Master D’s SchoolGirl LapDance 40th Birthday Spectacular
Master D’s SchoolGirl LapDance Spectacular @ Dr. Suzy’s College of Carnal Knowledge: Class of 2012. Photo: JuxLii
Length: 85:16 minutes Date: 07/28/2012
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The “sexy schoolgirl” look is one of the world’s most ubiquitous and beloved clothing-oriented fetishes. Oh, those little plaid skirts, crisp white blouses, flirty sailor bloomers, restrictive ties, childlike knee socks and other school uniform accoutrements! How they stir feelings of arousal, nostalgia, innocence, sweet frustration (aka “tease and denial”) and titillating naughtiness in the uniform wearer (who could be female, male or transgender) and the partner (who might “play” a teacher, dominant disciplinarian or other school authority), as well as the schoolgirl uniform-loving voyeur.
Our dear friend Master D, prominent dominant in LA’s BDSM scene and grandson of Australia’s late legendary nightclub king, Abe “Mr. Sin” Saffron, has been a passionate fan of the schoolgirl look since he himself was a schoolboy. So on the occasion of his 40th birthday, I dressed up as a sexy “head mistress” schoolteacher (complete with short houndstooth plaid skirt, professorial sweater, Sex Week at Yale hat and thong) and transformed the Womb Room into a College of Carnal Knowledge filled with a dizzying array of short plaid skirts, Spongebob shirts, raging hormones, various corporal punishments and lessons in love. Tonight’s standardized test: LAPDANCING. Pay attention or get spanking detention!
Note: Though there are indeed actual “schoolgirls” in attendance for the festivities, they are all college or post-graduate students over the age of 18. By putting on this schoolgirl-themed show and party, we are in no way trying to encourage or “play into” society’s eroticization of underage girls. We are just responding to it—since we can’t help but be affected by it—by outfitting grown women (and men) in the titillating garb that so many twisted cultures around the world encourage us to desire but forbid us to touch.
Featured Guests:
Master D: Master D is the birthday boy and this show’s man of honor. Reclining upon a palatial throne in his bright red undies, he lives out a fantasy that most schoolgirl fetishists can only dream of: over a dozen hot women (and a couple of men) dressed in skimpy schoolgirl garb and other uniforms lapdancing, all over him all throughout the live broadcast and into the after-party.
Sage Lynn: Our Schoolgirl Lapdance judge, Sage coolly grades our contestants for school costume, lapdance ability and enthusiasm.
Fey Adene: Our first contestant, Fey steps onto the stage and immediately gets bent over and spanked for smoking and not wearing panties. Fey also didn’t study for her lap dance exam, so, on a scale of 1-10 (10 being an A+), Judge Sage gives her an average score of 7 (or a B). She gets an A for her outfit and a C for technique. She gets more paddling and a “bitch” stamp (thank you, Chris Gore) on her ass as punishment. Or maybe it’s her reward. We get the two mixed up a bit here in the College of Carnal Knowledge.
Starry Knight: Schoolgirl #2, in her second appearance on the show (her first being From The Myth of Sex Addiction to A Sex Addicts Orgy), Starry also gets spanked right off the bat–just because she is (literally) “asking for it.” I give her a few whacks with my wooden ruler. Then Master D grabs a large wooden paddle and bangs her butt, claiming her cries are “unconvincing.” Her lapdance receives an average score of 7 from Judge Sage; B+ for technique and B for her outfit, but her hula-hooping in the after-party gets an A from me.
Lord Exceter Miles: Schoolgirl #3 is actually a boy, and a very reluctant schoolboy he is, or at least appears to be. Master D is actually the “mentor” of Exceter (aka Mondrian or Mon) so the birthday boy’s request that he give him a lapdance is “an offer he can’t refuse,” though he tries his best. Finally he pulls off his shirt and suspenders and does the job, using Fey as a buffer between himself and Master D. This is also his virgin lapdance; Judge Sage gives him an A for effort and a D for technique.
Lovely: Schoolgirl #4 is bursting with enthusiasm as she bounds up to the stage and whirls around the stripper pole in the requisite little plaid skirt and polka dot panties, ready and eager to be Teacher’s Pet. She’s so eager, she gets a little confused, jumping on top of me instead of the man of honor. I have to remind her that’s it’s not my birthday, whereupon she gives Master D a lapdance that must really impress Judge Sage who gives her all A’s for her outfit, technique and enthusiasm! We don’t know it yet at this point in the contest, but Lovely will go on to win the title of Schoolgirl Lapdance Spectacular 2012 Winner, and a tank top from Screaming-O.
Kitty Twinkle Toes: Guess who’s back? This is Kitty’s fourth show with us, and this time she comes in a crotch-less, fishnet body stocking and the same turkey feather headdress she wore her first time–not exactly appropriate schoolgirl attire. This, of course, earns her a spanking, but she’s allowed to give Master D his lap dance first (delaying the punishment increases the terror), earning herself an A for technique from Master D himself, but a D for her lack of school uniform, from Judge Sage. Ever the energetic sexualist, Kitty squirts on the Sybian (again!) in the after-party.
Jeremy: Schoolgirl #6 is another guy. He originally comes dressed as a teacher, with a schoolgirl of his own in tow, but decides he wants to be a schoolboy for Master D. He doesn’t get graded (seeing as his dance was impromptu), but I spank him for giving the non-definitive answer of “awesome,” when asked how it felt to give his first lapdance ever. We use corporeal punishment to encourage our students to enhance their verbal skills here at the College of Carnal Knowledge.
Lara: Schoolgirl #7 is Master D’s fantasy-cum-true, a beautiful, tall, blonde 19-year-old, real-live schoolgirl who attends El Camino College. She politely declines to dance or be spanked, but amicably agrees to lay across my lap as I apply the “bitch” stamp to her perfect ass, Master D drooling voyeuristically from his throne.
Siren Selene: Schoolgirl #8 is another real schoolgirl majoring in anthropology and feminist studies. Having followed Kitty’s bad example, Selene shows up in a pair of altogether-too-bold, black-and-white, vertically striped stockings. When asked how she could think these leggings are appropriate school attire, she replies “I go to Clown College.” For this, she gets an A for her outfit and a B for her rather unstudied but amiable lapdance technique.
Alastair Thorne and Meg: Schoolgirl #9 refuses to lapdance, get spanked or take the “bitch” stamp, but her escort is in full schoolmaster character, complete with a mortarboard, dashing British accent (which happens to be real) and a cane for the naughtier students.
Tori & Kiera: Schoolgirls #10 and #11 come up briefly to show off their fabulous, well thought out schoolgirl outfits, but politely refuse to dance due to concerns over their careers (Tori is a preschool teacher and Kiera a fashion designer) or maybe just shyness or lack of Master’s kind of schoolgirl “spirit.”
Nurse: Schoolgirl #12 isn’t really a school girl, but a school nurse, another source of popular fantasies. She quietly sits on the ground at Master D’s side through most of the show, looking vaguely familiar, but I can’t quite place her until I realize she’s the guy who, a few months back, came on The Myth of Sex Addiction show with Starry Knight, as her master. He explains to us that being “on both sides of the fence” keeps things spicy, then he proceeds to examine the birthday boy with his trusty stethoscope, pronouncing him “one happy camper.”
RubberNecro: Schoolgirl #13 doesn’t make it onto the stage until the group photo, for which she will be soundly spanked on her next Dr. Susan Block Show appearance (hopefully soon!).
Weapons of Mass Discussion: Birthday Boy Master D, SchoolGirl Fetishes & Fantasies, Australian Night Club Dynasty, Abe Saffron, Corporal Punishment, Being a Switch, Singing In the Shower, Ex-Roommates, Foot Worship, The Bonobo Way
Performance Erotica: Schoolgirl Outfit Modeling & Roleplay, Spanking, Stripping, Lap Dancing, Nurse Play, Agwa Boobie and Booty Shots, Lap Dance Contest, Pole Dancing, Schoolboys In Short Pants, The “Bitch” Hand Stamp, Paddling, Fishnet Body Stocking, Screaming-O TankTop, Sybian Rides & Squirting in the After-Party
Multiple thanks, kudos and orgasms to the Dr. Susan Block Institute Staff here in BonoboVille for making this show and party possible.
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08 · 4 · 12 @ 3:36 pm
My last hard on was this big thanks to Dr Suzy
08 · 4 · 12 @ 12:02 pm
I had an AMAZING time! Dr.Susan is amazing!!
08 · 3 · 12 @ 11:35 pm
I had SO MUCH FUN at the party, Dr. Susan! Thanks for giving me a well deserved whallop and a nice T-shirt. I can’t wait for the next party!!!
08 · 3 · 12 @ 7:55 am
I had such a great time!! I loved seeing the other school girls and Master D enjoying themselves! I hope I will be able to come back for my shows after :)
Your show popped my Sybian cherry! Thanks ;)
– Luna Hash
07 · 30 · 12 @ 5:23 pm
Loved watching all the sexy school girls!
07 · 30 · 12 @ 2:36 pm
I’m so jealous. Wish I could replicate an environ like Dr Suzy’s w/o the drama hardwork disconnection. It was FUN but a lot of work! The very best learning experience I’ve ever had. Someone could actually bring their dreams to life and sustain themselves… SEX! !! Yea! !! Life force. Doing it. Still doing it! !! To Dr Suzy and Salmon Burgers! !! AND EVERYONE I MET, FAMILY, I MISS YOU ALL! !! ♥ ♥ ♥
07 · 30 · 12 @ 1:20 pm
Many words exist to describe how you have made me feel during the last few days. But the one that really comes to mind is FAMILY.
Thank you for having me feel party of your family. It truly is one of the great great adventures I have the joy to partake in.
Thank you all and may you always feel peace and love in your hearth.
07 · 30 · 12 @ 12:59 pm
I had a wonderful time, as always. Hope I can make it to many more shows at the Speakeasy.
07 · 30 · 12 @ 12:11 pm
Had a blast on the show with you, Dr. Suzy. So many naughty school girls and so little time! xoxo Can’t wait to come back!
07 · 30 · 12 @ 10:36 am
Thank You To Dr Block and All The Staff at the speakeasy for making my birthday a great one.
it was a great day at school for me Saturday night