who would give up essential
Liberty, to purchase a little temporary
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
--Benjamin Franklin
in Response to

From: RockNetWebzine@aol.com
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2004 5:51 PM
Subject: Asscrack
Sister! I am with you all the way. I served in the United States Air
Force and I swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States of
and to protect the rights of the American people against all enemies
FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. Anyone who wants to take away my Bill of Rights
and my civil liberties is an enemy. GIVE ME FREEDOM OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!!!!! Angela
The War on Pleasure
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 15:51:25 -0400
From: Rick Eramian <freeman@shore.net>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Hello Dr. Susan Block, Your article was 100% on the mark. I am so
glad to know that there are straight-talking people who see the reality
all these anti-pleasure Ayatolahs. They are all violent lunatics
who love to send armed goons to attack peaceful people. These anti-drugs-guns-sex-gambling
thugs are the worst criminals on the planet. They routinely assault,
rob, arrest, and even murder their victims. They are coward terrorists
who target civilians.By the way, the reason why all these criminals
are anti-gun is because in a free society where individuals are allowed
the right of self-defense, all those violent predators would be told
to back the fuck up which would cause them to dissappear. It would
like turning on a light in a dark room and watching the cockroaches
run for cover. Their idea of a fair fight is to hire a dozen goons
point a dozen guns at one head. As an active anti-prohibitionist,
I have contacted everyone in my area and many others who have publically
supported the "war on drugs" and other state-sponsored
terrorism such as the wars against sex and gambling. And, I have
challanged every
one of them publically and privately. Fortunately, the local newspapers
print my letters, commentaries, and challanges. It probably won't
you to learn that all the tough-talking war mongers backed down.
None of them will meet in public debate or privately. Keep up the
good work.
For Free People and Free Markets Rick Eramian
I would like to join your campaign
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 15:11:26 EDT
From: BisexualBritni@aol.com
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Being a former Extreme contract girl, I have a both a vested interested
and personal interest in keeping freedom, free. Britni
(no subject)
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 22:24:02 -0400
From: Nick Zentor <madkrow79@netscape.net>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
I can't say
i have a lot of extra time for campaigning, as I am already involved
with a drug-reform org and have been giving them most of my extra free
time, but I'd be happy to sign any petitions to stop Asscraft and his
bullies from taking away our civil liberties, and I don't like the idea
that this fed case against Rob and Lizzie could open the door for more
religious right fanatics looking to take my small collection of porn
vids and my right to purchase more away. Just want to let you know I'm
on the side of civil liberties (isn't that what freedom is?) and I'll
be happy to sign a petition, but at the moment, I can't give any time
because I'm still having problems with the blaster-worm virus that put
my com down for almost 2 weeks, which set me back in my work. When I
catch up with my work (I'm starting a website) maybe I'll have more
time. Nick Zentor, 9/8/03
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 18:01:56 EDT
From: Kevns007@aol.com
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Great article, sweetie. Asskroft said several months ago on air that
he was going after the porn industry, and specifically porn on the Internet.
Very discouraging. I love porn. I'm single and it's my form for sex
for the moment. But, I even love the ambiance of it with dates! I love
even doggie porn and, it seems, so do the girls who perform with them,
too. This guy is evil, if ever there were evil. Best Regards, Kevin
Ashcroft issue....
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 15:41:11 +0200
From: "Datacom RRHH" <datacom@iespana.es>
Reply-To: "Datacom RRHH" <datacom@europemail.com>
Organization: Datacom RRHH
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
The guy is
a perfect idiiot, trying to take measures to bring morality back to
the human form. Too late It is true that all entertainment and media
staff is Jewish, and it is true that they are utterly degenerate. It
is in their genes. They have shoving dirt and lies, and demoralizing
and corrupting generations of human beings all over the globe. Now it
is too late, no matter what Ashcroft does. The time for vengeance is
upon the jews. People are psychotic everywhere, and all they want is
a culprit. And the culprit is served...hot...and kosher. Real Shoa very
RE: bush folly
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 08:01:26 -0400
From: "bon moun" <sherrynstan@igc.org>
To: "'Dr. Susan Block'" <drsuzyb@blockbooks.com>
Funny stuff. Ashcroft is here in NC today, as luck would have it, and
a bunch of us are organizing a reception committee. (-: Counterpunch
shows my last book, "Hideous Dream", but the one on the war
is coming out in December, "Full Spectrum Disorder" which
is likely to shock certain sectors just as much as your stuff shocks
the Christian Nazis. Previews can be found in my Military Matters column
I did for a little socialist outfit last year, http://www.freedomroad.org/milmatters.html
Thanks again.
Stay well, Stan
Re: The War on Pleasure: Exxxtreme Ashcroft
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 19:01:11 -0700
From: "Martin Maloney" <fooeybird@hotmail.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
If Ashcroft changed his mind and decided that he liked sexually-explicit
materials, would he then become a porn-again Christian?
Extreme Ashcroft
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 17:01:10 -0400
From: "Richard G. Taylor" <rtaylor@ducharmefox.com>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Dear Dr. Block
My name is Richard Taylor and I am a lawyer in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
I have watched with great concern the slow, and sometimes not so slow
erosion of American freedoms for the past few years. For myself, I have
enjoyed the relative protection of an international boundary to protect
myself and my family from such unwelcome intrusions upon my personal
freedoms. But, non the less I have watch with great concern, the events
transpiring occurring across the river in Detroit, Michigan. From my
perspective, which is admittedly the view of an outsider, Americans
seem eager to surrender their rights and freedom in exchange for the
promise of security (with the notable exception of the 14th amendment).
Writer like yourself that warn of the very real dangers of relinquishing
freedom are too few and too far in between. As
you may or may not be aware, we up in Canada, have undergone a surprising
liberalization of social policy in the last little while. Marijuana
has be decriminalized by the Federal Government and the Canadian Supreme
Court has declared that the legislative definition of marriage (as being
the "union of a man and a women" or something to that effect)
is unconstitutional and women are now entitled to enjoy the pleasure
of being topless in public, if they so wish. It is hard for me to imagine
how anybody has a problem with breasts. Of course the naysayers were
proven wrong, the fabric of society hasn't yet come apart, there weren't
people engaged in sex on the street-corners. In fact this has been legal
for a couple of years and I still have yet to see a women walking or
jogging down the street with her top off, but the point is naturally
that they are free to, if they so desire. With
any luck the current federal government will succeed in their efforts
to expand the definition of marriage to include same sex couples in
the pertinent legislation, however there appears to be significant opposition
to legislating what our high court has declared unconstitutional. In
the absence of any restriction prohibiting same sex couples from marrying
they have been de facto legal and a number of same sex couples from
the US have been taking trips north to take their vows. Despite this
welcome swing in policy we have not been completely unscathed by the
fear mongering, that was so prevalent post September 11, but nothing
on the scale that you have experienced in the US. I have enjoyed reading
your articles and it would be a great loss in my opinion if voices such
as yours were diminished. As I'm sure you are well aware, censorship
of that kind (i.e. the stifling of descent) is not that great of a leap
from the sort of censorship that is being proposed by your Department
of Justice regarding pornography. There is some very scary stuff going
on in the US right now and the level of conformity to the administrative
agenda being demonstrated by a considerable portion of the American
Press Corp. is also disturbing. In constitutional terms when government
action has the indirect effect of restricting a guaranteed right or
liberty it is described as having a "chilling effect". I can't
understand why the American media is going after President Bush and
Attorney Genera Ashcroft like a pack of wolves, this is precisely what
is supposed to happen when political leader lie and misrepresent. I
can only surmise that there has been some sort of chilling effect on
the supposed "free press". It has improved somewhat in the
last few weeks but still has a long way to go. Jingoistic American commentators
are fond of the saying, "America: the land of the free and home
of the brave". If you accept the proposition that freedom is the
absence of regulation and that government can only restrict freedom
and never provides freedom. Americans might be well advised to take
a good look at what their government is providing to them. I only hope
that they don't wait too long. Sorry for the long winded email. I loved
the article and hope to read many more. If I can help in your cause,
drop me a line. Yours truly Richard Taylor
Ayatollah Ashcroft
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 15:50:16 -0400
From: john omaha <jomaha@sunset.net>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Dear Dr. Block,
Thank you
for your excellent CounterPunch article on the Puritan of the Potomac.
I have been calling him Ayatollah Ashcroft for almost four years. I
feel really happy when I read that someone has finally gotten this appellation
into print. I strongly oppose ANY attempt to limit First Amendment freedoms.
I have no idea how long it will take to undo the mischief the administration
has done. But we did finally get rid of HUAC didn't we, so perhaps one
day Liberty's bronze boobs will again blaze resplendent in the halls
of Justice. I used to write pornography for films (yes, the features
anyway are scripted, or at least the better ones) and my two movies
for Alex De Renzy both won the AFAA award for best film of the year
when they came out (1972 and 1974). I went on to be the first distributor
of hard core in videocassette when the VCRs appeared. Then the FBI came
to my door. And then I got a call from a gravelly voiced many in Ohio.
I decided to change the trajectory of my life. Today I am a psychologist.
Like you, I don't watch extreme porn. Actually I no longer watch any
porn. I've been there, done that, got the T-shirt (I actually do have
a T-shirt in my collection that says "Daddy Makes Dirty Movies").
Today I sometimes work with people who act out sexually. I feel grateful
for my experiences that I could only have in a nation with a Bill of
Rights, because I am a more complete, more autonomous person as a result
of having had those experiences. I can make informed decisions today.
The existential horror of the Ayatollah Ashcroft Agenda is that it imposes
a quasi-religious doctrine that prevents the self from ever making decisions
based on the self's experience. The result is a nation of severely restricted
selves with diminished autonomy, authenticity, and vitality. Eventually
(one or two generations ought to do it) this will result in an American
Taliban where the men impose their will on the women, restrict their
freedoms, stone them to death if they are raped, and sentence them to
forcible gang rape for infractions of the American Sharia. Thanks for
reading this. Keep the faith. Struggle on. John Omaha, Ph.D. EMDR, L2
'97 AMST List Moderator, Institute for Affect Centered Therapy. Training,
Education & Research for Disorders of Emotion Regulation P.O. Box
528 Chico, CA 95927 Web Site: www.johnomahaenterprises.com
exxxtremely good
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 11:30:14 -0700
From: David Vest <davidvest@comcast.net>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
way to go once again, my dear. is it true asscraft beats off to pee-wee
herman movies? and why doesn't he do something about the way his voice
makes me think violent thoughts? dv
Subject: ignore
xian terrorists- prioritize censorship
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 23:59:26 -0400
From: SJCDC <quayle@sjcdc.org>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <drsuzyb@blockbooks.com>zz
Exxxtreme Asscraft says it all. This Taliban-clone has shown nothing
but contempt for the first amendment and democracy. The prosecution
of Extreme Associates is an outrage of the highest measure. It is also
a test case for going after less-demonized providers of adult entertainment.
The method is similar to the album cover and artwork trial of Jello
Biafra and six others in the 1980s, which was intended to be a launching
of attacks against more popular recording artists. Amazingly, only Frank
Zappa and a couple of others had the guts to stand up and support Jello
and associates in their victorious but costly defense of freedom. The
timing of this anti-freedom attack is also revealing of where these
bozos are coming from. The Christian terrorists who have been bombing
abortion clinics and murdering doctors, escorts and staffpeople for
the last 20 years, have been calling for Ji-Had (holy war) in response
to the September 3 execution of anti-choice murderer Paul Hill. Since
the Army of God and similar groups were operating first, they have actually
been the role models for al-Queda. The rhetoric is identical. Their
renewed threats and talk of punishing the entire nation is a sincere
call for additional terrorism. The response of Ayatollah Asscraft and
fellow theocrats in the Bush regime? Completely ignore it and focus
on prosecuting Extreme Associates instead. When we hear the bullshit
speeches on the anniversary of September 11, it is important to remember
that the tragedies of that day meant nothing to these rogue dictators
except an opportunity to push their obvious agenda. The Fatherland Security
buffoons are ignoring real terrorist threats when the perpetrators are
white Christians. It would be tragic if we were silent about the prosecution
of Extreme Associates. This case warrants being exposed as a test case
and a smoke screen that conceals the crimes and negligence of a very
sick and anti-democratic regime. Thank you for a fantastic and necessary
editorial. Love and Pleasure, Rev.
Bookburn Radio Volta www.radiovolta.org/dj/revbookburn.shtml PS- Mary
Buchanan was Asshole of the Week on my last show. Perhaps she can be
cured if enough people send her pleasure toys. Also, Extreme Associates
tapes may make great holiday gifts;)

Ayatollah Asscraft's
Cover-Up of Minnie Lou
anti-asscroft campaign
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 12:40:05 -0400
From: "ARON KAY" <pieman@pieman.org>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
hey dr.block, count me in on board the bus that will run over the likes
of asscroft!!! anyway i saw your site....i grew up in la around the
fairfax area....in the late 60s and early 70s, i used to help focalize
the griffith park love-ins with the green power people... ARON KAY-
BEFORE 2004!!! http://www.pieman.org/ bush and asscroft are promoting
the latest version of kristallnacht.. we culture freex must rise to
defend our diverse cultures of race, rap, rock, rainbow and reggae music,
art and dance from the jaws of the fascist machine-which is attempting
to perpetrate a a nation of blind obedience. we must make sure they
get the glitches in their machine so the people will prevail
Adelphia Censorship results in their Bankruptcy
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 22:51:15 -0400
From: <tgp@bellsouth.net>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Hi Susan, Adelphia Censorship results in their Bankruptcy? I hope you
got a good laugh today, because I did. Adelphia filed a Chapter 11 this
week. How they got away with having a public company guarantee debt
of a private company they own is amazing to me. I wish you had nailed
them in court ages ago, sueing them for lost profits. By the way, the
Greek word for theives is "kleptes", as in cleptomania. That
to me is what this all appears to be. They created this "morality"
thing to cover up their act. Well, I hope they end up in jail, where
they belong.Keep pushing for your rights. By the way, I love your website.
Best of luck.Tom Psillas, Pres. Check101.com,Inc. http://www.check
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 20:13:55 -0700
From: Chloe Sjolseth <liralen@beyondirc.net>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
My name is Chloe, and my husband and I have been following the Adelphia
scandal with great interest. Shortly after we first saw the articles
on your web site, we realized that we too had been "taken"
by Adelphia. We we first ordered our service, they advertised Playboy
and Spice as available, yet after the installation, they were mysteriously
missing. No one at Adelphia would tell us anything except "those
channels are not available". After reading more about what Adelphia
is doing to your show (which we loved to watch before we moved into
an Adelphia area).. we were horrified, and cancelled our cable service
a couple of days later. Since that time, Adelphia has continued to screw
us over. First by telling us, that we could not mail our cable boxes
back in to them, but had to either: ) wait all day at home (we did TWICE,
they were no shows both days.. and my husband and I both work, this
was quite an annoyance).
b) drive over 80 miles one way to drop them off in person. Since that
time, they have billed us for the 3 cable boxes. Today, there was an
Adelphia employee on the premises, and we tried to give the boxes to
them. They stated they would drop by when they were finished with their
current job. Once again, no show. These people are complete ripoffs!
I can 100% believe that they cook their books, considering how they
treat their customers. Adelphia has denied those of us STUCK in their
service area even the most basic rights to choose what we wish to view,
and I WANT THE DR SUSAN BLOCK SHOW! May they rot in prison, assuming
they survive the lynching from all the crazed viewers who are tired
of being abused. Chloe Sjolseth BeyondIRC, the SEX FRIENDLY IRC Network
Get a Life Dr.Block
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 16:03:13 -0700
From: "TOlszewski" <TOlszewski@Earthlink.net>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Attorney General Ashcroft has much more important things to worry about
than covering a statue and/or how much that cover costs. If the press
corp. didn't spend all of their time trying to get the tit in the bloody
picture...NOBODY would give a shit. It saddens me that we have so little
respect for our government. Or did you just have nothing better to comment
on? Whine your way to Total Alienation
Dr Susan Block, you can count me in.
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 23:40:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: eighthstreet@webtv.net
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
My name is Manuel R. Alexander. I always stand up for my civil rights.
The trouble is, not many politicians do. Thanks for your article re
Asscraft. I agree with you about his titties also. Manuel
Parks & Adelphia
Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 11:39:39 +1000
From: John <jfos@net-tech.com.au>
To: drsuzyb@blockbooks.com
G'day from ' Down Under'! Loved your expose's on the hypocritical 'mothers'
at the LAPD
and Adelphia
- keep it up...AND open & accessible! John Victoria, Australia
Letter to LAPD Chief Bernard C. Parks
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 10:23:17 -0500
From: "Rick Gillihan" magicdust215@eudoramail.com
To: Dr. Susan Block<drsuzyb@blockbooks.com
Bravo!!! What a great article.
You have more courage than most of the people I have met in my life.
I have dreams of standing up for what I believe in, and I do in personal
discussions. But to do what you do, say what you say, from the platform
on which you stand belies your main claim of support for ethical
hedonism, which I know you do support in actions and words, but
speaks more of altruism. I think it is people like you that make a difference
in this panic stricken world, this world where people either run rampant
routing out their own paths uncaring of the consequences, or grasp tightly
the propaganda spouted by speakers with ulterior motives, be they monitory
or spiritual or political power, of some sort of tightly packaged, all
encompassing answer to the problems of billions of human beings surviving
together on this tiny planet. You are one of those rare people who speak
truth as a purist, for the sake of truth. Rick Gillihan
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2002 19:13:42 -0400
From: "Joan Cornish" joancornish@sympatico.ca
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Dear Dr. Block: As a Canadian, there is nothing I can do to help you
in your fight for your civil liberties in the U.S. However, I would
like to tell you that you are just the kind of American voice I have
been praying for for over a month now. I am delighted that you have
an "outlet" for your outrage in order to make public just
what is happening in both our countries at the moment. Please keep on
shouting at the top of your voice. Someone is bound to hear you. I will
keep on shouting in Canada as well. Hopefully, someone will hear me
as well. Sincerely, Joan E. Cornish
Censorship, Schmensorship!
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 23:48:41 -0400
From: "Gary Brookens" <padre81@hotmail.com>
To: censorship@blockbooks.com
What are you
crying about? At least someone like John
Rigas has the guts to stand up against trash when he sees it! That
is, IF Adelphia
is "censoring" your show like you claim. Don't you people
realize that there is way more to life than your genitals? Sex is only
a part of it! Why do
you have to focus on that as if it is an end in itself? Sex is only
a part of a happily married couples life. You are really missing out
if you can't find more to life than that. And you call yourself artists,
and your garbage art? Come on! Call it what it is! Trash! It's not healthy
or wholesome. Would you want your little kids to be taught what you
display on your tv show? But when someone with a little bit of morals
tries to take a stand, you cry foul! Enough is enough! Have you ever
thought that maybe Hollywood needs to censored? You think you can just
put on whatever smut your dirty little mind can concoct. Well, start
putting on the reins, baby! It's time to bridle yourself, and I don't
mean that in the sick kind of way you're used to! There is such a thing
as class, and tact, and good taste! Took a good look at what you're
doing and the kind of good people you call your enemies! Maybe, just
maybe, you are on the wrong side. I certainly don't want your kind of
trash show on my TV. I would cancel all of my Adelphia services if they
did show it! And I would be willing to bet that many millions more would
follow suit!Go on ahead with your anti-Adelphia campaign! At least they
are standing up for what is good and right and decent. Susan, stop displaying
yourself and your guests to the world, and open up your heart to Jesus.He
is the only one who can heal the hurts you are hiding inside. Be willing
to face the truth, especially about yourself, and let the Almighty,
Loving, Forgiving God reveal Himself to you! You need to know that you
and your partners are being prayed for! The enemy has you right where
he wants you. Don't let him win!!!
Re: Ayatollah Asscraft's Cover-Up of Minnie Lou
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 10:09:45 EDT
From: WHa5965948@aol.com
To: drsuzyb@blockbooks.com
Dear DR Block: What a petty individual (Ayatollah
Asscraft). Even the Catholic Church had nude statues constructed.
So he ends looking like some silly ass hick bumpkin. Well, to add this
I saw this television preacher from Texas called rev hagaee or something
like that. He was trying to whip up anti Muslim sentiment.Any religion
will claim to be righteous. Where is the connection between supporting
war fever (military industrial complex) paranoia of rival philosophies
and faiths and support for barbaric capitalism (Social Darwinism) .
Yet they denounce Scientific Darwinism. Where in the bible or Talmud
does God give any indication that he supports an economic system that
lets people go homeless or does not provide any assistance towards the
economically disadvantaged? Sincerely Yours William Patrick Haines
Your article is mirrored at my site
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 14:10:02 -0800
From: Jerry Russell jerry@efn.org
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Hi, I've taken the liberty of posting a mirror of your article "The
great pretzel swallower..." at my new antiwar site www.911-strike.com.
A link to your site is also posted, but I didn't want to lead my readers
directly to your article, thus bypassing your under-21 warning system.
The photos for this particular page are colorful in their own way, but
no exposed breasts, so they should be OK for general consumption, do
you agree? Anyhow, please let me know if you have any objection to my
"fair use" mirror posting. Thanks for your excellent work,
Jerry Russell
Sex and Politics
From: brassmouth@webtv.net
To: liberties@drsusanblock.net
As a 76 y/o retired counselor who was way ahead of his time regarding
female empowerment and open sexual expression, I was and am strongly
supportive of Dr Susan's views on sex. I was turned off, however, by
her wielding her political axe in her column that is dedicated, presumably,
only to sex. I am a vet of two wars with a liberal bent and, as Dr Susan,
I have a rather glum view of this country. Yet, I feel she did not play
fair with her adherents, and I would be surprised if most of them supported
her ultra liberal political views.
RE: daniel Pearl-the question nobody is asking
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 16:07:27 EST
From: Cuisinier4@aol.com
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
OK, This may be just a departure from my usual common sense but nobody,
to my knowledge, has questioned why Daniel Pearl was sent, or even allowed,
by the Wall Street Journal to do investigative journalism on radical,
dangerous, hyper-religious, fundamentalist muslim terrorists in the
first place-it seems they should have known that this was tantamount
to a death sentence for him? Charlie
Daniel Pearl
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 06:39:47 -0600
From: "Shaun Jex" <wilted_lotus@hotmail.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
I would just
like to take a few minutes to thank you for your article and tribute
to Daniel
Pearl. Although like you, I did not personally know Danny, I hold
the deepest of respect for his work as a fellow writer and journalist.
Thank you for not letting this story fall silently into the night, for
being one of those who will not allow his death to be for nothing, and
for helping raise our consciousness that more needs to be done in every
regard to work towards a better world. In solidarity and peace, Shaun
Michael Jex
Daniel Pearl
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 16:59:12 -0600
From: "jonna armstrong" <princessjo_7@hotmail.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
I am upset
that you wrote such an article ("R.I.P.
Daniel Pearl) when he was killed like that. His family is in deep
grief and I don't understand why you don't have any sympathy for people
who have lost loved ones. I hope you take this into consideration even
though, it does get more peoples attention when you post an article
like that.
Asscraft's Cover-Up of Minnie Lou
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 23:17:27 -0000
From: "Bob Rowell" <bobro@voicenet.com>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <drsuzyb@blockbooks.com>
I love this! I gave it a plug on the show last week, plus the 'Great
Pretzel Swallower..' and 'American
Detainee..' I outted myself as Dr. Suzy groupie. Hope it wasn't
too much. Since the next show is Love Night, I'm going to recommend
that folks explore your entire website. To a saner and more pleasurable
world, Bob/Rev
Inspiring piece about Asscraft
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 20:36:08 -0500
From: "laury christie" <lcdv@earthlink.net>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Your article
on Asscraft and Minnie Lou was truly inspiring and got my imaginative
juices flowing. What an Asscrack he is. Also archloch. We've got to
keep laughing and ridiculing the Shrub and the rest of his thugs. Keep
up the good work. Your new reader, David B. Vaughan, Columbia,SC.
Justice for Minnie Lou!
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 03:44:39 -0500
From: "r miller" <millerz@mindspring.com>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Dear Dr. Block: Thanks for your great article on Minnie Lou. Did you
know that the Venus Di Milo stood trial for obscenity? At the very least,
our Minnie Lou deserves a FAIR TRIAL before she is shrouded! Robyn
Miller, Quincy, MA
Uncover lady Justice
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 12:38:49 -0600
From: JR Lopez <wilbert.e.lopez@wcom.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Could this be that lifeless Lady Justice turns asscraft on? So much
so that he walks around with that chainy dick of his sticking out like
snakes trying to get out of the bush into a coolin rice bowl.
The Swaggering Ashcroft
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 22:14:56 +0700
From: John Fain <ofasia@loxinfo.co.th>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Jimmy Swaggering, that is. I saw your article in CounterPunch and in
my mind's eye, I saw a crying, simpering Ashcroft, 'coming clean' as
did Jimmy Swaggert did when his little 'tastes', shall we say, came
to light. The
only thing that will bring down Ashcroft is what brings down all of
us. That would be ourself, of course. I wonder what Ashcroft's prediliction
is. It took oh so many years to find out that J. Edgar went by the name
of "Mary" and looking darned lovely in the process in a bulldog-in-drag
kind of way. I only hope it doesn't take that long for Ashcroft to reveal
himself. I
really am not one who likes to see "them" get what "they
deserve", any more than someone like myself should be punished
for using far too many quotation "marks". Just a couple of
random thoughts, that's all. All the Best, John Fain
Susan, don't be naive
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:15:10 -0600
From: "kogunde" <kogunde@inwave.com>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
It is not
the appearance of being "obnoxious buliies" that we are giving--it
is the reality of being obnoxious bullies. Martin Luther King said in
1967 that "the United States government was the greatest purveyor
of violence in the world." And they killed him for saying that.They
killed him because he had articulated the truth. Your statement that
Eros should follow Thanatos was great, though. Steve
Daniel Pearl
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:58:20 EST
From: Annie2you@aol.com
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Hello Dr. Block, Of course I hope Mr. Pearl gets out of this alive,
although similarly to the thoughts expressed in your column at Counterpunch.com,
I wonder why he should have a face, name and any mention at all next
to the others who have died so anonymously on the "other side"
(Afghanis, etc)! But the thing that bothers me the most -- why couldn't
they have grabbed Geraldo?
Editorial on captured Taliban
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 22:13:38 EST
From: Paquet56@aol.com
To: publisher@blockbooks.com
Susan Block, you really need to get another job. Any resemblance between
your editorial and reality is plainly a coincidence. What mind-altering
substances were you taking when you wrote it? The captured Taliban are
some of the most dangerous terrorists on earth. How would you ensure
they don't escape? Plastic handcuffs? Take a deep breath and think about
reality before writing. LEE
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 19:23:13 -0600
From: "Robert Desmarais Sullivan" <chezdesmarais@bellsouth.net>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Thanks for the piece on Ashcroft and the statues! The brother of a former
Louisiana attorney general decided that it was his duty as a priest,
far away in the Philippines, to denounce the nude papier-maché
statues made by our own Blaine Kern of Carnival fame for the 1984 Exposition.
Here, we were able to laugh at him, despite our being such a Catholic
city. Hopefully, the entire country can do the same to Ashcroft. - Robert
Desmarais of New Orleans
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 09:30:31 -0800
From: "geoff kirk" <geoffk@foxinternet.com>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
I'd like to see some brave soul run in and cover the statue with a Red
White and Blue burka. God Bless America
Article re Asscraft
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 20:55:03 -0800
From: "Holy B" <smilealitle@bendcable.com>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Right on,
Dr. Nipples. After all, what's a beautiful nipple among friends. As
I recall, I'm 74, it could be a wonderful moment of intimacy, revelation.
Do you think asscraft closes his eyes when - you know? Thanks for writing
the article, great job. He's such a "perfect" asshole it's
fun to see him reveal himself - but he doesn't even know he's doing
it. Oh, yes, I enjoyed your pictures. Do you think he has a prayer session
in his office if he sins and inadvertently glances the aluminum nippy?
Or, maybe, he just puts another rubber band around his thingy so he
can remember what he's not supposed to look at - no wonder he always
looks so pained. Aside from the oil and gas pipeline business, why would
El Honky Gringo want to fight the Taliban when he's got one right around
the corner he can bonker? H. M. Boruck, Bend, OR
Subject: sarcasm?
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 15:55:23 -0600
From: "Hunkins, Drew" <Drew.Hunkins@oci.state.wi.us>
To: "'liberties@blockbooks.com'" <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Was that article on counterpunch about Ashcroft covering up the statue
sarcasm or is he actually contemplating that? If it's true, he's a bible
thumping prude of the highest order. Unbelievable! Please tell me Ashcroft
isn't acually considering that. I knew he was a boob (no pun intended)
but this is outlandish. Thanks. Drew
Hunkins Insurance Examiner
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
Subject: Eros Vs.
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 2:52 PM
Dear Dr. Block:
and the saddest thing of all, is that...More Americans than ever are
accomodating themselves to a death-bilge, that transports them not to
Ekstasis, To Deep Pleasure & Bliss, but to the transcendant heavens
Dick Cheney, and all the other masturbators of war, have carefully been
loading them onto. enjoyed the column. Pax, Ross Vachon
Subject: Pretzel
Swallower and Public Relations disaster
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 23:06:30 +0800
From: "John Massam" <john.massam@multiline.com.au>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Great article.
Ooops, now I might become "of interest" to you know who! -
*** John Massam
Subject: The PHOTO
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 01:55:32 -0800
From: "Jan Rainwater" <jan.rainwater@verizon.net>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Hi, Susan: Someone just sent me a copy of your article "The Great
Pretzel Swallower's Guantanamo etc" which I found hilarious without
ever having seen THE PHOTO. And I don't know how that one slipped past
me. (Don't think I miss much on the disaster-in-progress in this county.
See my article, Afghanistan, "Terrorism" and Blowback at ww.janrainwater.com/htdocs/afghan2.htm.)
Where can I get a copy? I'm a 79-year-old woman, so I don't THINK I'm
asking out of an erotic need, but you never know! It's interesting that
you are bringing a political perspective NOT found in our corporate-dominated
press to a sector of the public not usually covered by the lefties.
Keep on! I also live in LA and I would be interested in knowing more
about your encounter with our dear LAPD. Peace, Jan Rainwater
Subject: The Great
Pretzel Swallower's Guantánamo S/M Porn PR Disaster By Dr. Susan
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 22:29:46 +0530
From: "Sundeep Dougal" <sundeep@outlookindia.com>
Organization: Outlook
To: <drsuzyb@blockbooks.com>
Dear Dr. Block, I read the above on www.counterpunch.org and write to
explore possibility of permission to carry it on our website -- briefly,
the website of one of India's well-respected top weeklies. Sincerely,
Sundeep Dougal, Executive Editor, www.outlookindia.com
a terrific essay!
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 23:19:04 -0800
From: "Jeffrey Coleman" <radiobug@hotmail.com>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Dear Dr. Block,
Please let me thank you for your very moving essay on the "GPS"
and his S/M games at Guantanamo, posted today on the CounterPunch website.
I found your psychosexual/mythical/archetypal, thanatos/eros analysis
of the events to be fascinating. What in the world could have possessed
the LAPD to launch an assault on your broadcast studio? Perhaps I'll
find the answer on your website. Again, thanks for your thought-provoking
perspective on the war and its aftermath. Regards, Jeff Coleman
For Dr. Suzy
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 21:10:58 GMT
From: "pastortammy" <pastortammy@fullgospelranch.com>
To: publisher@blockbooks.com
Dear Dr. Suzy, I am a long time fan and am writing to you today to let
you know that I have mentioned you and Ayatolla Asscraft (heheh) on
my site in an article about the AVN show and the fundamentalists that
were allowed to have a booth there. I hope to get some other links up
too, for your site, espcially your political writings. Thanks again
for being a voice of reason in a disturbingly more taliban than ever,
America. Pastor Tammy www.fullgospelranch.com/fullgospelranch2.html
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 00:52:45 EST
From: Darlaanelli@aol.com
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
liberty vs. death
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 20:38:54 EST
From: QZpeche7@aol.com
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
What can I do? I'm ready to fight. I'm not quite ready to die yet, and
I don't want to live without my liberties. Zarah
Count your ever so faithful Therapist in!!!
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 15:29:46 -0800
From: "Revmoondancer" <revmoondancer@brightok.net>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Count me in!!! Our great country was built on freedom of speech and
so forth. That's why our brave American's soldiers are doing out there
in Afghanistan. Fighting for our rights!!!!!!!! And I think we should
save sex too!!!! Your show and everything was built on that. What you
show is an art. What I do is an art. We have freedom of expression???
FUCK the LAPD. Much as my thoughts are with the state I live in as well
but anyway... You got me in, Suzy!! You KNOW how liberated your faithful
therapist is!!! :-) Love ya Suzy! Dana DeGraw
Dr. Block (how can I help)
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 23:13:44 EST
From: CEOofPhoenix@aol.com
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Dear Dr. Block: Hello and greetings from a still free part of the country.
I am writing you to find out if there is anything I can do to help you
in your war against Bush and Asscraft... opps, I ment Ashcroft. While
I am not a very powerful person in my own right, I am a very passionate
person. I am a believer in the FIRST AMENDMENT and our right... NO,
our duty to keep the American Government in check with the views and
dreams of our
founding fathers. I am a hard working man who lives in Wilmington, NC.
I am well known in the "underground" crowd in my town. By
"underground" I mean the poets, writers, ranters, and artists.
I have lead "poetry reads" in my town as well as a Free Speech
Forum known as THOUGHT-CRIME. All in all I have about 125 people I can
rally at any given time. What can I do to help you? What can my friends
do to help? Lead and we shall follow. America is my home. Freedom is
my birthright. Take my words and you take my freedom. Yours
in hope, D. Matthew Parker Founder E.C.A.A.
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 11:45:43 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert DeFord <bobdeford@yahoo.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Dr. Block..I am a chip off the same block you are. I just read with
great satisfaction your article on Asscroft in the CounterPunch website.
I am very interested in corresponding with you and helping you and our
cause..the overthrowing of the Fascist army invading our nation since
the late twenties. Among the leaders of this said army are the grandfather
and father of our current Bush- whacker (Of the Constitution), El Presidente
and his gang...The more i dig into your website the more I am impressed
with the bredth of your vision and creativity. I see you attended yale
university. Are you a member of the skull and bones society? I'm kidding..they
only accept male members (pricks) as far as i know. But really your
vision insofar as your website is concerned is awesome (and hilarious)
You are using the internet to the max..like it should be used..CONGRATULATIONS!
Not to many minds can see the usefulness as a multisensory, image laden,
mental stimulation, instant communicaton, network creating, congregating,
extrasensory platform for bringing people together on all levals, political,
educational, communal, spiritual, and carnal. So yes..you can post my
e mail ..but please include the webaddress I sent you for the mae brussell
wevbsite and the essay "The Nazi Connection to the J.F.K. assasination
if you truly desire to do a service to our fragile democracy..much appreciated
if you will..to do.. http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%27s%20articles/Mae%27s%20JFK%20article.html
and.. you are beautiful ..to boot.
re::"If you'd like to join my campaign to maintain our civil liberties..."--YES.
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 22:02:19 EST
From: CLMPA@aol.com
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Sex Not Bombs
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 15:53:54 -0500
From: Tony.Ryan@utas.edu.au
To: drsuzyb@blockbooks.com
Dr. Block, You give me hope. Courtesy of Frank Moore's email group I
have seen your site and read your essays. I have meant to write before
to congratulate you on your insight and intelligence. I have visited
the US (San Francisco) twice and I have friends there who mean a lot
to me. It seemed to me that the US has learnt nothing from Sept. 11,
is doing what it has done since the Second World War - bombing the crap
out of defenceless Third World Countries and murdering innocent civilians...
and is thus creating more terrorists and threatening the lives of people
I care about. I know there are many Americans like you. I just wish
you had more nfluence. regards, Tony Ryan
Your Essays
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 15:53:54 -0500
From: "Bobby Leighnor,Jr." <bosco0426@hotmail.com>
To: drsuzyb@blockbooks.com
Dr. Suzy! I've enjoyed and kept a number of your essays that you have
composed and placed on your website since the terrorist attacks of Sept.11.
Would it be possible for you to add an option on your website that allows
one to get a "printer friendly version" of your essays,etc.,
without the sidebar areas being included (much the same way a number
of publications allow one to do when retrieving one of their articles)?
My reason is... I showed a couple of folks your essays and they were
a bit put off with the sexual references that print along side your
essays. I tried trimming these areas off and then re-copying the essays.
Upon giving them to others to read, I found they were quite in agreement
with your words and wanted to know more about you. I found that these
people, because their intellectual side had been stimulated, were far
more open to considering your other views concerning other subject matter
including sex. Far too many times sex is approached in a way that is
immature and almost in a "locker room" type of vocabulary
that makes people uncomfortable and ill-at-ease. They miss out on being
able to discuss what is really an important part of a relationship because
the subject is approached in an un-educated fashion. You have an ability
to keep sex in an adult and mature context that allows one to discard
their old "victorian and puritan" concepts that many are raised
upon. And, you help one to broaden their thinking and to at least entertain
the possibility that the subject of sex does not have to be relegated
to the bedroom only and that "adult material" can be a wholesome
addition to a couple's relationship when it is understood for what it
is...a very real part of our lives that helps not only broaden our thinking,
but, can add to our enjoyment of each other. SORRY... I kind of get
carried away with what I believe! Keep up the Good Works and may God
Bless! Love you! Bobby
Your Asscraft editorial - now you listen here.
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 23:31:52 -0500
From: "Bryndal, Bradford" <Bradford.Bryndal@us.cibc.com>
To: "'liberties@blockbooks.com'" <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Perhaps, you are unaware that I made up the name Asscraft 6 months ago.
As such, I claim full ownership and right to
its use; for economic gain and/or humorous purposes. Aside from this
infringement on my claim to the use of "Asscraft" - I found
your piece wickedly truthful, a tad ranting, but entirely aligned with
my perception of recent events. Its nice to know that at least one other
American civilian actually took a minute to read the Act - in the midst
of what seems to me to be an episode of spontaneous collective autism
by the US public - while the fed beat the living shit out of the 4th
right in front of our eyes. Bottom line: that bill should have been
focussed like a laser beam on changing the rules which inhibit law enforcment
in the interdiction of jihad-fuck-head-fanatics - unfortunately it's
broad language and generic terms will be turned against the the US populi
in about... say.. oh... exactly two years from now if history is any
gauge. Keep up the good work. BB
Patriot Act precursor to Nazi Justice in US
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 20:45:18 -0500
From: "Matthew Moriarty" <rommell43@nexet.net>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Dear Dr. Block, I read your article regarding Ayatolla Ashcroft and
I appreciate its hard hitting nature. More writers need to be like you.
You are rightfully uncompromising in defense of our rights as Americans.
I don't believe anything our government or the media says about Sept.
11, Oklahoma City, Waco, flight 800, the recent plane crash in Queens,
NY, Inslaw, Iran Contra, or why we are now fighting this hideous war
in Afghanistan. I believe our government lies systemically and has conspired
to overthrow our constitutional republic. The Justice Department and
an irredeemably corrupt judiciary play a special role in what is unquestionably
a coup d'etat ending our republic. I see very few writers speaking as
forcefully and courageously as you do. Barbara Hartwell is one clear
exception. I am amazed that the best defenders of freedom in this dark
period are women. I hope you continue to lash out against Ashcroft and
the emergence of fascism in the US, especially because you are an effective
writer. Matthew Moriarty, Bumpass, VA
You Say Asscroft...
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 02:58:31 -0800
From: rep <rep@inanna.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
...but in Missouri, from whence I escaped three years ago, many of us
call him "AshGRAFT." I'm not sure I've ever read any of you
other columns; I happened across Counterpunch by way of The Nation.
Now that I have found you, however, and was so taken by your ass-kicking
style, I will make a point of searching out as many of your essays as
possible. Please put me down for Yes to civil liberties and No, Thanks
to anthrax.
PS. Here's a little haiku I wrote about the President:
W is for
"wimp;" just like his idiot,
lickspittle father.
Thank you for your article in CounterPunch
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 14:47:58 -0800
From: "David Falsberg" <dafsite@home.com>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Thanks for your article in CounterPunch chronicling the pre-Krystallnacht
mentality that is dimming the light of liberty across our land. I take
heart in your statement that we will not succumb ultimately to the fascist
squeeze on rights, and that the Bill of Rights will prevail. Best Wishes,
David Falsberg
asscraft represents the american christian taliban
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 22:50:52 -0000
From: "SJCDC" <quayle@sjcdc.org>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Block- I want to thank you for your courageous stand against the theocrats
that we have to contend with at home. One does not need to look half-way
around the world for woman-hating, sex-negative, anti-democracy theocrats..they're
here at home in the Bush administration. If you look at the anti-abortion
terrorists and their history of bombings, shootings, uses of dangerous
chemicals and over a decade of anthrax threats by mail, you can see
that there is precious little difference between these sick people and
the ones who attacked our nation of 9/11. The one primary difference
is that the domestic groups continue to be glossed over by the media,
even in these supposes anti-terrorism times, and more importantly, have
a strong ally with the Bush/ Ashcroft crowd. Rather than attack the
terrorists who have struck hundreds of times in the last two decades,
they choose to viciously step up their attacks on what's left of freedom.
Your article deserves to have more access in the marketplace of ideas
than the corporate media would ever allow. The article shall receive
another plug on my internet radio show (Rev. Bookburn, www.radiovolta.org
, Sunday nights, 9 to 11, Eastern time), as well as your many brilliant
and sexy works. We not only need to stand strong for justice, we need
to have fun doing it! - Rev. Bookburn
Subject: I support
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 20:44:55 +0500
From: "Saqlain Imam" <imam6@hotmail.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
I am journalist
from Pakistan. Perhaps we are a nation that has tasted the taste of
a police state more than many other "civilized nations". I
absolutely stand with you in your bid to defend civil liberties. I would
suggest you to please also take this issue that American people's money
(tax payers' money) must not sent as grant or loan to any state that
violates fundamentl rights. No doubt the terrorism is the worst kind
of crime against humanity and civil society, but resorting to "state
terrorism" is not an appropriate answer to it. However, security
is important if there is no security there cannot be a free society.
May I also suggest you to please take up the case of several Muslims
who are currently in the US police custody as suspects for 9/11 tragedy?
Saqlain Imam
Click Here to Read More from Saqlain Imam in "Letters from Pakistan,
Photos from (Old) Afghanistan
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 22:29:19 -0500
From: Lance Dumont <peacedog82@netscape.net>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
it took no genius, and i saw others, but on 9/11 i posted to a couple
of forum/boards that the greatest danger to us now was our own government
and a certain attack on civil liberties. i take no pleasure in being
right; i'm just pissed off and, as an NSA program probably monitors
our email for keywords, don't mind saying thanks for your piece in Counterpunch,
but what do we do now? Organize, of course, but there has to be a VERY
strong message to the administration, particularly DOJ. Let's treat
it like making furniture; it has to have the right form and function.
Such a message must touch a majority of the populace, who know what's
happening (i believe), but haven't yet realized it can bite them on
the ass too, not just the middle eastern guys running the gas station
down the street who just want to make a living, (a statistical probability)
and establish themselves in this new land of possibilities. Sorry for
rambling. You're right, i'm with you. Good Night L
Subject: civil liberties
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 13:32:30 -0800 (PST)
From: donmason55@webtv.net (Don Mason)
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
please keep me informed of your endeavors and enlist me in your army
of liberationists.
Subject: America's
Shameful Hypocrisies
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 05:35:22 -0800
From: Gary Kettas <gary969@pacbell.net>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Dear Dr. Block, I strongly commend and support your decent, fair, and
reasonable stands and views on civil liberties. Keep up your great spirit
and work. Below is also my argument and view for more fair, decent and
reasonable civil liberty choices in America: What an American shame:
America's drug policies, right-to-die (assisted suicide) policies, religious
genetic-research policies, and perhaps potentially reversed-abortion
policies are plainly wasteful, uncompassionate, cruel, and most shamefully
hypocritical! Let's stop criminalizing non-violent, basically-decent
and good, life-respecting people!!!! Let us Americans fight against
terrorists, murderers, killers, predators, bullies, robbers, thieves,
etc. - and leave the non-violent unharmful Americans cultivating or
smoking marijuana, seeking cures for diseases for suffering people,
offering assistance, relief or release for those suffering unbearable
life-illnesses or conditions, not wishing to remain alive any longer,
or to terminate pregnancy or not be mothers - peaceful and uncriminalized!
Remember: People ultimately make the laws and people ultimately can
change the laws!!!! - not solely some illusively more righteous, more
superior, or wiser-than-thou 'supreme' court committee of permanently
appointed judges. Laws of a free and democratic world society should
respect, reflect and represent the valued, realistic, fair and reasonable
life needs and priorities of its non-violent, civilized and tolerant,
life-respecting, democratic citizens notwithstanding life's enormous
short-comings and
imperfections, otherwise overly suppressive laws and government may
ultimately fail to preserve any society at all. We Americans apparently
would rather be forced and compelled to remain alive when suffering
rather than be allowed the choice to die if needed, wished, or desired!?!
We Americans apparently would rather proceed saving "unborn stem
cells, fertilized cells and embryos" rather than trying our hardest
and best to save the 'already-born-and-alive-but!-sick-and-suffering'
human beings and other animals!?! Where is the human sense, humanity,
and compassion in that? Where is the religious righteousness in saving
the yet-to-develop over the already-developed, the fertilized cell over
the presently alive person? In light of the prevailing knowledge of
safety about marijuana, when our American government attempts to criminalize,
legally ban, and prevent the legal use of medical and/or recreational
marijuana by a portion of its American citizens who are decent, good,
unharmful, patriotic, law-abiding, life-respecting human beings, the
American government is plainly and clearly and absolutely hypocritical,
inhumane, and corrupted by poorly chosen wasteful priorities and agendas!
Not only should we "Let's roll . . .", let's also "get
real and honest"! If our American government can allow the no-less
evil or destructive products like Alcohol Products and Tobacco Products,
or even Mind-and-Mood-stimulating-and-altering Coffee and Psychiatric
Drugs, to legally exist within America's shores, then America is shamefully,
hypocritically, and disgracefully engaging in the same plain old kind
of religious-like wars where one religious preference arbitrarily simply
thinks it is better than another religious preference and therefore
simply decides to wage war (as we well recall from our human history)
to divide and conquer, or 'criminalize' as in this case, other peaceful
and unharmful American citizens who may happen to prefer to smoke marijuana,
explore possible medical benefits of stem-cell research, assist a suffering
human being to final peace (death), chosing not to complete a pregnancy,
or remain alive any longer! What a tragic! wasteful! governmental hypocrisy!!!!
Either America search its heart and conscience for truly worthy, tolerant,
humane and consistent values and
priorities in its political-governmental policies, or face and endure
tragic, never-ending financial and human-resources losses and waste
by domineeringly victimizing and condemning a substantial portion of
its very own decent American citizenry as "criminals" or as
"committing criminal acts" which are truly no more criminal
than smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee and cocktails. Come on America
and Mr. President of the United States, let's get really and truly honest
and fair about life's situations and conditions, and get our priorities
really right, fair, and decent for a change!!!! Let us Americans fight
the REAL crimes of life and humanity, the brutal and cruel crimes of
violence and terrorism, and reckless environmentaldestruction. Let us
Americans fight against terrorists, murderers, killers, predators, bullies,
robbers, thieves, etc. - and leave the non-violent unharmful Americans
utilizing marijuana, seeking cures for diseases for suffering people,
offering assistance, relief and release from unbearable life-suffering,
wishing or not wishing to remain alive, or to be mothers . . . peaceful
and respected! Remember: People ultimately make the laws and people
ultimately can change the laws!!!! Let us Americans show more of our
humanity and do it more consistently! Let us stop criminalizing basically
decent-and-good, non-violent, life-respecting people!!!! Sincerely and
with great thanks to you, Gary Kettas, Los Angeles
Ayatollah Asscroft
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 14:01:44 -0700 (MST)
From: delninho@webtv.net (del myer)
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Nobody dares use the term "martial law" but we are in fact
under martial law. I don't see any difference between what is going
on here and what has happened in say Chile or Argentina. I have been
warned by Chilean women that this would some day happen to us. The reason:
we have kept ourselves in the dark about the dictatorships that have
been going around from from our government to other places and that
what goes around comes around. The media (which actually has been slanted
for over a generation now) has succeeded in duping about everybody here
first about the election, then the war and now about our own civil liberties
being denied, -the very same as in other places. The old one, two, three
punch. I think that there are some people who do realize what has really
happened but ther are so few of them. My condolences: -Del from Durango
Admiration for your essay "Sex Not Bombs"
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2001 19:43:03 -0600
From: "Kaz Dziamka" <kazd@nmia.com>
To: drsuzyb@blockbooks.com
Dear Dr. Block:
I just read your essay "Sex Not Bombs" posted by CounterPunch,
and I must say words (English) words fail me to express my admiration.
I couldn't agree more. Common sense is not common at all, particularly
in the Pentagon and the State Department. I once invested over 10 years
of my life in the study of America's "greatest sexual utopia,"
the Oneida Community. Since then I have been bogged down teaching at
a community college. It's good to know that someone has not given up
on reminding the military, political, religious and other such sub-hominoids
that it is better to make love than to make war. Now that CounterPunch
picked up your essay (I subscribe to CP), you are likely to reach many
progressives and liberals. Your success makes my day,My best, Kaz
good work
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 21:22:09 -0800
From: Windsor Wilder <windsord@cco.net>
To: journal@blockbooks.com
We need more positive healthy hedonists. Keep up the good work but don't
forget the words of Terry Pratchett; the pen is mightier than the sword
if the sword is unusually short and the pen is very sharp. If we did
what needs to be done we wouldn't stop at Kabul but go on and blast
Mecca, Jerusalem, and Rome to rubble. It's throat cutting time...afterwards
we party...we really need to airdrop Ashcroft, Hutchinson, and Rumsfeld
on Mecca right before we nuke it. We keep Powell and Bush. That's a
dream ticket isn't it? Powell and Bush in 2004. Windsor Wilder jr.,
Olympia, Washington
great essay
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 12:53:19 -0600 (CST)
From: suzi@webtv.net (Suzi Wahl)
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Hi Suzy, With your permission I will place a link on our website http://www.videoalt.com
to your essay on our lovely Asscraft and your Mr. Smith. Those of us
who understand the necessity of freedom need to continue to speak up.
My husband TL and I were recently convicted twice by a local court for
prostitution. We were teaching a seminar on sexuality and the minute
I started speaking and demonstrating info about fellatio, we were arrested.
We never touched any clients - only each other in the course of our
demo. Our cases are on appeal and we are making the circuit of tv and
radio to talk about this travesty. Are Americans so hung up about sexuality
that we have to arrest those who have intentions only to educate? Suzi
and TL WAhl, Lake SAint Louis MO.
Subject: civil liberties
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 21:04:38 -0700
From: "Merry-Shea" <tiger@bmt.net>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Just read your article in counter punch, loved it!!!!!!! You say it
like it is and do no sugar coating, I adore that quality. If you need
help in the state of Montana let me know. I'm a student up here in Sociology,
and Cultural Studies. You go girl and smile as you kick some ass!!!!!!!
Fondly, Eileen J. Merry-Shea
Subject: liberty!
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 03:01:15 -0500
From: "Product of U.S.A." <enthio@hotmail.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
i've been trying since that dreadful day to say exactly what you have
articulated so well in your article on Asscrafts patriot act. i consider
it my patriotic duty to be particularly wary and question everything
in this looming shadow of big brother. where are there likeminded others,
they seem so difficult to find all of a sudden. like your lawyer, they
have all turned yellow and donned the mask of conformity. a pity most
americans have grown so accustomed to taking thier freedoms for granted,
and now, as they are being slyly stripped from us, most people i encounter
dont even appear to care, as long as we get bin Laden. please write
back - i am at such a loss as to how to react in this time, but i must
do something. connection with others who see it as i do seems the best
way to begin the fight for a free future. thank you.enthio Wise men
coin proverbs, fools repeat them.
Subject: On behalf
of all Americans, thank you for your courage!
Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2001 12:26:39 -0800
From: "Mike Amesbury" <mamesbury@pedersen.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
CC: counterpunch@counterpunch.org
Dr. Block, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for having the courage
in these times to publish so unequivocally your horror at the way our
government has reacted to the tragedy of 9.11. The only thing I find
more disquieting than the Fascist-esque power grab and blind, clueless
carpet bombing of civilians is the total lack of outcry from the few
Americans whose world view is able to rise above the disgusting CNN/Fox
feed. Not only is there an absence of real opposition, but there doesn't
appear to be the merest suggestion of any real political dialog amongst
the people of this nation although this is probably the most genuinely
perilous moment that we have faced in recent history. Your article in
CounterPunch stands out starkly in the present landscape of idiotic
and fawning media "patriotism". Nothing can be more patriotic
in this country than engaging in a political dialog. The administration
promised us a "new kind of war". After witnessing weeks of
unsuccessful tactics that have been borrowed directly from the depths
of the Vietnam debacle, it becomes increasingly obvious that the kind
of war they are talking about is the one that they are intent on waging
against the American people. In this campaign, they have already made
tremendous inroads and have been able to celebrate stunning victories.
Indeed, the ease with which they have utterly swept aside any potential
forum for criticism (or even second thoughts) in the mainstream is reminiscent
of Hitler's full throttle joyride across France not so long ago. This
does represent a new kind of war, and it promises to make the very darkest
chapters of our nation's history pale by comparison. Again, thank you
for your courage. Mike Amesbury
Subject: How can
I help?
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 08:56:01 -0800 (PST)
From: Carol Schiffler <carsch45@yahoo.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
I am unbelievably
angry and dismayed over the current administration's propensity for
facism. Whatever I can do to help, please let me know. We have to fight
this thing. Sincerely, Carol Schiffler
Subject: the legislation
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 19:00:49 CST
From: "" <willmann@idworld.net>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
I have read a couple of your articles on the Counterpunch website. The
new federal statute, more accurately called the Anti-Patriot Act, is
difficult to understand on its face because it amends numerous statutes
without also including the existing law so you can see the changes in
context. I have started to read the sections that are amended, but it
is a tedious and time-consuming process. But what is obvious and horrifying
is that the new law continues to transfer authority to the executive
branch of government. It delegates rule-making and discretionary enforcement
power to the Treasury Department. It grants the Justice Department and
FBI new unilateral powers, some of which you have mentioned. Other subtle
but significant changes were made, including the applicability of the
new law to regular domestic crimes as will as the vague word "terrorism".
All of this overlays the problem started in 1984, of all coincidental
times. That year the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion called United
States v. Leon. Since the U.S. Constitution does not have an enforcement
provision regarding the Bill of Rights, a judge-made remedy exists in
the federal system called the exclusionary rule. This doctrine said
that evidence gathered in violation of the Constitution could not be
used in court against someone. But as it pertains to the 4th Amendment,
the exclusionary rule was basically repealed and destroyed in the Leon
case. The Court created a "good faith exception" to the exclusionary
rule such that even if there was no probable cause for the warrant,
the warrant would still be OK and the evidence admissible in court,
as long as a magistrate signed it. The exceptions to this "good
faith exception" are almost impossible to meet. So even though
the 4th Amendment says that ". . . no Warrants shall issue, but
upon probable cause . . .", the Supreme Court has nullified that
requirement as a matter of reality. Even though the warrant requirement
has been almost meaningless since 1984, it was completely wiped out
or deemed inapplicable in certain areas in the new legislation. Now
we have the equivalent of the old Writs of Assistance, which were one
of the things that led to the first American Revolution. If I am able
to read enough to get an understanding of the new legislation, I will
try to pass that along. Robert Willmann, Jr. Attorney at Law San Antonio,
Subject: RE: Ayatollah
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 09:32:44 -0600
From: "William H.Winn" <wwi653@airmail.net>
To: "'liberties@blockbooks.com'" <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Dear Dr. Block, Thank you for writing your recent article entitled "Patriotic
Act Unpatriotic: Ayatollah Asscroft". I is heartening to know
that there are still Americans who are courageous enough to take a public
stand against the frightening police state being proposed -- and implemented
-- by Ashcroft, Bush, and the like. Ever since the 9-11 disaster, I
have been severely disappointed with my fellow Americans. They have
displayed a lack of political perspicacity and of moral courage that
is terribly disheartening to me. They have simply accepted, at face
value, whatever press releases the White House and the Pentagon have
deigned to release. I can understand how many Americans might not be
able to summon the civic courage to question the official government
thesis of bin Laden's responsibility for the WTC/Pentagon disasters.
However, I cannot understand how any American can conceive of the assault
on Afghanistan as anything other than an illegal war. I grew up during
the Vietnam area, so I have come to accept that my fellow Americans
are violent, ignorant, and vindictive. Nevertheless I am truly shocked
when I see my fellow Americans blandly accepting cluster bombing of
innocent women and children, for instance, as the "price"
to be paid for bin Laden's alleged crimes. Most Americans either do
not know or do not care that millions of Aghanis will starve or freeze
to death during the upcoming winter. Thank you for your courageous stand
in favor of our civil liberties. And thank you for your courageous stand
in favor of our sexual liberties, as well. Even though I am (by temperament)
rather prudish, I've never been able to buy that ridiculous proposition
that Sex=Sin=Shamefulness. Maybe one day, people will free to express
their thoughts and desires without fear of murder, pogrom, or concentration
camp. Best of luck to you and keep up the good fight, William H. Winn,
Dallas, TX
Subject: Date:
Fri, 09 Nov 2001 08:42:13 -0700
From: "jen seals" <seals_jen@hotmail.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
H ow can I help? Peace and Love, jen Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: Nov 19
- Wimp Lawyer in Court
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 10:47:57 -0800
From: "John Clark" <new.jclark@verizon.net>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <drsuzyb@blockbooks.com>
Suzy, I will
be there. Sorry, I don't have any ideas as to an attorney who will represent
you, much less do you any good. I am in the same boat, actually. My
appeals attorneys want out. My advice is to do what you do best, that
is, to speak your mind. They will certainly let you do that, while ignoring
you. You don't say what you want to argue, that the court does not let
him go, or that he be forced to continue representing you. I suggest
the latter. You will lose, except you can embarrass the system. And
you are a bit of a danger to the system, because you have an audience.
I complained to the Chief Justice Ronald George about Judge Gold in
a long letter I sent to him in July. I said I didn't expect a response
from him. I enclosed pages from Gold's own divorce where it showed that
he was found to be guilty of domestic abuse to his wife. I sent him
the editorial about the Superior Court's "slush fund" which
is used to launder and funnel funds from attormey contributions into
an illegal fund for the benefit of Judges, retired and otherwise. To
my astonishment, I got a letter back from the Judicial Council last
week, suggesting that they are looking into my allegations, and they
copied their letter to Ronald George, and to the supervising judge here
in L.A. You have an audience, Suzy, and if you talk it up on your show,
find a space to do it, who knows, you could put out a call for an attorney,
and there are a few (very few) lawyers who are fed up with the system
too, and you may strike a chord in one. We live in strange times. I
would find the parallels between the terrorism to the world order, and
to the internal terrorism which goes by anouther name in this country,
the full prisons, the hopelessness of masses of people in this country,
which is not too different from the same experiences in other countries.
You get the idea. You can do it, and do it well, and few other people
are motivated the way you probably are. There, that's my piece said!
I enjoyed talking to you both too. Much love and kisses from John
Subject: sign me
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 14:34:22 -0500
From: "vrajavala" <vrajavala@email.msn.com>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Hi doc, sign
me up! Dr. Bobbi Anne White MiamiLakes, fl.
Subject: Re: Ayatollah
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 03:42:23 -0500
From: "Matthew Fouts" <matthewfouts@home.com>
To: <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Hi Susan, I am firmly supportive of the campaign to retain and enhance
civil liberties -- because I feel a successful effort to expose the
abhorrent dealings of our profit-driven government will spur a revolution
-- one must happen. -Matthew
Thu, 08 Nov 2001
09:00:46 -0500
From: "Kathleen/Michael Perez-Hureaux" <eyeneye@earthlink.net>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Dr. Block, Let me know where I can sign up. This is definitely a time
of the craven. These creeps are allowed to terrify people with warnings
of terrorist attacks, give no specifics, and shake down anyone they
like. What in the hell is the difference between them and their former
employees in the Mujahideen? Theoretically, we have a critical intelligentsia
in this country, but I havn't seen much evidence of it lately. All of
them give ground to our home grown Mullahs. They may not be doing the
same shit here at home as they do in other parts of the world, but given
their willingness to support it everywhere else, it's probably just
a matter of time. The Seattle Times has a cover story this morning about
raids conducted against Somali stores in the area, with the argument
that the stores are using food stamp fraud to channel funds to the bin
Laden terror network. These feds and county cops are so full of bullshit
they squeak. Naturally, like anyone else, I'd like to live a long time
and live without constraint on my govement. But a country led by fucks
like this is not worth living in, and I, too, am willing to throw it
all on the wheel in order to see their removal from public life. But
the time grows short. Let me know where I can help.---M.H. Perez
Subject: Ayatollah
Campaign to maintain civil liberties
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 09:29:50 -0600
From: "Weiss, Alice" <WeissA@umsl.edu>
To: "'liberties@blockbooks.com'" <liberties@blockbooks.com>
Where do I
sign up? I must tell you about my guilty secret. This is beginning to
haunt me. You may know that Ashcroft used to be Governor of Missouri,
the State in which I have lived most (but, I'm proud to say, not ALL)
of my life. I certainly did not vote for him for Governor. He stood
for everything I disliked, and I'm sure if we had ever met he would
have said it was mutual. Anyway, last year Mr. Ashcroft was running
for Senator from Missouri against our incumbent Governor, Mel Carnahan.
I was no eager Carnahan supporter, but I preferred him to Ashcroft.
Then, 3 weeks before the November 2000 election, Carnahan was killed
in a plane crash. We were told that the State Constitution said there
wasn't enough time left to propose an alternative candidate, that we
would have to vote for Ashcroft or a dead guy, but word on the streets
and in the papers was that if Carnahan was elected his wife, Jean, would
be appointed to fill his seat for 2 years. Well, I thought, I don't
know anything about Jean Carnahan, I certainly don't know if she can
do the job, but hey, she's a woman so she has to be better than some
of the dickheads already in the Senate, and Missouri has never had a
woman Senator before and if this is the only way we can get one elected
then I'm all for it, particularly since I wouldn't vote for Ashcroft
if you held a gun to my head (I bet he wished he'd thought of that!).
So I went to the polls and voted for a dead guy. I felt VERY peculiar
doing that. . . .The dead guy won, and Ashcroft was out of job. Who
knew that Bush would then appoint him Attorney General???? Who knew
that this terrible crisis would occur and push Ashcroft into national
and international prominence????? WHO KNEW???????????
I do enjoy your writing. My email friend Wade Frazier says that a male
writer couldn't get away with saying the things you do. What do you
think about that?
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 12:11:18 -0500
From: "Scott Tyson" <styson@newyork.bozell.com>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Dr. Block, Many thanks for the powerful and righteous article, particulary
that quote from Benjamin Franklin. Those words simply slice right through
all the bullshit coming out of the mouths of our representatives. Franklin's
words are the perfect antitode to the group speak and sheep like behavior
that seems to have infected every little nook and cranny of our society.
Funny thing is, using that quote could probably get one labeled a terrorist
under the USA Patriot Act. Our world is getting more and more Orwellian
by the day with things like the office of homeland security complete
with it's director Tom "beats me" Ridge. I don't know whether
to laugh or cry. Again, great article. I love the way you used it to
blow your chickenshit lawyer out of the water. Maybe it will get me
on some list or another they are busily compiling right now, but I would
like to do whatever I can to help you cause.Scott
Subject: I like
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 14:37:43 EST
From: Vexxxdream@aol.com
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
i like you,
'cause you've got "Balls"!! OK maybe "Ovaries" is
better. Anyway, Asscraft and company are agents of humanity's mortal
enemies. I may never meet you in this real war on terrorism, but i like
you and wish you much success. Please feel free to e-mail any info.
Subject: sign me
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 18:44:29 -0400
From: richard <rleblanc@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Dr. Block,If you are including Canadians in your clarion call for civil
liberties, sign me up. cheers,Richard LeBlanc Halifax, N.S.
Subject: I like
your stuff
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 20:11:49 EST
From: mrsqwss@aol.com
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Dear Dr. Susan,
Hi Doc. My name is Sam Smith. I hope that my last name doesn't make
me a spineless wimp and coward too! I've read a couple of your pieces
on the CounterPunch website. I like what you have to say. I am cheered
to see there are some people out there who haven't lost their heads.
I think I read about you in Rollingstone a while ago, but have never
heard your radio show. I am partially sighted, and I am new to using
a computer and the internet. So I am excited about finding ways to connect
with people. Being vision impaired makes it hard for me to interact.
Just wanted to say, Thanks, and I'm with you! Sincerely, Sam Smith
Subject: Wonderful!
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 18:57:07 -0700
From: Winston Weeks <wweeks@aros.net>
To: liberties@blockbooks.com
Thanks for being a truth teller!!! We'll have to meet somewhere and
some day. Winston