Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. stevie jay
    12 · 4 · 10 @ 3:39 pm

    I LOVE this blog, Suzy Q, and I love YOU!!! xoxoxo
    ; – )
    And for all you guyz ‘n’ galz out there who are reading this–I HIGHLY recommend purchasing the DVD “Weimar Love.”


    Here’s what I wrote to Suzy about it after my first viewing:

    “I FINALLY got around to watching Weimar Love last night–and I LOVED IT! Annnnnnd I was reminded of our kindred spirit and why I felt such a “YES!” the first time I ever saw you on TV, explaining the function of “the wonderful nerve endings” ’round the anus. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes,” you said to the guy who’d called in for advice on taking the plunge with his wife, “Going downnnnn for the butthole… ahhhhhhhhhhh, yes.”

    Regarding the historic, foot-pedaled didlo machine exhibited in Weimar Love…I must say, I felt the need to hide my eyes when you jumped up on that thing and gave a whirl for yourself! (“Oh, no, Suzy–I can’t watch! I can’t watch!”) I squinted my eyes and held a pillow up at arms length to block out the lower half of the TV screen. Thankfully, you dismounted more quickly than did the other girls. (One is not supposed to watch one’s SISTER do these sorts of things, you see. I realize I’m old-fashioned that way…)

    Most touching for me was your overall emphasis on connecting the heart and mind and body and soul, which is something you communicate on your blog, on your site, on your show, in your life presentations, and which also comes through between the lines on this DVD. I SO appreciated how you tied together elements such as Sex, the Holocaust, George Bush Junior, Adolf Hitler, the big building that was blown up in Germany pre-WWII and the big buildings that were blown up in the USA on 9/11 (pre-Iraq war), and other pieces of The Big Puzzle of our weird life here on Planet Earth. And then…the topper…that quote you included from Goering!! Man oh man–brilliant! Thank you so much for that! That alone was worth the price of the DVD. And there’s so much more, too! Oh! And I also had a sweet li’l sex dream last night as a result of watching the DVD, so thank you for that, too! ; – ) Nice bonus track! Special Features, indeed!”

    Much love, and happy Ha-nookie backatcha, Sistah Suzy!!! xoxoxo
    ; – )
    Brother Stevie Jay

  2. little shiva
    12 · 30 · 05 @ 8:57 pm

    Ha-nookie? What a great idea! My tranny wife just made me a hot silky bath, complete with candles and incense, and now I’m gonna ask her if she’ll play with my toes. Sounds like the perfect build-up to some steamy she-male sex. Mmmm… thanx for the bloggamy, and I’ll post more later!

  3. Carlo from Genova
    12 · 28 · 05 @ 2:14 am

    Hello Dr. Suzy I just clicked on to the War Against Christmas, how strange. Who are these two idiotas, I have never heard of them here in my country. John Gibson and O’Rielly (Irish I believe)( aren’t those the people that have been killing each other over religion :) are not known in my country of Italy. I do know O’Reilly’s boss, Murdock the publisher of tits & ass newspapers. Why do they want Christian businesses? Christian governments? Why can’t the world choose their own religion? Christ should not be in any store, he was not a salesman and in fact he hated commercialism, so they say. I find it strange that we have to follow American religious practices. I find it strange that I have to swallow this Christian line of aggression against a minority of humanity. I always thought the American ideal was to protect the minority against the dictatorship of the majority.These seem like theives in the night who have stolen all the great traditions of every pagan holiday in the name of Jesus and Christianity. Get real. America is at the crossroads.I can tell you one thing, Christ would be turning in his grave if he knew what was going on. Wait till this Irish man goes to the gates of heaven and Christ asks him what have you done in my name O’Reilly?I think these two people should tell the truth about where our holidays and holy days come from, otherwise they are just lacky’s of private commercial interests. The reality is that most people aren’t Christians around the world, so why don’t you Americans just go ahead and alianate the rest of the world. Hey, what the heck, just bomb everyone that doesn’t agree with you.We love you in Italy, and we’re good Christians,Love Carlo from Genova, Italy

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