Eros Day XIV: Human Couple Become Gods Through Sex!
Length: 1:44:14 Date: 01.19.2013
Happy Eros Day! Celebrate the planetoid, the myth, the philosophy and the feeling! Our 14th annual Eros Day celebration is blessed by the Father of Eros Day and a real-life, loving couple who attain Olympian divinity-through-sex, sparked by the Holy Spirit of Eros and the supportive erotic environment of the Womb Room. Hallelujah!
Just in case you don’t know, on Eros Day, we honor Eros who is 1) a great and powerful god, according to classical mythology, 2) a little cock-shaped planetoid, according to modern astronomy, 3) the dynamic universal life force or the opposite of Thanatos (death), 4) the philosophy of ethical hedonism or The Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure and 5) the feeling of lust or love in your heart.
Here in our Bonoboville, Max and I have been celebrating Eros Day every year since 2000 on or around January 22, when the planetoid 433-EROS comes closest to Earth. For a while, each Eros Day was getting bigger, wilder, more circus-like and orgiastic than the one before, climaxing in sheer orgy size with our Eros Day XII Orgy in the Womb Room in 2011. Though all of our Eros Days have been filled with “civilian” revelers, especially couples, they have also been blessed by an amazing array of porn stars, and nothing starts an orgy faster than a bunch of porn stars under the influence of Eros. That changed suddenly last year, when Adult Video News (AVN) switched their awards ceremony from the Saturday night after the first of the year to the Saturday night of Eros Day! Since every porn star with enough gas money makes the pilgrimage to Vegas for AVN, that leaves Los Angeles virtually porn-star free on Eros Day. Hopefully, AVN will switch dates again soon, and we’ll get our porn stars back for Eros Day—the date of which we can’t change because of the astrophysical proximity of the planetoid 433-Eros to Earth. That’s ok, we have many other porn star-packed orgiastic holidays throughout the year. In the meantime, Eros Day has changed focus to concentrate on a single hot couple who embody the divine erotic relationship of Eros and Venus (Aphrodite to the Greeks), eroticizing and inspiring us—body, mind and soul—to find and celebrate the Eros and Venus within us.
Lasse Braun: We open with the man who introduced us to Eros Day back in 2000, the Father of Eros Day—as well as the father of multiple AVN award-winning director Axel Braun, our dear friend, veteran film director/writer/author/lawyer and Free Speech crusader, the first European director to be inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame. Lasse calls us live from Rome, schooling us in the erotic effects of the planetoid Eros-433’s gamma rays, the life-giving powers of Eros the Greco-Roman god (who is said to have “blown the breath of life into all creatures”—and that’s quite a blowjob!) and his hot mama/lover Venus, the idea that prostitution isn’t the “world’s oldest profession” (the priesthood was) and the need for more love and less shame in our lives.
Lord Exceter Miles & FeyAdene: This adorable real-life couple has attended and participated in many shows and parties in Bonoboville, from Valentine/Lupercalia to Master D’s Schoolgirl Lapdance Spectacular. They’re into BDSM, though other than that, they’re a pretty “normal” Southern California couple. But on Eros Day, they rise a million miles above normal, stepping up to the plate to embody the divine couple, Eros and Venus (pretty much at the last minute when another couple can’t make it). They’re excited, both fans of the Greco-Roman mythological gods, and game to strip down to total divine nakedness, except for Venus’ trademark gold belt and Eros’ white angel wings. Impressing everyone with their superb stamina and Olympian eroticism, Fey/Venus’ all-natural curvaceous and Exceter/Eros’ hard and soaring planetoid, they fuck and suck throughout the show, eroticizing us all.
ObamEros: Jonathan Footman, who played Eros aka “ObamEros” in 2009 for our large, orgiastic Eros Day Orgy for Obama Inaugural Ball (now playing on, loves to come back to Eros Day which opened up the world of erotica for him. Since Eros Day 2013 happens to fall on another Obama inaugural weekend, I take the opportunity to congratulate the President for keeping American women out of binders by winning this election and for trying to do something positive about gun control. But I also chastise him for sending out more drones than Bush, turning multiple civilian communities in the Middle East and Southeast Asia into combat zones, with drone survivors chanting “Death to America!” So please Barry, for this next term: less drones, more bones. Make Eros Not Thanatos. Stop the Killing, Start the Party…!
Sharday: Last Saturday’s birthday girl has recovered from her spanking and is back and ready for her classical-astrophysical lesson, all decked out in a snazzy black and white corset and the pink and black butterfly wings I wore on our extremely orgiastic Eros Day Circus of Sex in 2006. Aside from suggesting that Venus ride the Sybian and giving a few whacks to her cute bottom with my riding crop as she slides up and down on Eros’ planetoid, our Institute manager’s GF—and one of our newest therapists—just observes, her assessment of the proceedings going from “interesting” to “pretty hot” to “amazing!” in the course of the show.
EROS DAY XIV, Class of 2013: Master Liam as Pan, Sharday (in front), Producer Tasia Sutor, Dr. Susan Block, Fey Adene as Venus, Lord Exceter Miles as Eros. Photo: Felix
Happy Eros Day, Eros the Planetoid, Eros the God of Love, Eros the Feeling, Ethical Hedonism, Gamma Rays Bringing out Erotic Feelings, Story of Eros and Psyche, Eros Is The Original Angel, Eros Blows the Breath of Life Into All Beings (The Original Blowjob), Venus Won a Beauty Contest over Juno & Minerva & was Rewarded With a Kiss from Eros, Is Prostitution the “Oldest Profession” or the Priesthood?, The AVN Awards, Eros Day X Orgy for Obama Inaugural Ball, 2nd Inauguration of President Obama, Good Start on Gun Control, Enough Drones Already, Eros Has Many Lovers—Not All of Them Human, Venus & Eros: Lovers & Mother/Son, Eros Can Be a Female (And Was at Our Eros Day XI Housewarming) & Venus Can Be Male, Carl Gustav Witt Discovered 433 Eros in 1898, Dreams About Flying Symbolize Sex (Freud), Eros (The Life Force) Vs. Thanatos (The Death Force), Squirting (Female Ejaculation), Penis Size, Latin Lovers, Bonobo Liberation Therapy, The Bonobo Way of Peace Through Pleasure
Eros Day Set by Producer/Flying Eros Angel Tasia Sutor, Breathing Deep, Lighting Giant Pink Cock Candles by Pipedream Products, Squirting Dildo, Il Papa del Giorno di Eros (The Pope of Eros Day) Gives Eros Day Blessings Live From Rome, Transforming a Normal Human Couple into Divine Lovers Eros & Venus (the Ultimate Erotic Makeover), Pan (Played by Master Liam) Shackles Venus to the Bondage Cross, Flogging Venus, Venus Suffering For Our Sexual Sins, Reciting The Eros Day Prayer to Music by High Priestess Productions (featuring Regan, Our Venus from 2004’s Eros Day Parade), Eros Flies Into the Womb Room Wearing Nothing But Angel Wings, Eros Liberates Venus from Bondage & Suffering, Eros & Venus Embrace on the Stripper Pole, Manhandling & Angelhandling, Eros Caressing his Mama and Lover, Deep Kissing and Making Out, Pussy Fondling & the Womb of Venus Opening Up, Venus Sucking Eros’ Planetoid, Hair Pulling, Taking a Bite out of the Nape of the Neck, Digging Nails and Scratching into the Back, Sybian, Handjob, Smacking Ass with Riding Crop, Breastplay, Paddling, Olympian Sex in Many Positions, Doggy Style, Missionary Sex, Scissors Sex, Woman on Top, Fingering Venus’ Clitoris and Labia as Venus Strokes His Planetoid, Beautiful Runway Pussy, The Gräfenberg Spot (“The G-Spot”), Eros Fucking a Goat (Art), Toasting Eros & Venus with our Ambrosia Absente Absinthe, More Fucking, Orgasms, Hula-Hooping, Naked Dancing on The Speakeasy Bar
See the FREE PGish Pix. X Pix & Video at
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03 · 2 · 13 @ 11:10 am
Great show and great pix Susan,thank you & as always, you look stunning,in blue!!
02 · 5 · 13 @ 2:29 pm
I just love all the great outfits you wear, Docteur.
01 · 31 · 13 @ 12:44 pm
Smart, articulate, and sex-positive? That’s a very winning combination, Dr. Suzy. Happy Eros Day indeed!
01 · 30 · 13 @ 5:33 pm
Is it just me or does that title make everyone think it says Human Centipede?
What the hell is going on here!
No, we have not yet had a Human Centipede Show. But maybe we should.
Anyways, Eros day vs AVNs and we won!
Thanks to our sexy and loving real life couple Exeter Miles and Fey who saved the day with their marital sex-a-thon. Thank you two so much!
01 · 24 · 13 @ 3:06 pm
Love Eros Day! I really do think you guys are doing something positive for humanity in this sex oppressed society.
01 · 23 · 13 @ 8:37 am
Very interesting show, not as crazy as expected for Eros Day, but she was beautiful to look at and her man really knew how to perform. I learned a few things too!
01 · 21 · 13 @ 4:18 pm
thank you Suzy :)
01 · 21 · 13 @ 12:46 am
nice spankings! u should teach a spanking class for colleges
01 · 20 · 13 @ 11:20 pm
My wife and I have been following Eros day for several years. This year we did something we have never done before. We spent the evening with another couple aboard our yacht at the marina. After we listened to your show we all ended up having sex…WOW what a hot night. Happy Eros Day and happy new rear LOL