Pagan Holiday Season Shows, Parties and Pleasure Sex Salons
Everybody’s asking “When’s the next show?” They can see I’m much better since my date with death, and that I’m holding dinners parties, showing films, producing new DVDs, having sex…. So, why not do a live show? We are just coming into the Pagan Holidays, also known as The Party Season. These are the 111 Days of Bacchanalian Pleasure Sex, starting with Halloween Weekend, partying on down through Thanksgiving, Christmas, Saturnalia, Sun Birth Day, Hannukkah, Kwaanza, New Year’s Eve, Eros Day, Mardi Gras and ending the day after Valentine’s Day. During these 111 days which are the coldest and darkest of the year, we light fires, celebrate life, spread warmth and give each other orgasms and other gifts of joy. Peace through Partying.
So, Saturday night November 18 will be the next live show. We’re all very excited here at Block Studios. A live show! Appropriately enough, it will be the Saturday before Thanksgiving, and we will “Give Thanks for Life, Give Thanks for Pleasure Sex!” Some of my dear friends and delightful acquaintances have already confirmed that they will be here including the amazing Rainforest Princess Annie Body (star of Squirt Salon), the outrageous Mistress Genevieve (featured on Blonde Island) and adorable Amber (Queen Esther on Purim), as well as the gorgeous Chicago Hottie Shay Lynn (star of Eros Day Circus of Sex) and her sultry girlfriend Brea Taylor, the lovely Tai Ellis and members of the Porn Klown Posse. It will be an ultra-fun night. So make your reservations now; become a Block Studios Member.
We’re also gearing up to do a series of Libertine Nights at the Speakeasy, also called Pleasure Sex Salons. Just in case you don’t know, a salon is not a place to get your hair done, nor is it just an online magazine for disaffected liberals. A salon is a gathering of people that is a cross between a show, a seminar, a discussion group and a party. So, though we don’t have the dates yet, we’re planning three salons, four if you count Eros Day. If you’re interested in attending any of them (or watching them online), please email us at
So here they are, in no particular order:
Foot Fetish Salon
This will be our fourth Foot Fetish Salon. You don’t need to have a foot fetish to enjoy a foot fetish salon, although foot fetishists and foot hedonists (like me) are in Foot Heaven. We start with high heel, shoe, boot and stocking modeling. We go on to foot washing (like Jesus did) and massage. Then we have Shrimping Cocktails which quickly turns into just plain shrimping and Tequila Toe Shots which quickly turns into footsie pandemonium. Depending on who’s here, we might get into Foot Tickling, Foot Domination, Grape Squishing or Foot Bondage. For more on the subject, check out “Feet: An Erotic Study in Podophilic Sexuality” and “Feet, Foot Fetishism and Foot Hedonism.”
Squirt Salon
We’ll start in the late afternoon with a screening of the internationally acclaimed Dr. Suzy’s Squirt Salon and then have a great dinner with various aphrodisiacs, then we’ll have a q and a with the stars of the Squirt Salon, including Annie Body and possibly Deborah Sundahl and Leila Swan, then live female ejaculation demos and a party.
Classic Porn ‘n Popcorn Salon
We’ll show old porn movies from the 1970s, the days when porn was grand, with strong enough storylines and acting to show on the big screen — plus really hot interesting sex. Yes, the actors were very hairy in those days. But they were real actors! The porn was part of the story. Just like sex is part of life. We will have a few fine films (we’re now taking suggestions), some experts and delicious home-popped, buttery popcorn, plus whatever libations you bring.
Eros Day, Night of the Libertines
Eros Day is more than a salon or a show. It’s a holiday. Discover this wonderful classical holiday of lust and pleasure, featuring Eros the God, Eros the Planetoid and Eros Day: The Movie. You might want to check out some pics backstage from Eros Day 2006: the Eros Circus of Sex, the Eros Day Counter-Inaugural BALL in 2005, the Eros Day Parade in 2004, Eros Carnaval in 2003 (also known as the Eros Day Wedding Orgy), An Intimate Eros Day in 2002, the Story of Eros and Psyche in 2001 and the First Eros Day at the Speakeasy with Lasse Braun and Teri Weigel in 2000. Or forget the past, just look toward the future, and make your reservations for Eros Day 2007, Saturday night, January 20, here.
If you would like to join us at any of these shows, salons or other events, become a Block Studios Member. Membership Has Its Pleasures! Help support your place and ours. Contrary to rumor, we’re not multi-millionaires. We just have great a great life.
So, what is a Block Studios Member? Funny you should ask. Here’s are some Frequently Asked Questions:
How Can I Attend Shows and Other Events at Block Studios?
You must be a card-carrying Block Studios Member to attend a live taping of The Dr. Susan Block Show or any of our other events such as Eros Day, Squirt Salons, Foot Fetish Salons, Pleasure Sex Seminars and Libertine Nights.
How Much Is Membership?
Our membership dues are currently very reasonable. The cost is $25 per couple and $35 for single males. Payable every six months. Membership for single ladies is usually free. Of course, if you’re not economically disadvantaged, you’re more than welcome to support the studios and make a donation.
Why Do Single Women Get Free Memberships?
Because they are usually sexy and often economically disadvantaged. If you want to hang out with a bunch of guys, join the infantry; they’ll even pay you.
What Does Block Studios Membership Get Me?
First, it gives you access to our uniquely exciting shows and other events. Next, it gets you a bunch of new friends, possible lovers, mentors, stimulating partners and, in some cases, life-time soulmates. You’ll encounter all kinds of “sexperts,” from professors to porn stars, local and international celebrities, dommes and subs, artists and nurses, film directors and the girls and guys-next-door. For many members, it’s also a way to make new business contacts, get parts in movies or new jobs. Anything can happen in our beautiful, sensual, magical studios where we practice “ethical hedonism” and the Bonobo Way, as we explore and investigate the delicious pleasures and fascinating complications of human sexuality, love, art and the rest of life.
What Else Does My Membership Get Me?
Your membership also gets you discounts on lots of great stuff in Shopping Heaven (especially important as the holidays approach).
It also gets you invitations to private dinners and other events we hold here at the studios.
If you are a telephone therapy client, you’ll get discounts on all your calls and consultations. That can add up to hundreds of dollars in savings per year.
What About My Friends?
As a Block Studios Member, you can invite friends, lovers or business associates to accompany you to shows ~ such as the upcoming November 18th show ~ and other events, and you’ll have the coolest place in town to hang out.
What We’re Not…
We’re not a swing club, bar or bordello. Sometimes we call Block Studios “Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy,” but unlike the speakeasies of old, we don’t do anything illegal. As this is not a club or bar, we do not sell liquor. Therefore, whenever you come to an event, you should bring something to drink that you can share with other people. It needn’t be alcoholic. We provide the yummy hors d’oeuvres, aphrodisiacs, condoms, free art, nifty novelties and the romantic erotic ambiance.
So Who Are We Actually?
We are a group of friends, lovers and business associates who like to explore sexuality. Some of us work in the sex field as therapists, educators, publishers, performers, models, dancers, singers, producers, writers, artists, journalists, fashion designers, photographers and filmmakers. Others are lawyers, doctors, businesspeople, politicians, business CEOs, homemakers, bankers, fire fighters or schoolteachers who have an interest in exploring or learning more about sex, love and pleasure, in a safe place outside their professional worlds and even their regular social lives. Block Studios is always respectful of the privacy of our members. We support you, whether you wish to promote yourself or remain very discreet or even completely anonymous.
Block Studios is privately funded by the Dr. Susan Block Institute for the Erotic Arts & Sciences. Our work and activities are made possible through loans and grants from my private sex therapy practice, television sales, product sales, Internet properties and membership dues. A portion of our revenues and our time goes to help save the highly endangered “Make Love, Not War” bonobo chimpanzees and other pet projects of ours, including the Anti-War Movement and Saving Our Mother the Earth.
So…become a Block Studios Member today ~ before the price goes up! ~ enjoy the Pagan Holiday Party Season with us, or join BACKSTAGE, but whatever you do, don’t forget to VOTE OUT THE WARMONGERS! The next dead child could be yours.
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio 😊. Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
10 · 30 · 06 @ 3:51 pm
Your blog is making me think about the theme of these holidays. Halloween is about the meaning of idenity. If Bush were to dress up as a decent human being, do you think anyone would recognize him? The best Christmas present the republicans could give us would be to get out of office and disband their extremist party altogether.
10 · 29 · 06 @ 7:18 pm
I am so happy that Dr. Susan Block is making her comeback show… Sinn
10 · 29 · 06 @ 4:35 am
Shay Lynn is so hot! I was at that show. I just love her…yum…yum
10 · 29 · 06 @ 4:30 am
Dear Susan,I will try to make the 18th. I will be in the states for business and I will make it a point to work around that dare. It’s great to see you writing and looking sooo good.With much love,Carlo
10 · 29 · 06 @ 12:13 am
This November 18 show will be gREAT. i had a blast last time, ad this timewill be lots of fun too! im so excited to be on your show again. i cant wait.shaylynnxxx
10 · 29 · 06 @ 12:05 am
Happy Halloween, Christmas, New Year’s and Eros Day! Yes, all those holidays are really pagan, aren’t they? If I didn’t live in Ireland, with no hope of getting to the sunny shores of Hollywood for at least a year or two, I’d join your merry group and play.