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FIRST PUBLISHED ON-LINE IN OCTOBER, 1996 August 28, 1996 Dr. Susan Block's Wherein
I am said to Publicity is such a double-edged sword. It cuts through the natural obscurity of things to introduce you intimately to people you've never seen, and it slices your soul into bite-size bits, throwing them to the hounds. The first issue of New Times in LA is out, featuring an article on me called "Good Vibrations" by Steve Lowery. While it's nice to be recognized as a force to be reckoned with by the new paper in town, the piece is dumb, snide, choppily edited and generously peppered with journalistic inaccuracies. The best one regards how enormously wealthy Lowery figures Max and I to be, what with all our "limos and bodyguards." "Those bodyguards don't work for free," opines Lowery. Oh, spare me the self-righteous, poorer-than-thou ethics. Lowery also
shows himself to be a humorless New Age prude, making a big fuss about
how I "masturbate on cue" and getting his panties in a knot
over how I encouraged a female ejaculation caller to "keep on
spurtin'." Does he think maybe Mother Theresa should be hosting
a sexuality show?
Well, what did I expect? The guy wore Birkenstocks to our interview which he looked down at sheepishly when I showed him my vulva puppet. He makes a bunch more silly mistakes about both Max and me, calls us "hustlers" (how original), then puts a shot of my crotch on the cover of New Times (to hustle papers, of course).
But there is that other edge to the sword, and it's an essentially positive article, especially regarding The 10 Commandments of Pleasure and the HBO show. He does get snippy about my academic background ("though she has an undergraduate degree from Yale, Block's doctorate comes from Pacific Western...and the doctorate is in philosophy, not psychology."). But then he reminds himself that lots of airwave advice-givers aren't psychologists (duhh), the worst of which he considers Dr. Laura Schlessinger, who "bashes and belittles women every day...Talk about your evil scientist." I've never met Dr. Laura and have nothing against her personally. Actually, I feel a certain odd kinship with her, as we're both wacky, Jewish on-air philosophers. Besides, she's on the cover of the Broadcasting and Cable June 10, 1996 issue, which happened to be the issue in which my HBO show Radio Sex TV was shown to get the highest ratings of the day in all of cable TV. But based on
the few times I've heard her show, I'd say she's pretty dangerously
anti-sex. She frowns upon any expression of sex that is at all outside
the narrow path of monogamous marital sex. She's William Bennet with
a doctorate, a microphone and a pussy. Wonder how she'll feel about
being called an "evil scientist." That's a lot worse than
"masturbating on cue." In fact, I'm rather proud of that
particular talent of mine.
August 29, 1996 Wherein
Stevie Wets His Birkies, Max and I called
Steve Lowery to thank him for the article and point out his screw-ups.
Poor pathetic Stevie was falling all over his Birkies apologizing,
telling us how much he loved us and how his New Times editor
had chopped out all the really good parts of the article and insisted
he take a more skeptical approach to us and our sex-positive activities
and philosophy of ethical hedonism. He said his editor was sure that
I'd somehow brainwashed him with the hypnotic buzzing of my vibrator
or something, tricking him into falling into my sticky-wicky web.
Also, he insisted that he never wanted to call me a "hustler." That, and putting my crotch on the cover, was his editor's idea. Actually, I thought putting my crotch on the cover was a pretty good idea. It's a cute crotch. I'm sure it sold papers. But don't use my crotch, and then call me the hustler. It was all very emotional. Steve was crying. I was embarrassed for him. So, I decided to be compassionate and forgive Steve Lowery. How can I resist the blubbering apologies of a hapless New Age wimp? But to further vent (and stretch out the PR), Max and I wrote this letter to New Times: Dear Editors,There! At least, we set the record a bit straighter. Wonder if Dr. Laura has called or written to Lowery about being called a "woman-bashing evil scientist"?
September 5, 1996 Wherein
Dr. Laura is "Stupefied" So much for me not having anything personal against this Dr. Laura. Now I do. The witless bitch has just gone and attacked me! I have never said a mean word about this woman (except to you, Dear Diary), but she has just verbally, viciously and publicly assaulted me in a letter to New Times. Here it is as it was published, verbatim: A "pseudo professional ‘porn queen'?" What is that? I'm not sure, and I doubt that Dr. Laura, in all her snotty "stupefaction," does either. But I do believe I've been the victim of a drive-by bashing here. In any case, war has been declared. Shots have been fired. I must fire back, for my own sake and for the sake of all the other women that she has "bashed and belittled," as well as to have a little fun at this media she-bully's expense.
continue to: DR.