Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Jicu
    05 · 29 · 12 @ 8:31 am

    I love the tatoos :X:X she’s fucking hot


  2. bromeo
    02 · 17 · 11 @ 11:50 am

    Short Response: The more human sexality evolves into social acceptance, the more we get laid.

    Long Response: As time creeps on, humanity is evolving sexualy; ever changing taboo’s and feitshes, attempting to turn them alllll into accepted sexual practices. I too have grown to become the accepting and sexual man some may never let out of their “shell”. A childhood nerd who only dreamt of getting laid, jerking it regularly to Playboy’s and Penthouse’s; I now have a pornstar girlfriend, and now I get to be EXACTLY who I am. Kisses and kudos to everyone who’s found their true person, included sex in their daily lives, and grown to accept the “EVOLUTION” of us.


  3. jason
    11 · 27 · 10 @ 4:35 am

    susan i would love to see you and have you to help me improve sexually. Is it possible for us to meet in person


    11 · 24 · 10 @ 1:36 pm



  5. Jim Koy
    11 · 20 · 10 @ 12:08 pm

    American society is still way too “Dark Aged” (and misogynistic), for example: if a woman rubs a back for a fee, then she’s a respected “massage-therapist”, but if she rubs a penis for a fee, then she’s a disrespected “prostitute”; if a woman dishonestly trades sex for dinner-dates, compliments and an eventual wedding-ring, then she’s a respected “traditional wife”, but if she honestly trades sex for cash, then she’s a disrespected “whore”; and, of course, if she kisses a man’s mouth on-screen, then she’s a respected “movie-star”, but if she kisses his genitals on-screen, then she’s a disrespected “porno-star”. Fortunately, rational-minded moral-people exist like Dr. Susan Block to help heal America’s Christianist-afflicted cultural flaws that defy this great country’s secular, libertarian “Enlightenment Era”-roots.


  6. G. S.
    11 · 18 · 10 @ 10:51 pm

    SO impressed to see such intelligent writing on such a taboo subject in the US (unless it is in advertising)..


  7. Andyp
    11 · 18 · 10 @ 10:24 pm

    ehhh…. SUP DOC!? hehe like bugs bunny.. its hard to understand your radio shows, i never know whats going on.. i take it from reading above youve been doing this at least 20 years!? thats crazy, no wonder youre soo good. you are soo talented and sexy. its andy from twitter btw. i still wonder when i will lose my virginity though


  8. TantraTime in SF
    11 · 18 · 10 @ 12:25 pm

    Wow, great stuff, your embrace of a healthy, vibrant sexuality seems far more advanced that the parties the media follows and I can imagine it is a place of spiritiual groundedness as well as erottic pleasure.


  9. G Stone
    11 · 18 · 10 @ 11:20 am

    First time to the site, after reading such an intelligent person’s (Dr Susan) writing, and was nice enough to reply to my email, I had to come and check out the site. WOW,IMPRESSIVE.
    Naturally I had to read the comments to this piece, and I am just blown away with some of the sheer idiocy shown by some. How in the hell, in a wonderful piece on GFs in the industry, does the subject of nazis, antisemites, and jews get brought in. I wonder if ANY subject in the US can be discussed w/o the nazis/jews being brought up. At this point I highly doubt it. For those who disagree with this subject and state just that, WELL DONE.
    Sorry about the rant, but Im getting tired of everytime I turn on US media, its nazis all the time. Even at a place like this, which you would think is a political free zone.

    Now having got that off my key board, I will end by being, what some might consider sexist, I apologize in advance.

    Dr Susan: not only are you intelligent, but you’re smoking hot, gorgeous, stunning and beautiful.
    Can I have my heart back? lol


  10. G. Stone
    11 · 17 · 10 @ 3:05 am

    Dear Dr. Susan Block.

    Just finished your great article at “counterpunch” regarding “Porn Star” partners, I needed a break from the very heady material I was reading and low and behold, I saw your article. Having dated several people in the adult industry I thought I would give it a read. Nice. Very intelligent, well done.

    If I may be so bold…”There are, of course, possible drawbacks, such as porn addiction, personal alienation, interpersonal conflicts, jealousy and the potential spread of sexually transmitted diseases”. (Do we not all have these same risks in everyday life?) “But in general, the benefits of a more sexually open and honest society far outweigh the drawbacks”. Amen!

    All the best, and Health and Happiness to you and you family.


  11. Robert
    11 · 16 · 10 @ 8:57 pm

    The Porn star girlfriend photos are great! You get better looking every time i see new pictures of you. Your so beautiful. I love the blue & green nail polish.


  12. MarkOC
    11 · 16 · 10 @ 7:01 pm

    Great blog. I’ve been following you for several years and always found your interviews to be very enlightened and refreshing. Screw these people who think otherwise! Sexuality is to be embraced and enjoyed by humans, yet we as a society, are forced to keep our desires in the shadows oftentimes for fear of being criticized and looked down upon. I love that you are here for us all, enjoying and sharing.


  13. flexibeast
    11 · 16 · 10 @ 2:46 pm

    Indeed; classic projection and scapegoating in sense of Leviticus 16:21-22. :-)


  14. dark angel of fate
    11 · 15 · 10 @ 11:25 pm

    It’s disheartening to see that ignorance and bigotry still some time win out over reason, tolerance, and at times simple compassion for another human being. Unfortunately there are a lot of seriously messed up people in this world hopefully that’ll change or more as time goes by and people become more enlightened and compassionate towards other human beings we can only hope that that time comes sooner rather than later.


  15. Yossi
    11 · 15 · 10 @ 8:44 pm

    I just love the anti-Semitic news, according to them everything is very good by us and we are always in charge! Mazal Tov!


  16. Imtiaz waris
    11 · 15 · 10 @ 8:20 pm

    I hate to admit this especially on your blog Susan,but America today is becoming Nazi like in many ways.
    For one passing a death sentence on an American Citizen who has never been tried or proven guilty.To me that is everything the American constitution does not exemplify.
    I for one believe in what Voltaire once said:I disapprove of what you say,but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
    Your blog on the My Porn Star Girlfriend is somewhat hard to identify for me,since my experiences have been very platonic with the people I know,and never dwelved in the sexual realm.
    On the other hand,you are coming from a different place,so inasmuch as I would like to say something profound,my experiences are few and far between in this area.
    Nevertheless an eye opening article,and well written.


  17. Anthony Kennerson
    11 · 15 · 10 @ 7:33 pm

    Oh, but this is too damn funny. So now David Duke, racist jackass of all trades and master of none other than shooting off his mouth about everything not his kind of right-wing crypto-Nazi White, is now a sex expert, too??

    Considering that Duke at one time included a supposed tutorial on having wives give their husbands blow jobs, I just don’t think that he is any more qualified to give lectures on how the Jews perverted White Christian sexuality. Besides that…where the hell is Eric Fromm and Wilhelm Reich in all of this??

    And for the last time, Mr. Duke: Jews only managed the money; Christians ran the corporations.

    Maybe a tangent from Doc Suzy’s otherwise excellent entry, but it needed to be said.

    OH…and nice beard there, Mr. Duke. Was it your chemical peel that made it so White, or is that just a byproduct of your “heritage”??



  18. William Hertz
    11 · 15 · 10 @ 6:35 pm

    Dear Dr. Block,

    Wonderful piece on America’s front line shock troops, our beautiful women pornographers who are sharing not only their personal revolution with all of us but are also converting hundreds of thousands of men and women to a more egalitarian society. I commend them for changing the world for all of us…

    Then there are the sick ignorant people who exploit poor christians with their anger and fairy tales so they can make a living or get elected to office while they are dragging America down to the dumbest state a human being can be. I’m white and pity the likes of poor white people like Richard Wilcox and David Duke who preach nothing but hate and violence against other humans. Nice going guys, you set a really good example for other christians and your words perpetuate violence and mayhem in the world. I guess Jesus would be proud of you. No, I don’t think you even know who Jesus really is.

    But here’s the real deal, guys: When you try and take away my freedoms and those of my fellow countrywomen/men, when you use violence against us, when you threaten us with the gas chamber for expressing our sexuality, then we’ll see you in the streets and take you down and place our feet on your neck deep in the gutter where your kind of trash belongs. Because…NEVER AGAIN.

    Keep this in mind: Your cause is ultimately hopeless. We are the World and we are winning.

    In defense of our heritage and freedom!

    William Hertz


  19. jeff in tarzana
    11 · 15 · 10 @ 4:55 pm

    Luv u Doc. I used to watch you on TV and listen to you on the radio! Glad you’re here.


  20. Liz Greenwood
    11 · 15 · 10 @ 4:27 pm

    I would say its UNBELIEVABLE that a reasonable positive compassionate piece such as this would elicit such virulent antiSemitism, but with all the cracked Teapots running around, I can believe anything. Kudos to Joanna Angel for exercising her Freedom of Speech in such an original successful pro-female way and kudos to Susan Block for helping us to understand the benefits and drawbacks to a more sexually open society and reminding us that the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. And best wishes to all the porn star boyfriends and girlfriends who are doing their thing, trying their best to amuse the rest of us. As for “john” and Wilcox and the other David Dukers, I just hope we liberals and libertines have enough “chutzpah” to keep them from taking us back to medieval times. Seriously.


  21. john
    11 · 15 · 10 @ 3:45 pm

    david duke is right. you and joanna angel and all other the jewisch pornographers are destroying all thats good and wholesom in america. and you mustbe stopped.


  22. Jeremy Wizner
    11 · 15 · 10 @ 3:18 pm

    Great article, as always, Dr. Suzy. I could compliment you more on your ability to analyze the benefits of the ongoing Sexual Revolution, but your other fans seem to be covering that quite enthusiastically. And I am bursting with the need to address the most recent comment here posted by Mr. Richard Wilcox, including a link to the most outrageous, anti-Semitic, anti-sex, anti-love piece of crap I’ve seen in a long time, hosted by that Ku Klux Klanish hate-monger David Duke.

    I loathe when people use Nazi comparisons lightly, but sometimes they are appropriate, and David Duke’s description of Sigmund Freud and other famous Jews causing all the moral problems of the world is just like the analysis of the “Jewish Problem” of Hitler’s right hand man and chief Nazi propagandist Paul Joseph Goebbels, leading to the Final Solution of Nazi leader Hermann Goering, SS chief Heinrich Himmler and the attempted annihilation of all Jewish people.

    These are dark times indeed when the likes of Duke and Wilcox are taken seriously by confused uneducated Christians. Thanks Dr. S, for doing what you continually do to keep us enlightened and relatively free.


  23. Richard Wilcox
    11 · 15 · 10 @ 2:47 pm

    Very interesting, pornography is very seductive, but:


    there is also this DARK side to the issue.

    Best, Rw, Tokyo


  24. Bon Jon Syn
    11 · 13 · 10 @ 5:44 am

    Sexuality is the greatest gift The Gods have bestowed upon us. Thank you for being The Voice of Sexuality, Dr. Suzy.


  25. Ron in Maine
    11 · 13 · 10 @ 5:38 am

    You’re still the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen ! WOW you’re so beautiful . Love to fly to Cali and meet you guys and play at your play room ? I’m a big fan of yours . I’m a contractor in Maine and always wanted to be a porn star LOL it’s nice to see your sexy bod and beautiful face again ! Go bonobos !


  26. Will Franco
    11 · 13 · 10 @ 5:34 am

    Loved your My Porn Star Girlfriend piece, loved the photos, loved Cadence, Misti. Where were these women when I was a young man? Bless their hearts and their courage for bringing so much joy to the world.


  27. Michael Donnelly
    11 · 12 · 10 @ 11:13 pm

    I like it. While obviously not everyone can be a porn star (or porn star girl or boyfriend), all CAN gain the deeper connectedness you describe as a positive benefit of open, egalitarian sexual sharing – that Bonobo ethos. And, of course, as you often note, being involved in sweet, healthy sexuality can sure keep bored people too busy for the actual dangerous mischief we clever apes often can get up to.


  28. sgtfalconca
    11 · 12 · 10 @ 9:14 pm

    Well for years I haven’t been true to myself about my sexuality, But now in my 40’s I have started trying to see what my sexuality truly is. So far I have found that I love crossdressing, fetish lifestyle, sex with women in there late 40’s and older as well as women in there 20’s, Tranny’s (aka Shemales), Men, also Love taking Photos of women, men, tranny’s. I have come to the point in my life that I am willing to try anything.

    I only really started coming out about what I want after seeing Doc S On latenight TV, and yes I have fallen for the Doc too, along with a lot of the porn stars that have been on Her Show. So now I am comming out big time and I don’t care what anyone thinks about my new found sexually, it’s now about me and what I what to try.

    An All Red Blooded Canadian Horny Male


  29. Cadence St. John
    11 · 12 · 10 @ 8:40 pm

    you’re a perv! I love you anyway!


  30. Dark Angel of Fate
    11 · 12 · 10 @ 4:55 pm

    Yet another great article Susan.


  31. Charles Wrangforth
    11 · 12 · 10 @ 3:12 pm

    I love all your posts on Counterpunch, including this one. I only wish you’d post more often. How you manage to be so sexy, smart, hilarious and insightful is beyond me. Now I’m wondering which of my friends could be doing a little porn on the side, and I think I know one who is. Should I ask? Never mind…Just keep doing what you’re doing and we’ll try to keep up!


  32. Brandillio
    11 · 12 · 10 @ 12:12 pm

    yay!!!! i love pornstars!!!! i also love pornstars that love pornstars!!!! this was a great post, doc! i want yo porno p-p-porno romance!!!


  33. subtor
    11 · 12 · 10 @ 12:21 am

    Wow, I could easily fall for a classy Lady like You Doctor Susan! There is something in the mix of Your absolutely sexy look and the atmosphere Your library breathes that is tantalizing!


  34. Philip B. Rothenberg, M.D.
    11 · 11 · 10 @ 11:59 pm

    I’m a retired plastic surgeon and fully resonant with your philosophy and style. Your unique gig beats the shit out of “working for a living”.
    Enviously and admiringly yours,


  35. Jo Jo
    11 · 11 · 10 @ 10:22 pm

    Montana Fishburne is so beautiful, she looks like her dad as a young girl. No wonder he’s pissed. Lol. Its just like its him out there with his junk hanging out. But yeah, he told her call me when you’re done, so he’s not disowning her.


  36. Gerry McD
    11 · 11 · 10 @ 10:14 pm

    Very stimulating stuff, Dr. S. I’m in the Porn Star Girlfriend Generation I suppose. So why don’t I have any Porn Star Girlfriends? Maybe I need to move to LA. Or maybe my girlfriends are making porn without telling me. Actually I don’t even have a girlfriend at all lately. And therein lies my problem, Dr. S. I will fantasize about lovely Misti Dawn and mischievous Cadence St. John as my Porn Star Girlfriends and you as my hot MILF tonite and hopefully then get some sleep.


  37. dave
    11 · 11 · 10 @ 10:02 pm

    hi dr. block- i love your blog. it is so cool to be able to write you. i used to listen to you about 20 years ago in my room when i could barely get reception on the radio. i loved the way you were so forward. i can see you haven’t changed a bit.


  38. JuxLii
    11 · 11 · 10 @ 9:51 pm

    Can’t relate at all. No…seriously. No idea.

    That said: love it.


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