifter glass of bourbon). To me there is a very strong connection between art, literature and sex. Why there is this thick line dividing it often confuses me. I currently work as a phone sex operator, but its weird, I don’t want to keep them on the phone talking about football. I want to keep them on the phone talking about sex, I very much enjoy helping people enjoy themselves, which is probably why I’m very good at what I do. I know I’m doing a service, though I wish my title was not so cheesy…lol…but what is a label, but a way to make people lazy in regards to thinking… My literary work is a combination of sex, social commentary and comedy, because even the tragic is funny. I like you am a student of philosophy. I received my undergrad degree in Philosophy from Mount St Mary’s College in Brentwood and I have studied extensively humanism, existentialism as well as the Tantra, Kundalini and other eastern ways of thought. My lover as yours was also a publisher of a very popular magazine in his field. I’m currently trying to start a magazine. I make with my partner broadsheets, which are 13 by 19 posters on quality paper that has poetry on one side and information on the art scene on the other with pictures and things, they are very beautiful, we do them every other month, taking a break in November and December, so about 5 per year. We’ve featured some well respected names in poetry and this year we’re moving into visual artists as cover artist. I was thinking in addition to my artistic endeavors about becoming a sexual counselor. Do you think this is the best route? Getting certified and things such as that, I’ve never been big on organizations that say what you can or can not do. Any guidance you could give me would be much appreciated. It seems as if you combine your love of philosophy and love of art, so I would very much be interested in what your thoughts might be. Anyways, even if you can’t answer back, thanks for doing what you are doing. Most sincerely, Teka-Larkmy name means freedom through authenticity and i want everyone to be free


  3. Cee Bee
    12 · 26 · 06 @ 9:06 pm

    And what is so wrong about jerking and jilling off? Might as well focus on peace as on a pair of fake boobs.


  4. JO Man
    12 · 26 · 06 @ 9:05 pm

    This Global Orgasm thing is bullshit. Just an excuse to jerk off.


  5. diana see
    12 · 26 · 06 @ 9:04 pm

    I also participated in the Global Orgasm, so I really appreciated your description of your participated. Mine was alone, in masturbation, but very powerful. I really believe something good can come of this, if we keep doing it! Thanks for your eloquent involvement.ds


  6. Carlo Filangieri Portofino Italy
    12 · 26 · 06 @ 4:28 am

    Dear Susan,Happy Holidays!!! Best wishes and kisses!Now you know my english is not so good but did I understand something about some Yale lawyers trying to take your panties away? What is that about? Were you at a party? What happened? Please tell me more abut this, it sounds very exciting.Peace to all of us,Carlo


  7. ~J.J.~
    12 · 26 · 06 @ 4:23 am

    Suzy, as usual, I had such a wonderful time at your Hanukkah party! You looked gorgeous, David’s food was so yummy, and I loved the little gifts you gave me! I loved the ring Annie gave me too! Thank you again, sweet friend and I look forward to seeing you again soon!With much love & soft hugs,~J.J.~


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