The Tao of Counterpunch
Filmmaker Tao Ruspoli’s Counterpunch interview with me on sex and politics – Part I and Part II – is now online. It’s a fun piece in which I show Tao around the Speakeasy as we discuss sex therapy, the War Business, Clinton’s blowjobs and Bush’s torture fetish, and you can see it here.
With Tao Ruspoli (second from left), his cameraman Gallo and some of the Ladies of the Speakeasy (Alma, Annie, Tai, Sara and Chewy) .. Photo: Michael Gross
What you don’t see is that we got to know Tao almost as well as he got to know us. Tao’s Counterpunch connection is that he is married to actress Olivia Wilde (Alex Kelly in The OC; Alpha Dog) who is the “beloved niece” of distinguished award-winning journalist and CP publisher Alexander Cockburn. Tao is also the proud son of the late great “Playboy Prince” of Italy, Alessandro “Dado” Ruspoli, considered by many to have embodied “La Dolce Vita,” the sweet life of art, cinema, pleasure sex, wild parties, witty irreverence, mind-altering substances, bohemian style and spiritual philosophy that Federico Fellini immortalized in the 1960 film of that name.
Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy, a.k.a. Block Studios, has often been labeled “Felliniesque” (as well as “Warholesque“), perhaps because of our parallel ways ob blending reality and fantasy. Colorful crews of artists, porn stars, paparazzi and truth-seekers make up both Fellini’s cast of characters and our Bonobo Gang. Annie Body is our Anita Ekberg, the bigger-than-life bombshell sex goddess, and our Annie has got her own Trevi Fountain right between her legs!. We have always been big Fellini buffs, and that flame is fanned by having our own Fellini-in-residence, Canaan Brumley, always filming us swing of the pendulum between our fantasies and realities. But no, Wallace is not exactly Marcello Mastroianni. You can carry these parallels too far…
But Dado Ruspoli lived the Sweet Life back in the day with Salvador DalÃ, Brigitte Bardot, Truman Capote, Willem de Kooning, Jean Cocteau, Pablo Picasso, Orson Welles, Roman Polanski and the Rolling Stones. He shared a flat on the Côte d’Azur with Roger Vadim and Jane Fonda. He made it chic to go barefoot on the Via Veneto and the streets of Saint-Tropez and was rumored to have been a sexual dynamo. Based upon the notion that male sexuality is like a car, his good friend Dalà is said to have proclaimed Ruspoli to possess “the biggest limousine in Europe.”
La Vita Ruspoli is also a little like La Vita Filangieri. Yes, I too am a black sheep of the “Black aristocracy” of Italy, a deposed-princess-by-marriage to Prince Maximillian Rudolph Lobkowicz-Filangieri, descended from Enlightenment Era Neapolitan Philosopher Gaetano Filangieri, advisor to Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. But that’s another royal bunch of bloggamy…
Back to the Tao of Tao Ruspoli. Though proud of his “Dado,” Tao is an excellent film artist and a visionary in his own right. Check out some of Tao’s work here, and the extraordinary work on his Merry Prankster-style LAFCO filmmaking bus. He also seems to have inherited his Dado’s nose for pleasure. No worries, Uncle Alex, Tao did not drive his limousine into the carport of temptation. In fact, he behaved quite prudently. Though he did seem to enjoy the Nude Beer, Absinthe, Alma’s violin and Annie’s brownies. Oh, and then there was the Monkey Rocker…
One Absinthe later…. Photo: Michael Gross
Btw, Counterpunch,“The World’s Best Political Newsletter,” graciously posts some of my political writings, along with dozens of other far more eminent columnists. CP is just starting to run video interviews in this new section called Counterviews. In fact, Tao did me the honor — out of all the erudite thinkers who write for CP – of asking me to do his third CP video interview, just after his Uncle Alex and co-editor Jeffrey St. Clair. Think it’s because of the sex? Whatever the reason, it’s a good thing: Eros over Thanatos! And may Counterviews live long and prosper.
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio 😊. Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
02 · 2 · 07 @ 8:27 am
dear susan,i am fighting off a cold right now and i am waiting it out to see if i can recover before saturday. my best guess right now is i am 50/50 with regards to driving up. but if you know me, and you do, it is more like 90/10. tao did a nice piece on you. you are always amazing on camera, even when wearing your pajamas. i hope to see you this weekend, but if not i am 100% certain that i will be there next weekend.xoxocanaan
02 · 2 · 07 @ 2:14 am
Dear Dr. Suzy,I always enjoy your political writings. Look forward to the continuation of the interview. And, I just love your attitude — given that they may already have fucked up the Mother Ship, we can’t let them get our day, too!Much Love,Michael
02 · 1 · 07 @ 11:40 pm
Hey,You’re right we don’t live over there we live in the US. If you don’t want any dissent there are plenty of places you can move to. Shove that one up your you know what. Cheers,AP
02 · 1 · 07 @ 9:47 pm
Great inspirational interview. Nice camerawork. Nice feeling. Hope to see more of this on CP as it finally goes multi-media.
02 · 1 · 07 @ 9:46 pm
You and your liberal type are so full of shit. You talk about “execution” that Bush is an “executioner” Ha. Don’t you know you be executed immediately for just saying this stuff in Iraq or Iran. You be stoned or hung or burned alive. Thats really what we should do here. But this is America and we even let nut cases like you speak free. Why don’t you think about that for a second, then shove one of those dicks in your mouth and shut up, bitch.
02 · 1 · 07 @ 9:38 pm
Your work reminds me of Barbara Ehrenreich’s new book “Dancing in the Streets.” You seem to provide a place for people to experience “collective joy.” I must admit that I’m not used to all the dildos and sex machines, and they do “scare” me a bit! But I am in total solidarity with your mission to create communal experiences of Eros ecstasy in our lives.
02 · 1 · 07 @ 5:15 pm
Nice comments. I think it all went very well. xx A
02 · 1 · 07 @ 4:55 pm
Hey CuzGood interview. When is it going to be completed? It says to be continued. By the way, I love you in the blue – great color for you, wear it more often. I did enjoy the interview but was disappointed it ended!!I love you.D
02 · 1 · 07 @ 7:46 am
What a nice pre-Valentine’s Surprise for Counterpunch readers.
02 · 1 · 07 @ 7:26 am
Let’s put sex back in the White House!
02 · 1 · 07 @ 7:18 am
You are absolutely right that this is not a war, this is a war business venture. It’s also a bad business venture.
02 · 1 · 07 @ 7:15 am
You know you are an ignorant common whore. You should stick to talking about something you understand like spreading your leggs.
02 · 1 · 07 @ 6:54 am
Thank you for bringing back memories of La Dolce Vita, Via Veneto, the wild nights of Rome, with orgies not only among the rich and famous but in clubs and villas all over Italy. I had a small illegal bar in Milan when I was 15 years old and hung out with a lot of the rock stars of that time, Celentano, Little Tony, Milva, the Piaggio boys and Colin Hicks the British rocker amoung others. They were vibrant and legendery times in an Italy gone wild.I spent a lot of time on those beautiful yachts in Portofino, including Liz Taylor’s and Eddie Fisher’s when they got married. Tao’s father Prince Ruspoli was legendery. Those were times for bluebloods and the peasants, we all celebrated together, we loved together and we fucked together. We had great dreams and hopes. The war was over and a new world opened up before us.Thanks for the memories.CFNaples, Italy
02 · 1 · 07 @ 6:16 am
It was wonderful to meet Tao and Gallo. I’m glad they liked my brownies! and the Nude
02 · 1 · 07 @ 5:36 am
Of course, I love your show, and the way you’re so wild and free. But I like seeing this side of you too, very classy, almost demure.
02 · 1 · 07 @ 4:29 am
You are a riot – the Mae West of our times! Keep it up!
02 · 1 · 07 @ 4:09 am
Dear Dr. Block, You seem to be the 21st century Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. So do you have fire insurance for your library and sex toy collection?in solidarity,Jacob Steiner, M.D.
02 · 1 · 07 @ 3:26 am
Great interview, Dr. Susan. Nice place you got there. I like your philosophy. More of us should live it and spread the word. I’m hoping to hear you talk about the bonobo apes in the next installment.
02 · 1 · 07 @ 2:46 am
Very entertaining interview. Now I must visit your studio.
02 · 1 · 07 @ 2:44 am
Been an avid reader of your CP articles for some time, since “Rape of Iraq”. Good to see you in action. You have a beautiful seductive demeanor. You seem to have a lot of fun in life. Thank you for trying to teach the rest of us.
02 · 1 · 07 @ 2:39 am
I agree with you, (and Freud) that the initial, and crucial, division is between eros and thanatos. And you can see it immediately and beyond any doubt which god is animating a person—if we only look! Thank you for saying this anew!
02 · 1 · 07 @ 2:38 am
Dr Suzy, nice interview, sort of like interviewing your self LOL, but you are fun as always.James Noack