Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Mae Victoria
    12 · 3 · 07 @ 9:29 pm

    I asked a trick yesterday if he was Republican!Oh Susan, what a laugh…I was on top of him, having quite a good fuck. He had nice hair. So I ask him the question that had me wondering after reading your articles. Well, are most of these guys Republicans? I never thought about what these guys were politically. I don’t think about politics, ever. Sorry, but I don’t. He was thrown off and answered, “Why, yes I am.” I laughed at how serious he got and then he adds, “I have always been a registered Republican.” The sex still turned out to be hot. I can’t wait to ask another one. It’s been slow. ox Mae Victoriamaevictoria.com


  2. drew peterson
    07 · 25 · 07 @ 3:15 pm

    NEOJOHNS E-Mail THAT to Rhandie Rhodes on AirAmerica! I LOVE IT!


  3. Pistol Pete
    07 · 20 · 07 @ 7:36 pm

    Dr. Suzy, YOU are my wet dream…


  4. nan from stamford
    07 · 18 · 07 @ 8:07 pm

    brilliant funny blog on that sleazebag vitter. hope they nail that dick, cheney. i wish i could come to your show on the 4th, but alas, i will be in bora bora, so i must content myself with seeing the aftermath on your blog. keep up the great work, and play!


  5. moped_40oz@yahoo.com
    07 · 18 · 07 @ 7:44 pm

    hey just followed an event link from the very very new xpeeps account. i’ve been swinging for the past 3 years with such groups as lifestyles, socal pleasure seekers, playpals, etc. i’ve never heard of your company, but am impressed with the website. i think i’ll be signing up for this next event, although i might have to come alone (broke up with my girl very recently). hope it turns out good! see ya soon.=


  6. Doug in Schenectady
    07 · 17 · 07 @ 5:52 pm

    thank you !!!!!!!!! if it wasnt for people like you this world wouldnt be as cool as it is,you change peoples lives with what you do-i bow to you for that ,i offer myself to you,if i can be of any help or assistance to you do not hesitate to ask.keep up th e good job,and have fun….my blesings are with you…..a fan and friend…..”


  7. John Perry, PhD
    07 · 15 · 07 @ 9:44 pm

    Great blog on dick the dick, Suzy.


  8. Marlena Devario
    07 · 15 · 07 @ 6:27 pm

    Brava! Hilarious blog on the DC Madam, the Senator and the Veep. And your Midsummer Night’s Dream show looks like it’s the hottest summer ticket in LA!


  9. Hernan Corrales
    07 · 15 · 07 @ 6:26 pm

    Considero, de acuerdo a lo que ya he visto y he conocido por medios internacionales, que el tipo de conducta y comportamiento de estos señores es, generalmente, de ese mismo patrón a los cuales usted hace alusión en torno a Vitter y otros,pero se esconden detrás de sus curules, detrás de su dinero, de su poder, de su influencia y de su falsa e hipócritas creencias religiosas para cometer toda clase de tropelías y daños a terceros, a sabiendas de que esa justicia es realmente ciega y solamente tiene miles de ojos para ver lo que le conviene, lo que le interesa y todo aquello que hiera, maltrate o trate de perjudicar el poder de los grandes y poderosos o de las intocables corporaciones transnacionales.


  10. Germán Leyens
    07 · 14 · 07 @ 6:28 pm

    It was big fun translating your article. You can see the Spanish translation at:http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=53552


  11. rev bb
    07 · 13 · 07 @ 8:32 pm

    I’m having so much fun with Vitter. Rev. site updated today. I linked your DC Madams/ Neo-Con Johns bloggamy, and the radio show with Paul Krassner. Maybe Karl Rove will get caught with his pants down.rev bbwww.reverendbookburn.com


  12. David Rosen
    07 · 13 · 07 @ 8:23 pm

    Great piece! Good for you. But will Mrs. V do what she promised? — one can hope. I had not heard about Chaney’s possible laision. The scandals involving Bush-the-lesser are quite damning — the rape by Margie Schoedinger (who committed suicide) and Tammy Phillips (a former stripper).


  13. William Patrick Haines
    07 · 13 · 07 @ 9:44 am

    The hypocrisy of Repubilicans is nothing new . I just wish they would vanish since they have nothing to offer. They are censorship-mongers, and that should offend more than obscenity. If these censorship-mongers had their way, pornography would not be their last stop. With Michael Moore under fire, I am sure the censorship-mongers would love to penalize him.


  14. Michael Bailey
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 10:09 pm

    Susan,Well said !I’m praying like a sinner that Cheney’s phone # is among the numbers.Americans are quite stupid and don’t mind killing 650,000 + Iraqis but they can’t stand a fornicator. If that’s what it takes to hogtie that bastard, I’ll take it!


  15. Rob
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 9:29 pm

    I Enjoy reading what you wrote and I love your smile…


  16. Ron Stevenson
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 9:24 pm

    Your piece on the DC Madam and the hypocritical bums in Washington had me laughing so hard, I cried. Sex has such a funny way of exposing the truth about people, as you reveal so eloquently. Keep it up!


  17. Alexander Cockburn
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 9:21 pm

    Good work, Dr Suze. But how do you know it wasn’t Lynne Cheney, researching for her lesbo-epic? I see you filed at 4.16am. Fun night at the Club? Best Alex


  18. Vit Novak
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 9:20 pm

    I read your piece on Vitter and Hookergate. It was funny and very well-written. But I did not like one aspect of it. It seems to me that Ms. Deborah Jean Palfrey ran a legitimate business approved by the top Government and God himself. She also seems to be a straight, honest and fair person. So it strikes me odd that the person Vitter is called Senator Vitter, while an honest person Jean Palfrey received slurs such as “Madam” and her -well treated- employees received no better then the “hookers”. This is not fair, and I mean it sincerely.


  19. Rev. Bookburn
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 8:58 pm

    I think I understand how we’re supposed to be now. If one wants more cock or pussy or both, then one should regress back to childhood dramatic play and pretend to be a ‘moral’ crusader. Walk to the person to whom you are attracted and say that our society is going downhill and that there is such a need for crackdowns, repressive legislation and overall trashing of freedom. Talk about the need for ‘family-values,’ Christian supremacy (the Taliban will be proud of you), abstinence ‘education,’ destroying any pretence of democracy and diversity, and banning everything that’s on your ever-growing list.YOU’LL BE FUCKING AND SUCKING IN NO TIME!”Honey, let’s go to Congressional faith-based lunch with over 50 evangelical guests and hear about ‘moral’ depravity. Then we’ll get a room and I’ll put on my Supreme Court robe, while you wear either your nun or burque outfits..with the garters underneath.”Thanks to Dr. Suzy, Larry Flynt, and everyone else who exposes the ultimate hypocrites. May they find some pleasantly scented oils and get a grip.Rev. BookburnRadio VoltaPhiladelphiaReverendBookburn.com


  20. Edward Clapp
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 7:49 pm

    Lovely essay, but a fact-checker should have been brought in.”Not that the Dems don’t cheat on their spouses too; they just don’t tend to like paying for it. They’re cheap and sexually lazy, so they go for readily available interns that already work for them for free”It sounds cute, but isn’t accurate. I believe if you check the facts, you’ll discover Monica was not an intern at the time of her affair with Slick Willie. The “intern” and “ex-intern” phrases one comes across are about as accurate as saying Bush is a high school student or graduate. Though, now that I think of it…


  21. Michael Kenney
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 7:48 pm

    Yes, I too was shocked to realise that he was a Catholic (when he said “confession”, I began to suspect!). There is a small but noisy group of American Catholics conservatives (not to be confused with conservative Catholics!) who seem to have largely gone over to the evangelicals, who, it should be remembered, were still hostile to Catholics as late as JFK’s 1960 campaign. In fact, people like Vitter, Santorum et al. are largely out of sync with their church worldwide, far more so, indeed, than, say, Giuliani, and Benedict has been reining them in in that slow and subtle way in which the Catholic Church does things.


  22. BTD
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 4:37 pm

    “I am thoroughly ecstatic about the August 4th Event !!!!!!!!! and EYE’m going to be there : DDDThe Hooker gate thing:) I remember reading about the Brothel on the Potomac – heeheeheeThat would be fun finding out more about the Jeff Gannon thing, the fuss these guyz made over Barney Frank, ‘way back then there’ Maybe George Bush has called in … ‘incognito’ :ohttp://x15.xanga.com/84ef51e23653073173671/w20564391.jpg<333"


  23. Charles M. Johnson
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 4:35 pm

    Dear Dr. Susan Block,I did not finish the first paragraph of your Counterpunch column before rushing off to write this email. You had me as a new fan when I read, “Democrappy Congress that doesn’t have the filibustering balls to Just Say No to Perma-War or the wit or wisdom to impeach the Bush Crime Family for their multiple murderous atrocities…”That is beautiful. A pleasure to read. Keep it up.


  24. Blazintommyd
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 7:08 am

    I hope you don’t mind but Diesel is sponsoring a contest through “Interview Magazine” they’re choosing 5 people to be “discovered” so I told them I’m going to be at Dr Susan Block’s “Midsummer Night Sex Dream” party and that they simply must photo, videograph and Interview me … but what I really want to know is whether Karl is around because I’d like him to recommend some diaphonous fabric for me to wear >;D


  25. Siena Moore
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 7:04 am

    Great blog. Can we impeach now please?


  26. Oberon
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 6:55 am

    I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, With sweet musk-roses, and with eglantine: There sleeps Titania some time of the night, Lull’d in these flowers with dances and delight; And there the snake throws her enamell’d skin, Weed wide enough to wrap a faerie in.


  27. Al from K
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 6:40 am

    I love that pic of you in your library. I think I need some study time!


  28. Cee Bee
    07 · 12 · 07 @ 6:32 am

    Brilliant bloggamy, dr B. Cheney, Vitter, Haggard, Villaraigosa and Salinas all could use your therapy.


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