Double-Annie Squirting Anniversary Photos Now Backstage
I’m seeing double. And I love it. We now have TWO sets of amazing pics from our “Double-Annie Squirting Anniversary” BACKSTAGE featuring the amazing Annie Body, Geyser of Desire, and Annie Cruz, the adorable Sprinkler System. Check out the free Splash (no pun intended) Page Pics from Big Tom Zimmerman and Lydel Lydia Teez. They are double-hott and double-wettttt. We just broadcast this show live a month ago. For a mouth-watering description of what happened (and why we’re all so wettttt), go to my Double-Annie Squirting Anniversary Bloggamy. And guess what: we are now broadcasting “Double-Annie Squirting Anniversary” on RadioSuzy1TV. Double the pleasure, double the cum; get two Squirting Annies for the price of one!
Double-Annie Squirting Anniversary
AND, Jason Leopold says Karl Rove is being indicted. Whoopee! Squirt for Justice! Squirt for Peace! Squirt in Karl’s big fat face. On second thought, the Nectar of Aphrodite is too good for Turd Blossom Karl. Just pee on him and flush.
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