Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Angelamss
    06 · 14 · 10 @ 7:27 am

    Your blog is like a blonde with a brain. I like it. All jokes aside, very interesting article.


  2. jaykay48
    03 · 4 · 10 @ 11:34 pm

    Really insightful and beautifully expressed. Also funny in a tragic kind of way.


  3. Game On
    03 · 4 · 10 @ 11:32 pm

    Most if not all organizations overlook the effects of control of sexual expression. It seems to me that without an examination of those effects, we will never have a true picture of what motivates someone to behave in this manner. You give us tremendous food for thought, indeed. Thank you, Dr. Susan.


  4. Rodney M. Burton
    01 · 18 · 10 @ 8:07 pm

    Suggestion: We should just approach the airport security checkpoint naked. Would save a lot of money and time, cause us less aggravation, and eliminate the need for one more machine – polluting of our bodies and mother earth. Perhaps a loose throw away gown worn on the plane. Who knows, the policy may vicariously relieve tension in “two heads” at once. “Cameras in airplane lavatories” is not a bad idea either.


  5. Jenna McKay
    01 · 8 · 10 @ 11:15 pm

    Wow, this is the best, funniest, most no-nonsense piece I’ve read about this Crotchbomber Boy since Christmas. I love the way you dissect his “two heads” with such vivid clarity. Consider me your newest fan.


  6. drsuzy
    01 · 8 · 10 @ 11:04 pm

    Just want to clarify for Mr. Buford and others that I am not “supportive” of using “full nude body scans.” As I say in my bloggamy (but let me try saying it another way): As a card-carrying exhibitionist, I don’t mind being ogled, but I am AGAINST the scans, not because of their intrusion into our genital “privacy,” but because they are expensive and can cause cancer or sterility. I do “support” the institution of lav cams though. They’re cheap and, though they’re emotionally disturbing to a restroom function-phobic society – they can’t physically hurt you. But they can most efficiently catch a would-be bomber who manages to get through security.

    As for why we charge for the spicier panty pics, well, it’s because 1) they’re way too spicy to put out in the public bloggamy where everyone can see them, 2) the few shillings we charge you to join really helps us keep the 14,000 square foot roof over our heads 3) they’re sooo worth every shilling, and 4) your contribution is one way to let us know you care


  7. Gary Burford
    01 · 8 · 10 @ 10:06 pm

    Doctor Block, I have been a fan for some time, and I read your well-reasoned and plain language articles in counterpunch. They always provide some insight and/or information that is missing from the generally available coverage. Thank you for your efforts, and please keep up the good work.

    I am in complete agreement with your attitudes towards sexuality as evidenced by your articles and website. Thus it is with genuine humility that I found myself puzzled after reading the Crotch Bomber article. Not at all about your diagnostic nor therapeutic suggestions.

    I gather you are generally opposed to sending bombs and troops to foreign lands in order to reduce the frequency of attacks against “us” by “them”. (Drop pocket rockets not patriot missiles)

    And I gather you are generally supportive of increasing security for “us” and against “them” to the universal strip-search level, using full nude body scans and lav cams. Since any action by the government can be construed as “for our security” do you see a difference of quality (rather than degree) between bombs (foreign invasion) and compulsory x-ray-ted photos (domestic/private invasion)?

    I’m sure that your institute is extremely careful to guard the privacy of your clients. Since you seem to lack confidence in the government’s foreign invasions, whence your confidence in it’s private ones?

    I tried to commit bloggamy (and see the spicier pictures) but you wanted money from me for it. Does this mean that you (and your “fellow sex therapists, ethical hedonists and libertines”) would be generally supportive of the idea of all air passengers being paid for providing nude x-ray photos and bathroom videos?


  8. christine mohn
    01 · 8 · 10 @ 10:02 pm

    Your article is amusing disturbing seductive and frankly ridiculous. The crotch bomber paid cash for his airplane trip, one way to Detroit. He was brought to the ticket counter by a sharply dressed man who was described by witnesses who flew the same airplane (see Kurt Haskell and his wife Lori and their blog about their experience at the ticket counter). Farouk did not have a passport. The well dressed man who was thought by other fliers to be of Indian descent, told the airline people at Amsterdam that he was a “refugee from Sudan,” and that most certainly he did not have a passport, but that “this was done all the time.” The witnesses to this then saw the well dressed man and Forouk walk down a passage way. The next time the witness saw Forouk was when he was on the airplane. Other eyewitnesses who were travelers on the air flight to Detroit from Amsterdam reported repeatedly on CNN, Christmas night, that a man sitting behind Forouk was videotaping the flight during the entire time of the flight. Witnesses on the flight testify that they were detained afterwards and questioned by government officials as well as the FBI. FBI people went to the home of Kurt Haskell, giving him photographs to identify not only Farouk, but the man who was videotaping on the airplane. Haskell responded, “wouldn’t it be more beneficial if you just looked at the video that must have been taken of Forouk at the Amsterdam airport?” The FBI told Haskell that they got to ask the questions and it was Haskell’s duty to answer them not ask them. As the sequestered people from the entire flight were being held in a large room in the Detroit airport a bomb sniffing dog came upon another suitcase. The dog identified the suitcase in whatever way dogs do this, and subsequently another individual connected to the suitcase was then escorted by the FBI in handcuffs away from the rest of the detained flight people. None of this is my opinion. It was reported the night of Christmas and then swiftly put aside never to be dealt with by the media again. Haskell continues to blog about the incident and gave various radio interviews including the Detroit newspaper which he where he resides. The media agreed upon a narrative ignoring the first reports or eyewitness accounts. You enlarge upon the narrative of Farouk to make the story about masturbation and sexual repression and penis mutilation rituals. You could only do this by accepting the media’s version of events, not having the curiosity to search behind the curtain the media draws for us, and apparently, not knowing or never seeing the first hand accounts of the story of the supposed “terrorist,” who sadly, was probably a confused patsy. Tip: don’t be persuaded by Farouk’s online diaries. Don’t be so hasty in accepting what the government puts in front of you as truth. Last: the body scanners are devises that were slated to be put into use conveniently around the time of the “terrorist” attempt. Michael Chertoff must be happy. He is invested in the company that builds them which he readily admits when asked. Such is the confidence of these people. As for your happily looking forward to exposing yourself in one of them, where every body part can be seen down to the last detail of hair or wrinkle that is your choice I suppose. Some people enjoy submission. Others resent it. I will resent my young children going in them and will them to be abused by these machines. More and more people are against them. Others are willing. Let us watch and wait for the coming pedophiliac joy that the employees who are users of these machines will exploit. I am sure you will have the appropriate psychological insight on that one, and write copious essays describing it.


  9. proctor
    01 · 8 · 10 @ 10:24 am

    The Bible forbids sexual immorality, but not masturbation. I know of no mention of masturbation in the Bible at all. Regardless of whether one considers it a sin, it is wrong for a Christian to say that another Christian is going to hell for masturbation, because it goes against Christ’s saving grace. I am a born again Christian and I masturbate.

    Genital mutilation is an awful thing and I agree that it frustrates more people and to a greater extent than most people are willing to admit, especially circumcision of males. I hate what was done to me and am disgusted that the violation continues despite the availability of the truth about it.

    Why do people think that the Dark Age ever ended?


  10. Restoring Tally
    01 · 7 · 10 @ 2:49 pm

    Wow. Great analysis. Unfortunately, too much of the world is getting uptight about our natural bodies. Circumcision, for both males and females, was advocated in the US to stop masturbation and self-pleasure. But, the US does not have a monopoly on sexual repression, as you so ably pointed out.

    I was circumcised at birth and thought that I was “normal.” I am restoring my foreskin and have learned that I lost a lot more than a flap of skin from my circumcision. Having experienced both cut and partially restored, I can only wonder how much better it would be if I were as I was born: intact.


  11. CeeBee
    01 · 7 · 10 @ 2:09 pm

    Wow, this is definitely one of your most brilliant and controversial blogs. Very deep, very original, very powerful. And the comments…oh my! Some make me shiver!


  12. Childprotector
    01 · 7 · 10 @ 1:02 am

    First Love

    You must have been insane,
    you bloody madman,
    to steal my brand-new body
    from my clueless mother’s bed,
    and lay me on your cold, hard table,

    You must have been insane
    to rope my baby body down
    and rip my virgin foreskin off,
    to rape my battered, butchered glans,
    me screaming bloody murder
    at your sickness-driven hands.

    You must have been insane
    to rub my little penis with your bloody Betadine,
    then come at my erection
    with your knife,
    to try and make me sick as you
    for life!

    You must have been insane
    to cut my body’s best,
    to chop my ridged band sex nerves off
    and throw them in the trash
    and leave me here to die but part a man:
    To kill my body’s deepest love, was that your diabolic plan?

    Rape?! RAPE??!!! RAPE?!! It’s not just rape!!
    I’d far prefer rape! It’s torture! Mayhem! MUTILATION!
    There is no word for what you did to me!
    Inflict on me the ancient curse of Muslim and of Jew?
    And what, pray Hell, think you I’d do
    to you?

    God damn your putrid madness, you dead man!
    God send down my mad vomit straight to Hell!
    May devil Satan make a feast upon it,
    and sicken from our bloody, rotten gore,
    and die in holy Hell

    Some lovers, we, you mad M.D.,
    bound for all eternity!
    You bloody butcher madman! Penis parasite!
    Still lost upon your lonely way?
    Pathogenic whore! Some trick!
    Still cutting boy fillet?
    Atavistic cannibal eats dick!
    Still sucking child parfait?
    Psychopathic fraud! Still sick?
    You’re still insane


  13. George Wilford iii
    01 · 6 · 10 @ 6:14 pm

    In reading your fabulous piece on the panty bomber and people’s fascinating responses, I thought I would share some choice selections from my panty photo collection of which I have probably a couple hundred thousand, including many celebrities like Britney Spears and Goldie Hahn. Some of this might be shocking to your liberal readers, but I’m a tough Republican. Hope you and your readers enjoy them and I’ll send more later if you wish. Beware, it’s some pretty hot stuff.

    By the way I know exactly how I got my panty fetish. I was a young kid in the 50’s and used to work on a laundry truck. So the driver would open the bags of laundry and smell the women’s panties. He’d always say things like,” Next pick-up is Mrs Porter’s laundry and she has the sweetest smelling cunt”.

    Well, just goes to show that this stuff has been going on since panties were invented around the thirteenth century, I think.


  14. John V. Geisheker, J.D., LL.M.
    01 · 6 · 10 @ 4:38 pm


    Thanks for a flaming brilliant essay on the crotch bomber!

    A tiny correction is worth noting –the primary erogenous zone of any male is the distal sheath on his penis, the mucosal portion lost to circumcision, (which of course is the entire idea, whether of the Victorians or religious groups like Muslims, Jews, or Catholics). The male glans, the little head as you term it, has only ‘protopathic’ sensors, which can barely sense hot or cold or light touch. The glans is less neurologically alert than an earlobe or the flap of skin at the bottom of your elbow. The reason C’d men function as well as they do is that males likely have more sensation than they require, which makes evolutionary sense. But there is little doubt that the sexual experience of the C’d is a muted / diminished one, and in the case of the crotch bomber, C’d for sure, this too played a part in his addled thoughts as you so artfully suggest.

    Research suggests the C’d men, even those not restrained by religious superstition, may be on a restless lifetime search for a satiety they can never reach. Thus the crotch bomber was doubly motivated to assuage his inner desires, and was a danger for reasons of both superstition AND his altered anatomy.

    Again, LOVED YOUR ARTICLE! Cheers and thanks!

    John V. Geisheker, J.D., LL.M.
    Executive Director, General Counsel,
    Doctors Opposing Circumcision


  15. Joy Stephenson
    01 · 6 · 10 @ 3:42 pm

    Excellent article. Very thoughtful, refreshing, hilarious and though highly speculative, right on the money, as far as I’m concerned. And I don’t mind the lav cams – better than x-rays! I wish you could be one of the talking heads on TV speaking about this Crotch Bomber/Panty Boy instead of the know-nothings they always feature on subjects like this.


  16. kyle foley
    01 · 6 · 10 @ 1:37 pm

    i think you take your ridiculing of restraining one’s sexuality a bit too far. sex is sacred and should only be used to bond one to the most important person in one’s life. many people today view sex as just another bodily function, nothing special about it. unfortunately for them they have wasted one of life’s most potent treasures.


  17. Nori
    01 · 6 · 10 @ 6:24 am

    Having been circumcised. How much am I really missing out on? The odd part about this whole thing is I read this piece and there are so many more interesting questions to ask… but I feel cheated now. So uncircumcised men have a better sexual experience then circumcised ones? … First off, a sarcastic thanks should go out to mom and dad =P… Ok, but being less self-centered for a moment, as difficult as that maybe when my world gets turned upside down. I keenly enjoyed your insight and analysis of this man. This article made it so much easier to identify with the topic and allowed me to not only understand the likely surface thoughts of the “Crotch Bomber” but even catch a glimpse and bits of his psyche he probably doesn’t even get himself. Very insightful and wonderfully written, so thanks =).


  18. RT
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 8:21 pm

    With regard to “5-20% of the penis”, I want to mention specifically that circumcision removes what would be enough tissue to cover more than half of the shaft (or up to 93% if you consider, say, traditional Jewish circumcision, which eradicates as much of the inner foreskin as possible).

    See http://cirp.org/library/anatomy/taylor/


  19. James loewen
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 8:16 pm

    Excellent deductions Dr. Block, I have much respect for your points made so well here. Cutting the genitals of children is a violation of normal human sexual development. We are brain dead from cultural brainwashing if we think slicing the most sensitive genital tissue from an infant or child is anything other than aggravated sexual abuse. Your sane and enlightened voice should be heard by many. Thank you.


  20. lisa
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 6:25 pm

    “but I do believe sending care packages filled with Fleshlights, anal beads, condoms and lots of lube, instead of the bombs we usually send, is more likely to win some hearts, minds and both heads in that part of the world.”

    i think its a great idea ;)
    should we get this care package ready and mail it out dr. suzy?


  21. chuckbgd from Memphis TN
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 5:19 pm

    Dr Suzy, this is the most clear and concise profiling of this dumb schmuck I could possible read. Also and unfortunately, you’re right in the desired result: we move closer to infringement of our civil rights because fanatics like this have the ability to scare people. I agree with something, I believe attributed to Ben Franklin (who I’m also told was a bit kinky.) “Those who would give up some of their liberty, for what they perceive as safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.”


  22. chuckbgd from Memphis TN
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 5:19 pm

    Dr Suzy, this is the most clear and concise profiling of this dumb schmuck I could possible read. Also and unfortunately, you’re right in the desired result: we move closer to infringement of our civil rights because fanatics like this have the ability to scare people. I agree with something, I believe attributed to Ben Franklin (who I’m also told was a bit kinky.) “Those who would give up some of their liberty, for what they perceive as safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.”


  23. Ahmad Mann
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 2:56 pm

    Your blog on Allah’s Panty Boy is just so very smart and funny. Lots of good serious insights, but the main thing is the humor in the face of all this terror. Seems like some of your readers cannot take a joke, like the imams, ayatollahs, rabbis, priests, etc. So I am sending it around to my friends with a sense of humor and a sense of reality. Keep writing and joking in the face of terror!


  24. Ahmad Mann
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 2:56 pm

    Your blog on Allah’s Panty Boy is just so very smart and funny. Lots of good serious insights, but the main thing is the humor in the face of all this terror. Seems like some of your readers cannot take a joke, like the imams, ayatollahs, rabbis, priests, etc. So I am sending it around to my friends with a sense of humor and a sense of reality. Keep writing and joking in the face of terror!


  25. Austin Nnachi Ndem
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 1:58 pm

    ur excellency ur doing a great work in ur state. may almighty god be with u and may ur day be long amen


  26. Austin Nnachi Ndem
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 1:58 pm

    ur excellency ur doing a great work in ur state. may almighty god be with u and may ur day be long amen


  27. mohammed javed
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 1:54 pm

    Hi Dr. Block! Two Heads: You, as a therapist, would certainly know that, the little head decays with the passage of time, and every one grows old, me, you too, and every one. You seem to be such a great therapist that little heads have totally occupied your big head – and the little heads are evident in any thing and every thing. I am not a therapist but certainly could provide some valuable advice. Thanks, and have a good day with your big head.


  28. mohammed javed
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 1:54 pm

    Hi Dr. Block! Two Heads: You, as a therapist, would certainly know that, the little head decays with the passage of time, and every one grows old, me, you too, and every one. You seem to be such a great therapist that little heads have totally occupied your big head – and the little heads are evident in any thing and every thing. I am not a therapist but certainly could provide some valuable advice. Thanks, and have a good day with your big head.


  29. Michael Warrior of love
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 1:42 pm

    Excellent observation and article. Expose all those who preach and execute the crime called circumcision, aka genital torture and genital mutilation! Going after those those religious anti-sexual religious freaks and medical profiteers that perform this genital terror on helpless children is the best way to fight terrorism. They are the ones responsible for all the mayhem in this world.
    Hey newspapers and media, it’s time you report about the origins of all evil, time to expose genital torture and mutilation, time to bring those child torturing sadists to justice.


  30. Michael Warrior of love
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 1:42 pm

    Excellent observation and article. Expose all those who preach and execute the crime called circumcision, aka genital torture and genital mutilation! Going after those those religious anti-sexual religious freaks and medical profiteers that perform this genital terror on helpless children is the best way to fight terrorism. They are the ones responsible for all the mayhem in this world.
    Hey newspapers and media, it’s time you report about the origins of all evil, time to expose genital torture and mutilation, time to bring those child torturing sadists to justice.


  31. michael g.b.
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 11:24 am

    while i can’t speak much about “Islam”‘s teachings concering the morality or immorality of “sex”, i CAN comment that in the Christian tradition, much attention, perhaps too much’ has been given to speaking about the evils of sexual immorality, however, anyone who reads The Gospels, can hardly ever find Jesus seaying “anything” about sex at all . . . Jesus addresses “divorce and adultery” but within the context of a betyrayal of trust in a “marriage contact” (and even allows for the exception of divorce in the evnt of a betrayal of that trust). But He doens’t speak about sex inside or outside marriage.

    it is curious how a topic and point of view which jesus never spoke about has evolved into probably “the one and only sin” while other breaches of the moral law are ignored, or payed little heed to . . .

    i wonder how much similar “moral devolution exists within the opinions of any religion’s moral teachers . . . who have lost sight of the real morality and centered all on wories about “sex”.


  32. michael g.b.
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 11:24 am

    while i can’t speak much about “Islam”‘s teachings concering the morality or immorality of “sex”, i CAN comment that in the Christian tradition, much attention, perhaps too much’ has been given to speaking about the evils of sexual immorality, however, anyone who reads The Gospels, can hardly ever find Jesus seaying “anything” about sex at all . . . Jesus addresses “divorce and adultery” but within the context of a betyrayal of trust in a “marriage contact” (and even allows for the exception of divorce in the evnt of a betrayal of that trust). But He doens’t speak about sex inside or outside marriage.

    it is curious how a topic and point of view which jesus never spoke about has evolved into probably “the one and only sin” while other breaches of the moral law are ignored, or payed little heed to . . .

    i wonder how much similar “moral devolution exists within the opinions of any religion’s moral teachers . . . who have lost sight of the real morality and centered all on wories about “sex”.


  33. melanie r
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 8:44 am

    You are so right, it is terrible how so many male babies and boys are circumcised. I was criticized when I refused to have it done to my son, but I am proud of my decision. He hasn’t thanked me yet, in fact he’s a little upset about being different. But one day I know he’ll be glad to be whole.


  34. melanie r
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 8:44 am

    You are so right, it is terrible how so many male babies and boys are circumcised. I was criticized when I refused to have it done to my son, but I am proud of my decision. He hasn’t thanked me yet, in fact he’s a little upset about being different. But one day I know he’ll be glad to be whole.


  35. Carlo Filangieri
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 8:39 am

    Hello Doc,
    Very funny. Sad state of affairs. I want to go to America…I want to bomba America, I want to hava some fun, I don’t wanta bomba no body…why are people bringing bombs to America?


  36. Carlo Filangieri
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 8:39 am

    Hello Doc,
    Very funny. Sad state of affairs. I want to go to America…I want to bomba America, I want to hava some fun, I don’t wanta bomba no body…why are people bringing bombs to America?


  37. guirochat
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 8:33 am

    dr. sex, I read your ‘analyis’ of the sexuality of moslem men.
    what I would like to ask you:
    1. are you aware that say, moslem morocco is as different from moslem afghanistan as for example, christian spain is from ‘christian’ america ? that not only mores but also language and culture are quite diverse between moslem countries ?
    2. do you have direct experience of sexual habits between moslem men and women ?
    3. have you maybe studied the above at a moslem institution while speaking the language of the moslem country you find your self in ?
    if the answer is ‘no’ to any of the above questions, you suffer from the usual cultural imperialism, so well described by dr. said at columbia university, himself a palestinian expatriate. nevertheless your article is far less objectionable than the one in counterpunch of december 30 about the sexuality of the nigerian boy ‘bomber’ by a charles lawson (the affluent terrorist).


  38. guirochat
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 8:33 am

    dr. sex, I read your ‘analyis’ of the sexuality of moslem men.
    what I would like to ask you:
    1. are you aware that say, moslem morocco is as different from moslem afghanistan as for example, christian spain is from ‘christian’ america ? that not only mores but also language and culture are quite diverse between moslem countries ?
    2. do you have direct experience of sexual habits between moslem men and women ?
    3. have you maybe studied the above at a moslem institution while speaking the language of the moslem country you find your self in ?
    if the answer is ‘no’ to any of the above questions, you suffer from the usual cultural imperialism, so well described by dr. said at columbia university, himself a palestinian expatriate. nevertheless your article is far less objectionable than the one in counterpunch of december 30 about the sexuality of the nigerian boy ‘bomber’ by a charles lawson (the affluent terrorist).


  39. Casey k
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 8:11 am

    Awesome Susan – love the carlin qoute – have u ever watched the zeitgeist online movies? http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com – they’ve been out now for a couple years – VERY POWERFUL – love your work Susan ;-)


  40. Casey k
    01 · 5 · 10 @ 8:11 am

    Awesome Susan – love the carlin qoute – have u ever watched the zeitgeist online movies? http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com – they’ve been out now for a couple years – VERY POWERFUL – love your work Susan ;-)


  41. gerald spezio
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 9:02 pm

    Comes now, Psycho-witch Susan Block who knows all about the good thing, and why twisted preverted Muslims can’t get any. Doctor Blocko knows her preverts, Muslim whackos who don’t whack, Muslims’ painful peckers, slashing Rabbis, gizmos on fire. “Contrary to what other psychologizing psychologists & lit-crit geniuses have claimed; Muslims NOT whacking their weenies causes all the trouble.” Susie is a psychologister, so one must cut through paragraphs of nonsense & psychologizing idiocies to get to the chase…Ayyup, Farouk probably “even fetishized the penile pain.” Thanks to Susie’s scintillating imagination, you now know all about how terrorism is caused by Muslims driven bonkers by rampant Muslim pecker pain. Everything is psychological for Susie. Susie has educated & edified us about painful Muslim circumcision, Muslims not masturbationing, & Muslim terrorists who desperately need sex therapists like Susie. Onward to making the world safe by freeing suffering Muslims from the excruciating pain & dysfunction of excessive boners leading to low test scores, unhappiness, terrible choices for higher education, & indescriminate bombings. Susie has not considered asking the cultured Israelis to lift the inhuman blockade of the Gaza Concentration Camp in order for her to deliver some therapy & sex toys to the starving & sexually deprived Palestinians caged inside & bombed by Israeli jets. Susie was so busy whacking on her good thing, advertising her therapy scam, & prurient pecker analysis that she left out Genocide in Gaza & seventy murdering years of Israeli land theft in Palestine. How could the truly bonkers fundamentalist religious madness of Israeli Zionism have anything to do with it? Zionist murdering & maiming of anybody & anything to deliver the promised land of Greater Israel from the Tigris to the Euphrates couldn’t be part of it. Maybe Susie left out the Israeli/Zionist murder & mayhem because; “Well, it’s just not psychological enough as an explanation.”


  42. gerald spezio
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 9:02 pm

    Comes now, Psycho-witch Susan Block who knows all about the good thing, and why twisted preverted Muslims can’t get any. Doctor Blocko knows her preverts, Muslim whackos who don’t whack, Muslims’ painful peckers, slashing Rabbis, gizmos on fire. “Contrary to what other psychologizing psychologists & lit-crit geniuses have claimed; Muslims NOT whacking their weenies causes all the trouble.” Susie is a psychologister, so one must cut through paragraphs of nonsense & psychologizing idiocies to get to the chase…Ayyup, Farouk probably “even fetishized the penile pain.” Thanks to Susie’s scintillating imagination, you now know all about how terrorism is caused by Muslims driven bonkers by rampant Muslim pecker pain. Everything is psychological for Susie. Susie has educated & edified us about painful Muslim circumcision, Muslims not masturbationing, & Muslim terrorists who desperately need sex therapists like Susie. Onward to making the world safe by freeing suffering Muslims from the excruciating pain & dysfunction of excessive boners leading to low test scores, unhappiness, terrible choices for higher education, & indescriminate bombings. Susie has not considered asking the cultured Israelis to lift the inhuman blockade of the Gaza Concentration Camp in order for her to deliver some therapy & sex toys to the starving & sexually deprived Palestinians caged inside & bombed by Israeli jets. Susie was so busy whacking on her good thing, advertising her therapy scam, & prurient pecker analysis that she left out Genocide in Gaza & seventy murdering years of Israeli land theft in Palestine. How could the truly bonkers fundamentalist religious madness of Israeli Zionism have anything to do with it? Zionist murdering & maiming of anybody & anything to deliver the promised land of Greater Israel from the Tigris to the Euphrates couldn’t be part of it. Maybe Susie left out the Israeli/Zionist murder & mayhem because; “Well, it’s just not psychological enough as an explanation.”


  43. Bruce Mullen
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 8:59 pm

    Susan..funny…So it would seem that two heads are not better than one…especially if the smaller head is in control…Actually this guy was a false flagger…a put up job like so many other Zionist activities over the last 71 years or so…who changed his mind about something… Maybe he just couldn’t come to blow up one of the pretty girls he had been lusting for …maybe he vowed to lie between her long legs just once before did himself in…. just once… thank goodness for lust…and long legs…BBJ


  44. Bruce Mullen
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 8:59 pm

    Susan..funny…So it would seem that two heads are not better than one…especially if the smaller head is in control…Actually this guy was a false flagger…a put up job like so many other Zionist activities over the last 71 years or so…who changed his mind about something… Maybe he just couldn’t come to blow up one of the pretty girls he had been lusting for …maybe he vowed to lie between her long legs just once before did himself in…. just once… thank goodness for lust…and long legs…BBJ


  45. mark zingadoon
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 8:24 pm

    Oh, Dr. Susan, this is rich stuff. Please take up the discussion of how the Israelis handle young male sexual frustration: importing poor women to staff the brothrels to serve the hasidim. The Muslims can sure learn a trick or two from those Jews.


  46. mark zingadoon
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 8:24 pm

    Oh, Dr. Susan, this is rich stuff. Please take up the discussion of how the Israelis handle young male sexual frustration: importing poor women to staff the brothrels to serve the hasidim. The Muslims can sure learn a trick or two from those Jews.


  47. David in Arkansas
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 4:48 pm

    Oh oh mama, I got the foreskin blues


  48. David in Arkansas
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 4:48 pm

    Oh oh mama, I got the foreskin blues


  49. Jeffrey St Clair
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 4:33 pm

    A most excellent piece. I’ll forward all fatwahs your direction.


  50. Jeffrey St Clair
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 4:33 pm

    A most excellent piece. I’ll forward all fatwahs your direction.


  51. Gina Richman
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 1:46 pm

    Brilliant piece! Had me laughing out loud and biting my fingernails in fear of what’s next…


  52. Gina Richman
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 1:46 pm

    Brilliant piece! Had me laughing out loud and biting my fingernails in fear of what’s next…


  53. Michael Donnelly
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 1:35 pm

    As usual, you provide a take on things that doesn’t even register with the “mainstream” talking “heads.” A buddy of mine wonders if the Crotch Commando didn’t get cold feet thinking that the 72 virgins might just be disappointed if he showed up after that.

    And, kudos for taking on the “no talk rule” regarding the insane practice of male penile mutilation.


  54. Michael Donnelly
    01 · 4 · 10 @ 1:35 pm

    As usual, you provide a take on things that doesn’t even register with the “mainstream” talking “heads.” A buddy of mine wonders if the Crotch Commando didn’t get cold feet thinking that the 72 virgins might just be disappointed if he showed up after that.

    And, kudos for taking on the “no talk rule” regarding the insane practice of male penile mutilation.


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