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God there's still the world of sexpert Dr. Susan Block,
who has the courage to continuously affirm her deeply-held faith
in fishnet stockings and other family values...Dr. Block is one of
the nation's leading sexologists, and a very bright and funny woman to
boot." "Thank
you, Dr. Suzy, for showing me that sex education can be sexy television."
Block is not a typical sex therapist. She is a Yale graduate who has lectured
at the University of Southern California and been featured in documentaries
on HBO. She conducts her 10-year-old program, "The Dr. Susan Block
Show," while reclining on a studio bed clad in revealing lingerie...
Dr. Block also can take credit for offering some prescient financial advice.
While some Wall Street experts were urging investors to load up on Adelphia
shares, Dr. Block was urging her audience to dump Adelphia stock 'to punish
them,' she said. Adelphia has since been delisted." "Dr.
Susan Block is America's hottest sex therapist, dispensing wisdom from
her boudoir and taking the bonobo chimps as her model for the perfect
sexual philosophy. Her extremely enjoyable, informative book (The
10 Commandments of Pleasure) tells us how we can find the same
person horny for the rest of our lives." "I
love you, Dr. Suzy!" "Dr. Susan Block is our favorite
boudoir revolutionary...a sex goddess with a philosophy Ph.D." "Dr.
Susan Block is a genius when it comes to sexual matters, and I hold her
in the highest regard...She is brilliant in front of the camera. She works
her audience so well as she presses her sexual freedom beliefs and sexual
healing theories...Her fans adore her. She received phone call after phone
call, and she responded to each one with compassion and understanding.
She added plenty of sassiness and witticism too...She has helped thousands
of people become more sexually satisfied through her television show and
over the Internet, her books, including The Ten Commandments of Pleasure,
her newsletter, and her private consultations... She is my idol." "In
case you've been living in a cave and, therefore, have never enjoyed The
Dr. Susan Block Show, a bit of introduction might be in order. Block's
shows are a saucy melange of education and titillation, featuring not
only what you might expect from a Sex Doctor -- sex advice. anatomical
information, educational content -- but some things you might not -- a
history lesson here, a masturbation session there, and plenty of porn
stars frolicking amid Block's own brand of political discussion and spiritual
celebration. I had the pleasure to enjoy two episodes of this excellent
show, and it's safe to say that neither one is quite like anything I'd
ever seen before...Block's enthusiasm for her topic is beyond infectious,
and it's almost impossible to watch the show without enjoying her celebratory
attitude." "Dr.
Susan Block is a one-woman sex information dynamo." "Next
in line to the throne of Dr. Ruth Westheimer is the Jewish American sex
queen, the incredibly sexy Dr. Susan Block, who delights the men in Zion
who watch her show on the Ego channel." “Dr. Block is so knowledgeable, frank and
articulate that we have a really fun, easy conversation. I have not had
a good intellectual discussion in a while, especially while investigating
porn. She uses metaphors that will take me days to figure out. She is
poetic, provocative and pornographic at the same time. She’s part
philosopher, part Dionysian sex goddess, part porn pundit. Her body is
as hard and lean as a twenty-four-year-old’s. She definitely takes
Dr. Ruth to another level. She retains her sense of humor while fielding
a call and holding open her guest’s vaginal lips at the same time.
God, she has guts. Sam and I exchange a look as if to say, she might be
slightly crazy, but damn is she smart. She is the only sexpert he can
imagine actually having sex. I am fascinated how these two women, the
hyper-intellectual academic and the seXXXpert, can live in the same body.
We talk about relationships and sex for an entire hour, and I love that
most of her recommendations are simple and easy to try and do not involve
anything you have to buy or read. In fact, I could continue asking her
questions for another hour, but I realize I should at least pretend like
I have a life. Thanks to my talk with Dr. Block, I feel much better equipped
now to be in a relationship.” "Drawing
on a combination of humor, wit, and most obviously of all, her own fetching
body, Dr. Block melds entertainment, eroticism, insight and philosophy
so skillfully that it's hard to tell where one starts and the others end." "Dr.
Susan Block's Los Angeles sex therapy show, "Sex, Fun, Wisdom,"
has been censored week after week on a TV station owned by the Rigas family's
Adelphia Communications. The Rigases say they are good and she is bad.
Yesterday, Susan Block watched the glorious sight on television of the
whole Rigas family walking around in handcuffs...She got out her statement
to read to all callers: 'Beware of those who are holier than thou, for
often they are fleecers of their own flock.' " "Dr.
Susan Block got the last laugh...and earned the last word in her debate
with the Rigas clan." "Although her ideals have thrust her into the controversial gray areas of first and fourth amendment rights, she has consistently prevailed over those who try to limit her civil liberties, including the LAPD and local politicians." "Dr.
Susan Block (is) an excellent X-rated alternative to Leno, Letterman &
Nightline." "Best
of LA phone-in shows!" "Dr.
Block's cult status as an educator is enormous" "Unlike
Dr. Ruth, you can actually believe that Dr. Suzy has had--and is still
having--sex. Good sex." "Dr.
Susan Block is a Ph.D. from Yale and an unflinching reverence for sex
has made this woman the hit of talk shows and men's magazines." "Dr.
Susan Block's website is just like she is: effervescent, enlightening,
funny, sexy." "Dr. Susan Block, you are such an amazing
woman. A true inspiration. I'm hoping others will read about you, and
not only feel the same way about you, but maybe even be motivated to try
to make a difference themselves. " Former
Yalie (Class of 1977) and contemporary of the real Cassie,
a PhD sex therapist, cable TV and radio show hostess, and all-around sexual
mischief-maker, Suzy is a combination of insatiable tease, fun-maker and
sex cheerleader….Her site is really a lot of fun and has so many
facets to it, I can't begin to describe them all, except to say you'll
enjoy yourself at every turn. "Dr.
Susan Block's soul-searching... essays (on the War)... are among the most
readable to come out of Los Angeles (that) smartly combine outrage and
eccentric observations with levelheaded warnings about the loss of civil
liberties." "The beautiful Dr. Susan Block (is) the
sultry leader of the Speakeasy, and a Yale graduated infamous sex therapist.
This woman is gorgeous, intelligent, talented, and is obviously the undisputed
queen of everything, everywhere she goes. For these reasons and more she
is my idol, and I'm going to be just like her when I grow up. Except maybe
with a little less porn. Love you Suzy!" "Susan,
you're a legend. Battle on -- civil liberties are too important to give
up." "Dr.
Susan Block is a modern day Cleopatra. The response to her show has been,
well, orgasmic.... Her opening monologue is a ripping, riffing tribute
to sex, that does for the erotic what monologist Gene Shepard used to
do for the boys-night-out on New York radio in the 1960s." "Dr.
Susan Block licks the competition in sexual matters of all shapes, sizes
and voltages." "It
is unpleasant to be mentioned, even in passing, by Steve Lowery in his
article about (Dr. Susan Block) a pseudo-professional 'porn queen.' It
was stupefying to see my work described as 'bashes and belittles women
every day'and mystifying to see myself called an 'evil scientist.'" "When Dr. Laura...branded rival TV sex educator
Dr. Susan Block a 'pseudo-professional porn queen,' Dr. Susan...demanded
an apology and when she didn't get one, unleashed her trademark 'Block
Curse' on her. That voodoo that Sue do worked so well that now even Sleuth
is under her spell! Witty and wondrous in so many ways...chosen as the
only female amongst 'America's Greatest Thinkers of 1998," the magna
cum laude Yale grad won the debate with her rival radio doc by publishing
her notorious Dr. Laura Diaries, a web of intrigue that weaves
"a memoir-in-progress dating from the author's first personal encounter
with the Queen of Moralizing Mean.'" "Dr. Suzy is no ordinary doc...I was struck by
the combination of cool aplomb and sexy compassion with which she handles
her callers...Unlike the great majority of degreed professionals who know
something about sex, she refuses to de-eroticize herself to get respect.
She refuses to follow in the footsteps of the likes of the unfuckable
Dr. Ruth, and this may not get her invited to some conferences, but she
knows where her real respect comes from--her listeners and viewers, many
of whom call her over and over and whose stories, problems and sexual
fantasies she knows so well." "Whenever I have Dr. Suzy on my show, my ratings
go up!" "Dr. Susan Block lives so many sexy lives: author,
television personality, social commentator, Internet Webcaster. But what
I find most fascinating is that (she is) one of the only sex therapists
I know whose work sounds truly sexy." "Dr.
Susan Block is the (21st century) Masters & Johnson." "Dr.
Susan Block is the Erin Brockovich of the Bonobo." "Little
Bo Peep on leave from a French bordello." "Dr.
Susan Block is one of the great social satirists of our time." "Dr. Suzy, you have got a sexy voice."
funny, thoughtful, sensual...Dr. Suzy always bases her explicit patter
on a foundation of academic reasoning and considerable experience. And…she
makes you feel good." "Dr.
Susan Block is America's hottest sex therapist." "Plenty
of people are interested in Dr. Susan Block's efforts to unblock America's
collective libido. Nielsen Media Research found that more than 2 million
viewers watched Dr. Suzy's Radio Sex TV when it debuted on HBO."
was my first time on The Doc Block show. I was more than eager; I was
horny. Doc's bed was jammed with gorgeous blondes. stuffed phalluses and
vibrators. Everything was erotic, including the aphrodisiacs we ate. It
was a blonde hurricane. I just let go and let them have every bit of me.
I came and I came inside sending ripples through my body, and I was gone.
I thought I had felt everything -- but this? This was the beginning of
my new sexual definition." "Dr. Susan Block is a Doctor of Philosophy, a
magna cum laude graduate of Yale University who has used her
provocative good looks to push to the front of controversial programming
on American cable television. She is a radio and TV star whose top-rated
programs on HBO have titillated many viewers and outraged others." "Consistently
witty, intelligent and decidedly non-violent." "Brilliant,
sexy and deliciously intellectual." "The
fox you see wrapping her thighs around the engine of this hog is Susan
Block, Ph.D. If you don't know her already, you will real soon...she's
the nation's most erotic pop philosopher." "The
Susan Block Institute is Warhol's Factory of the
erotic world. The diversity of the output, Susan's Svengali-like demeanor,
her ever-present entourage and that vague sense of an alternative culture
growing here all collude to confirm it...Vanessa Blue and Kitten, black
actresses...have nothing but praise for the good doctor. 'She's the start
of a sexual revolution for Americans,' they insist--and they may be right." "Rush
Limbaugh, move over. Dr. Ruth too. It's time for The Dr. Susan Block Show...a
way for people, especially women, to overcome sexual repression...(which)
will lesson violence and chip away at a few other evils." "Dr.
Susan Block's HBO specials expose inhibited Middle America to the idea
that it's OK to discuss--and enjoy--sex...Dr. Block's advice is friendly
and direct rather than condescending...Definitely pro-female without being
anti-male." "I
was told by my marketing people that if I appeared on your show, my career
would be ruined" "The
old order yieldeth, changing places with the new, and Dr. Suzy is Dr.
Ruth's wild child....Cosmopolitan, quick-witted, and able to cross cultural
and gender boundaries, Dr. Susan Block is smart and fun and just zany
enough. I've become a fan."
impromptu pulsing orgy, nude body painting, semi-nude gods and goddesses,
live tribal drumming, spanking, costumes and the overwhelming rhythm of
the dance. Where you say? I was at the Dr. Susan Block's seventh
annual Eros Day party...This is one of those kind of events that takes
you by surprise. Next thing you know it's 3am and you realize you're naked,
standing, displayed on the body paint table and you’re having the
time of your life!...I
arrived at a dark street in downtown Los Angeles, went past gates, security,
reception and there it was... Dr. Susan Block's world….First I was
hit with the pulsating music... The voices were jubilant. It drew you
in further. The furnishings were sexual; spanking tables, sex chairs and
so much more. The people were in various states of attire from normal
street clothes to the topless vision of Lori Pleasures to the nude of
Annie Body and Brad Baldwin...On the right past the open bar there she
was, Dr. Susan Block, holding court on her signature Bed with everything
on it. She sat with her worshipers at her feet engaging in a moving living
feeling of the room was acceptance. Would I go back? It's already on my
calender for next year.” "Dr.
Susan Block is ripping up the airwaves, and tearing a new asshole for
the orgasmically uptight!... A scantily clad hedonistic hero...Dr. Block
has been waging a one-woman war against carnal incompetence, and the results
of her quest are overwhelming. Today, Dr. Susan Block rules over a vast
erotic empire of sexually-oriented enterprises, making her organization
a virtual international epicenter for free sexual expression and healing
with an underground cult following estimated to be in the millions...wildly
popular among both men and women..." Nowhere
is the interpenetration of art and porn more intense than at the compound
of Dr. Susan Block, herself an amusingly outrageous Left-Coast cross between
(Camille) Paglia and Oprah Winfrey." "Deliciously
provocative...They don't call Dr. Suzy's heels platform for nothing." "Superb…her
show and videos are an incredibly entertaining, educational, highly erotic
romp through Dr. Suzy's world." "Dr.
Block imparts vital information with none of the clinical didacticsm so
characteristic of most such programming. .In a word, she is validating,
while the others are sterile and cold…She alone speaks to human sexuality
with genuine power and cogency." "I
cannot recall ever having seen a more positive and tasteful presentation
of sexually oriented material." "Boldly
original...Dr. Susan Block isn't just pushing the envelope, she is
the envelope." "Very
hot…brain sex and fantasy fodder." "Susan
is so damn intelligent, it almost scares me!"
"Dr. Susan Marilyn Block is a luscious double-process sex therapist
with wit to spare. Part sex siren and part Dutch Aunt, Dr. Block's popularity
is proof that the sexual revolution did not fade away." "Simple and straightforward while maintaining a very sexy, provocative edge." Eric Danville, Screw Magazine "Block
is clever, compelling, provocative, sensual and erotic, evoking the intimacy
many of us no longer share as freely as wehn we were younger. Her programs
are threaded with the silken cord of genius...Be good to yourself and
listen to her. You will be thrilled, inspired, overwhelmed and thoroughly
"What do you get when you cross Dr. Ruth with a Vegas showgirl? Dr.
Susan Block, the femme fatale who's burning up the airwaves with her frank
sexuality." "Dr.
Susan Block's 10 Commandments of Pleasure is playful, profound
and utterly sensible--a charmingly taught cure for sexual stupidity that's
bound to raise the nation's erotic IQ" "Dr.
Susan Block's 10 Commandments of Pleasure are the best to come
around in the past 2000 years. Bravo!" "'The
Dr. Susan Block Show'" includes a colorful provocative Felliniesque
cast of characters led by the charming ringmaster Dr. Suzy herself, the
Fairy Godmother of Good Sex.." "If
you require a new suit, you seek out a great tailor. If you need surgery,
you track down the finest doctor...When it comes to love, sex and relationships--nobody
dishes it up better than Dr. Susan Block." "All
eyes (at HBO Emmys party) were on buxom TV sex therapist Dr. Susan Block"
Block's Spanking for Adults Only is... excellent! Never Boring!
Not your father's sex education! Hear! Hear! Wide-ranging insight...historical
art...and lots and lots of spanking...much of it very erotic... A lot
of sex education videos come off a bit like learning mountain climbing
from a guy who's never left Kansas. It is refreshing to learn about sex
from someone who actually practices what she preaches." "Dr Susan Block's show about bisexuality (is)
brilliant ! We don't have this kind of show in France. The French audience
is going to discover something very original." "Dr.
Susan Block's amusing video about the sex inquisitor (Kenneth W. Starr:
A Pornographer for Our Times) certainly exposes the poisonous undercurrent
of repression, prurience and hypocrisy in America's political and psychosexual
crisis." "I very much enjoyed Dr. Susan Block's Democratic
Sex... It is thoroughly creative in subjects, camera work, and editing."
"Loved Democratic Sex. Funny!" "Dr.
Suzy's Foot Fetish Primer is filled with great stuff!" "Dr.
Susan Block's Speakeasy Gallery is ground zero for Block's morality
for the new millennium, the philosophy of "ethical hedonism"...Block's
committment to supporting the arts (is) genuine...Even when she's not
playing host to a struggling artist on The Dr. Susan Block Show,
it's a a rare episode of her raunchy televised romper room that does not
make some passing reference to the work of erotic artists...The artists
themselves are ecstatic to be on display at Block's bodacious bawdy house
...Among the erotic artists who've found a home under Dr. Block's big
aesthetic tent are Lanning Gold, a talented photographer ...Ray Cirino,
a purveyor of functional "dildo" sculptures regularly featured
in Penthouse; Glenn Campbell, whose work is seen in Playboy...
the amazing Doug Johns ...and Ashley Laurence, an artist discovered by
the Block Gallery. An actress by profession, Laurence had to be egged
on by curator Kim Mendoza to allow her effusive, rainbow-drenched eye-candy
to be exhibited. What a triumph for the Speakeasy Gallery! The Laurence
painting alone is proof that an erotic art gallery is an idea with merit.
For without Block's gallery, Laurence's work would not be on view publicly." "That she offers titillation is undeniable, and
she'd be the last to deny it...But she also offers candid, practical advice,
plenty of good humour and safe sex." "An
absolutely great show!" "Susan
Block is splendid." "Block
is a feminine dynamo as pretty, hip and sexy as her media persona suggests." "DrSusanBlock.com (is) a timeless treat...Experience
this scintillating virtual talk show as Dr. Block and her hodgepodge of
guests navigate the topcs of sex, politics and culture. And learn more
about her quest ot save the Bonobo Chimps." "If Jackie Collins or Judith Krantz were to stretch
their imaginations to the limit, they still could never devise a character
as utterly, irrepressibly and delightfully off-the-wall as Dr. Susan Block,
the beauty & brains behind the Dr. Susan Block Institute... Her frequently
updated Journal is well worth perusing...her famed cable TV show features
a veritable who's-who & what's-what of ethical hedonism & her
on-line gallery features a wealth of erotic fine arts ...& don't forget
to read her impassioned plea for the preservation of the bonobos." "A happily married, religiously aware Jewish
woman, Block respected (Rabbi Shmuley) Boteach's Torah-based teachings...On
camera, Block and Boteach both held their own through their stimulating,
friendly philosophical crossfire, differing on sexual issues such as female
modesty laws, autoeroticism and fantasizing about others during lovemaking...the
orthodox rabbi later admitted that he...found the celebrity sexy therapist
intelligent and engaging." "Highly
entertaining and endlessly fascinating." "drsusanblock.com
gets a soulgasm award... "She's
a doctor with an attitude, doling out advice from her bedroom, wearing
lingerie, pearls and high heels...and she's building a late-night media
empire with her irreverent erotic 'educational and masturbational' phone-in
sexual advice show." "Dr.
Susan Block is everything any woman could ever hope to be: intelligent,
witty, horny and hot! She's the complete and utter total woman: Isis and
Lilith all rolled up in one! She puts both Dr. Ruth and Dr. Laura Slushsinger
to complete and utter shame. Besides having beautiful breasts, Dr. Suzy
has an exceptionally high IQ (she
holds a degree from Yale University!). Thank God, she's willing to show
off both!" “Dr. Block wrote a book Advertising
for Love in 1984 about a new dating trend that she thought was unique
and hip. The dating trend was something called “personal ads.”
Hard to believe there was a time when there weren’t personal ads.
She laughs at the fact that she had the foresight to be one of the first
people to think personal ads would explode. She even had a small chapter
on using this new thing on the computer called ‘The Internet’
to post personal ads.” "We
love Dr. Susan Block's Journal...this racy sassy journal defies
classification...a real high quality site!" "Dr.
Block, I'm writing to express my appreciation for the wonderful lecture
you presented to the undergraduate Human Sexuality class. The class really
enjoyed the presentation. Your compassion, knowledge and expertise in
this area really helped the students in understanding bonobo sexuality
and fetishes. We should all take a lesson from our furry friends." "Dr.
Block, your presentation on the Bonobos given to students enrolled in
the undergraduate course, Human Sexuality, was very well received. The
students' comments reflect that they learned much from such an outstanding
and thought-provoking presentation. After the course ended, several students
commented that your presentation should not be missed by anyone enrolled
in this course." "Welcome
to the world of Dr Susan Block, a lady who has more accolades than Jesus.
Beauty, brains and a love of randy chimps, the Martha Stewart Of Sex (without
the insider trading!)...She's a best-selling author, one of "America's
greatest thinkers", a sex toy connoisseur, a magna cum laude graduate
of Yale University, TV star, director, sex guru, film maker, monkey expert,
masturbator, philosopher, babe and housewife…In short, superwoman." "I
love The Dr. Susan Block Show. It's not just Dr. Suzy's unapologetic
randiness, nor is it just her beauty, her brains, or her ability to lecture
on female ejaculation while masturbating on camera. It's all those and
more that make me love her -- It's the whole package that makes Block's
show such a fun and frenetic exploration of sexual knowledge." "Look,
I apologize (regarding the unwarranted LAPD raid on BlockStudios). Okay?
Does that help?"
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